Examples of Independent Inspector in a sentence
The Seller shall co-operate and liaise with the Independent Inspector to ensure that the inspection is carried out to the satisfaction of the Buyer.
In the event that the Seller does not agree to the nominated Independent Inspector by the Buyer as per the clause 7.1., the Seller is permitted to nominate an alternative Independent Inspector from companies listed under the said clause under no circumstances the Seller shall be permitted to change such alternative nomination thereafter.
BHR shall provide copies of the Ineligible for Hire List and any revisions to the Compliance Officer and the Independent Inspector General within ten (10) days of any changes.
The OIIG has the authority to investigate such allegations concerning County employees and County officials pursuant to Sections 44-54 and 44-56 of the County’s Code of Ordinances, and Section 2-284 of the Independent Inspector General Ordinance, Cook County, Ill., Ordinances 07-O-52 (2007).
The Compliance Officer and the Independent Inspector General shall be notified in writing at least five (5) business days in advance of an individual’s name being removed from or added to the Ineligible for Rehire List in order to permit the Independent Inspector General and the Compliance Officer the opportunity to consult with the Bureau Chief of BHR to determine whether the appropriate time period for ineligibility has been instituted and/or expired.