Joliet Property definition

Joliet Property means (A) the leasehold estate demised under the Joliet Ground Lease, being more particularly described on Exhibit A-1 (the “Joliet Real Property”) together with all buildings, facilities and other improvements located thereon (the “Joliet Improvements”); (A) all right, title and interest of Seller under the Joliet Ground Lease; (A) all right, title and interest of Seller in all machinery, furniture, lighting, electrical, mechanical, plumbing and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems and other equipment used in connection with operation of the Joliet Real Property and the Joliet Improvements, and all carpeting, draperies, appliances and other fixtures and equipment attached or appurtenant to the Joliet Real Property and Joliet Improvements, and items of personal property of Seller attached or appurtenant to, located on or used in the ownership, use, operation or maintenance of the Joliet Property or the Joliet Improvements (the “Joliet Personalty”); (A) all right, title and interest of Seller, if any, to any unpaid award for (A) any taking or condemnation of the Joliet Property or any portion thereof, or (A) any damage to the Joliet Property or the Joliet Improvements by reason of a change of grade of any street or highway; (e) all easements, licenses, rights-of-way, air and subsurface rights and appurtenances relating to any of the foregoing, including, without limitation, any reciprocal easement agreements and parking lot agreements; (f) all right, title and interest of Seller in and to any warranties and guaranties respecting the Joliet Improvements and Joliet Personalty; (g) all right, title and interest of Seller in and to all licenses, permits, authorizations and approvals issued by any governmental agency or authority which pertain to the Joliet Real Property and the Joliet Improvements, to the extent they exist and are transferable and assignable; (h) to the extent the same are assignable, all site plans, surveys, and plans which relate to the Joliet Real Property; and (i) all right, title and interest of Seller in and to any tradenames, logos (including any federal or state trademark or tradename registrations), or other identifying name or xxxx now used in connection with the Joliet Real Property and/or the Joliet Improvements, but expressly excluding any such property to the extent owned by any Tenant.

Examples of Joliet Property in a sentence

  • Motion to adopt COUNCIL MEMO #114-13: Resolution Declaring Certain City of Joliet Property as Surplus was made by Councilwoman Susie A.

  • Urgent efforts are needed to eradicate the growth of trafficking and other abuses linked to globalisation which subject the most vulnerable of the world’s workers to the cruellest and most extreme forms of abuse.

  • Bids will be received until 2:00 P.M. on MM/DD/YY and publicly opened, forthwith at Housing Authority of Joliet, Property Management Division, 6 South Broadway Street, Joliet, Illinois, 60436.

  • Motion to adopt COUNCIL MEMO #331-15: Resolution Declaring Certain City of Joliet Property as Surplus was made by Councilman Jim McFarland.

  • Motion to adopt COUNCIL MEMO #194-15: Resolution Declaring Certain City of Joliet Property Vehicles as Surplus be Sold for Scrap was made by Councilman Jim McFarland.

  • Motion to adopt COUNCIL MEMO #299-16: Resolution Declaring Certain City of Joliet Property as Surplus was made by Councilman Michael F.

  • COUNCIL MEMO #59-19: Resolution Declaring Certain City ofJoliet Property as SurplusCOUNCIL MEMO #59-19 Motion to adopt COUNCIL MEMO #59-19: Resolution Declaring Certain City of Joliet Property as Surplus was made by Councilman Michael F.

  • Councilman Gerl stated the Public Safety Committee met this evening in the Planning Conference Room to discuss Council Memo #69-16 -Declaring Certain City of Joliet Property as Surplus, Council Memo #75-16 - Request to Purchase Public Safety Vehicles, Council Memo #77-16 - Budget Adjustment to Purchase Vehicles for the Police Department, and Council Memo #74-16 - Request to Purchase Self Contained Breathing Apparatus for the Fire Department.

  • Motion to adopt COUNCIL MEMO #69-16: Resolution Declaring Certain City of Joliet Property as Surplus was made by Councilman John E.

  • Motion to adopt COUNCIL MEMO #283-13: Resolution Declaring Certain City of Joliet Property as Surplus was made by Councilman Larry E.

Related to Joliet Property

  • Adjacent Property means all land adjoining and surrounding the Stadium Site on which will be located any public streets, sidewalks, plazas, or bridges and any public or private parking facilities or other accoutrements to be developed by Authority or other parties in connection with the Project.

  • Subject Property means any premises located in the County on which an energy efficiency improvements, water efficiency improvements, or renewable resource applications are being or have been made and financed through an outstanding PACE loan.

  • Exempt Property means tangible personal property acquired in whole or in part with Federal funds, where the Federal awarding agency has statutory authority to vest title in the recipient without further obligation to the Fed- eral Government. An example of ex- empt property authority is contained in the Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act (31 U.S.C. 6306), for property acquired under an award to conduct basic or applied research by a non-profit institution of higher edu- cation or non-profit organization whose principal purpose is conducting scientific research.

