RATES AND SERVICE CHARGES means - rents, rates, fees or other charges and service charges for the use of service of the sewerage system, and such terms shall be interchangeable, and shall apply to all customers of the Authority, within or without its district, and under any contract or agreement that the Authority has with any person or other municipality or Authority. (d.1) RATE DISCOUNT TO ELIGIBLE USERS in accordance with the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 40:14B-22.2, the Toms River Municipal Utilities Authority affords a discount of $9.98 per quarter to those users eligible under the Statute. (d.2) “TMP” COMMERCIAL ACCOUNT means the category for each newly connected commercial unit(s) or reconnected unit(s) which shall be charged an annual base charge prorated from time of initial inspection; additional fixtures over two (2) to be assessed upon certificate of occupancy or occupancy. (d.3) “RTP” RESIDENTIAL ACCOUNT means the category for each newly connected residential unit(s) or reconnected unit(s) which shall be charged an annual base charge prorated from time of initial inspection; additional fixtures over four (4), exclusive of one laundry facility and one dishwasher, to be assessed upon certificate of occupancy or occupancy.
RATES AND SERVICE CHARGES means - rents, rates, fees or other charges and service charges for the use of service of the sewerage system, and such terms shall be interchangeable, and shall apply to all customers of the Authority, within or without its district, and under any contract or agreement that the Authority has with any person or other municipality or Authority.

Examples of RATES AND SERVICE CHARGES in a sentence

  • RATES AND SERVICE CHARGES OUTSTANDING - AGE ANALYSIS Age Analysis Rates Electricity Refuse Sewerage WaterTotal - Rates & Serv.


  • RATES AND SERVICE CHARGES OUTSTANDING - AGEANALYSIS Age Analysis Rates Electricity Refuse Sewerage WaterTotal - Rates& Serv.

  • RATES AND SERVICE CHARGES OUTSTANDING - AGE ANALYSIS Age Analysis Rates Electricity Refuse Sewerage WaterTotal - Rates &Serv.

  • Such connection fees, which constitute INITIAL SERVICE CHARGES for the right to connect to AUTHORITY’S sewer system, are an integral part of this rate schedule and are a distinct and separate charge from all other RATES AND SERVICE CHARGES and payment of one shall not constitute payment of the other.

  • RATES AND SERVICE CHARGES (CONTINUED) (g) Rates discounts Rate or fee to whichdiscount is granted Discount % Discount ($)2020/21Budget2019/20 2019/20Actual Budget Circumstances in which discount is granted Current Rates & Charges (excluding Interim Rates and Minimum Rates).

  • RATES AND SERVICE CHARGES (CONTINUED) (b) Interest Charges and Instalments - Rates and Service Charges The following instalment options are available to ratepayers for the payment of rates and service charges.

  • RATES AND SERVICE CHARGES (CONTINUED) b) Interest Charges and Instalments - Rates and Service Charges Instalment options Date dueInstalment planadmin charge 2023/24Budget revenue2022/23Actual revenue2022/23Budget revenueInstalment plan admin charge revenue Instalment plan interest earnedUnpaid rates and service charge interest earned 9OWN OF CLAREMONTNOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE BUDGET OR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2024.

  • AGREEMENT FOR PAYMENT OF RATES AND SERVICE CHARGES Function delegated:Authority to accept payment of a rate or service charge due and payable by a person in accordance with an agreement made with the person.Delegated by:Council.Delegated to:Chief Executive Officer (00001).Conditions:Nil.Chief Executive Officer delegates to:Not applicable.Additional sub-delegation conditions:Nil.Legislation:Section 6.49 of the Local Government Act 1995.

  • Committed - This fund balance classification includes amounts that can be used only for the specific purposes determined by a formal action of the District's governing board (the District's highest level of decision-making authority).


  • Bond Service Charges means, for any period or payable at any time, the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds for that period or payable at that time whether due at maturity or upon redemption, Mandatory Tender or acceleration.

  • Service Charges means the fees levied by the municipality in terms of its tariff policy for any municipal services rendered in respect of an immovable property and includes any penalties, interest or surcharges levied or imposed in terms of this policy.

  • Total Service Charges means all charges, after application of all discounts and credits, for Services excluding Taxes, Governmental Charges, equipment, Company ILEC, Company Wireless, Document Delivery Fax, non-recurring, goods and services acquired by Company as Customer’s agent, international pass-through access (Type 3/PTT) and charges for international access or provided by Company (Type 1), charges for security services provided by Cybertrust, Inc. or its affiliates set forth in the Guide as providers of Cybertrust security services and other charges expressly excluded by this Agreement.

