Agricultural operations means the growing and harvesting of crops or the raising of fowl or animals for the primary purpose of making a profit, providing a livelihood, or conducting agricultural research or instruction by an educational institution. Agricultural operations do not include activities involving the processing or distribution of crops or fowl.
Agricultural operations means (1) the growing or harvesting of crops from soil (including forest operations) and the raising of plants at wholesale nurseries, but not retail nurseries), or the raising of fowl or animals for the primary purpose of making a profit, providing a livelihood, or conducting agricultural research or instruction by an educational institution, or (2) agricultural crop preparation services such as packinghouses, cotton gins, nut hullers and processors, dehydrators, and feed and grain mills. Agricultural crop preparation services include only the first processing after harvest, not subsequent processing, canning, or other similar activities. For forest operations, agricultural crop preparation services include milling, peeling, producing particleboard and medium density fiberboard, and producing woody landscape materials.
Agricultural operations means (1) the growing or harvesting of crops from soil (including forest operations) and the raising of plants at wholesale nurseries, but not retail nurseries, or the raising of fowl or animals for the primary purpose of making a profit, providing a livelihood, or conducting agricultural research or instruction by an educational institution, or (2) agricultural crop preparation services.
Examples of Agricultural operations in a sentence
Agricultural operations, as defined by KRS 224.71-100(1) conducting activities pursuant to KRS 224.71-100 (3), (4), (5), (6), or 10 are deemed to have certification if they are implementing an Agriculture Water Quality Plan pursuant to KRS 224.71-145.
Agricultural operations must provide manure containment facilities for manure storage.
Agricultural operations may employ some workers who require overtime pay.
Agricultural operations on a typical Bruce County family cattle operation, for example, may consist of a few days of annual haying, harvesting, ploughing and seeding on minor sections of the farm.
Mr. Krasner estimates the process will take six months with several different architects involved.
More Definitions of Agricultural operations
Agricultural operations means the growing of crops for profit or the growing of crops for the purpose of providing life support to a considerable number of people, animals, or fowl.
Agricultural operations means the conduct of activities involving the production, keeping or maintenance of plants and /or animals or activities ancillary thereto, as a business or gainful occupation. It does not include the conduct of activities such as landscaping businesses and restaurants. [Amended Eff. 06/27/2008]
Agricultural operations means agricultural operations as defined in the 'National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Act, 1981';
Agricultural operations means farming in all its branches,
Agricultural operations means the operation of a motor vehicle or combination of vehicles transporting agricultural commodities or farm supplies for agricultural purposes.
Agricultural operations means all non-structural activities by the owner, lessee, agent, independent contractor or supplier conducted on any facility for the production of crops, livestock, poultry, livestock products or poultry products. These activities are considered conforming uses as long as the requirements of Section 3.7.B.2 are met.
Agricultural operations means (1) the growing or harvesting of crops (including forest operations) or the raising of fowl or animals for the primary purpose of making a profit, providing a livelihood, or conducting agricultural research or instruction by an educational institution, or (2) agricultural crop preparation services such as packinghouses, nut hullers and processors, dehydrators, and feed and grain mills. Agricultural crop preparation services include only the first processing after harvest, not subsequent processing, canning, or other similar activities. A vehicle that is used for agricultural operations and for other works is considered to be a vehicle used in agricultural operations only if over half of its annual operating hours are for agricultural operations.. {effective May 1, 2010}