private employment agency definition

private employment agency means any person who provides employment services [for gain]”;
private employment agency means any body corporate which acts as an intermediary for the purpose of procuring employment for a worker or recruiting a worker for an employer;
private employment agency means any person, company, institution, agency or other organization in the private sector engaged in employing or engaging fishermen with a view to making them available to fishing vessel owners who assign their tasks and supervise the execution of these tasks. SCOPE

More Definitions of private employment agency

private employment agency means any person or entity engaged in the recruitment and placement of workers for a fee which is charged directly against the workers or employers, or both.
private employment agency means any natural or juristic person, except the State, which provides one or more of the following labour market services -
private employment agency means the business (whether or not it is carried on for profit or whether or not it is carried on in conjunction with any other business) of providing services or information for the purpose of finding persons employment in Swaziland with employers in Swaziland or of supplying employers with persons for employment by them.
private employment agency. (herein after “Agency “) means any legally licensed person, to provide one or two of the following local Employment services without charging directly or indirectly any fee from the worker:
private employment agency means any natural or juristic person, except the State, that provides any of the following labour market services-
private employment agency means any corporate body/recruitment firm/agent, which acts as an intermediary for the purpose of procuring employment for the employee or recruiting an employee for an employer;
private employment agency means any person, independent of government bodies, which performs any one or all of the following employment services without directly or indirectly receiving payments from workers: