SINGLE ACCOUNT. All transactions for or in connection with your Account shall be deemed to be included in a single account notwithstanding the fact that such transactions may be segregated on our or Clearing Firm's records into separate accounts, either severally or jointly with others; and at any time and from time to time, at our discretion, we and Clearing Firm may without notice to you, apply and/or transfer any or all securities and/or other property between any of your Accounts or from any of your Accounts to any account guaranteed by you.
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SINGLE ACCOUNT. The parties agree that balances on cash accounts linked to securities accounts and current accounts held in the Account holder’s name will be consolidated, ipso jure and at any time, regardless of the currency in which they are denominated. This principle of automatic and ongoing consolidation shall extend, where applicable, to any account of the same type opened in the name of the Account holder at the Bank. In general, all current accounts and all cash accounts linked to the securities accounts opened by the Bank for the same Account holder, showing a credit or debit balance, regardless of the currency, shall form, unless otherwise agreed and insofar as their terms permit, compartments of a single and indivisible account held with the Bank, even if they are separate accounts and bear different identification numbers. This single account principle applies to each of the Account holder’s accounts and excludes any account where such consolidation is not authorized by law. It does not prevent each individual account held by the Account holder, individually considered, from generating interest on debit balances during the business relationship between the Bank and the Account holder. All credit or debit transactions between the Account holder and the Bank are recorded in this single account and become ordinary credit and debit items generating a single credit or debit balance, payable at the end of the business relationship between the parties. Consequently, the Bank may refuse to perform a debit transaction on an account where the consolidated balance of all these accounts is insufficient regardless of the position of any of the accounts in question. Any balance denominated in foreign currencies may be converted into euros at the rate published by the European Central Bank on the day when the balance is determined. Certain transactions may however be excluded from the single account principle. Accordingly, the following may be recorded in a special account: • unpaid cheques for which the Bank may be the bearer, so as to retain its right to recourse against third parties; • receivables guaranteed by in rem and personal security interests or liens. However, the Bank reserves the right not to separate one or more of the entries referred to in the previous paragraph. Similarly, the Bank may also, after having recorded these entries on a special account, decide to transfer some or all of them, at any time, to the account. In rem and personal guarantees, and pledg...
SINGLE ACCOUNT. All transactions in futures contracts for or in connection with Customer’s accounts shall be deemed to be included in a single account notwithstanding the fact that such transactions may be segregated on Broker’s records into separate accounts, either severally or jointly with others. Any transfer between such accounts may be made on Customer’s verbal instructions or at any time, from time to time, in Broker’s discretion, Broker may without notice to Customer, apply or transfer any or all monies, securities, commodities, options, commodity futures contracts or other property of Customer interchangeably among any of Customer’s accounts; provided, however, that Broker shall not, without Customer’s prior written consent, use Customer’s net equity in any account subject to the regulations of the CFTC under the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, to carry trades or to offset any net deficit of Customer in goods or property not included in the term “commodity” as defined in said regulations.
SINGLE ACCOUNT. The account opened for you by the Bank is a current account designed to record all transactions between the parties, converting them into simple debit or credit items which, when the account is closed will produce a debit or credit balance. The single account principle will apply even when various accounts are opened under different numbers or when transactions are recorded in various currencies. However, different rates of interest may be applied within the main account. For foreign currency accounts, the position of the overall account will be valued in euros if necessary. Any debit or credit transaction made to an account will be automatically converted into the currency in which the account is held, unless agreed otherwise. auprès d'un prestataire de services de paiement, soit auprès de plus d'un prestataire de services de paiement en ce compris la Banque. SUPPORT DURABLE Constitue un support durable, tout instrument permettant au Client de xxxxxxx xxx informations qui lui sont personnellement adressées, d'une manière telle que ces informations puissent être consultées ultérieurement pendant une période adaptée à leur finalité et reproduites à l'identique. OUVERTURE DU COMPTE ARTICLE 1 - MODALITES D'OUVERTURE DU COMPTE Le compte ouvert par la Banque au Client est destiné à enregistrer toutes les opérations intervenant entre les parties, les transformant en simples articles de débit et de crédit, générateurs, lors de la clôture dudit compte, d'un solde qui fera apparaître une créance ou une dette exigible. Lors de l'ouverture du compte, le Client doit justifier de son existence ou de tout autre document que la Banque jugerait utile de réclamer, et ses représentants ou mandataires de leur identité, par la présentation d'un document officiel portant leur photographie. Le Client pourra effectuer ses opérations sous un nom commercial, un xxxxx ou une enseigne distinct de sa raison sociale, sous réserve que ce nom commercial, xx xxxxx ou cette enseigne soit mentionné sur un extrait d'immatriculation au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés. Ces opérations seront imputables sur son compte dans les mêmes conditions et avec les mêmes garanties que celles qu'il aura faites sous sa raison sociale. Le Client s'engage à signaler sans délai à la Banque toute modification intervenue dans les informations le concernant, et notamment tout changement de raison sociale, dénomination, enseigne, xxxxx ou nom commercial, siège social, forme, statut fiscal et à en justifier à...
SINGLE ACCOUNT. All Commodity Contract transactions executed by ADMIS for or on Customer’s behalf shall be deemed to be included in and part of the Account as a single account regardless of whether such transactions are segregated on ADMIS’ records into separate accounts, either severally or jointly with others, for regulatory purposes or otherwise, including the reporting of Customer’s positions as required by Applicable Law or regulatory authorities Anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, and for the avoidance of doubt, ADMIS and its affiliates shall have a general right of offset and authorization to transfer balances or amounts between or among any separate accounts within the Account, regardless of how such separate accounts may be segregated or maintained, severally or jointly with others, on ADMIS’ records. Transfers among accounts for the purpose of margin or collateral or the reduction or satisfaction of any deficit balance or other payment obligation of Customer shall be conducted among accounts of the same beneficial ownership in accordance with CFTC Reg. 1.56.
SINGLE ACCOUNT. Transferred Receivables and liabilities of the Company towards the Factor (and vice-versa) which are reciprocal, connected and indivisible, shall be reflected as respective credit and debit items under the Current Account and shall therefore be subject to set-off when due for payment. The same rule shall apply in the event of the opening of Sub-Accounts in order to enhance the monitoring of the transactions under the Agreement. The Current Account and the Sub-Accounts shall form an indivisible whole and single account between the Company and the Factor and the overall balance thereof after set-off of credits and debits shall be considered at all times - and in particular after the termination of the factoring transactions - as the balance of the Current Account. As the case may be, for the avoidance of doubt, the Factor may set-off the credit and debit balances of Sub-Accounts (denominated in different currencies) relating to the Current Account, in order to compute the balance of the Current Account as at the relevant date.
SINGLE ACCOUNT. You agree that all Transacti ons between us, including the values derived from termination of the same shall constitute one single integral and indivisible current account and accordingly there shall be deemed to be a connection betwe en them.
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