  • Usage Charges means the Charges for the Service or applicable part of the Service that are calculated by multiplying the volume of units that the Customer used or incurred in a period (e.g. number of users using the Service, or the number of minutes the Service was used for) with the relevant fee that is specified in the Online Order.

  • Annual Service Charge for any period means the aggregate interest expense for such period in respect of, and the amortization during such period of any original issue discount of, Indebtedness of the Issuer and its Subsidiaries.

  • Monthly Charges means a finance carrying charge of one and one-half of one percent (1.5%) and a storage and handling charge of one-half of one percent (0.5%), in each case of the Cost of the Inventory and/or Special Inventory and/or of the fees for the Product affected by the reschedule or cancellation (as applicable) per month until such Inventory and/or Special Inventory and/or Product is returned to the vendor, used to manufacture Product or is otherwise purchased by Customer.

  • Track Charges means the charges payable by or on behalf of the Train Operator to Network Rail, as set out in paragraph 1 of Part 2 of Schedule 7 or under the Traction Electricity Rules;

  • Contract Charges means charges that accrue during a given month as defined in Article III. “Contract Term” is defined in Article IV.

  • Service Charge means the amount charged for making a service available on line and is in addition to the actual fee for a service itself. For example, one who renews a license on line will pay the license renewal fee and a service charge.

  • Monthly Base Rent The monthly rent specified in Section 1.01(8).

  • Debt Service Charges means for any Measurement Period, the sum of (a) Consolidated Interest Charges required to be paid for such Measurement Period, plus (b) regularly scheduled principal payments required to be made on account of Indebtedness (excluding the Obligations and any Synthetic Lease Obligations and Capital Lease Obligations) for such Measurement Period, in each case determined on a Consolidated basis in accordance with GAAP.

  • Installation Charges means those Charges set out in the Order in relation to installation of the Service and/or any Purchased Equipment, Customer Equipment and/or BT Equipment as applicable.

  • Maintenance Charges means the charges payable by the applicant to the Maintenance Agency in accordance with the demand raised by the Maintenance Agency for the maintenance and up keep of the said building/ said complex, including common areas and facilities but does not include; (a) the charges for actual consumption of utilities in the Dwelling Unit including but not limited to electricity, water, which shall be charged based on actual consumption on monthly basis and (b) any statutory payments, taxes, with regard to the Dwelling Unit/ said building/said complex.

  • Monthly Service Fees means the monthly (or 1/12 of the annual fee) subscription fees paid for the affected Cloud Service which did not meet the SA SLA.

  • CCAA Charges means the Administration Charge and the Directors’ Charge;

  • Delivery charges means charges by the seller for preparation and delivery to a location designated by the purchaser of tangible personal property or services. Delivery charges include, but are not limited to, transportation, shipping, postage, handling, crating, and packing. Beginning September 1, 2004, delivery charges do not include the charges for delivery of direct mail if the charges are separately stated on an invoice or similar billing document given to the purchaser. If a shipment includes both exempt property and taxable property, the seller shall allocate the delivery charge using 1 of the following methods:

  • Monthly Service Fee means a monthly charge to a member for continuing care and not as rent, or a daily prorated portion thereof.

  • Monthly Fees means, collectively, [INSERT FOR HFS: the Monthly Food and Beverage Fee,] the Monthly Program Fee and the Monthly Royalty Fee, each of which is set forth in the Addendum. [INSERT FOR HFS: “Monthly Food and Beverage Fee” means the fee we require from you in Subsection 8.2, which is set forth in the Addendum.]

  • Service Schedule means the document entitled “Service Schedule” containing additional terms relating to a particular Service which schedule shall form part of this Agreement;

  • Monthly Fee means the total consideration, including but not limited to, equipment or locker rental,

  • Service Costs has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 3.01.

  • Termination Charges shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.1(b)(iii).

  • Maintenance Costs means parts and materials, sublet and labour costs of a qualified licensed mechanic for the maintenance of the Revenue Service Vehicles, but shall not include costs associated with interior and exterior transit advertising signs and non-mechanical servicing of Revenue Service Vehicles such as fuelling, clearing fareboxes, cleaning and painting wheel rims, vehicle washing and other work performed by a serviceman; and,

  • Hire Charges means the rates and charges payable by You for the hire of the Equipment.

  • SLDC Charges means the charges levied by the SLDC of the state wherein the Solar Power Project is located;

  • Service Fees means all fees payable by Party B to Party A pursuant to Article 3 of this Agreement in respect of the Services provided by Party A.