Examples of BLS in a sentence
This escalation factor will be the average annual Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Economic Cost Index (ECI) for the previous three years.
Whenever possible, this specialized professional labor shall be mapped to the BLS SOC.
For each SOC, the BLS provides a National 50th Percentile estimate, a National 75th Percentile estimate, and a National 90th Percentile estimate.
The Contractor shall become proficient in the use of the BLS SOC system in preparation for submitting cost/price proposals under task order solicitations that require standardized labor category submissions in accordance with Section J.1., Attachment (1).
While not identified on the BLS website, the BLS provides a 50th Percentile estimate, a 75th Percentile estimate, and a 90th Percentile estimate for each SOC in each state, metropolitan, and non-metropolitan area in the United States.