Regulated Entities definition

Regulated Entities. (REs) means
Regulated Entities means to include the following:
Regulated Entities means those entities with whom a Dealer Member may deal on a value for value basis, with mark to market imposed on outstanding transactions. The entities are participating institutions in the Canadian Investor Protection Fund or members of recognized exchanges and associations. For the purposes of this definition recognized exchanges and associations mean those entities that meet the following criteria:

Examples of Regulated Entities in a sentence

  • Regulated Entities: (i) all of the entities who have entered into Scheme Membership Agreements with the Regulator on identical terms to this Agreement (save as to parties or save for any differences contemplated by clause 4.1); (ii) all members of each such entity's Group which publish Publication(s); and (iii) the Publisher, and Regulated Entity shall refer to any one of them.

  • Regulations: the regulations set out in the schedule hereto (as amended from time to time pursuant to clause 7.1) governing the regulation of Regulated Entities.

  • The Regulated Entities which publish national newspapers shall, if required to do so by the Regulator, guarantee a payment (which amount shall be determined by the Regulatory Funding Company) which shall be payable on demand to the Regulator to be used as, or as part of, the Enforcement Fund.

  • PGREs (Publisher Group Regulated Entities): the Publisher and all members of the Publisher's Group from time to time which publish any Publication(s) excluding any such member which enters into its own Scheme Membership Agreement with the Regulator on identical terms to this Agreement (save as to parties or save for any differences contemplated by clause 4.1) and Publisher Group Regulated Entity or PGRE shall refer to any one of them.

More Definitions of Regulated Entities

Regulated Entities means any legal person to which BRRD, as implemented in the Kingdom of Spain (including but not limited to, Law 11/2015, Royal Decree 1012/2015 and any other implementing regulations) as amended or superseded from time to time), the SRM Regulation, or any other Spanish law relating to Bail-in Power, applies, which includes, certain credit entities, investment firms, and certain parent or holding companies.
Regulated Entities means those that are Members covered by the Canadian Investor Protection Fund or Members of recognized exchanges and associations. For the purposes of this definition, recognized exchanges and associations are those that are identified as a "regulated entity" by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada.
Regulated Entities means any individual person, organization or corporation that is subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of Rhode Island.
Regulated Entities means (i) Reserve Bank of India Regulated Scheduled Commercial Banks (including Cooperative Banks) (ii) Non Banking Financial Institutions duly registered with RBI (iii) National Housing Bank (NHB) regulated Housing Finance Companies (iv) National Minority Development Finance Corporation(NMDFC) and its State Channelizing Agencies (v) Small Finance Banks regulated by RBI (vi) any other entity which IRDAI may notify from time to time.
Regulated Entities means, collectively, (a) APA ACO, Inc. and (b) any Subsidiary with a health care service plan license issued by the California Department of Managed Health Care for the provision of, or the arranging, payment, or reimbursement for the provision of, health care services to subscribers or enrollees of another full service or specialized health care service plan under a contract or other arrangement whereby the person assumes both professional and institutional risk but does not directly market, solicit, or sell health care service plan contracts.
Regulated Entities means (i) Reserve Bank of India Regulated Scheduled Banks (including Cooperative Banks) (ii) Non Banking Financial Institutions duly registered with RBI (iii) National Housing Bank (NHB) regulated Housing Finance Companies (iv) National Minority Development Finance Corporation(NMDFC) and its State Channelizing Agencies (v) Small Finance Banks regulated by RBI vi) Mutually aided Cooperative Societies formed and registered under the applicable State Act concerning such Societies vii) Microfinance companies registered under section 8 of the Companies Act 2013 (viii) any other entity which IRDAI may notify from time to time.
Regulated Entities means persons who are subject to regulation under the des- ignated enactments and designated statutory instruments (including financial service providers whose business is subject to regulation by an Authority that performs functions in an EEA country that are comparable to the functions performed by the Bank under a designated enactment or designated statutory instrument) and also includes former regulated entities who were regulated for part of the levy period and “regulated entity” shall be construed accordingly;