Margining Agreement definition

Margining Agreement means the Margining Agreement dated as of the Closing Date among the Borrower, the Administrative Agent and the Calculation Agent.
Margining Agreement means the Amended and Restated Margining Agreement, dated as of the Amendment and Restatement Date, by and among the Company, the Servicer and the Administrative Agent.
Margining Agreement means a margining agreement dated on or around the Initial Funding Date, among the Borrower and the Administrative Agent.

Examples of Margining Agreement in a sentence

  • As noted above, no changes are required to be made to the FICC–NYPC Cross- Margining Agreement itself.

  • Additional participant agreements have been added as appendices to the FICC–NYPC Cross- Margining Agreement for this purpose.

  • The proposed rule change necessitates revisions to the FICC–NYPC Cross- Margining Agreement, which are described in detail below.

  • Capitalized terms used in this Agreement that are not defined herein have the meanings given to them in the Cross- Margining Agreement, the form of which is appended hereto.

  • The sharing of loss provisions in the FICC–NYPC Cross- Margining Agreement that would apply in the event of a participant’s default will remain unchanged under this proposal.Proposal To Include Options on Interest Rate Futures in the One-Pot Cross- Margining ArrangementFICC proposes to add options on interest rate futures contracts with maturities not longer than two years to the one-pot cross-margining arrangement.

  • Specifically, the proposal consists of a new Section 20 to Article VI of OCC’s Bydaws dealing with clearance of exchange transactions, an Intermarket Margining Agreement (“IMA”) between ICC and OCC,12 and an amendment to 10 Each day thereafter for as long as the position is maintained, as the position increases or decreases in value, profits are collected or losses are paid by .the clearing member at the futures clearing organization.

  • Members do not have to be participating in the Proprietary Cross-Margining Program in order to participate in the proposed Market Professional Cross-Margining Program (or vice versa).The proposed rule change necessitatesrevisions to the FICC–NYPC Cross- Margining Agreement, which are described in detail below.

  • Cross-Margining Clearing Organization: A clearing organization that has entered into a Cross- Margining Agreement with the Clearing House.

  • Current planning envisages the beginning of training for Training Group B in January 1998.

  • By entering into this Cross-Margining Participant Agreement (this “Agreement”), Member hereby elects to become a Cross-Margining Participant for purposes of the NYPC Cross- Margining Agreement between FICC and NYPC dated [⚫], 2010 (as amended, modified, or supplemented from time to time, the “Cross-Margining Agreement”).

More Definitions of Margining Agreement

Margining Agreement means that certain Margining Agreement dated September 6, 2023 (as amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time) between, among others, the Buyer, as issuer and the Seller, as investment manager.
Margining Agreement the meaning assigned to such term in the Master Confirmation;
Margining Agreement the Margining Agreement, dated as of the Closing Date, by and among the Issuer, the Investment Manager, the Liquidation Agent, the Repo Seller, the Repo Buyer and the Calculation Agent.
Margining Agreement means the Amended and Restated Margining Agreement dated on or around the Effective Date, between the Borrower and the Calculation Agent, as amended from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof, in substantially the form of Exhibit G.
Margining Agreement means the Master Prime Brokerage Terms dated 1 July 2016 entered into between inter alios, CSAG DB and the Client:

Related to Margining Agreement

  • Marketing Agreement means an agreement entered into, with the director, by producers, distributors, processors, or handlers pursuant to this act and binding only on those signing the agreement.

  • Arrangement Agreement has the meaning ascribed thereto in the recitals hereof;

  • Lock-Up Agreement means the Lock-Up Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, by and among the Company and the directors and officers of the Company, in the form of Exhibit B attached hereto.

  • Netting agreement means a netting agreement, master netting agreement or other similar document having the same effect as a netting agreement or master netting agreement and, as applicable, any collateral annex, security agreement or other similar document related to any master netting agreement or Permitted Contract.

  • Concession Agreement means the Concession Agreement referred to in Recital (A) above and annexed hereto as Annex-A, and shall include all of its Recitals and Schedules and any amendments made thereto in accordance with the provisions contained in this behalf therein;

  • leasing agreement means an agreement by which one person (the lessor) grants a right to possession or control of an object (with or without an option to purchase) to another person (the lessee) in return for a rental or other payment;

  • Water Agreement means an agreement entered into between the Water Corporation (established pursuant to section 4 of the Water Corporation Act 1995) and BHP Iron Ore Pty. Ltd. ACN 008 700 981 as agent for BHP Direct Reduced Iron Pty. Ltd. and the Mount Xxxxxx and Mount Goldsworthy Mining Associates Joint Venturers in a form approved by the Minister in relation to the supply of water for, inter alia, the Joint Venturers’ water requirements for the purposes of this Agreement at Port Hedland;

  • Price Agreement means a definite quantity contract or indefinite quantity contract which requires the contractor to furnish items of tangible personal property, services or construction to a state agency or a local public body which issues a purchase order, if the purchase order is within the quantity limitations of the contract, if any.

  • Placing Agreement means, in relation to a Series of Securities, the placing agreement entered into by the Issuer and the Dealer(s) in respect of such Series by execution of the relevant Trust Instrument and into which the terms of the Placing Terms Module are incorporated by reference as the same may be modified and/or supplemented by the Trust Instrument.

  • Connection Agreement means an agreement entered into between a distributor and a person connected to its distribution system that delineates the conditions of the connection and delivery of electricity to or from that connection;

  • SCM Agreement means the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement;

  • Services Agreement means an agreement entered into between a Utility and one or more Affiliates for the provision of Shared Services or For Profit Affiliate Services and shall provide for the following matters as appropriate in the circumstances:

  • Transaction Agreement has the meaning set forth in the recitals.

  • Transportation Service Agreement means the contract between KUB and the Customer whereby KUB agrees to provide transportation gas service to the Customer.

  • Interconnection Agreement means the interconnection agreement entered into by Seller pursuant to which the Facility will be interconnected with the Transmission System, and pursuant to which Seller’s Interconnection Facilities and any other Interconnection Facilities will be constructed, operated and maintained during the Contract Term.