Kenya definition

Kenya means the Republic of Kenya;
Kenya means the Republic of Kenya.
Kenya means the Republic of Kenya

Examples of Kenya in a sentence

  • A foreign institution providing a bond shall have a correspondent financial institution located in Kenya, unless the Procuring Entity has agreed in writing that a correspondent financial institution is not required.

  • The Services shall be performed at such locations as a respecified in Appendix A, in the specifications and, where the location of a particular task is not so specified, at such locations, whether in Kenya or elsewhere, as the Procuring Entity may approve.

  • Zo is the number of units of Kenya Shillings of the index, equivalent to one unit of the currency payment on the date of the base index, and Zn is the corresponding number of such currency units on the date of the current index.

  • The comparison shall be on the basis of total cost (place of final destination) prices for all goods and all prices, plus cost of inland transportation and insurance to place of destination, for goods manufactured within the Kenya, together with prices for any required installation, training, commissioning and other services.

  • Goods assembled or semi-processed in Kenya shall have a local content of not less than 40%.

More Definitions of Kenya

Kenya means all territory of Kenya in state boundaries, including internal and territorial waters and also special economic zone and continental shelf, and all installations erected thereon as defined in the Continental Shelf Act, over which Kenya exercises its sovereign rights for the purpose of exploiting natural resources of the seabed, its subsoil and the superjacent waters, in accordance with international law;
Kenya means the Republic of Kenya, including any area adjacent to the territorial waters of Kenya designated, in accordance with international law, as an area within which Kenya may exercise rights with respect to the sea- bed and subsoil and their natural resources;
Kenya means the territory comprised in Kenya on 12th December, 1963 and the territorial waters of Kenya as for the time being defined by an Act of Parliament;
Kenya. The project is supporting the Ministry of Gender and Women’s Affairs and implementing partners across the country to improve the quality of services offered to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and their caregivers. USAID ASSIST is also advising the MOH on rolling out its framework for improving health care through standards of care, pre-service/in-service training, and quality improvement. We are also working with the MOH to improve nutrition services for HIV patients and to improve the quality of antenatal care and its integration with PMTCT services. Latin American Communities of Practice for Newborn Care: The project is collaborating with the Regional Newborn Health Alliance and Ministries of Health to disseminate and spread best practices in imple- xxxxxxx Helping Babies Breathe and Kangaroo Mother Care. Lesotho: The project is supporting the Ministry of Health and other partner for the implementation of the Partnership for HIV-Free Survival (PHFS).
Kenya means the territory of the Republic;
Kenya. A worthy civil service goal,” printed in the Nation newspaper on June 9, 2006.
Kenya. Claims made in respect of assets other than the Olkaria III project in Kenya shall not reduce the insurance limits available for the Olkaria III project. Key Sublimits: Suppliers/customers/public utilities and denial of access for US$7,500,000 Included Terrorism and Sabotage $10,000,000 Earthquake/Flood/Wind/Volcanic Eruption to total value of the assets (with $100M sublimit, excluding assets in CA and HI) Time Element Indemnity Period: 12 months Deductibles: US$150,000 Physical Damage, except US$225,000 Machinery Breakdown US$100,000 Terrorism 5% of loss Earthquake, Flood, Wind and Volcanic Eruption (US$250,000 minimum) 21 days Business Interruption, except 40 days Machinery Breakdown Business Interruption 14 days Terrorism Business Interruption Named Insured: Ormat Industries, Ltd., and/or associated and/or affiliated and./or subsidiary and/or parent companies or corporations Additional Insureds: Included as per contractual agreement Loss Payees: Finance Parties to be First Loss Payee as respects their interests in this asset Cancellation: 60 days Key Endorsements: None Key Exclusions and Restrictions: None apart from usual market practice policy exclusions Key Extensions: None Subrogation: Carrier agrees to waiver rights of subrogation in line with Insured’s contractual position Misrepresentation & Fraud: None included as per usual market practice policy exclusions Errors or Omissions: None included as per usual market practice policy exclusions