IPCA definition

IPCA means the Extended Consumer Price Index, as disclosed by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
IPCA means Price Index on Broad Consumer, published by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics;
IPCA means the Indice de Precos ao Consumidor Amplo published by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica - IBGE.

Examples of IPCA in a sentence

  • If the Investor and the Controlling Shareholder do not agree on such second Annual Budget proposal for a given Fiscal Year, then the prior year’s Annual Budget will apply, adjusted by IPCA.

  • Expenses in Exploration and Production incurred and posted to the Oil Cost account in Reais will be adjusted for inflation annually between the date of its entry in the Oil Cost account and the date of its recovery as Oil Cost, preferably by the Broad National Consumer Price Index - IPCA of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE, or by another index that, at the discretion of the Manager, best reflects the costs of the sector, the capital remuneration being prohibited.

More Definitions of IPCA

IPCA means the Broad National Consumer Price Index of Brazil (Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo) or any official inflation index that replaces the IPCA.
IPCA means the Broad National Consumer Price Index, disclosed by the Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE or another index that may replace it.
IPCA means the Brazilian Expanded Consumer Price Index, expressed in percentage points, with a base value 100 in December 1993, calculated by IBGE and published monthly at http://www.ibge.gov.br/english/; provided that if the IPCA is published as a percentage variation and not as a price, the percentage variation may be converted into a price, or equivalent criteria may apply to pay the relevant amounts payable. In addition, if IBGE changes the base date of said index, the prices of the previous indices will be adjusted accordingly in order to provide all indexed prices used to calculate the payments to be consistently contributed.
IPCA means the Broad National Consumer Price Index released by the National Institute of Geography and Statistics and, in its absence, another official index that will replace it. Zenvia IPO Performance of initial primary and/or secondary public offering of shares pertaining to Zenvia Inc., that results in listing of shares on any stock exchange, including outside Brazil.
IPCA means the “Índice de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo”, an index that reflects the Brazilian inflation and is calculated and disclosed from time to time by the “Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística”, the IBGE.
IPCA means the National Amplified Consumer Price Index (IPCA) supplied by IBGE - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics).
IPCA. Amplified Consumer Price Index, calculated by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE); CONCESSION TO AMPLIFICATION, MAINTENANCE AND EXPLORATION OF THE INTERNACIONAL AIRPORT OF BRASILIA