Frozen definition

Frozen means completely frozen throughout. Flash frozen and surface glaze frozen fish and shellfish are unfrozen fish and shellfish.
Frozen means a classification or a position to which an appointing authority is prohibited from making an appointment without prior review and approval of civil service staff.
Frozen means fish or shellfish that are hard frozen throughout.

Examples of Frozen in a sentence

  • After that time, all leave was accrued as PTO and any accrued sick leave at that time was frozen and is referred to as Frozen Sick Leave (FSL).

  • In the investigation at issue in Colombia – Frozen Fries, the investigating authority based its injury determination on all investigated imports, including those from exporters for which de minimis or negative dumping margins had been calculated.263 The complainant, the European Union, argued that doing so violated Articles 3.1, 3.2, 3.4 and 3.5 of the Anti-Dumping Agreement.

  • Frozen Modules are extremely brittle and any mechanical shock may cause substantial damage.

  • Frozen Sick leave paid up to a lifetime cap of 800hours No severance unless employee left some excess sick leave on the books up to a lifetime cap of 800 PTO paid up to 480 hours No sick leave paid out.

  • The parties to this amendment (Amendment) are the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA), an agency of the State of Texas, and Forte Frozen, a Texas corporation (Contractor), (collectively referred to as the “parties”), under the agreement (Contract) entered into for delivery and warehousing of United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) foods.

More Definitions of Frozen

Frozen means stored at any appropriate temperature equal to or colder than 0°C which will maintain and preserve the inherent quality of a specific product in a hard, frozen state and includes frozen foodstuffs for which special temperature requirements are provided for in the relevant regulations made under the Agricultural Product Standards Act, the Compulsory Specifications Act and any other Regulations promulgated under the Act;
Frozen means the product has been subjected to a freezing process sufficient to reduce the temperature of the whole product to a level low enough to preserve its inherent quality;
Frozen means the temperature of the product (except frozen desserts) has reached 0°F (-18°C) or lower at the thermal center, after thermal stabilization.
Frozen means frozen ground and is the top 2-inches of surface area receiving nutrients where the moisture has changed to ice for a period of 72 consecutive hours or a condition where any ice formation below the 2- inch zone restricts the natural flow of moisture through the soil profile.
Frozen. Credits to "Top-up"
Frozen means a record or property frozen under sub-section (1A) of section 17 of the Act;
Frozen sick leave credits may be used as follows: In case of illness of an immediate member of the family of a Nurse, where no one at home other than the Nurse can provide for the needs of the ill person. After notifying their Supervisor, the Nurse may use a maximum of six