Head of the contracting activity definition

Head of the contracting activity means the official who has overall responsibility for managing the contracting activity.
Head of the contracting activity. (HCA) means the official who has overall responsibility for managing the contracting activity (i.e., Chief, Forest Service; Administrator, Agricultural Research Service; etc.), or the individual designated by such an official to carry out the functions of the HCA.
Head of the contracting activity. (HCA) means a DOE Official who has been designated an HCA and delegated authority by the Procurement Executive to award contracts and appoint contracting officers.

Examples of Head of the contracting activity in a sentence

  • Head of the contracting activity: The official who has overall legal responsibility for managing the contracting activity.

  • Head of the contracting activity (HCA), is the official who has overall responsibility for managing the contracting activity.

  • In 2402.101, add in alphabetical order a definition of ‘‘Contracting Activity,’’ and revise the definitions of ‘‘Head of the Contracting Activity’’ and ‘‘Legal Counsel’’ to read as follows:2402.101 Definitions.* * * * *Contracting activity means the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer.* * * * *Head of the contracting activity (HCA)means the Chief Procurement Officer.

  • In section 2402.101, add in alphabetical order a definition of ‘‘Contracting Activity,’’ remove the definition of ‘‘Head of Contracting Activity (HCA)’’ and add in its place the definition of ‘‘Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA)’’ and revise the definition of ‘‘Legal Counsel’’ to read as follows:2402.101 Definitions.* * * * *Contracting activity means the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer.* * * * *Head of the contracting activity (HCA)means the Chief Procurement Officer.

  • No elected or appointed official or agent may solicit or accept, either directly or indirectly, from any person or organization money or anything of value if it could reasonably be expected to influence the official's actions or judgments or be considered a reward for any action or inaction on the part of the official.

More Definitions of Head of the contracting activity

Head of the contracting activity or “HCA” means those officials within the Department of Education who have responsibility for and manage an acquisition organization and usually hold unlimited procurement authority. The Director, Federal Student Aid Acquisitions, is the HCA for FSA. The Director, Contracts and Acquisitions Management (CAM) is the HCA for all other Departmental program offices and all boards, commissions, and councils under the management control of the Department.
Head of the contracting activity means the Senior Procurement Executive (SPE); the Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners of the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) and the Public Buildings Service (PBS); or their re-delegates. The Chief Administrative Services Officer serves as the HCA for the Internal Acquisition Division within the Office of Administrative Services. These officials serve within the limits of their delegated authority. Information on GSA's Acquisition Portal at https://insite.gsa.gov/acquisitionportal.
Head of the contracting activity. (HCA) means the Director, USACE HQ Directorate of Contracting, as designated by the Army Senior Procurement Executive.
Head of the contracting activity. (HCA) means the official who has
Head of the contracting activity. (HCA) means the official with overall responsibility of one or more USDA contracting activities.
Head of the contracting activity means the Senior Procurement Executive (SPE); the Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners of the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) and the Public
Head of the contracting activity means, for field installations, the Director or other head and, for NASA Headquarters, the Associate Administrator for Headquarters Operations.