Remaining Quantity definition

Remaining Quantity means the Base Quantity plus any Right of First Refusal Tonnage and Option Tonnage for the year immediately preceding termination hereunder multiplied by the number of years until December 31 of the next Review Year (as defined in SECTION 8.3) or the termination date of this Agreement, whichever is earlier. For example, if Buyer nominates an additional 200,000 tons of Option Tonnage for 1998, and if Seller terminates this Agreement in whole effective December 31, 1998 pursuant to this SECTION 13, then Seller would owe Buyer $7,700,000 (1,100,000 x 2 x $3.50) under this SECTION 13. If this Agreement is terminated CONTRACT #00-000-000 early in part, then the Early Termination Price shall be $3.50 times the total tonnage reduced from the Remaining Quantity. For example, if Buyer nominates an additional 200,000 tons of Option Tonnage for 1998, and if Seller terminates this Agreement in part effective December 31, 1998 by reducing the Base Quantity from 900,000 to 500,000 tons, then Seller would be obligated to deliver 700,000 tons in 1999 (500,000 tons Base Quantity plus 200,000 tons Option Tonnage) and would owe Buyer $2,800,000 (400,000 x 2 x $3.50) under this SECTION 13. The Early Termination Price shall be paid in four equal installments on January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 of the year immediately succeeding the early termination. This provision is not intended to limit, liquidate, or otherwise affect in any manner damages recoverable for breach of this Agreement.
Remaining Quantity means the sum of (i) the quantity of Gas previously delivered to, but not yet paid for by, the Loan Parties under such transactions and (ii) the total quantity of Gas remaining to be delivered to the Loan Parties under such transactions, and "Monthly Price" means the "Alberta Spot Price - AECO C/N.I.T. (7A) C$/GJ" for the applicable month as published in the Canadian Gas Price Reporter in the table entitled "Monthly Canadian and U.S. natural gas price summary".
Remaining Quantity means that amount of Renewable Attributes that the Parties would have exchanged during the Remaining Support Period (assuming that termination hereunder had not occurred), which amount shall be deemed to be equal to the average quantity of Metered Energy for each pre-termination Settlement Period during the Support Period multiplied by the number of Settlement Periods in the Remaining Support Period (assuming that termination hereunder had not occurred).

Examples of Remaining Quantity in a sentence

  • Estimated Reflective Remaining Quantity / Unit Year 1 Year 2 Year 15Useful Life Age Life Unit Cost Needs Needs....

  • This selection changes the purchase order quantity regardless of any prior receipt quantity.• PO Remaining Quantity: Select this option to have the receipt display the numeric difference between the quantity ordered and the current quantity received.

  • Provides action for scheduling of purchasing/ production The distributed stock by the MRP software (MRP Production Quantity, MRP Reserved Quantity, MRP Expected Quantity, MRP Remaining Quantity, and MRP Receipt Stock) is a feature that affects the customer’s order lead time.

  • The Contractor is to note that the commencement date of material collection falls in Month 1 (M1) of the Monthly Distribution of Remaining Quantity table above.

  • ERP: the Estimated Remaining Quantity of Hydrocarbon reserves to be recovered at the end of the Quarter for which the Decommissioning Fund is established.

  • The obligation to return Remaining Quantity of Substituting Default Contingent Margin Deposit.

  • FarmTabs will not allow you to enter a number above your Remaining Quantity and greater than Order Quantity.

  • For delay up to 15 days = 20% of the value of the amount payable for Remaining Quantity.

  • KDOC estimates, but cannot guarantee, that the following quantity of materials will be needed:Training Material Initial Startup Remaining Quantity for Contract PeriodInstructor Manual, Power Points, and DVD’s to be used in the Train-the-Trainer session and to be used by certified instructors to teach First Aid, CPR, and AED training 38 As replacements or additional copies are neededStudent Workbooks Covering First Aid, CPR and AED 260 As replacements or additional copies are neededInvoicing and Payment1.

  • Minimum Quantity will equal zero if the Remaining Quantity of an order becomes zero.

