Basic Cable Television Service definition

Basic Cable Television Service means the service tier which includes the retransmission of local broadcast signals.
Basic Cable Television Service means any service tier which includes the retransmission of local television broadcast signals.
Basic Cable Television Service means that tier of Cable Television Service to which all users must subscribe in order to obtain the transmission of local broadcast television signals and for which a charge is made.

Examples of Basic Cable Television Service in a sentence

  • Ordinance No. 593­B, First Reading ­ Adopting Findings of Facts and Conclusions of the City Regarding Basic Cable Television Service Tier Rates and Equipment and Installation Charges of TCI Cablevision.

  • Franchisee shall, subject to the line extension problems of Section IV, also provide without charge, at one building other than a hospital, nursing home, apartment or building at the airport, to be selected by the Council, one junction terminal to said building and shall also furnish to the building, without charge, Basic Cable Television Service to the building’s terminal junction.

  • Deferred income tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the asset can be utilised.

  • Authorized the advertisement of a public hearing to be held before the Board of Supervisors on October 25, 1993 at 4:30 p.m. regarding proposed amendments to the Code of the County of Fairfax, Chapter 9 (Cable Communications) relating to the regulation of Basic Cable Television Service Rates.

  • Franchisee shall, subject to the line extension provisions of Section IV, provide Basic Cable Television Service at no separate charge to one public library facility, at one terminal junction for educational purposes upon request of the city council.

  • An agency file note (marked as folios 90 and 91) of that meeting records that the group recognized a need for further planning work to be done in and around the Gracetown townsite and the group resolved to establish a Technical Working Group (‘the TWG’) for that purpose.

  • Franchisee shall, subject to the line extension provisions of Section IV, provide Basic Cable Television Service at no separate charge to public elementary and secondary schools, at one terminal junction for educational purposes upon request of the school system.

  • Service to Schools and Town Franchisee shall, subject to the line extension problems of Section IV, provide Basic Cable Television Service at no separate charge to public elementary and secondary schools, at one terminal junction for educational purposes upon request of the school system.

  • The Franchisee shall pay Grantor three percent (3%) of gross monthly receipts for Basic Cable Television Service provided to all subscribers located within Grantor.

More Definitions of Basic Cable Television Service

Basic Cable Television Service means basic service as defined in the rules of the Federal Communications Commission and any other cable television service which is subject to rate regulation by the Township pursuant to the Act and the rules of the Federal Communications Commission.
Basic Cable Television Service means that tier of cable television service to which all users must subscribe in order to obtain cable television service and for which a charge is made.

Related to Basic Cable Television Service

  • Cable television service means the one-way transmission to subscribers of video programming and other programming service and subscriber interaction, if any, that is required for the selection or use of the video programming or other programming service.

  • Cable television system means any system licensed, franchised or certificated pursuant to Article

  • Basic generation service or "BGS" means electric generation

  • broadcasting service means a radiocommunication service in which the transmissions are intended for direct reception by the general public. This service may include sound transmissions, television transmissions or other types of transmission.

  • Basic generation service provider or "provider" means a

  • Basic Cable Service means any service tier, which includes the retransmission of local television broadcast signals as defined by the FCC.

  • telecommunication service means service of any description (including electronic mail, voice mail, data services, audio text services, video text services, radio paging and cellular mobile telephone services) which is made available to users by means of any transmission or reception of signs, signals, writing, images and sounds or intelligence of any nature, by wire, radio, visual or other electromagnetic means;

  • Mobile telecommunications service means the same as that term is defined in the Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act, 4 U.S.C. Sec. 124.

  • Online Services means Microsoft-hosted services to which Customer subscribes under this Agreement. It does not include software and services provided under separate license terms.

  • Distribution Services means the service of distribution, as defined in section 5 of the Act;

  • Electric generation service means the provision of retail

  • Telecommunication Services means the offering of Telecommunications for a fee directly to the public, or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public, regardless of the facilities used.

  • Education Services means education and hostel facilities for students and scholars provided by -

  • Online Service means our on-line system for managing the electronic transmission of information between us and Providers;

  • Transportation Service means a service for moving people and goods, such as intercity bus service and passenger rail service.

  • Police Service means the South African Police Service established by section 5(1) of the South African Police Service Act;

  • Cloud Service means any distinct, subscription-based, hosted, supported and operated on-demand solution provided by SAP under an Order Form.

  • Free Services means the Subscription Service or other products or features made available by us to you on an unpaid trial or free basis.

  • Video service means video programming, cable services, IPTV, or OVS provided through facilities located at least in part in the public rights-of-way without regard to delivery technology, including internet protocol technology. This definition does not include any video programming provided by a commercial mobile service provider defined in 47 USC 332(d) or provided solely as part of, and via, a service that enables users to access content, information, electronic mail, or other services offered over the public internet.

  • Communication Services means aeronautical fixed and mobile services to enable ground-to-ground, air-to-ground and air-to-air communications for ATC purposes;

  • Basic Exchange Telecommunications Service means, unless otherwise defined in Commission rules and then it shall have the meaning set forth therein, a service offered to End User Customers which provides the End User Customer with a telephonic connection to, and a unique local telephone number address on, the public switched telecommunications network, and which enables such End User Customer to generally place calls to, or receive calls from, other stations on the public switched telecommunications network. Basic residence and business line services are Basic Exchange Telecommunications Services. As used solely in the context of this Agreement and unless otherwise agreed, Basic Exchange Telecommunications Service includes access to ancillary services such as 911, directory assistance and operator services. "Xxxx Date" means the date on which a Billing period ends, as identified on the xxxx.