Examples of RI in a sentence
In accordance with R.I. General Law §27-20-56, this plan covers enteral formula taken orally for the treatment of: • malabsorption caused by Crohn’s Disease; • ulcerative colitis; • gastroesophageal reflux; • chronic intestinal pseudo obstruction; and • inherited diseases of amino acids and organic acids.
In this case, FRQWUDFWHG IOLJKWV RU WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ VHUYLFHV ZLO ³7$´ 7KH FRQWUDFW RI FDUULDJH RI rWanKspHor taRtioSn HseUrviDceWs RU RI shall apply to flights or transportation services under interline agreements.
This plan covers human leukocyte antigen testing for A, B, and DR antigens once per member per lifetime to establish a member’s bone marrow transplantation donor suitability in accordance with R.I. General Law §27-20-36.
This plan covers colonoscopies in accordance with R.I. General Laws § 27-18-58.
THE CARRIER will not be responsible for damages, destruction, loss, delay, denied transportation, FRQILVFDWLRQ RI SURSHUW\ HWF UHVXOWLQJ IURP ,Q denial or lack of compliance with matters of safety, sanitation, customs, among others.