Related to Remaining Quantity

  • Paying quantities as used herein shall mean and refer to quantities of oil and gas or of either of them sufficient to pay for the current cost of producing same.

  • Type B quantity means a quantity of radioactive material greater than a Type A quantity.

  • Contract Quantity means the quantity of Gas to be delivered and taken as agreed to by the parties in a transaction.

  • Type A quantity means a quantity of radioactive material, the aggregate radioactivity of which does not exceed A1 for special form radioactive material or A2 for normal form radio- active material, where A1 and A2 are given in Appendix O or may be determined by procedures described in Appendix O.

  • CO2 means carbon dioxide.

  • Delivery Point means the point(s) of connection(s) at which energy is delivered into the Grid System i.e. the Interconnection Point.

  • Small quantity generator means a generator who generates less than 1000 kg of hazardous waste in a calendar month.

  • Harvest batch means a specifically identified quantity of dried flower or trim, leaves, and other cannabis plant matter that is uniform in strain, harvested at the same time, and, if applicable, cultivated using the same pesticides and other agricultural chemicals, and harvested at the same time.

  • Carbon dioxide or “CO2” means the most common of the six primary greenhouse gases, consisting on a molecular level of a single carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.

  • Refinery means a facility used to produce motor fuel from crude oil, unfinished oils, natural gas liquids, or other hydrocarbons and from which motor fuel may be removed by pipeline, by marine vessel, or at a rack.

  • Pipeline System means each system of Pipeline Assets, Real Property and Easements relating thereto making up an integrated gathering system and gathering system, or other pipeline system.

  • Scheduled Quantity means the net quantity of Gas (being the difference between receipt and delivery nominations) agreed by MDL and the Welded Party to pass through (or, in the case of a Notional Welded Point, be deemed to have passed through) the relevant Welded Point for a Day.

  • Harvesting means the killing of bluefin tuna in farms or traps.

  • Feedstock Gas means natural gas used as a raw material for its chemical properties in creating an end product.

  • Receipt Point means the receipt/inception point(s) where Crude Oil is received into the Gathering System, as such points are specified in Section II of this tariff.

  • tons means the gross tonnage calculated in accordance with the tonnage measurement regulations contained in Annex I of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969; the word “tonnage” shall be construed accordingly.

  • Coal means non-coking as well as coking coal, produced domestically and categorized into different classes, grades and sizes, as per the notification/order issued for such purpose by Government of India(GoI)/CIL/ Seller; and shall where the context so requires, include Imported Coal.

  • Delivery Points means: (i) for natural gas transported by interstate pipelines, the city gate stations of your Utility, and (ii) for electricity, one or more points at which Company, as your agent, has arranged for the delivery of electricity to a third party (such as your Utility) for your account or at your premises.

  • Gathering System means that portion of Gatherer’s pipeline system, including all appurtenances thereto, related to the provision of gathering and transportation services provided by Gatherer pursuant to this tariff.

  • Geothermal fluid means water in any form at temperatures greater than 120

  • Total hydrocarbons (THC) means the sum of all volatile compounds measurable by a flame ionization detector (FID).

  • Production Period is the period that for winter cereal advances commences October 1, 2021 and terminates September 30, 2023; for advances on all other field crops, honey, hogs, goats, sheep and lambs commences April 1, 2022 and terminates September 30, 2023; and for advances on cattle, continuous flow cattle, and bison commences on April 1, 2022 and terminates on March 31, 2024.

  • Feedstock means a solid waste that will readily decompose during the composting process including but not limited to yard waste, agricultural waste, animal waste, food scraps, animal carcasses, raw rendering material, and mixed solid waste.

  • Supply Point means the point of connection between the licensed network and your apparatus or equipment.

  • Production facility means a facility in California at which gasoline or CARBOB is produced. Upon request of a producer, the executive officer may designate, as part of the producer's production facility, a physically separate bulk storage facility which (A) is owned or leased by the producer, and (B) is operated by or at the direction of the producer, and (C) is not used to store or distribute gasoline or CARBOB that is not supplied from the production facility.

  • Indefinite quantity contract means a fixed price contract that: