Monthly Average Daily Peak definition

Monthly Average Daily Peak means the number of Units used during any invoicing period calculated by adding together the daily peak number of Units for each day in the invoicing period and dividing the resulting sum by the number of days in that period.
Monthly Average Daily Peak means the number of Units used by Distributor during any invoicing period calculated by adding together the daily peak number of Units for each day in the invoicing period and dividing the resulting sum by the number of days in that period. 1.1.17. “Monthly Peak” means the highest number of Units used by Distributor during the monthly invoicing period. 1.1.18. “Resale Agreement” means an agreement between Distributor and Reseller under which Distributor provides Cloud Services to Reseller. 1.1.19. “Term” means the initial term of a Cloud Order and any renewal terms thereof during which Distributor is authorized to use the Cloud Software and related Maintenance Services on a time-bound subscription basis subject to timely payment of Cloud Fees to Avaya. 1.1.20. “Unit” refers to the specific metrics used by Avaya as the basis for the pricing and invoicing for the Cloud Software and related Maintenance Services as set out in the then current Avaya price list and more fully described in the applicable Cloud Offer Definition or an accepted Cloud Order including provisioned, configured, concurrent or ordered users or provisioned virtual meeting rooms (VMRs). 2 CERTAIN CONFIDENTIAL MATERIAL APPEARING IN THIS DOCUMENT, MARKED BY [*****] HAS BEEN OMITTED AND FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO RULE 24b-2 PROMULGATED UNDER THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934, AS AMENDED 1.2.

Examples of Monthly Average Daily Peak in a sentence

  • Cloud Fees will be determined by multiplying the applicable price per Unit per month by the Monthly Average Daily Peak number of concurrent or provisioned Units.

  • Cloud Fees will be determined by multiplying the applicable price per Unit per month by the Monthly Average Daily Peak number of ordered Units.

Related to Monthly Average Daily Peak

  • Monthly Average means the highest allowable average of “daily discharges” over a calendar month, calculated as the sum of all “daily discharges” measured during a calendar month divided by the number of “daily discharges” measured during that month. For Fecal Coliform Bacteria (FCB) or E-Coli, report the monthly average.

  • Monthly Average Subscriber Level means the average number of Subscribers of the Licensee in a particular month, as set forth in the applicable month’s Subscriber Report (refer Schedule D).

  • Average Daily Flow means the cumulative total sewage flow to the sewage works during a calendar year divided by the number of days during which sewage was flowing to the sewage works that year;

  • Average Daily Availability means, as of any date of determination, the average daily Availability for the immediately preceding Fiscal Quarter.

  • Average Monthly Limit means the maximum allowable "Average Monthly Concentration" as defined in Section 22a-430-3(a) of the RCSA when expressed as a concentration (e.g. mg/l); otherwise, it means "Average Monthly Discharge Limitation" as defined in Section 22a-430-3(a) of the RCSA.

  • Average monthly discharge limitation means the highest allowable average of "daily discharges" over a calendar month, calculated as the sum of all "daily discharges" measured during a calendar month divided by the number of "daily discharges" measured during that month. Compliance with fecal coliform bacteria or E coli bacteria limitations shall be determined using the geometric mean.

  • average daily net assets of the Fund shall mean the average of the values placed on the Fund's net assets as of 4:00 p.m. (New York time) on each day on which the net asset value of the Fund is determined consistent with the provisions of Rule 22c-1 under the 1940 Act or, if the Fund lawfully determines the value of its net assets as of some other time on each business day, as of such time. The value of the net assets of the Fund shall always be determined pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Declaration and the Registration Statement. If the determination of net asset value does not take place for any particular day, then for the purposes of this section 6, the value of the net assets of the Fund as last determined shall be deemed to be the value of its net assets as of 4:00 p.m. (New York time), or as of such other time as the value of the net assets of the Fund's portfolio may be lawfully determined on that day. If the Fund determines the value of the net assets of its portfolio more than once on any day, then the last such determination thereof on that day shall be deemed to be the sole determination thereof on that day for the purposes of this section 6. You may waive all or a portion of your fees provided for hereunder and such waiver shall be treated as a reduction in purchase price of your services. You shall be contractually bound hereunder by the terms of any publicly announced waiver of your fee, or any limitation of the Fund's expenses, as if such waiver or limitation were fully set forth herein.

  • Average Daily Trading Volume means the average trading volume of the Company’s Common Stock in the ten (10) Trading Days immediately preceding the respective Put Date.

  • Volume Weighted Average Price means, for any security as of any date, the daily dollar volume-weighted average price for such security on the Primary Market as reported by Bloomberg through its “Historical Prices – Px Table with Average Daily Volume” functions, or, if no dollar volume-weighted average price is reported for such security by Bloomberg, the average of the highest closing bid price and the lowest closing ask price of any of the market makers for such security as reported in the "pink sheets" by Pink Sheets LLC.

  • Weighted Average SOFR means the arithmetic mean of SOFR in effect for each Business Day during the relevant Interest Period, calculated by multiplying the relevant SOFR by the number of calendar days such SOFR is in effect, determining the sum of such products and dividing such sum by the number of calendar days in the relevant Interest Period, provided however that during a Suspension Period, the SOFR for each day during that Suspension Period will be the value for the Business Day immediately prior to the first day of such Suspension Period. For purposes of this provision “Suspension Period” is the number of Business Days prior to the end of the relevant Interest Period as specified in the applicable pricing supplement.

  • Weighted Average Quotation means, in accordance with the Quotation Method, the weighted average of firm quotations obtained from Dealers at the Valuation Time, to the extent reasonably practicable, each for an amount of the Reference Obligation with an outstanding principal balance (which, for the avoidance of doubt, shall exclude any amounts of capitalised interest) of as large a size as available but less than the Quotation Amount (but of a size equal to the Minimum Quotation Amount or, if quotations of a size equal to the Minimum Quotation Amount are not available, quotations as near in size as practicable to the Minimum Quotation Amount) that in the aggregate are approximately equal to the Quotation Amount and Section 7.11 of the Credit Definitions shall be amended accordingly.

  • Average Daily Balance means the balance sum computed by dividing the sum of the balance outstanding on each day from the first day of the next Billing Period by the number of days in that Billing Period. For the purpose of computation, each day’s balance is determined by adjusting the Total New Balance with payments, credit, cash withdrawal, purchases of goods and/or services obtained on the Sales Drafts and/or Cash Withdrawal Drafts received by Maybank before the Closing Date of each Billing Period;

  • Calculation Period means the period from and including the seventh scheduled Index Business Day prior to the Stated Maturity to and including the second scheduled Index Business Day prior to the Stated Maturity.

  • Weighted Average Floating Spread means, as of any date of determination, the number, expressed as a percentage, obtained by summing the products obtained by multiplying, in the case of each Floating Rate Loan (excluding Defaulted Loans) on an annualized basis, the Spread of such Loans (including commitment, letter of credit and all other fees), by the Outstanding Loan Balance of such Loans as of such date and dividing such sum by the aggregate Outstanding Loan Balance of all such Floating Rate Loans and rounding the result up to the nearest 0.01%; provided that the Spread of any Revolver Loan which is not fully funded shall be the sum of:

  • Three-Month Secondary CD Rate means, for any day, the secondary market rate for three-month certificates of deposit reported as being in effect on such day (or, if such day is not a Business Day, the next preceding Business Day) by the Board through the public information telephone line of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (which rate will, under the current practices of the Board, be published in Federal Reserve Statistical Release H.15(519) during the week following such day) or, if such rate is not so reported on such day or such next preceding Business Day, the average of the secondary market quotations for three-month certificates of deposit of major money center banks in New York City received at approximately 10:00 a.m., New York City time, on such day (or, if such day is not a Business Day, on the next preceding Business Day) by the Administrative Agent from three negotiable certificate of deposit dealers of recognized standing selected by it.

  • Weighted Average means a ratio of the weight of the investment by the financial market participant in an investee company in relation to the enterprise value of the investee company;

  • Average daily attendance or "ADA" means actual average daily

  • Weighted Average Price means, for any security as of any date, the dollar volume-weighted average price for such security on the Principal Market during the period beginning at 9:30:01 a.m., New York time (or such other time as the Principal Market publicly announces is the official open of trading), and ending at 4:00:00 p.m., New York time (or such other time as the Principal Market publicly announces is the official close of trading), as reported by Bloomberg through its “Volume at Price” function or, if the foregoing does not apply, the dollar volume-weighted average price of such security in the over-the-counter market on the electronic bulletin board for such security during the period beginning at 9:30:01 a.m., New York time (or such other time as such market publicly announces is the official open of trading), and ending at 4:00:00 p.m., New York time (or such other time as such market publicly announces is the official close of trading), as reported by Bloomberg, or, if no dollar volume-weighted average price is reported for such security by Bloomberg for such hours, the average of the highest Closing Bid Price and the lowest closing ask price of any of the market makers for such security as reported in the OTC Link or “pink sheets” by OTC Markets Group Inc. (formerly Pink OTC Markets Inc.). If the Weighted Average Price cannot be calculated for a security on a particular date on any of the foregoing bases, the Weighted Average Price of such security on such date shall be the fair market value as mutually determined by the Company and the Holder. If the Company and the Holder are unable to agree upon the fair market value of such security, then such dispute shall be resolved pursuant to Section 11 with the term “Weighted Average Price” being substituted for the term “Exercise Price.” All such determinations shall be appropriately adjusted for any stock dividend, stock split, stock combination, reclassification or other similar transaction during the applicable calculation period.

  • Sixty-Day Delinquency Rate With respect to any Distribution Date on or after the Stepdown Date, a fraction, expressed as a percentage, the numerator of which is the aggregate Stated Principal Balance of all Mortgage Loans 60 or more days delinquent as of the close of business on the last day of the calendar month preceding such Distribution Date (including Mortgage Loans in foreclosure, bankruptcy and REO Properties) and the denominator of which is the aggregate Stated Principal Balance for such Distribution Date of the Mortgage Loans as of the related Due Date (after giving effect to Principal Prepayments, the principal portion of any Liquidation Proceeds and any Subsequent Recoveries received in the related Prepayment Period).

  • Weighted Average Spread means, with respect to Floating Rate Obligations (in each case excluding Defaulted Loans), as of any date, the number obtained by:

  • Weighted Average Advance Rate means, as of any date of determination with respect to all Eligible Collateral Obligations included in the Adjusted Aggregate Eligible Collateral Obligation Balance, the number obtained by (i) summing the products obtained by multiplying (a) the Advance Rate of each such Eligible Collateral Obligation by (b) such Eligible Collateral Obligation’s contribution to the Adjusted Aggregate Eligible Collateral Obligation Balance and (ii) dividing such sum by the Adjusted Aggregate Eligible Collateral Obligation Balance.

  • Average weekly discharge limitation means the highest allowable average of "daily discharges'' over a calendar week, calculated as the sum of all "daily discharges'' measured during a calendar week divided by the number of "daily discharges'' measured during that week. Each of the following 7-day periods is defined as a calendar week: Week 1 is Days 1 - 7 of the month; Week 2 is Days 8 - 14; Week 3 is Days 15 - 21; and Week 4 is Days 22 - 28. If the "daily discharge" on days 29, 30 or 31 exceeds the "average weekly" discharge limitation, Ohio EPA may elect to evaluate the last 7 days of the month as Week 4 instead of Days 22 - 28. Compliance with fecal coliform bacteria or E coli bacteria limitations shall be determined using the geometric mean.

  • Three-Month LIBOR means the rate (expressed as a percentage per annum) for deposits in United States dollars for a three-month period commencing on the first day of a Dividend Period that appears on the Reuters Screen LIBOR01 Page as of 11:00 a.m. (London time) on the LIBOR Determination Date for that Dividend Period. If such rate does not appear on Reuters Screen LIBOR01 Page, Three-month LIBOR will be determined on the basis of the rates at which deposits in United States dollars for a three-month period commencing on the first day of that Dividend Period and in a principal amount of not less than $1 million are offered to prime banks in the London interbank market by four major banks in the London interbank market selected by the Calculation Agent (after consultation with the Company), at approximately 11:00 a.m., London time, on the LIBOR Determination Date for that Dividend Period. The Calculation Agent will request the principal London office of each of such banks to provide a quotation of its rate. If at least two such quotations are provided, Three-month LIBOR with respect to that Dividend Period will be the arithmetic mean (rounded upward if necessary to the nearest whole multiple of 0.00001%) of such quotations. If fewer than two quotations are provided, Three-month LIBOR with respect to that Dividend Period will be the arithmetic mean (rounded upward if necessary to the nearest whole multiple of 0.00001%) of the rates quoted by three major banks in New York City selected by the Calculation Agent (after consultation with the Company), at approximately 11:00 a.m., New York City time, on the LIBOR Determination Date for that Dividend Period for loans in United States dollars to leading European banks for a three-month period commencing on the first day of that Dividend Period and in a principal amount of not less than $1 million. However, if fewer than three banks selected by the Calculation Agent to provide quotations are quoting as described above, Three-month LIBOR for that Dividend Period will be the same Three-month LIBOR as determined for the previous Dividend Period or, in the case of the Dividend Period beginning on April 30, 2018, 2.920%. The determination of Three-month LIBOR for each relevant Dividend Period by the Calculation Agent will (in the absence of manifest error) be final and binding.

  • Maximum Weighted Average Life Test means a test that will be satisfied on any date of determination if the Weighted Average Life of all Eligible Collateral Obligations included in the Collateral is less than or equal to 5.50 years.

  • Monthly Period means the period from and including the first day of a calendar month to and including the last day of such calendar month.

  • Weighted Average Coupon means, with respect to Fixed Rate Obligations (excluding Defaulted Loans), as of any date, the number obtained by: