Egalet definition

Egalet shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the preamble of this Agreement.
Egalet has the meaning set forth in the Preamble.
Egalet means Egalet Ltd. and its Affiliates.

Examples of Egalet in a sentence

  • With respect to Net Sales invoiced in U.S. dollars, the Net Sales and the amounts due to Egalet hereunder will be expressed in U.S. dollars.

  • Egalet shall have the sole and exclusive right to prepare, file, prosecute, maintain and extend the Platform-Related Patent Rights and Product-Related Existing Patent Rights.

  • In furtherance of this Agreement, it is expected that Shionogi and Egalet will, from time to time, disclose to one another privileged communications with counsel, including opinions, memoranda, letters and other written, electronic and verbal communications.

  • Egalet shall not (and shall cause its Affiliates and Sublicensees not to), without Shionogi’s prior written consent, produce, prepare and/or publish any scientific paper, presentation, manuscript or other publication with respect to any Product.

  • If any products developed under the collaboration are approved for marketing, Egalet is eligible to receive tiered royalties, ranging from the mid-single digits to the low double digits based on the net sales of such products, as well as sales-based milestone payments that could exceed $100 million based on the attainment of specified sales thresholds.

  • Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, this Section 2.3.5 shall not apply to any breach by Egalet of a Sublicense in its capacity as a Sublicensee of Shionogi.

  • Egalet may issue the press release attached hereto as Exhibit A promptly after execution of this Agreement.

  • Within thirty (30) days after the Effective Date, the Parties shall establish a joint development committee (the “JDC”) that will serve as a forum to facilitate the Parties’ collaboration, particularly regarding the generation of Product formulations, and to define and agree upon the Egalet Development Activities.

  • Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Parties acknowledge and agree that the initial meeting of the JDC shall be held within forty-five (45) days of the Effective Date and shall be devoted to determining the scope of the Egalet Development Activities.

  • Egalet shall, upon the request of Shionogi, make appropriate scientific and regulatory personnel available to Shionogi, either by telephone or in person as the Parties may mutually agree, as reasonably required to keep Shionogi informed of such Egalet Development Activities.

More Definitions of Egalet

Egalet shall be deemed references solely to Egalet US as the party to the Agreement with respect to all rights and obligations (including payment obligations) under the Agreement in the Initial Territory (as defined below) and not the Expanded Territory; and (b) references to "EGALET" shall be deemed references solely to Egalet UK as the party to the Agreement with respect to all rights and obligations (including payment obligations) under the Agreement in the Expanded Territory and not the Initial Territory, being it understood that Egalet US shall guarantee the due performance by Egalet UK of the Agreement and of this Amendment according to the terms hereof.
Egalet shall be deemed references solely to Egalet UK as the party to the Agreement with respect to all rights and obligations (including payment obligations) under the Agreement in the Expanded Territory and not the Initial Territory, being it understood that Egalet US shall guarantee the due performance by Egalet UK of the Agreement and of this Amendment according to the terms hereof.

Related to Egalet

  • Novartis shall have the meaning set forth in the Preamble.

  • Merck has the meaning set forth in the preamble.

  • Shire means Shire of Augusta Margaret River

  • BMS means the Company, all related companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, parents, successors, assigns and all organizations acquired by the foregoing.

  • Lilly has the meaning set forth in the Preamble.

  • Pfizer shall have the meaning set forth in the preamble.

  • ISIS means the department’s individualized services information system.

  • PTI means Preliminary Toxicity Investigation. Up to a 30-day period where the permittee investigates the cause(s) of a whole effluent toxicity exceedance and if the toxicity is known, includes a proposal for its elimination.

  • Licensee has the meaning set forth in the preamble.

  • BLS means Basic Life Support.

  • Licensor means the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License.

  • the Licensee means the person(s) named in the licence.

  • Elan means Elan Corp and its Affiliates.

  • GSK will have the meaning set forth in the Preamble.

  • HPA means the Current HPA, as further amended by this Amendment.

  • Siemens means Siemens AG (Germany) and its Affiliates.

  • DSM means the most current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association.

  • Medical school means an accredited program for the training of individuals to become physicians.

  • UPI means the unified payments interface which is an instant payment mechanism, developed by NPCI;

  • CTI means CTI Logistics Limited (ABN 69 008 778 925) and/or any Affiliate of CTI Logistics Limited as the case may be, which performs all or any of the Services.

  • PTC means the tax credit for electricity produced from certain renewable generation resources described in Section 45 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as it may be amended or supplemented from time to time.

  • OMP means Occupational Medical Practitioner

  • GTC means General Terms & Conditions of Contract.

  • Licensors means each entity listed on the list entitled “Licensors” which can be accessed on the Website and which may be amended from time to time by Licensing Company; provided, however, that “Licensors” for the purposes of this License Agreement shall only include those entities that are listed on the list entitled “Licensors” during the Term.

  • Sublicensee means a third party to whom LICENSEE grants a sublicense of certain rights granted to LICENSEE under this Agreement.

  • Regents means the board of regents of higher education.