central securities depository definition

central securities depository or ‘CSD’ means a central securities depository as defined in point (1) of Article 2(1) of Regulation (EU) No 909/2014.
central securities depository means a person or company that provides centralized facilities as a depository of securities, including securities accounts, central safekeeping services and asset services, which may include the administration of corporate actions and redemptions;
central securities depository means an entity or generally recognised book-entry or other settlement system or clearing house, central clearing counterparty or agency, acting as a local securities depository, central securities depository or international securities depository, the use of which is customary for securities settlement activities in the jurisdiction(s) in which it holds Securities or Cash in connection with this Agreement, and through which the Custodian may transfer, settle, clear, deposit or maintain Securities whether in certificated or uncertificated form and will include any services provided by any network service provider or carriers or settlement banks used by a CSD.

Examples of central securities depository in a sentence

  • Local Custodian Nis is a Central Securities Depository participant as defined in the Financial Markets Act.

  • A Central Securities Depository (CSD) is a financial institution that holds securities such as shares in a form that makes it easy to transfer them through bookkeeping rather than physical certificates.

  • Unless otherwise agreed, the Barbados Central Securities Depository Inc.

  • Mali Dépositaire Central – Banque de Règlement Malta Central Securities Depository of the Malta Stock Exchange Mauritius Bank of Mauritius Central Depository and Settlement Co. Ltd.

More Definitions of central securities depository

central securities depository means a legal person as defined in point 1 of Article 2(1) of Regulation (EU) No 909/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1);
central securities depository means an entity that provides securities ac- counts and central safekeeping serv- ices.
central securities depository. (CSD) means a central securities depository as defined in point (1) of Article 2(1) of Regu­ lation (EU) No 909/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1);
central securities depository means a Person duly authorised either in Malta or in any other jurisdiction to provide services relating to, inter alia, the maintenance of registers of members and holders of financial instruments and recording of transactions and holdings in financial instruments whether in certificated or uncertificated (dematerialized and/or book entry) form, or the provision, management and administration of a securities clearing and settlement system in respect of financial instruments and other services ancillary thereto;
central securities depository. ('CSD') means a legal person that operates a securities settlement system listed in point 3 of Section A of the Annex and performs at least one other core service listed in Section A of the Annex;
central securities depository means a central securities as defined in point (1) of Article 2(1) of Regulation 909/2014;
central securities depository means a person who constitutes, maintains and provides an infrastructure for holding uncertificated securities which enables the making of entries in respect of uncertificated securities, and which infrastructure includes a securities settlement system;