Public data definition

Public data means the objective, factual data on which policy decisions are based and on which public services are assessed, or which is collected or generated in the course of public service delivery.
Public data means data typically created for public release or released to the public through management decision and/or a public information request.
Public data means the objective, factual data on which policy decisions are based and on which public

Examples of Public data in a sentence

  • Public Body acknowledges and agrees that County may share Public Data with other CLEMIS members upon the recommendation and counsel of the CLEMIS Advisory Committee.

  • To access the APIs, you must have registered with us on behalf of a company that is a provider of security-related (e.g., anti-virus) software or services that will use the APIs and the Public Data to block or permit installation or use of applications on your customers’ devices, or make recommendations to your customers about risks of using or installing applications (“Security Company”).

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, any access and use of the: (i) Public Data shall not be superseded by this Agreement and shall remain under the Terms of Use, and (ii) Secured Data shall not be superseded by this Agreement and shall remain under the Secured Data Agreement, which terms are incorporated herein and made part of this Agreement.

  • By using the APIs, you do not acquire ownership of any rights in the APIs or the Public Data that is accessed through the APIs, and all access to the Public Data is governed by the Public Data Terms of Use, the terms of which you hereby agree to, and which is incorporated herein by reference.

  • We hereby grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferrable, non- sublicensable license to use the APIs and to use, copy, modify, and create derivative works of the sample source code provided with the APIs, in each case to access the Public Data, and to distribute or allow access of your integration of the APIs within your internal systems.

More Definitions of Public data

Public data means Data that is subject to public disclosure pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act and freely and without reservation made available to the public.
Public data means all Confidential Information, Non-Public Data, Personal Data, and Protected Health Information that is created or in any way originating with the State of Utah or an Eligible User whether such data or output is stored on the State of Utah’s or an Eligible User’s hardware, Contractor’s hardware, or exists in any system owned, maintained or otherwise controlled by the State of Utah, an Eligible User, or by Contractor. Public Data includes any federal data, that the State of Utah or an Eligible User controls or maintains, that is protected under federal laws, statutes, and regulations.
Public data means any specific data or information, regardless of form or format, that SERS has actively and intentionally disclosed, disseminated, or made available to the public.
Public data means all government data collected, created, received, maintained, or disseminated by the school district, unless classified by statute, temporary classification pursuant to statute, or federal law, as nonpublic or protected nonpublic; or, with respect to data on individuals, as private or confidential.
Public data means the objective, factual data on which policy decisions are based and on which public services are assessed, or which is collected or generated in the course of public service delivery. The Code will therefore underpin the Council’s decisions on the release of public data and ensure it is proactive in pursuing higher standards and responding to best practice as it develops.
Public data means all Confidential Information that is created or originating with the Purchasing Entity whether such data or output is stored on the State or Purchasing Entity’s hardware, Contractor’s hardware, or exists in any system owned, maintained or otherwise controlled by the State, a Purchasing Entity, or by Contractor. Public Data includes any federal data that the State or Purchasing Entity controls or maintains, that is protected under federal laws, statutes, and regulations.
Public data means all other data not specifically mentioned above.