Names definition

Names. The Charxxx Xxxwxx Xxxily of Funds" and "Trustees of The Charxxx Xxxwxx Xxxily of Funds" refer, respectively, to the Trust created and the Trustees as Trustees but not individually or personally, acting from time to time under an Agreement and Declaration of Trust dated as of October 20, 1989, as amended and restated on May 9, 1995, to which reference is hereby made and a copy of which is on file at the Office of the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and elsewhere as required by law, and to any and all amendments thereto so filed or hereafter filed. The obligations of "The Charxxx Xxxwxx Xxxily of Funds" entered into in the name or on behalf thereof by any of the Trustees, representatives or agents are not made individually, but only in such capacities, and are not binding upon any of the Trustees, Shareholders or representatives of the Trust personally, but bind only the assets of the Trust, and all persons dealing with any series of Shares of the Trust must look solely to the assets of the Trust belonging to such series for the enforcement of any claims against the Trust.
Names. By: Robert E. Murray, President & Chairman.......... [Xigned] /s/ Robert E. Murray Authorised Signatory(ies) for and on behalf of Xxxx Xxxxxx Global Perspective Portfolio L.P........ [Print Name of Client (Non-Private Customer)] All notices or other documents pursuant to this booklet shall be served at the following address: Address: c/o Demeter Management Corporation Two World Trade Center,. 62nd Floor New York, NY 10048 For the attention of: Robert E. Murray Telex and Answerback: Fax: (000) 000-0000 Corporate Registered Office: (if different from abxxx) Xxxxxxxted Offices for the purposes of Master Netting Agreement: (if different from above) CUSTOMERS DOMICILED IN LUXEMBOURG ONLY I/We confirm that I/we specifically and expressly consent to Clause 9, 21, 22, 23, 32, 33, 34, 39, 40 and 42 of the above Agreement for the purposes of Article 1135-1 of the Civil Code and Article 1 of the Protocol annexed to the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters signed in Brussels on 27th September 1968. Signed: THIRD PARTY TRADING AUTHORISATION THIS DOCUMENT SHOULD BE COMPLETED ONLY BY CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE SIGNED THE CUSTOMER SIGNATURE PAGES BUT WHO WISH TO DELEGATE AUTHORITY TO AN INVESTMENT ADVISOR, INVESTMENT MANAGER OR OTHER THIRD PARTY. To: Morgan Stanley & Co. International Limited Morgan Stanley Secxxxxxxs Xxxxxxd Dear Sirs I/We refer to the Non-Xxxxxtx Xxxxxmer Documents (Exchange-traded Derivatives) set out on the preceding pages of this booklet which is supplemented hereby. Terms used herein have the same meanings as ascribed to them in the Agreement and any Customer Documents referred to therein. I/We hereby authorise the individual or organisation named as agent (in the "Agent's Details" section below) and hereinafter referred to as the "Agent" as my/our agent to purchase, sell and trade generally in, exercise, and otherwise enter into and carry out transactions and give other instructions relating to financial and commodity futures, options and contracts for differences (and any related transactions including without limitation, foreign exchange transactions to facilitate any of the foregoing), on margin or otherwise, for my/our account and risk and in my/our name or number on your books, including trades which will or may result in me/us having short position in any such investment. I/We authorise you to accept and act on:
Names has the meaning set forth in Section 5.2(d).

Examples of Names in a sentence

  • If the Registry Operator offers Internationalized Domain Names (“IDNs”), it shall comply with RFCs 5890, 5891, 5892, 5893 and their successors.

  • Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) Registry Operator may offer registration of IDNs at the second and lower levels provided that Registry Operator complies with the following requirements: Registry Operator must offer Registrars support for handling IDN registrations in EPP.

  • Domain Names blocked by the DPML service will be either an exact match of a label or will contain an exact match of such labels, or may include domain names that are a misspelling or contain a misspelling of a label.

  • Names shall remain on the re-employment list for eighteen (18) months from the date of layoff.

  • Water Bill Account Number: Name: Street Address: City/State/Zip Code: Home Phone Number: Mobile Number: Email Address: Financial Institution Name: Financial Institution’s Phone: Account Routing Number: Account Number: Name(s) Appearing on Account: Type of Account: Savings Checking Signature: Date: *****Please include a voided check or canceled check from the above account.

More Definitions of Names

Names. Demeter Management Coxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxal Partner Title(s): By: Robert E. Murray, President & Chairman Authorised Signatory(ies) fxx xxx xx xxxxxx of: Dean Witter Multi-Market Portfolio L.P. Name of Customer (please prxxx) Xxxx: May 1, 2000...................... `A service for investors' THE COMPLAINTS BUREAU OF SFA
Names means the underwriting members of Lloyd's participating in Syndicate 2020 for the 2002 year of account (or in respect of those individual who have died, part of the 2002 year of account),other than the Wellington Corporate Members;
Names. One Group Mutual Funds" and "Trustees of the One Group" refer respectively to the business trust created and the Trustees, as trustees and not individually or personally, acting from time to time under a Declaration of Trust amended, restated and dated as of February 11, 1993 to which reference is hereby made and copy of which is on file at the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and elsewhere as required by law, and to any and all amendments thereto so filed or hereafter filed. The obligations of "One Group" entered into in the name of on behalf thereof by any of the Trustees, representatives or agents are made not individually, but in such capacities, and are not binding upon any of the Trustees, shareholders or representatives of the Trust personally, but bind only the assets of the Trust, and all persons dealing with any Fund must look solely to the assets of the Trust belonging to such Fund for the enforcement of any claims against the Trust.
Names means, collectively, all names, marks, trade names and trademarks, whether or not registered.
Names is defined in Section 5.12.
Names means trade marks, service marks, business, company or trade names, logos or domain names;
Names has the meaning assigned in Section 27.