contact information definition

contact information means information to enable an individual at a place of business to be contacted and includes the name, position name or title, business telephone number, business address, business email or business fax number of the individual;
contact information means: the name of a person submitting a document or of a person on whose behalf a document is being submitted; telephone numbers; personal or business addresses; email addresses; employer identification and address; or similar facts that make it possible for another to contact a person who is named in a document.
contact information means the name, email address, phone number, online user name(s), telephone number, and similar information submitted by visitors to your landing pages on the Subscription Service or uploaded by you to the Subscription Service.

Examples of contact information in a sentence

  • Signature: Date: Name and Title: Agency Name: Partner Programs Represented: Agency Contact Information: The MOU Infrastructure Funding Agreement By signing this document, I also certify I have the legal authority to bind my agency to the terms of (check all that apply): The MOU Infrastructure Funding Agreement I understand that this agreement is effective July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2028 or upon amendment, modification, or termination.

  • Client hereby authorizes and on behalf of its employees, contractors, directors, or officers, the transfer of such Client’s Business Contact Information by Accenture, its affiliates and contractors to any country where Accenture, its affiliates and contractors operate and for the sole purposes of delivering the Software, answering support requests, managing and maintaining a business relationship.

  • Each party shall be considered a data controller with respect to the other party’s Business Contact Information and shall be entitled to transfer such information to any country where such Party, its global organization, and Affiliates operate.

  • Emergency Contact Information Print Name: Relationship: Phone Number: Acknowledgment of Understanding I have read this Parental Consent and Liability Statement in its entirety, and I fully understand and agreed with its terms.

  • Client represents, warrants and covenants that it has obtained, and will continue to obtain, all consents and has provided all notices, in each case to the extent required pursuant to applicable laws, rules and regulations to provide Provider Contact Information to Membersy for use in marketing and administering the Plans.

More Definitions of contact information

contact information means information to enable an individual at a place of business to be contacted and includes the name, position name or title, business telephone number, business address or business email of the individual;
contact information means information supplied voluntarily by a birth parent on a contact preference form, including the name of the birth parent at the time of relinquishment of the adoptee; the alias, if any, used at the time of relinquishment of the adoptee; and the current name, current address, and current telephone number of the birth parent.
contact information means home address, work address,
contact information means either the name and mailing address or name and e-mail address for each individual who is the subject of data maintained by the County.
contact information. If you are an existing LF Member, all legal, billing and financial notices from the LF relating to your participation will be sent to the individuals already on file with the LF under those categories unless you designate a different individual in Exhibit A.
contact information. If you are an existing LF Member, all legal, billing and financial notices from the LF relating to your participation will be sent to the individuals already on file with the LF under those categories unless you designate a different individual in Exhibit A. Premier Membership Term: Premier membership requires an initial two-year membership commitment. One year’s fees are due on acceptance as a member, and the second year’s fees are due at the first anniversary of membership. At the second anniversary of membership, if membership is not canceled at least thirty days prior to the second anniversary of membership, a prorated amount of the applicable fees for the remainder of that calendar year (a “stub period”) will be invoiced (and membership will proceed on a calendar-year based renewal cycle thereafter).
contact information. , in relation to a person, means the person’s name and information sufficient to enable the person to be contacted, (including a telephone number, and, in relation to a person at regulated premises, the date and time at which the person was at the premises);