Copyright Material definition

Copyright Material means the works which the Member owns, controls or represents from time to time;
Copyright Material means material in which copyright is held by a third party.
Copyright Material means the copyright material listed in the “Licensed Property” section of the Deal Terms and any logos included in the Marks;

Examples of Copyright Material in a sentence

  • Client shall not during the lifetime of this Agreement or at any future time use any of the Copyright Material in its own name as proprietor.

  • Your interest in the labor, materials or services furnished or arranged by you on personal property of others; 91-3422, 3rd Edition 03/02 Includes Copyright Material, Insurance Services Office, Ins., Page 1 of 26 with their permission.

  • Duro-Last Issue Date: 4/9/2015 Reproduction of this Copyright Material by Licensee is made pursuant to a limited license agreement naming Duro-Last® as a Licensee, and may not be copied or reproduced, in whole or in part, by any unauthorized party for any other purpose.

  • The association and the employee will have opportunity to suggest alternative plans.

  • Duro-Last Issue Date: 6/30/2015 Reproduction of this Copyright Material by Licensee is made pursuant to a limited license agreement naming Duro-Last® as a Licensee, and may not be copied or reproduced, in whole or in part, by any unauthorized party for any other purpose.

More Definitions of Copyright Material

Copyright Material means any and all documents and information (whether in hard copy, digital or electronic format and whether in existence as at the date of the Sub- Contract or yet to be created) including but not limited to reports, drawings, models, illustrations, data, databases, schedules, programmes, bills of quantities, budgets, photographs, videos, brochures, plans, specifications, minutes or notes of meetings, designs, studies and calculations produced or prepared by the Sub-Contractor or on its behalf in connection with the Sub-Contract Works, the Project or the Site or as part of the Sub-Contract Works;
Copyright Material means any Material in which copyright subsists;
Copyright Material means any work or other subject-matter in which copyright subsists or is capable of subsisting under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or equivalent legislation;
Copyright Material means all drawings, reports, models, specifications, bills of quantities, calculations and other documents and information (including any software used to generate them) prepared by Business Stream or on its behalf in connection with the Services or the Works;
Copyright Material means a work, sound recording, cinematographic film, published edition of a work, or a television or sound broadcast as recorded in a cinematographic film or a sound recording (section 134B).
Copyright Material means all copyright works in Hard Copy Format but does not include the Excluded Works as specified in Schedule 3. “copyright work” or “works” means:
Copyright Material means all copyright works in hard copy formats including extracts copied from these Works under licence but does not include the Excluded Works specified in Schedule 2. “Copyright Owners” means authors, licensees and publishers or other persons deriving title from authors or licensees of Copyright Material