Associated Partner definition

Associated Partner means an institution party to a partnership agreement with the beneficiaries, providing training in research and transferable skills, as well as secondment oportunities and participating in the supervisory board.
Associated Partner. An Associated Partner is associated to one of the Project Partners, via a contract with the Project Partner concerned, for the purpose of carrying out certain elements of the Project. The contract of Associated Partner [NAME] with Project Partner [NAME] is in Appendix [NR.]. An Associated Partner is not a signatory to this Project Agreement. Rights, commitments and obligations of Associated Partners resulting from the Appendix [NR.] do not affect the rights, commitments and obligations of the Parties under this Project Agreement. Rights, commitments and obligations of Associated Partner(s) resulting of the Appendix [NR.] is exclusively regulated via the respective Project Partner.] [if this definition is included, please adjust the subsequent definition numbering]
Associated Partner means a transmission system operator for natural gas which is not a Member of the Association but meets the requirements laid down in Article 9a and has been granted the status of an Associated Partner by the General Assembly;

Examples of Associated Partner in a sentence

  • Any Associated Partner from a non EU-country undertakes to comply additionally with any other obligation arising from Art.

  • Should the Associated Partners be obliged to sign a separate agreement concerning its funding for the Project, it is the responsibility of the Associated Partner to ensure such agreement is not in conflict with this Consortium Agreement.

  • Termination by an Associated Partner shall be dealt with in accordance with its national funding authority guidance, and as further described below.

  • The Parties will endeavour to comply with the resulting recommendations and therefore, if required, the Associated Partner shall use reasonable endeavours to either support a transfer of its national funding authority funding to another UK (Exeter) or Canadian (Western) institution who can complete the work, or subcontract certain tasks to another institution.

  • Where an Associated Partner withdraws (for any reason), in the first instance, the Coordinator and withdrawing Associated Partner should endeavour to liaise with the Project Management Committee and appropriate representatives of the European Commission and its national funding authority how best to manage the withdrawal of the Associated Partner, both from a technical and financial perspective.

More Definitions of Associated Partner

Associated Partner means a legal entity supporting the IMI2 objectives in its specific areas of research as referred to in the Council Regulation (EU) No 557/2014 establishing the IMI2 JU, and which has been accepted as such by the IMI2 Governing Board in accordance with articles 2 and 3 of the Statutes of the IMI2 JU.
Associated Partner means any legal entity cooperating with a Beneficiary and identified in Article 9.1
Associated Partner means any trust, limited liability company, limited partnership or similar vehicle for the primary benefit of a Partner’s descendants (whether natural or adopted) or other family members (including spouses and former spouses) and designated in the books and records of the Partnership as an “Associated Partner,” each in its capacity as a partner of the Partnership.
Associated Partner means any legal entity identified in Article 9.1 of Grant Agreement. Associated Partners are not Beneficiaries, do not receive IHI JU funding, and do not necessarily have a (capital or legal) link to a Beneficiary. There are two types of Associated Partners:1 Case A Associated Partner: an Associated Partner who is neither a constituent entity or affiliate of an IHI JU private member nor a constituent entity or affiliate of a Contributing Partner. Such Associated Partner contributes at its own costs and is not required to report on its costs. Case B Associated Partner: an Associated Partner who is a constituent entity or affiliate of an IHI JU private member or a constituent entity or affiliate of a Contributing Partner. Such Associated Partner participates at its own cost, but its contribution can be counted as financial contributions and/or in-kind towards IHI projects as set out in the JUs Regulation. Case B Associated Partners do not sign up to the Consortium Agreement. The Beneficiary to which they are linked is responsible towards the other Beneficiaries and towards the IHI JU for its Case B Associated Partners complying with the terms of the Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement, and for their acts and omissions with respect to the Action. For purposes of the Action, Case B Associated Partners also qualify as Extended Affiliates of the Beneficiary to which they are linked. For the avoidance of doubt, each Beneficiary Not Receiving IHI JU funding is entitled to engage Case B Associated Partners in its sole discretion without the approval of the other Beneficiaries.
Associated Partner means, in the context of Horizon Europe, a legal entity established in a third country which is not EU Member States and not associated to the Framework Programme. For the effects of this Consortium Agreement, King’s College London (KCL) and Stanford University (SU) are Associated Partners to this Project.
Associated Partner means any legal entity identified in Article 9.1 of Grant Agreement. Associated Partners are not Beneficiaries, do not receive IHI JU funding, and do not necessarily have a (capital or legal) link to a Beneficiary. There are two types of Associated Partners:1
Associated Partner. Associated Partner means an entity which participates in the Action, but without the right to charge costs or claim contributions. They contribute to the implementation of the Action, but do not sign the Grant Agreement. Associated Partners may not employ the Doctoral Candidates under the Action.