Bond election definition

Bond election means an election held for the purpose of approving or rejecting
Bond election means an election held for the purpose of approving or rejecting the proposed issuance of bonds by a government entity.
Bond election means the May 10, 2008 election held within the District authorizing the issuance of $70,000,000 of bonds to construct, reimburse for the costs of construction, acquire by purchase, maintain and operate macadamized, graded or paved roads in the District.

Examples of Bond election in a sentence

  • Removing the uncertainty inherent in a Bond election, eliminating the $75,000 -$100,000 cost to take a Bond to market and the potential of starting the project within the next three years without needing ANY additional property tax funding should make this option very appealing to the community.

  • CALL TO THE AUDIENCE – Continued Pilar Ruiz re: Desegregation, Bond election, Substitutes, a Board forum with the public; Lucy Lobosha re: Bond (English and Spanish); Lysa Nabours re: Superintendent Search; David Morales re: ESI, conflict of interest for campaign donation and MAS Trial.

  • Bond election expenses shall be paid from current operating funds only.

  • That the elected Fire Board call for a November 2017 Bond election in an amount not to exceed $18 million.

  • The 1997 bond election provided $5 million for projects, and the 2004 Pima County Bond election established a fund of $20 million.

More Definitions of Bond election

Bond election means the special bond election duly and lawfully called and held in the District on November 3, 2020, at which the issuance and sale by the Issuer of $170,000,000 principal amount of general obligation bonds was authorized for the purpose of, among other things, raising money for constructing and acquiring one or more school sites, buildings and furnishings and improving existing school property under the charge of the Issuer, the results of which election were declared by the Issuer, sitting as a Board of Canvassers, on November 3, 2020.
Bond election means the November 8, 2011 election held within the District authorizing the issuance of $12,345,000 of bonds to construct, reimburse for the costs of construction, acquire by purchase, maintain and operate macadamized, graded or paved roads in the District.
Bond election means the special bond election duly and lawfully called and held in the Issuer on November 6, 2018, at which the issuance and sale by the Issuer of $87,000,000 principal amount of general obligation bonds was authorized for the purpose of, among other things, raising money for paying all or a portion of the costs of improving various streets and roads throughout the Issuer and related infrastructure improvements, the results of which election were declared by the City Council, sitting as a Board of Canvassers, on November 20, 2018.
Bond election in this section shall mean a special election at which the voters within Borden County ISD approve or disapprove proposition(s) for the issuance of bonds for the funding of improvements, renovations, or new construction for District facilities described in RFQ #2021-001.
Bond election in this section shall mean a special election intended to occur in May or November which the voters within Big Spring ISD approve or disapprove proposition(s) for the
Bond election means an election held for the sole purpose of approving or
Bond election means the May 5, 2001 election held within the District authorizing the issuance of $17,000,000 of bonds to construct, reimburse for the coats of construction, acquireby purchase, maintain and operate macadamized, graded or paved roads in the District.