Agricultural definition

Agricultural. , in reference to use, means land, buildings or structures used, designed or intended to be used solely for an “agricultural operation” as that term is defined in section 1 of the Farming and Food Production Protection Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c. 1;
Agricultural means the use of land for agricultural purposes, including farming, dairying, pasturage, agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, viticulture, and animal and poultry husbandry and the necessary accessory uses for packing, treating and storing the produce; provided, however, that the operation of any such accessory uses shall be secondary to that of normal agricultural activities and provided further that the above uses shall not include the commercial feeding of garbage or offal to swine or other animals or the commercial hatching, breeding, raising or feeding of poultry, cattle, sheep or swine.
Agricultural means the use of water for stock watering, irrigation, and other farm purposes.

Examples of Agricultural in a sentence

  • Any and all products developed by California Agricultural Teachers’ Induction Program are the exclusive property of the California Agricultural Teachers’ Induction Program.

  • Schools, districts, their employees, staff and subcontractors shall not have the right to disseminate, market, or otherwise use the products without the written permission of the California Agricultural Teachers’ Induction Program.

  • This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into between the Xxxxx Joint Unified School District (DJUSD) – Local Educational Agency (LEA) for the California Agricultural Teachers’ Induction Program (CATIP) – and the participating district or LEA listed above (referred to as “District” in this MOU) to participate in the California Agricultural Teachers’ Induction Program.

  • XX.XX and reference AAFC’s personal information bank Agricultural Marketing Programs Act: Advance Payments Program, PPU 140.

  • Example roles Office Management Coordinator Program/Communications Coordinator Project Officer GIS/Data Officer Contracts Coordinator Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator NACC NRM CLASSIFICATION LEVEL 5 Overview A NACC NRM Level 5 employee would generally be required to undertake work that is complex in nature, work under limited direction with the opportunity for reasonable autonomy and accountability.

More Definitions of Agricultural

Agricultural means the category of properties for which the water service is pro- vided under the Agricultural Irrigation water service classification, and plant nurseries.
Agricultural means a farm registered as such for income tax purposes in the current year.
Agricultural means a use category containing nonresidential uses primarily related to the raising of animals and crops that do not exceed the threshold for concentrated or intensive animal feeding operations. The use category includes: crop production; nursery (retail); stables; and animal, crop, and farm equipment storage.
Agricultural means the primary use of the land is to produce crops, harvest timber or graze livestock for commercial purposes consistent with the land’s capability to produce including land used for a farmstead structure that supports the land’s capability to produce.
Agricultural means agricultural within the meaning of the Agriculture Act 1967 (c. 22) or the Agriculture Act (Northern Ireland) 1949 (c. 2 (N.I.));
Agricultural means non-residential lands, buildings or structures or any part thereof used, designed or intended solely for farming, apiaries, fish farming, animal husbandry or the cultivation of trees, shrubs, flowers, grains, sod, fruits, vegetables and other crops or ornamental plants, or similar agrarian activity, on land of at least three (3) hectares in area, and includes barns, implement sheds, seasonal roadside stands and silos but does not include processing or year-round wholesale or retail facilities;
Agricultural means the primary use of the land is to produce crops, harvest timber or graze livestock for commercial purposes consistent with the land’s capability to produce.