Examples of Agricultural producer in a sentence
Agricultural producer groups have promoted industry-led agri- environment initiatives in an attempt to dissuade the Government from implementing environmental regulation in the face of growing public pressure over environmentally damaging agriculture practices (Cox et al., 1985; Cox et al., 1986; Clark and Jones, 1998).
Agricultural producer organizations opposed the requirement, stating that it would be distracting for the video to be interrupted for questions, and there would be lost time for the trainer.
Agricultural producer means a person, including non-profits, directly engaged in the production of agricultural products through labor management and operations, including the cultivating, growing, and harvesting plants and crops (including farming); breeding, raising, feeding, or housing of livestock (including ranching); forestry products; hydroponics; nursery stock; or aquaculture, whereby 50 percent or greater of their gross income is derived from the operations.
Agricultural producer (farmer) The agricultural producer is the first link of the supply chain, hence their necessity to partici- pate in the KZR INiG System.
Agricultural producer, as indicated above, operates in conditions shaped by oth- er market participants, i.e. the consumer and the agri-food processor.