  • Operating Property means any property owned, leased, or operated by the Party in question or by any of its Subsidiaries or in which such Party or Subsidiary holds a security interest or other interest (including an interest in a fiduciary capacity), and, where required by the context, includes the owner or operator of such property, but only with respect to such property.

  • Mining Property means a property used for mining operations as defined in the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act No. 28 of 2002);

  • Real Property Interests means all interests in real property of whatever nature, including easements, whether as owner or holder of a Security Interest, lessor, sublessor, lessee, sublessee or otherwise.

  • Common Property means any and all real and personal property and easements and other interests therein, together with the facilities and improvements located thereon, now or hereafter owned by the Association for the common use and enjoyment of the Owners.

  • Vacant Property means, individually, and “Vacant Properties” means, collectively, the Properties listed on Schedule XI attached hereto which are not leased to or occupied by any Tenant as of the Cut-Off Date.

  • Existing Property means all property against which ad valorem property taxes were levied by a local unit for its concluding fiscal year, minus all property that is considered losses for purposes of ad valorem property tax levies of the local unit for the ensuing fiscal year.

  • movable property means property of every description except immovable property;

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  • Project Property means the real property on or for which preconstruction service or construction work is or will be provided.

  • Income Property means, in respect of each Sub-Fund, (a) all interest, dividends and other sums deemed by the Trustee, (after consulting the auditors either on a general or case by case basis), to be in the nature of income (including taxation repayments, if any) received or receivable by the Trustee in respect of the Deposited Property of the relevant Sub-Fund (whether in cash or, without limitation, by warrant, cheque, money, credit or otherwise or the proceeds of sale or transfer of any Income Property received in a form other than cash); (b) all interest and other sums received or receivable by the Trustee in respect of (a), (c) or (d) of this definition; (c) all cash payments received or receivable by the Trustee for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund in respect of an Application; and (d) all Cancellation Compensation received by the Trustee for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund; (e) any payments to be received or are receivable by the Trustee under any contractual agreements in the nature of investments for the benefit of the relevant Sub-Fund but excluding (i) the Deposited Property; (ii) any amount for the time being standing to the credit of the distribution account for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund or previously distributed to Unitholders; (iii) gains for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund arising from the realisation of Securities; and (iv) any sums applied towards payment of the fees, costs and expenses payable by the Trust from the Income Property of the relevant Sub-Fund;

  • Leasehold Property means any leasehold interest of any Credit Party as lessee under any lease of real property, other than any such leasehold interest designated from time to time by Collateral Agent in its sole discretion as not being required to be included in the Collateral.

  • Subject Properties has the meaning specified in Section 5.13(a).

  • Excepted Property has the meaning specified in the Granting Clauses of this Indenture.

  • immovable property shall have the meaning which it has under the law of the Contracting State in which the property in question is situated. The term shall in any case include property accessory to immovable property, livestock and equipment used in agriculture and forestry, rights to which the provisions of general law respecting landed property apply, usufruct of immovable property and rights to variable or fixed payments as consideration for the working of, or the right to work, mineral deposits, sources and other natural resources; ships, boats and aircraft shall not be regarded as immovable property.

  • Adjoining Property means all sidewalks, driveways, curbs, gores and vault spaces adjoining any of the Leased Premises.

  • Leasehold Interests means all of each Borrower’s right, title and interest in and to, and as lessee, of the premises identified on Schedule 4.19(A) hereto.

  • Replacement Property means any property which is placed in service as a replacement for any item of Equipment or any Improvement previously subject to this Fee Agreement regardless of whether such property serves the same functions as the property it is replacing and regardless of whether more than one piece of property replaces any item of Equipment or any Improvement to the fullest extent that the FILOT Act permits.

  • Redevelopment Property means a property owned by the Company or a Consolidated Subsidiary (a) where the commenced leased square footage is less than 60% of the sum of net rentable square feet and redevelopment space, with reasonable adjustments to leased square footage determined in good faith by the Company, including adjustments for available power, required support space and common area and (b) that the Company reasonably characterizes as held in whole or in part for redevelopment.

  • Real Property means, collectively, all right, title and interest (including any leasehold, mineral or other estate) in and to any and all parcels of or interests in real property owned or leased by any Person, whether by lease, license or other means, together with, in each case, all easements, hereditaments and appurtenances relating thereto, all improvements and appurtenant fixtures and equipment, all general intangibles and contract rights and other property and rights incidental to the ownership, lease or operation thereof.

  • Partnership Property means any property, real, personal or mixed, or any interest therein or appurtenant thereto which may be owned or acquired by the Partnership.

  • Cooperative Property The real property and improvements owned by the Cooperative Corporation, including the allocation of individual dwelling units to the holders of the Coop Shares of the Cooperative Corporation.

  • Owned Property has the meaning set forth in Section 4.10(a).