Authorized Participant definition

Authorized Participant means a Person that, at the time of submitting a Purchase Order or a Redemption Order (i) is a registered broker-dealer, (ii) is a DTC Participant or an Indirect Participant and (iii) has in effect a valid Authorized Participant Agreement.
Authorized Participant shall have the meaning ascribed to the term in the introductory paragraph of the Authorized Participant Agreement.
Authorized Participant means any entity that (i) is a registered broker-dealer and a member in good standing with the NASD, or a participant in the securities markets such as a bank or other financial institution that is not required to register as a broker-dealer or be a member of the NASD in order to engage in securities transactions, (ii) is a participant in DTC or has indirect access to the clearing facilities of DTC by virtue of a custodial relationship with a DTC Participant, (iii) is not a Benefit Plan Investor and (iv) has entered into a Participants Agreement.

Examples of Authorized Participant in a sentence

  • The following are the names, titles and signatures of all persons (each an “Authorized Person”) authorized to give instructions relating to any activity contemplated by this BNY Mellon ETF Trust II Authorized Participant Agreement, or any other notices, request or instruction on behalf of Participant pursuant to this Authorized Participant Agreement.

More Definitions of Authorized Participant

Authorized Participant means an individual or institution that has entered into an Authorized Participant Agreement with the Trust and the Trust’s Distributor that is authorized to purchase and redeem Creation Units of Funds within the Trust.
Authorized Participant means an entity that:·is a registered broker-dealer and a member in good standing with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”), or a participant in the securities markets such as a bank or other financial institution that is not required to register as a broker-dealer or be a member of FINRA in order to engage in securities transactions; ·is a participant in DTC or has indirect access to the clearing facilities of DTC by virtue of a custodial relationship with a DTC participant; and ·has entered into a Participants Agreement.
Authorized Participant. ’ means a financial institu-
Authorized Participant means a broker-dealer or other participant in the Continuous Net Settlement System of the National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) or a participant in DTC with access to the DTC system, who has executed an agreement with the Distributor that governs transactions in the FundsCreation Units.
Authorized Participant means a Person that, at the time of submitting to the Administrative Trustee, or any trust administrator appointed by the Administrative Trustee, a Purchase Order or a Redemption Order (a) is a registered broker-dealer and, if required in connection with its activities, a registered futures commission merchant, (b) is a DTC Participant, (c) has in effect a valid Authorized Participant Agreement and (d) is in a position to transfer CERFs and the required Short-Term Securities or cash to, or take delivery of these assets from, the Administrative Trustee through one or more accounts.
Authorized Participant shall have the meaning ascribed to the term in Section 1.1 of the Trust Agreement.
Authorized Participant means a Person that is a DTC participant and has entered into an Authorized Participant Agreement which, at the relevant time, is in full force and effect.