Reinstall definition

Reinstall means to remove, clean, store and install a component.
Reinstall means to remove, clean, store, and install the same component.
Reinstall means that the Contractor shall provide all material and labor to install a piece of equipment, material or system after the equipment, material or system was

Examples of Reinstall in a sentence

  • Absent a Defect, in the event that Flock Hardware is lost, stolen, or damaged, Agency may request that Xxxxx replace the Flock Hardware at a fee according to the then-current Reinstall policy (xxxxx://

  • After installation, any subsequent changes to the deployment plan (“Rein- stalls”) will incur a charge for Xxxxx’s then-current list price for Reinstalls, as listed in the then-current Reinstall Policy (available at xxxxx:// and any equipment charges.

  • After installation, any subsequent changes to the Deployment Plan (“Reinstalls”) will incur a charge for Xxxxx’s then- current list price for Reinstalls, as listed in the then-current Reinstall policy (available at xxxxx:// and any equipment fees.

  • In the event that a Unit is lost, stolen, or dam- aged, Agency may request that Flock replace the Unit at a fee according to the then-current Reinstall Policy (xxxxx://

More Definitions of Reinstall

Reinstall means to detach or dismantle a component from existing construction repair and clean, store if necessary, and return the component to its original portion, or where indicated.
Reinstall means to provide all material and labor to install a piece of equipment, material, or system after it was temporarily removed, relocated, modified, or refurbished.
Reinstall means to place or fix an existing appliance that had been previously removed from an existing building due to Minor Remodel or repair of the surrounding building area back into the same existing building to be used until the end of the appliance’s useful life.
Reinstall the regulator actually means operate? Is
Reinstall means to detach or dismantl a omponent from existing construction repair and clean, stoe if necessary, and return the omponent to its o igina por on, or where indic ted.

Related to Reinstall

  • Install means the complete installation of any item, equipment or material.

  • Roof means a non-porous cover for a structure such as (by way of example and not limitation) Lexan barriers or shingles but not a shade trellis, ivy or other open or porous material that may also be used as a cover.

  • Telecommunications Equipment means equipment, other than Customer Premises Equipment, used by a Carrier to provide Telecommunications Services, and include software integral to such equipment, including upgrades.

  • Premises Building Partial Damage shall herein mean damage or destruction to the building of which the Premises are a part to the extent that the cost of repair is less than 50% of the then replacement cost of such building as a whole.

  • drainage installation means a system situated on any premises and vested in the owner thereof and which is used for or intended to be used for or in connection with the reception, storage, treatment or conveyance of sewage on that premises to the connecting point and includes drains, fittings, appliances, septic tanks, conservancy tanks, pit latrines and private pumping installations forming part of or ancillary to such systems;

  • Building, structure, facility, or installation means all of the pollutant-emitting activities which belong to the same industrial grouping, are located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties, and are under the control of the same person (or persons under common control) except the activities of any vessel. Pollutant-emitting activities shall be considered as part of the same industrial grouping if they belong to the same major group (i.e., which have the same two-digit code) as described in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, as amended by the 1977 Supplement (U.S. Government Printing Office stock numbers 4101-0066 and 003-005-00176-0, respectively).

  • Installation Date means the date specified in the Statement of Work by which the Contractor must have the ordered Equipment ready (certified) for use by the State.

  • Signage means advertising displays, hoardings, Glow signs, neon signs, LED signs, LCD signs, any digital signs, any sort of display intended to convey information and described in the schedule.

  • electrical installation means an electrical installation as defined in the Regulations;

  • Repair means to restore to proper operating condition a tank, pipe, spill prevention equipment, overfill prevention equipment, corrosion protection equipment, release detection equipment or other UST system component that has caused a release of product from the UST system or has failed to function properly.

  • Installed means attached or connected such that an item requires tools for removal.