Distributors definition

Distributors means the authorized distributors, agents, sub-distributors of Quick Heal, selling Quick Heal range of products, including sales through Internet.
Distributors means Company(ies), Firm(s) or Bank(s) appointed by the Management Company for performing any or all of the Distribution Functions and shall include the Management Company itself, if it performs the Distribution Functions;
Distributors means Franklin Txxxxxxxx Distributors, Inc.

Examples of Distributors in a sentence

  • The Issuer agrees that it will take all action necessary to register shares under the 1933 Act (subject to the necessary approval of its shareholders) so that there will be available for sale the number of shares Distributors may reasonably be expected to sell.

  • This does not obligate Distributors to register as a broker or dealer under the Blue Sky Laws of any jurisdiction in which it is not now registered or to maintain its registration in any jurisdiction in which it is now registered.

  • The rights granted to Distributors shall be non-exclusive in that the Issuer reserves the right to sell its shares to investors on applications received and accepted by the Issuer.

  • This shall not prevent Distributors from entering into like arrangements (including arrangements involving the payment of underwriting commissions) with other Issuers.

  • In consideration of these rights granted to Distributors, Distributors agrees to use all reasonable efforts, consistent with its other business, to secure purchasers for shares of the Issuer.

More Definitions of Distributors

Distributors means the authorized distributors, sub-distributors of MSS, selling MSS products, including sales through Internet.
Distributors means any third-party distributor, including a record label or online digital distribution company, that sells, markets, and/or distributes sound recordings embodying the Assets.
Distributors means any product distributor designated in accordance with Exhibit B.
Distributors means the authorized distributors, sub-distributors of Seqrite, selling Seqrite range of products, including sales through Internet.
Distributors means Franklin Distributors, FT Luxembourg, LM Singapore and/or LM Hong Kong, as the context may require;
Distributors means distributors and resellers which FCCL directly or indirectly authorizes to distribute Products in the Territory;
Distributors means GaveKal Capital Management Limited or GaveKal Capital Limited or any one or more persons or companies or any successor persons or company appointed by the Manager to act as distributor of one or more Classes of Unit of a Sub-Fund.