Owners Association definition

Owners Association means any association or organization created pursuant to the OwnersAssociation Documents.
Owners Association means a homeowners association or property owners association that provides services to, and collects assessments, fees, dues, or charges from, property within the CFD.
Owners Association means a nonprofit association incorporated under North Carolina law by Developers. The Owners Association shall among other things have primary enforcement responsibility for subdivision restrictive covenants within the residential portion of the Project and for maintenance of Onsite Private Infrastructure provided by Developer. All future property owners within the residential portions of the Project shall be members of the Owner's Association or a subassociation thereof.

Examples of Owners Association in a sentence

  • Seller represents that the Property is not located within a development that is subject to the Virginia Property Owners' Association Act ("Act") (Virginia Code § 55-508 through § 55-516).

  • The Servicer must ensure that the Owners' Association maintains a Comprehensive General Liability Insurance policy covering all of the common areas, common elements, commercial spaces and public ways in the Condominium Project or PUD in which a Mortgaged Property is located.

  • Each insurance policy required pursuant to the provisions of this Article must contain the standard mortgagee clause endorsed to provide that any disbursements shall be paid to the Owners' Association for the use and benefit of Mortgagees as their interests may appear, or otherwise endorsed to fully protect the interest of (a) the Trustee and (b) the holders of a beneficial interest therein, if any.

  • Owners' Association fidelity insurance coverage must be in an amount equal to at least 3 months assessments on all units in the Condominium Project or PUD.

  • The Owners' Association fidelity bond or insurance must name the Owners' Association as the insured and must be written in an amount sufficient to provide protection at least 150% of the insured's estimated annual operating expenses and reserves.

More Definitions of Owners Association

Owners Association means any profit or nonprofit corporation, unincorporated association, or other organiza- tion or legal entity, a membership or other interest in which is appurtenant to or based upon owing an interest in a develop- ment.
Owners Association means one or more private association(s) or non-profit entity(ies) formed for the purpose of owning or controlling common areas and/or limited common areas, formed to administer adopted covenants, conditions and restrictions (CCRs), and/or formed for purposes of any master-, land-, sub- or other form of condominium ownership.
Owners Association means an organization that is comprised of owners of lots in a planned community and that is responsible for the administrative governance, maintenance, and upkeep of the planned community.
Owners Association means a homeowners association or property owners association that provides services to, and collects assessments, fees, dues, or charges from, property within Improvement Area No. 1.
Owners Association means a private nonprofit entity which represents, and whose membership includes the assessed property owners or property owners’ representatives in a district. An owners’ association may be an existing nonprofit entity or a newly formed nonprofit entity. Consistent with California Streets and Highways Code §36614.5, the owners’ association is a private entity and may not be considered a public entity for any purpose, nor may its board members or staff be considered to be public officials for any purpose. An owners’ association shall comply with the Ralph M. Brown Act, California Government Code §54950 et. seq., at all times when matters within the subject matter of the district are heard, discussed, or deliberated, and with the California Public Records Act, California Government Code §6250 et. seq., for all documents relating to improvements and activities of the district. Board members, officers, and members of the owners’ association are intended and understood to represent and further the interest of the property owners located within the district. Each property owner or property owner’s representative paying the assessment has the right to vote in annual elections of the owners' association and the right to seek nomination or election to the board of directors of the owners' association.
Owners Association means an incorporated, nonprofit organization operating under recorded land agreements through which:
Owners Association means an owners’ association contemplated in section 29; “pre-application consultation” means a consultation contemplated in section 37;