Data Processing System (System definition

Data Processing System (System means the total complement of Contractor-furnished Machines, including one or more central processors (or instruction processors) and Operating Software, which are acquired to operate as an integrated group.
Data Processing System (System means the total complement of Contractor-furnished Machines, including oneextent that such materials are described in or required by the Statement of Work.o) "Equipment"is an all-inclusive term which refers either to individual Machines or to a complete Data Processing System or subsystem, including its Hardware and Operating Software (if any).p) "Equipment Failure" is a malfunction in the Equipment, excluding all external factors, which prevents the accomplishment of the Equipment’s intended function(s). If microcode or Operating Software residing in the Equipment is necessary for the proper operation of the Equipment, a failure of such microcode or Operating Software which prevents the accomplishment of the Equipment’s intended functions shall be deemed to be an Equipment Failure.q) "Facility Readiness Date" means the date specified in the Statement of Work by which the State must have the site prepared and available for Equipment delivery and installation.r) “Goods” means all types of tangible personal property, including but not limited to materials, supplies, and Equipment (including computer and telecommunications Equipment).s) "Hardware" usually refers to computer Equipment and is contrasted with Software. See also Equipment.t) "Installation Date" means the date specified in the Statement of Work by which the Contractor must have the ordered Equipment ready (certified) for use by the State.u) "Information Technology" includes, but is not limited to, all electronic technology systems and services, automated information handling, System design and analysis, conversion of data, computer programming, information storage and retrieval, telecommunications which include voice, video, and data communications, requisite System controls, simulation, electronic commerce, and all related interactions between people and Machines.v) "Machine" means an individual unit of a Data Processing System or subsystem, separately identified by a type and/or model number, comprised of but not limited to mechanical, electro-mechanical, and electronic parts, microcode, and special features installed thereon and including any necessary Software, e.g., central processing unit, memory module, tape unit, card reader, etc.w) "Machine Alteration" means any change to a Contractor- supplied Machine which is not made by the Contractor, and which results in the Machine deviating from its physical, mechanical, electrical, or electronic (including microcode) design, whether or not additio...
Data Processing System (System means the total complement of Alltel-furnished Machines, including one or more central processors (or instruction processors) and Operating Software, which are acquired to operate as an integrated group.

Examples of Data Processing System (System in a sentence

  • Data Processing System (System)" means the total complement of Contractor-furnished Machines, including one or more central processors (or instruction processors), and Operating Software which are acquired to operate as an integrated group.

More Definitions of Data Processing System (System

Data Processing System (System means the total
Data Processing System (System means the total complement of Contractor-furnished Machines, including one or more central processors (or instruction processors) and Operating Software, which are acquired to operate as an integrated group. "Deliverables" means Goods, Software, Information Technology, telecommunications technology, and other items (e.g. reports) to be delivered pursuant to this Contract, including any such items furnished incident to the provision of services.

Related to Data Processing System (System

  • System Software means Software that provides the operating and management instructions for the underlying hardware and other components, and is identified as such in Appendix 4 of the Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be Systems Software. Such System Software includes, but is not restricted to, micro-code embedded in hardware (i.e., “firmware”), operating systems, communications, system and network management, and utility software.

  • Customer Systems means the Customer’s information technology infrastructure, including computers, software, hardware, databases, electronic systems (including database management systems), and networks, whether operated directly by Customer or through the use of third-party services.

  • Processing Services means those services described herein or commonly performed under the management and direction of Bank by a Card Processor or Credit Processor which are necessary to manage a Program and process transactions in accordance with Applicable Law. Such services shall include but shall not be limited to: set-up and maintenance of a Program and Cards, transaction authorization, processing, clearing and Settlement, System access, Card Services, Credit Services, Cardholder dispute resolution, collections, System compliance, regulatory compliance, security and fraud control, and activity reporting.

  • Carrier Access Billing System (“CABS”) is the system which is defined in a document prepared under the direction of the Billing Committee of the OBF. The CABS document is published by Telcordia in Volumes 1, 1A, 2, 3, 3A, 4 and 5 as Special Reports SR-OPT-001868, SR-OPT-0011869, SR-OPT-001871, SR-OPT- 001872, SR-OPT-001873, SR-OPT-001874, and SR-OPT-001875, respectively, and contains the recommended guidelines for the billing of access and other connectivity services. Sprint’s carrier access billing system is its Carrier Access Support System (CASS). CASS mirrors the requirements of CABS.

  • System Services has the meaning given such term in Section 3.1.

  • smart metering system means an electronic system that can measure energy consumption, providing more information than a conventional meter, and can transmit and receive data for information, monitoring and control purposes, using a form of electronic communication;

  • Signaling System 7 (SS7) means a signaling protocol used by the CCS Network.

  • Information processing system means an electronic system for creating, generating, sending, receiving, storing, displaying, or processing information.

  • Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) means a switched network service that provides end-to-end digital connectivity for the simultaneous transmission of voice and data. Basic Rate Interface-ISDN (BRI-ISDN) provides for a digital transmission of two 64 Kbps bearer channels and one 16 Kbps data channel (2B+D).

  • Billing System means a system to issue Invoices relating to charges payable by each party under an Access Agreement;

  • Signaling System 7 (SS7 means a signaling protocol used by the CCS Network.

  • Interconnection Customer means a Generation Interconnection Customer and/or a Transmission Interconnection Customer.

  • Interconnection Service(s means any Interconnection, Resale Services, 251(c)(3) UNEs, Collocation, functions, facilities, products or services offered under this Agreement.

  • Net metering system means a facility for the production of electrical energy that does all of the following: