Common use of Sick Leave Clause in Contracts

Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.

Appears in 16 contracts

Samples: Comprehensive Agreement, Comprehensive Agreement, Comprehensive Agreement

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Sick Leave. An employee Employees shall be eligible for sick leave provided that they report to their building principal or other appropriate supervisor before their normal starting day, unless in the judgment of the District the circumstances surrounding the absence make such reporting impossible, in which event such report must report be made as soon thereafter as possible. Employees shall accumulate sick leave at the intention rate of .6154 working days (4.9232 hours based on an eight-hour workday) for each pay period of service. Nine- month and Ten-month employees shall accrue sick leave only during the pay periods that they are employed. Unused sick leave may be accumulated to be absent from duty a total of 130 days of sick leave for 12 month employees and 90 days for 9 and 10 month employees. If the expected return date is at least 12 months away, then, as a further condition to receipt of benefits, the staff member shall make application to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before South Dakota Retirement System for disability benefits, and a copy of the employee’s regular starting time, but application shall be furnished to the Human Resource Office. Xxxx leave may be taken in no case later than 7:00 a.m. 15 minute increments or more when the employee becomes ill after being on the job for part of a working day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on and when it is necessary for the previous day or earlieremployee to take off for a medical appointment. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, is at the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed maximum sick leave accumulation at the start of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days employee will be added continue to accrue sick leave at the allowance for rate specified herein and any sick leave taken during the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one current contract year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall will first be deducted from the employee’s leave days accumulated daysin the current contract year. If an employee reaches the maximum allowed accumulation during the current contract year, the employee will continue to accrue sick leave at the rate specified herein, for the balance of the current contract year and any sick leave taken during the balance of the current contract year will first be deducted from the leave days accumulated since the employee reached the maximum. At the end of the current contract year, any all accumulated days in excess of the accumulated maximum amounts permitted herein, other than the days which are unused in the employee’s special sick leave account, will be dropped and the employee will start the next contract year at the maximum accumulation. Each day of paid sick leave shall be added equivalent to the employee's normal work day at the employee's applicable wage rate at the start of the absence for which compensation is requested. If an employee resigns or is discharged from employment, any unused accumulation of sick leave shall be canceled. An employee who is absent from work because of an occupational disability arising out of and in the course of employment and which is compensable under Worker's Compensation Law shall be paid his/her regular allowance wages for the succeeding number of days equal to his/her accumulated sick leave at the beginning of the absence which shall not be charged against such employee's accumulated sick leave. Thereafter, such employee will draw against his/her accumulated sick leave. Worker's Compensation payments received for the days when regular wages are continued or when sick leave payments are made shall be returned to the District. Each employee shall be responsible for requesting sick leave through the time card system. The Human Resources Director or immediate supervisor may request a physician's statement concerning such absence. Any employee who willfully violates or misuses this sick leave policy or who misrepresents any statement or condition under said policy, shall forfeit all accumulation of sick leave for a period of one year. If an employee is unable still not able to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated return to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years work because of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All illness when his/her accumulated sick leave is forfeited exhausted, he/she shall, upon his/her written request, be granted a leave of absence without pay for a period of up to one calendar year. An employee on such leave shall maintain employee benefits accrued prior to the period covered by the leave of absence, but shall receive no compensation nor accrue benefits from the District for the period covered by the leave of absence. An employee on such leave who desires to return to employment shall give written notice of his/her desire to return, and he/she shall be restored to his/her former position or to one of at least comparable classification not later than 60 days from his/her written request for re-employment. Failure to return from a leave of absence on or before its expiration date shall be considered as a resignation and voluntary quit. For purposes of this Section, pregnancy which renders the member unable to perform her assigned duties and disability which follows delivery or termination of employmentpregnancy is deemed to be personal illness. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject Up to all practices granted in Article XVII with six (6) calendar weeks of sick leave, from the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVIIdate of delivery, Section C, at will be allowed as a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition matter of employmentcourse.

Appears in 13 contracts

Samples: Employee Negotiated Agreement, Employee Negotiated Agreement, Employee Negotiated Agreement

Sick Leave. An Each full-time teacher shall have eight (8) days of sick leave per year. Leave for part-time teachers shall be in proportion to their full-time equivalency. Teachers with an extended contract shall receive additional sick leave at the rate of 0.5 days for every ten days or portion thereof of extended time. Unused sick leave may accumulate up to seventy days (70). Use of sick leave for illness or disability purposes shall be defined as the illness or disability of the employee must report or illness, disability, or death in the intention immediate family. The term “immediate family” shall include spouse, child, stepchild, grandchild, siblings, parent, or grandparent. Additionally, any of those categories listed would be expanded to be absent from duty include “in-law.” In addition to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting timeaccumulated days of sick leave, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal each full-time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports teacher shall also have for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to his/her use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added equal to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no his/her accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation the first duty day. Said days shall be referenced as “sub-deduct days.” Sub-deduct days may be used for sick leave will not be allowed under leave. A sub-deduct day shall provide the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactiverequesting teacher full daily salary less regular substitute wages for each sub -deduct day awarded. All The purpose of a sub-deduct day is to provide a continuing income for teachers who are faced with illness or injury and have used up all their accumulated sick leave. Sub-deduct days are in addition to the accumulated days of sick leave and may be available to a teacher when said teacher has exhausted all accumulated sick leave. Teachers, before using a sub-deduct day, shall exhaust their accumulated sick leave. Any teacher who desires a sub-deduct day shall make their request for a sub-deduct day from their building principal. Said request shall be in writing, either in paper or electronic form and shall include the number of sub-deduct days requested and a brief explanation for the request. The building principal shall forward the request to the superintendent, building association representative where the teacher is forfeited employed and the president of the association. Each designated person receiving the sub-deduct request shall expeditiously indicate their support for or denial of the request to the building principal based upon the termination of employmentinformation provided by the requesting teacher. Regular Part Time EmployeesIf two or more persons from among those designated to review the request approve said request, the requesting teacher shall receive the agreed upon sub-deduct day(s). Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentSick leave may be used as bereavement leave.

Appears in 8 contracts


Sick Leave. An employee, SUCCESS employee or sign language interpreter must report the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee's, SUCCESS employee’s or sign language interpreter’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee, SUCCESS employee or sign language interpreter expects to return to an assignment, the employee, SUCCESS employee or sign language interpreter must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee, SUCCESS employee or sign language interpreter does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s, SUCCESS employee’s salary. or sign language interpreter’ssalary Regular full time employees, SUCCESS employees or sign language interpreters shall be allowed a sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee, SUCCESS employee or sign language interpreter does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There Effective with the 2013-14 school years, employees (other than SUCCESS employees and sign language interpreters) may accumulate up to 115 days for use as sick leave. For SUCCESS employees and sign language interpreters, there is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s, SUCCESS employee’s or sign language interpreter’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee, SUCCESS employee or sign language interpreter is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee, SUCCESS employee or sign language interpreter shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability sick leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee, SUCCESS employee or sign language interpreter is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on from which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee, SUCCESS employee or sign language interpreter does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All Except for employees approved for early retirement effective in the 2003 school year and thereafter, all accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section Cthird paragraph, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.

Appears in 8 contracts

Samples: Comprehensive Agreement, Comprehensive Agreement, Comprehensive Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. time on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full full-time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.

Appears in 8 contracts

Samples: Comprehensive Agreement, Comprehensive Agreement, Comprehensive Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee or SUCCESS employee must report the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee's or SUCCESS employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee or SUCCESS employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee or SUCCESS employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee or SUCCESS employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. or SUCCESS employee’s salary Regular full time employees or SUCCESS employees shall be allowed a sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee or SUCCESS employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There Effective with the 2013-14 school years, employees (other than SUCCESS employees) may accumulate up to 115 days for use as sick leave. For SUCCESS employees, there is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s or SUCCESS employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee or SUCCESS employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee or SUCCESS employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability sick leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee or SUCCESS employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on from which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee or SUCCESS employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All Except for employees approved for early retirement effective in the 2003 school year and thereafter, all accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section Cthird paragraph, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.

Appears in 7 contracts

Samples: Comprehensive Agreement, Comprehensive Agreement, Comprehensive Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention to be absent from duty Sick leave provides continuation of pay to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before District worker who cannot perform her/his duties because of physical or mental illness or injury. Each full-time worker of the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed District earns sick leave at the rate of 15 working days during eight hours per month. New workers employed after the 10th of the month shall have their first year sick leave pro-rated for that month. Workers including classified hourly employees who regularly work fewer than 40 hours per week are entitled to that proportion of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added sick leave granted full-time workers that is equal to the allowance percent of a full-time contract. During extended sick leave, a worker ceases to earn sick leave beyond his or her potential entitlement for the succeeding yearcurrent fiscal year but continues to earn vacation leave. There is no limit to the amount of sick leave which either full or partial contract workers may earn and accumulate from year to year. Sick leave may be used in increments of one-quarter hour or longer. A worker has available for use all of his or her earned sick leave plus the balance of his or her full potential entitlement for the current fiscal year. The number of sick leave hours earned, the number used during the current fiscal year, and the worker's balance will appear on the total number of days that check stub each month. Sick leave may be accumulatedused for appointments with doctors or dentists or (after all personal necessity leave has been exhausted) up to seven days can be used for care of an ill member of the worker's immediate family (as defined in Section 10.15). In case Under certain circumstances approved by the Director of absences Human Resources, sick leave can also be used for other reasons of personal necessity. A worker may not be gainfully employed while absent on illness or injury in any accident leave. Sick leave may not be used to extend a weekend or vacation when the worker is not actually sick. Sick leave is not a "rest leave" unless so prescribed by a physician. Whenever a worker is absent on sick leave for three or more working days or when a pattern of sick leave suggests a chronic illness, a medical report that outlines the nature of the problem and the probable date of full recovery may be required. If the information from the worker's personal physician is insufficient, an examination by a physician of the District's choosing may be required, at District expense. Any worker who transfers after at least one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with from one school to another when no more than one year intervenes between termination in one district and employment in the districtother, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact should request that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated unused sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmenttransferred.

Appears in 5 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement, Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee Employees who need to utilize sick leave must report contact the intention to be absent from duty to office of the designated Employer representative by appropriate supervisor or designee as soon as possible but at least one (1) hour before prior to the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. beginning of his or her shift on the each day of absence, stating the necessity for the absence so that time records can be properly maintained and work schedules realigned. If possibleThis one-(1) hour requirement shall be waived in the event of an emergency. If, notification should having conferred with the appropriate administrator and employee, the Office of Employee Absence and Risk Management believes the intermittent absence(s) to be given on questionable, the previous day Office of Employee Absence and Risk Management will direct the appropriate administrator to request that the employee submit written certification from a physician confirming the necessity for any future personal or earlierfamily sick leave absence(s). If an employee expects This requirement can be valid for up to return to an assignmentthree (3) months. Where a relatively long period of absence is anticipated, the employee must notify the immediate need only contact his supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty designee on the first day of the absence but must state, if known, at that time the estimated date of return. If the absence is for ten (10) or more consecutive days the employee will be reported to the Office of Employee Absence and Risk Management. Employees may be absent without loss of pay, within the limits stated below. Absences shall be charged to sick leave. During the first fiscal year, a full-time ten (10) month employee who is in pay status for the full fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) shall be advanced ten (10) days of sick leave. A full-time twelve (12) month employee who is in pay status for the full fiscal year shall be advanced twelve (12) days of sick leave. After the first fiscal year, a ten (10) month employee who is in pay status for the full fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) shall be advanced fifteen (15) days of sick leave. A full-time twelve (12) month employee who is in pay status for the full fiscal year shall be advanced eighteen (18) days of sick leave. Sick leave shall be prorated for employees who have been in duty status for less than twelve (12) months. A new contract, and had no accumulated employee or a rehire must be on duty at least five (5) qualifying months during a fiscal year to be eligible for the higher advanced rate of sick leave on which to draw, compensation for the following year. A regular part-time or ten (10) month employee shall accrue sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate proportion to the employee’s part time condition of employment.time

Appears in 5 contracts

Samples: Master Agreement, Master Agreement, Master Agreement

Sick Leave. Xxxx leave will be earned at the rate of one day per month and may be accumulated from year to year without limitation. An employee must report the intention to be absent from duty who leaves SMCPS employment prior to the designated Employer representative end of the year in which the leave was advanced will be assessed for all advanced sick leave days used that have not been earned. Disability retirees (once approved by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but Maryland State Retirement Agency and after submitting required documentation to the SMCPS Department of Human Resources) shall be granted a waiver of the proration of sick leave if a full contract year is not fulfilled. An employee who separates employment from SMCPS prior to the end of a contract year in no case later than 7:00 a.m. which unearned sick leave was advanced in July will have their sick leave prorated based on the day date of absence. If possible, notification should be given separation and calculated based on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, number of contract days employed in the employee must notify contract year in which the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding yearwas advanced. There is no limit on the total number direct payout of days that sick leave upon separation. Employees may be accumulatedeligible to donate sick leave to other employees who experience serious personal illness, injury, or quarantine, or who must use leave to care for a family member experiencing such illness, injury, or quarantine, and who has used all of their accrued sick leave, personal leave, annual leave, compensatory time, and available Sick Leave Bank benefits. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding The employee receiving the aggregate of days allotted for that year, leave donation and the excess shall donor must be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end members of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable Sick Leave Bank and Exchange at the time regular installments are due under this contractof the donation. Such leave may be donated or exchanged between employees in accordance with procedures and restrictions outlined in Appendix D, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract EASMC ESP, EASMC Certificated, SMASA, and SMCPS Joint Sick Leave Bank and Exchange Guidelines. While employees receiving leave will be considered active employees in a “leave with pay” status for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick periods when donated leave is forfeited being used, neither the donor nor the recipient may utilize donated days upon retirement for additional service credit. Absences for the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentfollowing reasons will be charged against sick leave.

Appears in 4 contracts


Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention to employee, including a probationary employee, will earn credit of eight (8) hours of sick leave with pay for each full month of service. Such credit will be absent accumulated from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, employment provided the employee must notify is hired on or before the immediate supervisor fifteenth of the month and such intention no later than 45 minutes prior credits can be accumulated without limit. In order to normal student dismissal time equalize hourly credits with credits calculated on the previous daya day basis, each fire fighter will have two (2) hours added to his/her accumulated sick leave credits as of January 1st of each year. If the An employee who does not give use any sick leave for a period of six (6) consecutive months will have twelve (12) hours added to his/her vacation leave. This may be taken at any time during the required notification of intent to return, year and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will need not be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from taken with the employee’s salary's vacation. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an An employee does not need to may use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance such credit for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for personal illness or injury or critical illness occurring in any one year exceeding the aggregate immediate family providing that the employee notifies his/her Division Director on the first day of days allotted absence for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end such illness or injury of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance reason for the succeeding yearabsence. Failure to give such notice may be grounds for denial of leave with pay. Illness or injury occurring during an employee's vacation can be adjusted upon written application by the employee upon return to duty. When an employee is disabled because of an occupational injury or illness incurred while performing assigned duties for the County for which he/she is eligible to receive Worker's Compensation payments, he/she will receive benefits in accordance with the County's established Worker's Compensation policies and procedures. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract perform his/her regularly assigned duties as a result of an injury, but is designated still able to beginperform some type of work, the employee shall nevertheless may be entitled assigned by the Division Director other work duties in the Division during the period of his/her recuperation. Verification of illness or injury by a doctor's certificate or by home visitation may be required if considered necessary. Probationary employees earn credits for illness or injury leave from date of employment and such leave credits can be used during the probationary period. All employees hired or transferred into a bargaining unit position prior to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability April 1, 2001, and have continuously served in said position, will be paid thirty percent (30%) of the value of the sick leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable his/her credit at the time regular installments are due under this contractof separation, notwithstanding provided the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered thereinemployee leaves employment in good standing. If such an employee is unable to report for duty on retires under the first day provisions of the new contractFlorida Retirement System, and had no he/she will be paid one hundred percent (100%) of the value of the sick leave accumulated to his/her credit at time of separation. Upon death of such employee, one hundred percent (100%) of the value of accumulated sick leave will be paid to the employee's beneficiary as named on which the employee's group insurance policy. The maximum pay out for employees hired or transferred into the bargaining unit prior to drawApril 1, compensation for 2001, shall be one thousand one hundred twenty (1,120) hours. For all employees hired or transferred into a bargaining unit position on or after April 1, 2001, will be paid twenty-five percent (25%) of the value of the sick leave accumulated to his/her credit at the time of separation, provided the employee leaves employment in good standing. If such an employee retires under the provisions of the Florida Retirement System, he/she will not be paid fifty percent (50%) of the value of the sick leave accumulated to his/her credit at time of separation. Employees hired or transferred into the bargaining unit on or after April 1, 2001, shall continue to be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactiveto accrue an unlimited amount of sick leave. All accumulated The amount of unused sick leave is forfeited upon that may be carried over one calendar year to the termination next shall not exceed a total of employmentsixty (60) shifts (i.e., 1440 hours) for purposes of payment as described herein. Regular Part Time EmployeesThe maximum pay out for employees hired or transferred into the bargaining unit on or after April 1, 2001, shall be seven hundred and twenty (720) hours. Regular part time employees Employees covered by this Agreement may participate in the County's Sick Leave Donation Program and are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate same guidelines and eligibility requirements as non- represented employees. Employees covered by this Agreement are subject to the employee’s part time condition Sick Leave provisions of employmentthe Civil Service Rules and Regulations.

Appears in 4 contracts

Samples: Agreement,,

Sick Leave. An employee or SUCCESS employee must report the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee's or SUCCESS employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee or SUCCESS employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee or SUCCESS employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee or SUCCESS employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s or SUCCESS employee’s salary. Regular full time employees or SUCCESS employees shall be allowed a sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee or SUCCESS employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There Effective with the 2001-02 school years, employees (other than SUCCESS employees) may accumulate up to 100 days for use as sick leave. For SUCCESS employees, there is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s or SUCCESS employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee or SUCCESS employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee or SUCCESS employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability sick leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee or SUCCESS employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on from which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee or SUCCESS employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All Except for employees approved for early retirement effective in the 2003 school year and thereafter, all accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section Cthird paragraph, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Comprehensive Agreement, Comprehensive Agreement, Comprehensive Agreement

Sick Leave. 13.01 (a) An employee must report shall earn sick leave credits at the intention rate of one (1) day for each calendar month of actual work, which credit can be accumulated to a maximum of twelve (12) days. Xxxx leave credits may also be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If earned when an employee expects to return is on vacation, attending the Manitoba Trades Training Course or when off work due to an assignmentindustrial injury, when on bereavement leave or jury duty and receiving compensation as provided in Article 18, when excused by the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior employer for any reason or on short term leave for Union Business. Any sick leave used is to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salarysick leave accumulation and on return to work the employee will again earn sick leave credits on the same basis as above. Regular full time employees Employees who have an accumulation of twelve (12) days sick leave credit, then their waiting period will be one (1) day of scheduled work lost before benefits are payable. Employees who have less than twelve (12) days of sick leave accumulation, then the waiting period will be three (3) days of scheduled work lost before benefits are payable. Employees who are regularly scheduled to work twelve (12) hour shifts, each shift shall be allowed sick counted as one (1) day towards the waiting period. Sick leave is to be paid only for scheduled days of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from work lost at straight time at the employee’s accumulated dayshourly rate. At Xxxx leave may be used as family responsibility leave in the end event that an employee has a minor aged child who is ill and requires care. An employee may use up to a maximum of the year, any of the accumulated three (3) days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding per calendar year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for No sick leave will not be allowed paid if employee is eligible for Weekly Indemnity under the new contract until Insurance Program or if eligible for Worker’s Compensation except to cover the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactivewaiting period for that insurance. All accumulated A physician’s or licensed nurse practitioner’s statement must be presented to the Company substantiating the sickness before the employees sick leave benefits will be paid. The Company reserves the right to request a doctor’s note at the Company’s expense in accordance with Article 13.01(e) when off work to care for a minor aged child who is forfeited upon ill. Any time taken is inclusive of Family Responsibility Leave available under the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentManitoba Employment Standards Code.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: McCain Foods, McCain Foods, McCain Foods

Sick Leave. An Employees will be awarded 18 days of sick leave annually on July 1st. Accrual of sick leave shall be limited to ninety (90) days, as of June 1, 1981, shall not be reduced to a maximum of ninety (90) days, except through normal attrition. This attrition shall occur only after the employee must report has used the intention one and one-half (1-1/2) days (or portion thereof) are not used. These days shall not be carried forward to be absent from duty add to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later accumulated total If it makes it more than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absenceninety (90) days. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If When an employee expects qualifies for long term disability insurance benefits, then that employee, upon returning to return to an assignmentactive employment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract yeargranted, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of employment, the new contract, and had no accumulated number of sick leave days the employee had available on which the date of the disability, not to drawexceed ninety (90) days. Employees absent from work on legal holidays, compensation during sick leave, or on vacation, or absent for disability arising from injuries sustained in the course of their employment or for authorized leaves of absence with pay, shall continue to accumulate sick leave at the regularly prescribed rate during such absence as though they were present for duty. An employee eligible for sick leave will with pay may use such sick leave upon approval of the supervisor for absences due to illness or injury. An employee on sick leave shall inform the supervisor of the fact and the reason thereof as soon as possible and failure to do so within a reasonable time may be cause for denial of pay for the period of absence. The supervisor may require a doctor's certificate before applying sick leave pay. Absence for a fraction (or part of a day) is chargeable to sick leave in accordance with these provisions shall be charged proportionately in an amount no smaller than one half (1/2) day, on separation from school district service, all sick leave credit shall be canceled and may not be allowed under reinstated or paid for. NOTE: Pregnancy in and by itself does not qualify an employee for the new contract until the benefits of sick leave. Only sickness or a disability resulting from this temporary condition shall qualify an employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated to use available sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentbenefits.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Confidential Employees Working Agreement, Confidential Employees Working Agreement, Confidential Employees Working Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee, SUCCESS employee or sign language interpreter must report the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee's, SUCCESS employee’s or sign language interpreter’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee, SUCCESS employee or sign language interpreter expects to return to an assignment, the employee, SUCCESS employee or sign language interpreter must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee, SUCCESS employee or sign language interpreter does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s, SUCCESS employee’s salary. or sign language interpreter’s salary Regular full time employees, SUCCESS employees or sign language interpreters shall be allowed a sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee, SUCCESS employee or sign language interpreter does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There Effective with the 2013-14 school years, employees (other than SUCCESS employees and sign language interpreters) may accumulate up to 115 days for use as sick leave. For SUCCESS employees and sign language interpreters, there is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s, SUCCESS employee’s or sign language interpreter’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee, SUCCESS employee or sign language interpreter is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee, SUCCESS employee or sign language interpreter shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability sick leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee, SUCCESS employee or sign language interpreter is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on from which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee, SUCCESS employee or sign language interpreter does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All Except for employees approved for early retirement effective in the 2003 school year and thereafter, all accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section Cthird paragraph, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Comprehensive Agreement, Comprehensive Agreement, Comprehensive Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end All supervisors of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused school staff shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability ten (10) sick leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the days each school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to with pay as of the first official day of said school year whether or not they report for duty on the first day that day. Any of the new contract, unused sick leave days shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit. Whenever absence due to illness or injury exceeds the annual sick leave and had no accumulated sick leave on which of a supervisor, the Board may grant additional leave with pay minus the cost of a substitute for such additional leave for such length of time as may be determined by the Board in each individual case. The salary of a substitute shall be the salary set by the Board as the normal rate of pay per day for substitutes. The supervisor shall certify to drawthe Board, compensation in writing, the nature of his illness upon return to duty in all cases. Sick leave for sick leave will not be allowed under more than three (3) consecutive days may require the new contract until teacher to present, in addition to his or her certification as to the employee does reportillness, whereupon it will become retroactivethe certification of his or her physician. All Retiring supervisors who have been teachers with twenty (20) years or more service to the Phillipsburg School System shall receive one-half (1/2) of his/her daily rate of pay for up to and including ninety (90) days of unused accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon (i.e. forty-five (45) full days pay maximum) and in addition, retiring supervisors shall be paid quarter-pay (1/4) for the termination next accumulated thirty (30) sick leave days. The daily rate of employmentpay for this purpose shall be 1/184th of the pay earned in the previous 187 full contract days worked including senior service increments where applicable. Regular Part Time EmployeesAny supervisor who has been in the employ of the Board of Education of Phillipsburg, New Jersey, for a continuous period of twenty (20) years or more, and whose sick leave has expired, may request that s(he) be paid the differential days between his/her salary and that of a substitute for a maximum period of seventy-five (75) days while s(he) remains employed by the Board of Education. Regular part time employees are subject to Said payments shall be made for not more than the seventy-five days in any one period consisting of any two consecutive years. The salary of a substitute shall be the salary set by the Board of Education as the normal rate of pay per day for substitutes and shall enter into all practices granted calculations. The Board shall review the request on a case by case basis, and notify the supervisor of its decision in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentwriting.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement, Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention The CEA and Board mutually agree that students are best served by having regular employees present in work assignments. To that end, employees are encouraged to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by schedule non-emergency medical appointments at least one hour before the employee’s times that do not conflict with regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absenceworkday hours. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the Each bargaining unit employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation fifteen (15) days of sick leave with pay for any unused medically related disability each year under contract and shall accrue such sick leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due rate of one and one-fourth (1-1/4) days for each calendar month under this contract, notwithstanding . Sick leave shall be cumulative to two hundred twenty (220) days. Each employee will furnish a written signed statement on forms provided by the fact that actual service did Board to justify the use of sick leave. Sick leave may be used in fractional amounts of not commence under this contract for the school year covered thereinless than one-half (1/2) of a full day. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day Falsification of the new contract, and had no accumulated a sick leave on which to draw, compensation statement is grounds for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the suspension or termination of employment. Regular Part Time EmployeesAn employees who has accumulated the maximum two hundred twenty (220) days of sick leave will be able to use from additionally earned sick leave days prior to using sick days from the accumulated sick leave total. For the purpose of determining severance pay, an employee may add all unused sick leave from the year of retirement to the previous accumulation for a maximum possible total of two hundred thirty-five (235) days. Each newly hired bargaining unit employee who has no accumulated sick leave, or any employee who has exhausted sick leave, will be advanced sick leave of at least five (5) days. An employee who leaves the Board's employ prior to repayment of such advance shall have the balance of the advance withheld from the said employee’s final pay. An employee on paid leave will continue to accumulate sick leave at the rate of one and one-fourth (1-1/4) days per month. An employee on unpaid leave will not continue to accumulate sick leave. An employee will be deemed to be on unpaid leave in a given month if the employee is on unpaid status for more than one-half (1/2) of the regularly scheduled work days for that month. Regular part part-time employees are subject will be entitled to all practices granted sick leave in Article XVII proportion to the time actually worked. If a part-time employee becomes a full-time employee, or vice versa, accumulated sick leave will be mathematically converted to reflect the new status (for example, if a half-time employee with fifty (50) days of sick leave becomes a full-time employee, he/she will be credited with twenty-five (25) full days of sick leave.) An employee who has accumulated sick leave with any public agency in the State of Ohio shall be credited with such sick leave up to the maximum accumulation identified in Paragraph 2 above if employment with the stipulation that Board takes place within ten (10) years of the date when the employee left the other public agency. Bargaining unit employees absent for purposes of sick leave when school is canceled, or employees relieved of regular part time employees duties for the cancellation day will not be charged with sick leave. Sick leave shall engage in practices be granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate for absence due to the employee’s part time condition of employment.following reasons:

Appears in 3 contracts


Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be Employees are allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their for personal illness or injury according to the following schedule: The first year of employment 10 days The second year of employment 11 days The third year of employment 12 days The fourth year of employment 13 days The fifth year of employment 14 days The sixth and subsequent years of employment 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of payA new employee shall report for work at least one (1) full day prior to receiving sick leave benefits. If an employee does not need to use the his/her allotted days during the contract year, the unused days may be accumulated to one hundred twenty-five (125) days. After reporting for work the next year, the employee will be added credited with the current year’s fifteen (15) days, so that up to the allowance for the succeeding one hundred forty (140) days may be used in one year if necessary. However, no more than 125 days may be carried forward to a subsequent year. There Employees who are assigned work for more than the school term shall be allowed one (1) additional day of current sick leave for each full month beyond the school term. An employee who is no limit on the total number unable to work because of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for personal illness or injury and who has exhausted his/her accumulated sick leave, shall be granted an unpaid leave of absence for the balance of the contract year in which his/her accumulated sick leave has been exhausted or for the period of time specified in the Family and Medical Leave Act, whichever is longer. Sick leave for any one length of time may require a doctor’s certificate. In any case, a doctor’s certificate must be presented whenever sick leave is requested for more than five (5) days. Part-time employees will be allotted sick leave days in the same proportion as the amount of time they are employed. (For example: A seventh year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted employee who is working 2/5ths time would have 6 full days--15 2/5ths days—for that year, the excess shall .) Part-time employees will also accumulate sick leave days and be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added subject to the regular allowance same rules as for full-time employees. In the succeeding yearevent a full-time employee is reduced to part-time, he/she shall retain his/her accrued sick leave. (For example: If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave has 30 days accumulated from prior years of service with the districtfull-time employment, pursuant he/she would have 60 half days if he/she went to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are half time.) Any amounts due an employee under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence Article shall be reduced by any benefits payable under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentWorkers’ Compensation.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement, Agreement

Sick Leave. Sick leave is provided for absences caused by actual non-work related illnesses or injuries, necessary medical, dental or optical appointments or treatments, or confinement due to quarantine as determined by an authorized medical authority. Sick leave is pro-rated throughout the calendar year and is earned on the 15th of the month on a calendar year basis. An employee must report the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by marked with a positive payroll marking at least one hour before day in the employee’s regular starting timepayroll period which includes the 15th of the month in order to earn sick leave for that month. All department employees shall earn sick leave at the rate of 1.25 sick days per month for a total of fifteen (15) days per calendar year, but with unlimited accrual. A member at the time of retirement shall receive membership service for unused sick leave in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on accordance with the day formula that twenty-two (22) days of absenceunused sick leave are equal to one (1) Month of membership service. If possible, notification should One (1) additional month of membership service shall be given on granted if fractional days totaling eleven (11) or more result from the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor application of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous daythis formula. If the employee leaves the service of the Department having used more sick leave than the employee actually would have accrued, the value of such excess sick leave shall be reimbursed to the County. An employee placed on Excessive Absenteeism Notice shall provide his/her supervisor with a written physician's excuse from work for any sick leave used for the next six- month period. Advanced unearned sick leave may be granted by the Office of Human Resources under recommendation from the Chief of Police. The recommendation must be accompanied by a written statement from the employee's physician. An additional physician statement may be required during the period of absence. Unearned sick leave can be advanced only after the employee has exhausted all accrued sick leave and available leave days. This does not give include the required notification 104 leave days necessary for "weekend leave" for sworn personnel. Unearned sick leave may be extended to a maximum of intent to return30 work days, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morninggenerally. In unusual circumstances, the substitute Administrative Officer may extend beyond the 30 day limit. Unearned sick leave will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed back with regularly earned sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, after the employee shall nevertheless be entitled returns to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years work or as stated in Section 9.11: Leave Donation of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered thereinMemorandum of Understanding. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for No sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract accrued until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated advanced sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employmentpaid back. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are Unearned sick leave is subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with review by the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentPersonnel Salary and Advisory Board.

Appears in 3 contracts


Sick Leave. An Any employee needing to utilize sick leave must report contact his/her immediate supervisor prior to or during the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one first hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the of each day of absence, stating the necessity for the absence so that time records can be properly maintained and work schedules realigned. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignmentWhere a relatively long period of absence is anticipated, the employee must notify the immediate need only contact his/her supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the absence but must state at the time the estimated date of return. The employee is required to submit to the appropriate administrator a letter or a suitable form giving the reason for absence. Employees may be absent without loss of pay, within the limits stated below. Absences shall be charged to sick leave. A full-time ten (10) month employee during the first fiscal year shall be advanced ten (10) days of sick leave. A twelve (12) month employee shall be advanced twelve (12) days during the first fiscal year. A full-time ten (10) month employee, after the first fiscal year, shall be advanced fifteen (15) days of sick leave. A full-time (12) month employee, after the first fiscal year, shall be advanced eighteen (18) days of sick leave. Sick leave shall be prorated for employees who have been in duty status for less than twelve (12) months. A new contractemployee or a rehire must be on duty at least five (5) qualifying months during a fiscal year to be eligible the following year for the higher advanced rate of sick leave. A regular part-time or ten (10) month employee shall be advanced sick leave in proportion to the time worked. All unused sick leave is cumulative. An employee on less than a twelve (12) month schedule, and had no who is employed for additional periods of duty on a temporary basis, is permitted to use sick leave during these periods. Such an employee shall receive sick leave for the additional term of employment in proportion to the time worked. An employee on leave of absence requiring Board action shall not be advanced sick leave. An employee who becomes seriously ill while on vacation may have his/her vacation extended or take vacation at a later date. A serious illness is one that requires hospitalization or is of prolonged nature. This illness must be confirmed by the attending physician. An employee who, while on vacation, has a death in the immediate family, or of a close relative, may have his/her vacation extended or take vacation at a later date. An employee who leaves the employ of the Board will be granted sick leave days accumulated during prior service if he/she returns to duty within one (1) year. Ten (10) month employees who resign as of June 30 of any calendar year are eligible for such credit, provided they are re-employed the first duty day in September of the following calendar year. When an employee is granted a leave of absence requiring Board action, his/her accumulated sick leave on which days are held in abeyance until he/she returns to drawduty. Upon return to duty, compensation for the employee will be granted sick leave days according to the policies in effect, but he/she will not be allowed under lose his/her earned length of service for accumulation purposes. In matters concerning leave of absence because of illness, the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination Superintendent may require a written certificate from a physician as proof of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentillness and need for leave.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Master Agreement, Master Agreement, Master Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report Each Employee shall receive up to fifteen (15) paid days of leave for personal sickness or a disabling injury of the intention Employee or a member of the Employee’s immediate family. The Boards agree to permit the accumulation of ninety (90) unused days of sick leave. For the purpose of use of sick leave, the term “immediate family” shall mean spouse or civil union partner, child, stepchild or xxxx who lives with the Employee, xxxxxx child, parent, spouse, or parent of the Employee’s spouse. Sick leave for any person other than those listed above may be absent from duty granted at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee; such decision shall be final, and not subject to the designated Employer representative grievance and arbitration provisions of the parties’ Agreement. Upon request, each Employee shall be notified annually of the Employee’s available number of sick leave days. All leave days shall be pro-rated for part-time staff. Leave for medical appointments may be taken in quarter-day increments (i.e. ¼ day, ½ day) with the prior permission of the Superintendent or designee. Under no circumstances shall an Employee use a sick leave day in order to work at a job or position for which the Employee is in any way compensated. When three (3) consecutive sick leave days are used, or in any instance in which the Superintendent has reason to believe that the use of leave has not been for a bona-fide reason, the Superintendent reserves the right to require an Employee to provide medical certification of illness. The Superintendent may require an Employee to submit to an independent medical review to determine eligibility for continued use of sick leave, fitness for duty or fitness to return to work following a serious illness or injury. In that event the cost of the medical review will be paid by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later District or Supervisory Union. An Employee who is or may be disabled shall apply for coverage under the LTD Plan. An Employee may not use more sick leave than 7:00 a.m. on is necessary to meet the day elimination period of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlierLTD Plan. If an employee expects Employee is determined to return to an assignmentbe ineligible for LTD, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior Employee may continue to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed use accrued sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use while the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time disabling condition of employmentcontinues.

Appears in 3 contracts


Sick Leave. An Any employee needing to utilize sick leave must report contact his/her immediate supervisor prior to or during the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one first hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the of each day of absence, stating the necessity for the absence so that time records can be properly maintained, and work schedules realigned. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignmentWhere a relatively long period of absence is anticipated, the employee must notify the immediate need only contact his/her supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the absence but must state at the time the estimated date of return. The employee is required to submit to the appropriate administrator a letter or a suitable form giving the reason for absence. Employees may be absent without loss of pay, within the limits stated below. Absences shall be charged to sick leave. A full-time ten (10) month employee during the first fiscal year shall be advanced ten (10) days of sick leave. A twelve (12) month employee shall be advanced twelve (12) days during the first fiscal year. A full-time ten (10) month employee, after the first fiscal year, shall be advanced fifteen (15) days of sick leave. A full-time (12) month employee, after the first fiscal year, shall be advanced eighteen (18) days of sick leave. Sick leave shall be prorated for employees who have been in duty status for less than twelve (12) months. A new contract, and had no accumulated employee or a rehire must be on duty at least five (5) qualifying months during a fiscal year to be eligible the following year for the higher advanced rate of sick leave. A regular part-time or ten (10) month employee shall be advanced sick leave on which in proportion to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactivetime worked. All accumulated unused sick leave is forfeited upon cumulative. An employee on less than a twelve (12) month schedule, who is employed for additional periods of duty on a temporary basis, is permitted to use sick leave during these periods. Such an employee shall receive sick leave for the termination additional term of employmentemployment in proportion to the time worked. Regular Part Time EmployeesAn employee on leave of absence requiring Board action shall not be advanced sick leave. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, An employee who becomes seriously ill while on vacation may have his/her vacation extended or take vacation at a ratio proportionate later date. A serious illness is one that requires hospitalization or is of prolonged nature. This illness must be confirmed by the attending physician. An employee who, while on vacation, has a death in the immediate family, or of a close relative, may have his/her vacation extended or take vacation at a later date. An employee who leaves the employ of the Board will be granted sick leave days accumulated during prior service if he/she returns to the employee’s part time condition of employment.duty within one (1) year. Ten

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Master Agreement, Master Agreement, Master Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report Teachers shall be granted paid sick leave for absence due to personal illness, disability from pregnancy, childbirth (up to six (6) weeks or as otherwise determined by a physician), adoption (not to exceed six (6) weeks), injury, exposure to contagious disease which could be communicated to others, and for absence due to illness, disability from pregnancy, childbirth, injury or death in the intention to be absent teacher's immediate family. Immediate family guidelines are: wife, husband, child, mother, father, brother, sister, in-laws, guardian, grandparents, grandchildren, stepchildren, or any other individual living in the same residence or receiving a majority of their support from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify or any other individual approved by the immediate supervisor Superintendent. The Administration may ask for an explanation if there is a pattern of such intention no later than 45 minutes missed days, and a warning may be issued and a doctor’s note requested for incidents in the future. Accumulation: Paid sick leave is earned by certificated employees at the rate of one and one-fourth (1-1/4) days for completed months of service. Sick Leave Use: Sick leave may be taken in one-quarter (1/4) day increments. Advance Use: Any full-time new employee or any employee who has exhausted all earned paid sick leave shall be advanced seven (7) days paid sick leave per year. Any advance of paid sick leave days shall be repaid with earned sick leave (one and one-quarter (1-1/4) days per month of service) prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification any additional use of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave credit. Should a bargaining unit member separate service prior to repayment of 15 working all advanced days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use any payment due the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess District shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated dayslast paycheck. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused Nothing herein shall be added considered to create an expectation that unpaid leave will be granted to any bargaining unit member who has exhausted all sick leave and advancements, nor is the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation Board in any way limited from docking any such employee’s pay and/or in taking appropriate disciplinary action for any unused medically related disability unauthorized absence without approved leave. Bargaining unit members who have exhausted sick and other authorized leave accumulated from prior years of service with the districtmust qualify for, seek, and be granted an unpaid leave pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable ORC 3319.13 or be in another authorized leave status to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which preserve a right to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject return to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement, Agreement

Sick Leave. An Employees shall receive five days paid sick leave from commencement of employment. After six months employees will receive a further five days. For the next 12 months and every 12-month period thereafter an employee must report the intention shall be entitled to 10 days of paid sick leave. Sick leave shall be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by paid at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting timerelevant daily rate of pay, but calculated in no case later than 7:00 a.m. accordance with the Holidays Act 2003 and its amendments. The employee may carry over unused sick leave to a maximum 40 days’ current entitlement in any one year. Sick leave balances will be included on fortnightly pay slips. Any unused sick leave is not payable on termination of employment. The employer acknowledges that it has a discretion to provide additional paid sick leave depending on the circumstances associated with the employee’s sickness. Where employees have exhausted their sick leave entitlement they may apply in writing to their manager for discretionary sick leave. When requested by an employee the reasons for refusal shall be provided in writing. The employee agrees to personally notify the Facility Manager or the Manager’s designated alternative as early as practicable before the employee is due to start work on the day that is intended to be taken as sick leave, or, if that is not practicable, as early as possible after that time. Xxxx leave may be taken only when the employee is unable to attend work due to sickness or injury. Xxxx leave may be taken when the spouse of absence. If possiblethe employee is sick or injured, notification should be given or when a person who depends on the previous day employee for care is sick or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous dayinjured. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports requires sick leave for duty the following morningmore than three consecutive calendar days, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and employer may require the pay for this will be deducted from employee to provide a medical certificate at the employee’s salarycost, issued by an agreed Registered Medical Practitioner who has examined the employee, as proof of sickness or injury. Regular full When a request for such a medical certificate has been made, the employer may withhold payment of sick pay until such time employees shall be allowed as the employee produces it. Notwithstanding the above, the employer may require proof of sickness or injury within three consecutive calendar days where the employer has reasonable grounds to suspect that sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment is not genuine, where the employer informs the employee that proof is required and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need agrees to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from meet the employee’s accumulated daysreasonable expenses in obtaining the proof. At The employee understands and accepts that these provisions are intended for genuine reasons of absence due to sickness or injury and undertakes not to misuse or attempt to misuse sick leave. Only at the end of employee’s request, may the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, employer allow the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated use annual holiday entitlement when sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentexhausted.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Collective Employment Agreement, Collective Employment Agreement, Collective Employment Agreement

Sick Leave. An Members of the bargaining unit shall receive a total of ten (10) sick days per year according to the current policy in effect at Cincinnati State. Both Cincinnati State and the Union acknowledge that sick leave shall be used only because the employee must report the intention is sick or injured; sick leave is not to be absent from duty used as vacation and the use of sick leave as vacation will subject bargaining unit members to discipline. Furthermore, both the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before College and the employee’s regular starting timeUnion recognize that patterns of suspicious use of sick leave (i.e., but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on specific days of the day of absence. If possibleweek, notification should be given on the previous day absence following overtime worked, absence preceding or earlier. If following other off days) could subject an employee expects to disciplinary action. Employees out on sick leave for more than two (2) days must present a medical clearance from his or her doctor before returning to work. Such medical clearance shall include the date the employee sought medical treatment, the date(s) for which the employee is excused, the date the employee is cleared to return to an assignmentwork, and any applicable physical restrictions. The College will provide a form for this purpose. If and/or when the sick leave balance is exhausted, the supervisor shall meet with the employee must notify to discuss his or her use of sick leave. The purpose of this meeting shall be to allow the immediate employee the opportunity to discuss any extenuating circumstances concerning the use of sick leave of which the supervisor should be aware. This meeting is not for the purpose of requiring the employee to explain his or her prior use of sick leave, nor is it to be considered disciplinary in nature. The employee has the right to be represented by his or her union at any such intention no later than 45 minutes prior meeting. Once an employee exhausts his or her sick leave, any additional time taken off due to normal student dismissal time on the previous daysickness shall be deducted from that employee's personal leave balance. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to returnemployee's personal leave balance is exhausted, and the substitute subsequently reports employee provides a doctor's medical clearance (as defined above) for duty the following morningadditional days of absence, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working these days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days's vacation leave balance. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused Such doctor's medical clearance shall be added given to the regular allowance supervisor on the day employee returns to work. Failure to provide a doctor's clearance may cause the College not to pay the employee for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, time taken off and may also subject the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentdisciplinary action.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement

Sick Leave. An Members of the bargaining unit shall receive a total of ten (10) sick days per year according to the current policy in effect at Cincinnati State. Both Cincinnati State and the Union acknowledge that sick leave shall be used only because the employee must report the intention is sick or injured; sick leave is not to be absent from duty used as vacation and the use of sick leave as vacation will subject bargaining unit members to discipline. Furthermore, both the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before College and the employee’s regular starting timeUnion recognize that patterns of suspicious use of sick leave (i.e., but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on specific days of the day of absence. If possibleweek, notification should be given on the previous day absence following overtime worked, absence preceding or earlier. If following other off days) could subject an employee expects to disciplinary action. Employees out on sick leave for more than two (2) days must present a medical clearance from his or her doctor before returning to work. Such medical clearance shall include the date the employee sought medical treatment, the date(s) for which the employee is excused, the date the employee is cleared to return to an assignmentwork, and any applicable physical restrictions. The College will provide a form for this purpose. If and/or when the sick leave balance is exhausted, the supervisor shall meet with the employee must notify to discuss his or her use of sick leave. The purpose of this meeting shall be to allow the immediate employee the opportunity to discuss any extenuating circumstances concerning the use of sick leave of which the supervisor should be aware. This meeting is not for the purpose of requiring the employee to explain his or her prior use of sick leave, nor is it to be considered disciplinary in nature. The employee has the right to be represented by his or her union at any such intention no later than 45 minutes prior meeting. Once an employee exhausts his or her sick leave, any additional time taken off due to normal student dismissal time on the previous daysickness shall be deducted from that employee's personal leave balance. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to returnemployee's personal leave balance is exhausted, and the substitute subsequently reports employee provides a doctor's medical clearance (as defined above) for duty the following morningadditional days of absence, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working these days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days's vacation leave balance. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused Such doctor's medical clearance shall be added given to the regular allowance supervisor on the day the employee returns to work. Failure to provide a doctor's clearance may cause the College not to pay the employee for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, time taken off and may also subject the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentdisciplinary action.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement

Sick Leave. Twelve (12) month employees will receive twelve (12) days sick leave annually. Eleven (11) month employees will receive eleven (11) days sick leave annually. An employee must report hired during the intention to year or an employee with less than an eleven (11) month assignment will be absent from duty entitled to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. number of days based on the day maximum allowable and computed in direct relationship to the number of absence. If possibleworkdays in the year, notification should be given on rounded to the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional nearest one-half (1/2) day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full provided, however, less than full-time employees shall be allowed sick leave entitled to that portion of 15 working ten (10) days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on as the total number of days that may be accumulatedworked bears to one hundred eighty (180) days. In case Employees shall receive their annual accumulation at the beginning of absences for illness the school year. If, on the date of resignation or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that yeardischarge, an employee has used more sick leave than earned, the excess unearned leave shall be deducted from the employee’s 's final check. Xxxx leave may be accumulated up to the number of days/shifts in the employee's assigned work year. Salary deduction for absence in excess of the allowance will be based on the number of working hours and/or days. At The employee must report an absence as soon as known and no later than one (1) hour prior to that employee's starting time on the end day of the yearabsence, any if possible. The employee must submit, through Employee Access, their time off request within forty-eight (48) hours of returning to work. A time off request in excess of five (5) consecutive days will be submitted to their building supervisor or designee and a written statement from a physician verifying the dates of the accumulated days which absence and releasing the employee to return to work. Such verification will be received by the District prior to reinstatement of the employee's pay status. Illness or disability caused by or contributed to by pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, childbirth, and recovery therefrom are unused shall considered temporary disabilities and will be added to treated as any other personal illness or disability. Within the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to beginfirst sixteen (16) weeks of pregnancy, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated will provide the District a statement from prior years of a licensed medical doctor authorizing the employee's continued service with in the districtposition as assigned. Further, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination provide a statement from a licensed medical doctor regarding any change of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentstatus or limitations.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

Sick Leave. An (a) The Publisher shall continue to provide sick leave with full pay to all other than substitute employees and pressroom cleaners who are not regular full-time of up to a maximum of six months accumulated in any one calendar year, except that a continuous and cumulative absence for the same illness or injury shall be limited to a total of six months regardless of whether the absence for said illness or injury carries over into the next calendar year when the affected employee has qualified for long term disability benefits. When required by the Publisher, an employee on sick leave must furnish at his or her own expense a certificate signed by a duly qualified medical practitioner establishing that the employee is incapable of working. This requirement will not be exercised in a way that is discriminatory, arbitrary or in bad faith. A member absent due to sickness or disability shall notify his xxxxxxx and then the chapel chairperson of his inability to report to work and shall at the intention to be absent from duty to time of notification indicate the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day probable duration of his absence. If possible, notification should be given the member is unable to return from sick leave on the previous date indicated above, s/he will so advise the xxxxxxx and then the chapel chairperson and will call in on each subsequent day or earlier. If an employee expects to of related sick leave until his return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior work. The employer shall not be required to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required pay benefits for any missed shifts when notification of intent to return, absence has not been given. Such notification must be made by the member unless the nature of the sickness or disability makes this impossible and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will this can be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added corroborated to the allowance for satisfaction of the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulatedemployer. In case of absences compensable accident the Publisher will pay 100% of an employee's wages less any amount received by the employee from the Workers' Compensation Board. However, in no case are the above amounts to exceed the regular take home pay that the employee would otherwise have earned had he/she not been absent on Workers' Compensation. To facilitate a regular income for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that yearemployee, the excess shall be deducted from Publisher will pay the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the employee his/her regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, straight-time wages and the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate turn over to the employee’s part time condition Publisher his/her earnings from Workers' Compensation as soon as received. Under no circumstances will notification of employmentabsence due to sickness or disability given to the Chapel Chairperson be considered proper notification.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Memorandum of Agreement, Memorandum of Agreement

Sick Leave. An Article 11. For all work per­ formed after January 1, 1961, each regular full-time employee must report cov­ ered by this contract will start earning sick leave at the intention rate of one-half day per calendar month worked and each regular part- time e m p lo x x x (one who has worked for the employer one year or more and who has averaged 24 hours of work weekly for the year immediately preceding his anni­ versary date of employment) will start earning sick leave on a pro­ portion based upon his average hours w o rk e d in each month. Earned sick leave shall be cumu­ lative up to 12 days. Each em­ ployee who has been in the serv­ ice of his employer for one year or more shall be absent from duty entitled to use earned sick leave beginning with the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before fourth store operating day of his illness, except that in the employee’s regular starting timeevent hospitalization might occur earlier than the fourth day’ s ab­ sence, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. benefits will commence on the day hospitalization starts, and thereafter up to and including the seventh store operating days of absencesuch illness. Sick leave allowance shall be used only for a bona fide illness of an employee, as deter­ mined by a doctor. Holidays, Closing, Vacations Article 12. The following days shall be considered as holidays: January First, Memorial Day, July Fourth, Labor Day, Thanks­ giving Day and Christmas Day No store shall be open for sales on the above holidays and no member of Local 1092 shall be employed on such days with the following exception: For annual inventory on January First, where customary; then those so em­ ployed for the inventory shall be compensated at the rate of double time. If possiblea holiday falls on Sun­ day, notification should be given clerks shall have the follow­ ing day off. Regular part-time employees on duty the previous working day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, before and the employee must notify working day after a holiday shall receive pay for the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to returnholiday at their regular rate, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full such part-time employees who would normally be so employed shall not be allowed sick leave laid off to avoid payment of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance wages for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end holiday No member of the year, any Union shall work in an establishment doing business between the hours of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence 11:00 P. M. and 7:00 A. M. All stores and sections covered under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty will close not later than 6:00 P. M. on the first day of the new contractXxxxxx­ mas Eve, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentDecember 24th.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report The Superintendent shall be entitled to a minimum of ten (10) sick days each Contract year, which annual sick leave allotment may be increased by the intention Corporation but shall never be decreased below the minimum number set forth herein. The Superintendent may use sick leave days in accordance with the Xxxxxxxx Southeastern Schools 260 Day Administrative Benefits Package, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit B (the “Benefit Package”). The Superintendent will have the right to be absent from duty annually sell any unused sick days over 50, but not more than 20, back to the designated Employer representative by Corporation at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half $67.50 per day, and the pay payment made to the Superintendent for buying back such days shall be deposited into a retirement account on the Superintendent’s behalf or paid in cash to the Superintendent, whichever option is elected in the Superintendent’s sole discretion. Banked Sick Days (as further defined below) shall not be eligible for the buy-out provision described in this will be deducted paragraph. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Corporation recognizes that Superintendent has Two Hundred Seventy-Eight (278) sick days which were previously accrued by Superintendent from the employeeSuperintendent’s salaryformer employer (the “Banked Sick Days”). Regular full time employees shall The parties hereby agree that the Banked Sick Days may be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of payused by Superintendent for personal illness or for an illness in the immediate family. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract yearHowever, the unused parties hereby further agree that Superintendent shall not be compensated for the Banked Sick Days under any circumstance in which the Banked Sick Days are not utilized for personal illness or for an illness in the immediate family, including, without limitation, (i) any Corporation policy allowing for sick days will to be added “cashed out”, (ii) pursuant to the allowance termination or non-renewal of this Contract for the succeeding yearany reason, or (iii) Superintendent’s retirement. There is no limit on the total number For purposes of days that clarity, Superintendent may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in eligible to utilize any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated unused sick days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service newly accrued under the contract on employment of Corporation to participate in the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation buy-back program for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years purchase of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentdays described above.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Superintendent Contract, Superintendent Contract

Sick Leave. Twelve (12) days of sick leave shall be granted to each full time employee for a full year of work. Sick leave for part-time employees will be prorated based upon their full-time equivalency (FTE). An employee must report who works eleven (11) working days in any calendar month will be given credit for the intention full calendar month. Unused sick leave may be accumulated from year-to-year. Upon initial employment in the bargaining unit an employee will be frontloaded three (3) days of sick leave and thereafter will accrue on a month-by-month basis. One day of leave will be credited for each month after the third month of contracted work. A minimum of eleven (11) days needs to be absent from duty worked/compensated in a month to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absencequalify as a month. If possible, notification should Sick-emergency leave will be given on the previous day or earlier. If front-loaded for an employee expects to return to an assignment, in his/her second school (work) year of employment if at the commencement of that year the employee must notify has a leave accumulation of not less than fifty (50) percent of the immediate supervisor sick-emergency leave that he/she would have earned during the first year of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous dayemployment. If the employee does not give meet the required notification fifty (50) percent requirement above he/she will continue to earn leave on a month-by-month basis for another school (work) year and all school years thereafter until a “fifty (50) percent balance of leave earned during a school year standard” is met by ending a school year with such a fifty (50) percent balance. As well, any employee who exhausts his/her sick-emergency leave balance after the second school (work) year of employment will be evaluated to determine the reasons for this situation. If sufficient documentation of a long term and /or serious medical or emergency condition(s) does not exist, front loading of sick-emergency leave will be forfeited and the employee will earn this leave on a month-to-month basis. Employees will be able to regain front-loading of sick-emergency leave by ending a school (work) year with a leave accumulation of fifty (50) percent of the leave that the employee would have earned during that school year. A verification of an employee’s illness or injury must be certified by a recognized medical authority in the event of an absence of five (5) or more consecutive work days, if such verification is requested by the administrator or the Human Resource Department. The District may also request verification of an employee’s absence if a pattern of possible misuse is identified. The District will provide the employee and the Association with written notice that a pattern may exist prior to requesting verification for the absence. This paragraph is not grievable. An employee’s accrued sick leave may be used to care for a child, spouse, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, xxxxxx child or domestic partner grandchild (loco parentis) of the employee with a health condition that requires treatment or supervision. For planned surgeries or anticipated disablement, which will necessitate sick leave, the affected employee shall complete a ‘Leave of Absence’ form and notify his/her supervisor a reasonable time before the leave is required. Physical disablement caused by maternity, childbirth, and recovery therefrom shall be considered as a form of illness for the purpose of this leave. Emergency leave will be granted and deducted from sick leave. The circumstances should be of an emergency nature or for causes over which the employee has no control. Notice of intent to return, and use this leave shall be made to the substitute subsequently reports for duty appropriate administrator prior to the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salaryintended use. Regular full time employees Absences shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.following:

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

Sick Leave. An Each employee must report the intention shall be entitled to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day work without loss of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day compensation because of personal illness or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor quarantine for a total of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working twelve (12) days during their the second year of employment and for each consecutive year thereafter. An employee during his first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter or part thereof shall be entitled to be absent from work without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance compensation because of personal illness or quarantine for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days to be determined on the basis of one (1) day per month or part thereof for the number of months remaining in the present year; the maximum number of entitled days for the first year of employment shall be granted to employee upon his first day of work. Subject to the limits contained in this Agreement, unused sick leave days shall accumulate and if not otherwise used, remain for severance. However, annual accumulations of sick leave days, including personal business leaves and funeral leaves accumulated as additional sick leave days during a year, are subject to buyback pursuant to the Annual Sick Leave Buyback Program under Section E of Article XIII if the accumulated sick leave days exceed one hundred twenty (120) days. After three (3) consecutive days of sick leave, the Board will require proof of illness with the understanding that a physician’s statement will be satisfactory. In the event of abnormal absence, the Board may require proof after one (1) day. Sick leave days may be accumulatedused in units of one-half (.5) day or a full day. In case Annual and accumulated sick leave days may be used for serious illness in the immediate family. The term “immediate family” shall mean spouse or dependent child. Custodians who find it necessary to be absent because of absences for illness should notify the building principal assistant principal or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that yeardesignee or, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, if unable to reach any of the accumulated days which are unused shall aforementioned, notify the Risk Manager or designee, so that a substitute may be added obtained. When the custodian is ready to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable return to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to beginduty, the employee shall nevertheless custodian should notify the principal, assistant principal or designee or the Risk Manager or designee so that the substitute may be entitled to draw compensation available for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentanother assignment.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee SECTION 1: POSTING OF SICK LEAVE All absences (including tardiness) in the department must report the intention to be absent from duty noted for use in relation to the designated Employer representative individual record and must be charged against the proper time credit reserves as indicated in this Agreement. Sick leave records will be posted monthly. SECTION 2: SICK LEAVE GENERALLY Employees hired prior to ratification of this agreement (01/19/2021) shall be allowed sick leave credits at the rate of one (1) working day (8 hours) per month in service. Employees hired after ratification of this agreement (01/19/2021) shall be allowed sick leave credits at the rate of one (1) work day (8) hours per month in service up to eight (8) days in a calendar year. Sick leave credits shall be cumulative up to 210 days (1,680 hours) maximum. After this maximum is reached, no more sick leave credits may be earned by the employee except to the extent of restoring credits subsequently drawn for sick leave and thereby building up accruals again to the 210 day (1,680 hours) maximum. Calculations of sick leave shall be based on a year beginning January 1st. The unit for computation of sick leave shall not be less than one-half (1/2) day. Credits cannot be earned for the period an employee is on leave of absence without pay or under disciplinary punishment involving loss of work time or for employees who are on one-half (1/2) pay. For the calculation of sick leave credits, the time recorded on the payroll at least the full rate of pay shall be considered as time "served" by the employee. In order that absence, because of personal illness, may be charged to accumulated sick leave, it must be reported by the employee on the first working day of such absence and within one (1) hour before prior to the beginning of the working day. In the event the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignmentillness continues beyond three (3) days, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor administrative captain or his designee of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior the anticipated duration of the absence and thereafter must report their status at least once each week unless excused. PROOF OF ILLNESS: In order to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If qualify for sick leave, proof of illness may be required to be provided by the employee does not give that is satisfactory to the department head. Failure to provide proof of illness when required notification will be the basis for discipline. Abuse of intent sick leave privileges shall also be cause for disciplinary action. Sick leave may be utilized by an employee if desired in any instance of sickness in the immediate family. Immediate family shall be defined to returnbe the employee's spouse, children, step-children and a parent, all residing in the substitute subsequently reports household of the employee. The department head may request a physician's statement of illness from an employee if family illness causes an absence of the employee in excess of three (3) consecutive workdays. In any case in which a physician's statement is mandatory, the employee, upon his or her return to work, shall be required to provide a physician's statement that the employee is fit for duty. Said fit for duty the following morning, the substitute will statement must be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added presented to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from employer prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment's return to work.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention Absence due to personal illness, excluding pregnancy, shall be absent allowed up to fifteen (15) working days per fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, and shall be accumulative from duty year to year without limitation. Absence of less than one (1) full day shall be charged to the designated Employer representative by at least one nearest quarter hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possiblePersonal illness of more than five (5) consecutive working days duration shall be verified by a statement from a licensed physician, notification should be given on advising that the previous person is physically able to do his/her regular work. The physician's statement shall verify the illness from the first day or earlier. If an employee expects of absence to the date of return to an assignmentwork. In cases of excessive absence or when abuse of sick leave is evident, following previous counsel with the employee, the school administration may request in writing that the employee furnish a physician's statement to verify any future absence of less than five (5) working days. When all available paid leaves are exhausted, the employee must notify is placed on "Difference Leave." An employee on "Difference Leave" is paid the immediate supervisor difference between his/her salary and that paid his/her substitute. This is paid for a maximum period of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on five (5) months. The five (5) month period is calculated from the previous dayfirst days of sick leave. If When difference leave is exhausted, the employee does not give the required notification with three (3) years of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees service shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If health leave; an employee does not need to use the allotted days with less than three (3) years of service is placed on a reemployment list for a period of thirty-nine (39) months. At any time during the contract yearprescribed thirty-nine (39) months, if the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable able to begin service under assume the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to beginduties of his/her position, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled reemployed in the first vacancy in the classification of his/her previous assignment. His/her reemployment will take preference over all other applicants except those laid-off for lack of work or funds, in which case he/she shall be ranked according to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability his/her proper seniority. Upon resumption of his/her duties, the break in service will be disregarded and the employee shall be fully restored as a permanent employee. During the first six (6) months of employment, one and one-quarter (1-1/4) days of paid sick leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable per calendar month shall be granted as earned at the end of each month. Employees who work less than full-time regular installments are due under this contractor less than a twelve (12) month calendar year, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated shall be credited with sick leave on which to draw, compensation for a pro-rata basis at the rate of one and one-quarter (1-1/4) days per month. Isolation and Quarantine: No salary or sick leave will not deduction is made for absence due to contagious disease from which isolation or quarantine is usually mandated, and which may be allowed under presumed to have been contracted during the new contract until performance of school duties with other persons having the employee does reportcontagious disease, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon for the termination normal period of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentisolation or quarantine.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Contractual Agreement, Contractual Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee SECTION 1: POSTING OF SICK LEAVE All absences (including tardiness) in the department must report the intention to be absent from duty noted for use in relation to the designated Employer representative individual record and must be charged against the proper time credit reserves as indicated in this Agreement. Sick leave records will be posted monthly. SECTION 2: SICK LEAVE GENERALLY All employees shall be allowed sick leave credits at the rate of one (1) working day (8 hours) per month in service and shall be cumulative up to 210 days (1,680 hours) maximum. After this maximum is reached, no more sick leave credits may be earned by the employee except to the extent of restoring credits subsequently drawn for sick leave and thereby building up accruals again to the 210 day (1,680 hours) maximum. Calculations of sick leave shall be based on a year beginning January 1st. The unit for computation of sick leave shall not be less than one-half (1/2) day. Credits cannot be earned for the period an employee is on leave of absence without pay or under disciplinary punishment involving loss of work time or for employees who are on one-half (1/2) pay. For the calculation of sick leave credits, the time recorded on the payroll at least the full rate of pay shall be considered as time "served" by the employee. In order that absence, because of personal illness, may be charged to accumulated sick leave, it must be reported by the employee on the first working day of such absence and within one (1) hour before prior to the beginning of the working day. In the event the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignmentillness continues beyond three (3) days, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor administrative captain or his designee of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior the anticipated duration of the absence and thereafter must report their status at least once each week unless excused. PROOF OF ILLNESS: In order to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If qualify for sick leave, proof of illness may be required to be provided by the employee does not give that is satisfactory to the department head. Failure to provide proof of illness when required notification will be the basis for discipline. Abuse of intent sick leave privileges shall also be cause for disciplinary action. Sick leave may be utilized by an employee if desired in any instance of sickness in the immediate family. Immediate family shall be defined to returnbe the employee's spouse, children, step-children and a parent, all residing in the substitute subsequently reports household of the employee. The department head may request a physician's statement of illness from an employee if family illness causes an absence of the employee in excess of three (3) consecutive workdays. In any case in which a physician's statement is mandatory, the employee, upon his or her return to work, shall be required to provide a physician's statement that the employee is fit for duty. Said fit for duty the following morning, the substitute will statement must be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added presented to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from employer prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment's return to work.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Niagara Agreement, Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed All sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty awarded on the first day of the new contractfiscal year. Employees shall receive fourteen (14) days sick leave per year. Employees who have more than five (5) continuous years of service at the School will receive fifteen (15) days of sick leave per year, beginning with the next fiscal year. Sick leave may accumulate to a maximum of one hundred eighty (180) days accumulation. Any award of sick leave days that would exceed this limit will be reduced to avoid exceeding the limit. Probationary employees shall not be permitted to use any accumulated days until the probationary period has been completed, and had no accumulated if a day is taken during this period, a per diem dock will occur. Sick leave shall be interpreted to mean personal illness, personal disability and personal quarantine, and other circumstances as determined by the School. The School may require a certificate from a health care provider as a basis for pay during leave after an absence of 3 sick days or as the School may deem necessary in other cases. If the School does require a certificate as a basis for pay during leave of less than 3 sick days, the School shall pay the expenses incurred by the employee in obtaining the certificate. Failure of an employee to present such a certificate shall cause loss of daily pay for the affected days. The Executive Director or designee reserves the right to verify extended illness via a physician of the School's choice. In September of each year, the School will provide an employee with a written statement setting forth the total sick leave on which credit. Whenever an employee submits their letter (notification) to drawresign (including retirement) from the School, compensation for he/she shall only be able to use three (3) available sick leave will days without an acceptable note from a physician if an employee resigns more than two (2) weeks in advance of their departure date and can only use two (2) available sick leave days without an acceptable note from a physician if an employee resigns with the standard two (2) week notice. Employees resigning with less than a two (2) week notice shall not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated eligible for any available sick leave is forfeited upon days unless they have an acceptable note from a physician. An employee who requests use of a sick leave day must give notice at least eight (8) hours before the termination start of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition shift, if possible, or as soon as practicable if the onset of employmentthe illness occurs less than eight (8) hours before the start of the shift. Such notice must be given by the employee to his/her supervisor via an in-person conversation (face-to-face) or via a telephone conversation (voice-to-voice).

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement

Sick Leave. An The object of sick leave is to provide orderly methods of furthering the health and safety of each employee must report as well as aiding in the intention maintenance of productivity. Xxxx leave is not a right, which an employee can use at his or her discretion, but a privilege, which can be allowed only in case of actual sickness, or non-job-incurred injury of such employee, or of such employee's immediate family, which compels the employee to be absent from duty work. In order to qualify for paid sick leave, notification must be given to the designated Employer representative by work unit supervisor as soon as practicable, but at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 thirty (30) minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous start of the regular work day. If Waiver of this reporting requirement can be made by the employee does not give the required notification of intent to returnPolice Chief only, and the substitute subsequently reports only in specific unusual circumstances. Absence for duty the following morning, the substitute will illness may not be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salarycharged to sick leave not already accumulated. Regular full An employee holding a full-time employees shall position with probationary or permanent status may be allowed sick a leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter absence from duty without loss of paypay on account of sickness or injury. If Sick leave with pay is cumulative at the rate of one (1) workday for each month of service beginning at the time of full-time probationary employment. Unused sick leave may be accumulated to a total of two thousand four hundred (2400) hours. In the event employee absences from duty are deemed by the Police Chief to be the result of concerted activity, any employee claiming sick leave with pay shall be required to provide a doctor's certificate verifying the employee was seen by the health care provider. The certification should include the name and signature of the attending physician, the time and date the employee was seen by the physician, and stipulate any period of incapacity or job-related restrictions that prevents the employee from performing the job. The Police Chief may also require that the evidence submitted by the employee be reviewed by a physician selected by the City and may require a physical examination by such physician at the City's expense. In those instances where the Police Chief requires that this procedure be followed, it is understood that the burden of proof to qualify for sick leave with pay is placed upon the employee. Xxxx leave shall not be granted to an employee does who is absent from duty due to illness or injury incurred while self-employed or working for an employer other than the City of San Leandro. The benefits provided under this section shall not need be available to use employees whose absence is caused by sickness or injury arising within the allotted days during the contract yearcourse and scope of City employment. An employee who is in unpaid status for 44 or more hours in a pay period shall not accrue sick leave for that pay period. Except as hereinafter provided, the payment for unused days sick leave will be added granted to full-time regular employees who are represented by the San Leandro Police Officers’ Association with at least fifteen (15) years' continuous City service, including full-time service in an annexed jurisdiction, at termination, retirement or resignation in good standing based on salary at termination pursuant to the allowance following schedule: Number of sick leave days accumulated, multiplied by seven and one- half percent (7 ½%), multiplied by the number of whole years of service, multiplied by the hourly rate at termination. The above formula figure of seven and one-half percent (7 ½%) will be adjusted to ten percent (10%) for an employee who terminates City service after completing twenty-five (25) years of uninterrupted City service by way of termination, service retirement or resignation in good standing with the succeeding yearCity. There is no limit Upon an employee’s retirement, sick leave may be used as: (1) service credit on an hour for hour basis, (2) cash in accordance with the above-mentioned formula; or (3) any combination of service credit and cash as requested by the employee. The combination of sick leave hours converted to service credit and sick leave hours cashed out shall never exceed the total number of days that may accrued sick leave hours. Actively employed employees formally represented by the San Leandro Police Officers' Association who die or are permanently disabled as a result of an accident which is held to be accumulated. In case of absences compensable by the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board will receive payment for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added sick leave according to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable seven and one-half percent (7 ½%) formula above without regard to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years length of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentcontinuous City service.

Appears in 2 contracts


Sick Leave. An employee must report 14.01 The Board and the intention Union agree that the Sick Leave Policy shall be as follows: Sick Leave credit shall accumulate at the rate of fifteen (15) days per year. Employees who are regularly scheduled to work during the school year and who are not regularly scheduled to work during the summer months shall continue during those summer months to accumulate sick leave credit at the rate they did for engaging in regular work or otherwise being on paid status for regular work during the immediately preceding school year. Each employee's maximum accumulation shall be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but unlimited. Sick leave may be used in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the half (½) or full day of increments; except a bus driver who misses only his/her mid-day pre-school or kindergarten route shall be charged sick leave in only a quarter (¼) day increment for such absence. If possible, notification should Each beginning employee shall be given on the previous day or earliercredited with five (5) of his/her customary workdays of sick leave upon hire. A current employee who has exhausted his/her accumulated sick leave may be credited with five (5) of his/her customary workdays of sick leave. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor any of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification these five (5) days of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract yearare used, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess they shall be deducted from the employee’s sick leave accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding during that contractual year. If an employee is unable ends Board employment using advanced sick leave and not earning same, he/she shall have the per diem amount of pay deducted for said unearned sick leave from the last paycheck issued by the Board, provided that, if there are insufficient funds in that last paycheck to begin service under reimburse the contract on Board for the date on which the contract is designated to beginadvanced sick leave, the Board may in addition avail itself of all legal remedies to recover any amount not so reimbursed. Any employee shall nevertheless transferring to the employ of the Board may be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service credited with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact unused balance of that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no employee's accumulated sick leave on which up to draw, compensation for 120 of the employee's customary workdays with the Board as of the commencement of employment upon verification of such accumulation from the proper public agency. An employee may use sick leave will not for absence due to personal illness, injury, pregnancy, exposure to contagious disease which could be allowed under communicated to other employees or children, and absence due to illness in the new contract until immediate family. Sick leave shall be limited to the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated following maximum per occurrence during an employee's contractual year without exceeding that employee's total sick leave is forfeited accumulation: -- Absence due to personal illness, injury, pregnancy, exposure to contagious disease which could be communicated to other employees or children. -- Absence due to illness or injury of members of the employee's household who reside with the employee. -- Absence due to illness or injury of the employee's spouse, child, xxxxxx or step-child, father, mother, xxxxxx or step-parent (or other person who stands in the place of a parent), brother, sister, grandparent, or grandchild. Those individuals mentioned in the two preceding paragraphs are members of the employee's immediate family. Upon prior approval of the Superintendent, sick leave may be extended or may be used for illness, or injury of others who are not included in the list above. Employees will be notified of their accumulative sick leave in their direct deposit notice. Employees shall request the use of sick leave electronically unless otherwise advised. In the event of catastrophic, prolonged, or chronic illness, an employee who has exhausted his/her sick leave under this section may request, through the Union, the Superintendent to authorize voluntary transfer of additional sick leave days from other bargaining unit members to the affected unit member in accordance with the Guidelines outlined in Appendix A. Such Guidelines shall be subject to change only upon the Association President and the Superintendent agreeing to do so or through an amendment of this Agreement. Employees using sick leave shall report their absence in accordance to the guidelines required by the district. Employees whose regular schedule of work is three and one-half (3½) hours or less per day and who would not otherwise be absent on such a workday shall use all reasonable efforts to schedule medical appointments outside their regular workday hours. Upon return from sick leave, an employee may be required to complete and sign a sick leave form indicating use of sick leave for one of these specified categories; personal illness or injury, illness or injury in immediate family, or death in the immediate family. If medical attention was required for the employee, he/she is required to list on the form the name(s) and the address(es) of attending physician(s) and the date(s) when consulted. Willful falsification of a sick leave request (electronic or otherwise) will provide possible grounds for suspension or termination of employment. Regular Part Time EmployeesEmployees shall have access to sick leave requests electronically unless otherwise advised. Regular part time employees Employees who are suspected of misuse of sick leave shall be subject to all practices granted counseling by administration and in Article XVII connection with the stipulation that regular part time employees same may be required to provide physician’s excuses for future absences. Employees who fail to comply with any such requirement or who otherwise are determined to have misused sick leave shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate be subject to the employee’s part time condition of employmentdiscipline up to and including termination.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Negotiated Agreement, Negotiated Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention to be absent from duty Xxxx leave provides continuation of pay to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before District worker who cannot perform their duties because of physical or mental illness or injury. Each full-time worker of the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed District earns sick leave at the rate of 15 working days during eight hours per month. New workers employed after the 10th of the month shall have their first year sick leave pro-rated for that month. Workers including classified hourly employees who regularly work fewer than 40 hours per week are entitled to that proportion of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added sick leave granted full-time workers that is equal to the allowance percent of a full-time contract. During extended sick leave, a worker ceases to earn sick leave beyond their potential entitlement for the succeeding yearcurrent fiscal year but continues to earn vacation leave. There is no limit to the amount of sick leave which either full or partial contract workers may earn and accumulate from year to year. Sick leave may be used in increments of one-quarter hour or longer. A worker has available for use all of their earned sick leave plus the balance of their full potential entitlement for the current fiscal year. The number of sick leave hours earned, the number used during the current fiscal year, and the worker's balance will appear on the total number of days that check stub each month. Sick leave may be accumulatedused for appointments with doctors or dentists or up to seven days can be used for care of an ill member of the worker's immediate family (as defined in Section 10.15). In case Under certain circumstances approved by the Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources, sick leave can also be used for other reasons of absences for personal necessity. (See Section 10.10.) A worker may not be gainfully employed while absent on illness or injury in any accident leave. Sick leave may not be used to extend a weekend or vacation when the worker is not actually sick. Xxxx leave is not a "rest leave" unless so prescribed by a physician. Whenever a worker is absent on sick leave for three or more working days or when a pattern of sick leave suggests a chronic illness, a medical report that outlines the nature of the problem and the probable date of full recovery may be required. If the information from the worker's personal physician is insufficient, an examination by a physician of the District's choosing may be required, at District expense. Sick leave may be used by an employee who is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking as described by California Labor Code sections 230 (c) and 230.1 (a). Any worker who transfers after at least one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with from one school to another when no more than one year intervenes between termination in one district and employment in the districtother, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact should request that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated unused sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmenttransferred.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report As a 5 day a week Employee, the intention Employee is entitled to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but 30 days paid sick leave in no case later than 7:00 a.m. each 36-month sick leave cycle commencing on the date of employment; or As a 6 day a week Employee, the Employee is entitled to 36 days’ paid sick leave in each 36 month leave cycle commencing from the date of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day employment; or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignmentAs a daily paid Employee, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior is entitled to normal student dismissal time on the previous one day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports ’s paid sick leave for duty the following morningevery 26 days worked; or As an hourly paid Employee, the substitute Employee is entitled to one hour’s sick leave for every 26 hours worked. (delete whichever is not applicable) Any sick leave in excess of this shall be unpaid sick leave. During the first six months of employment the Employee will be paid entitled to one day’s sick leave for an additional half day, and the pay for this every 26 days worked. Any days taken will be deducted from the employee’s salarysick leave entitlement for the first sick leave cycle. Regular full time employees The Employee shall be allowed required to produce a valid medical certificate signed and issued by a registered medical practitioner in respect of any period of sick leave in excess of 15 two consecutive working days or, where the Employee has been absent on two or more occasions during their first year of an eight-week period. Failure to produce a medical certificate when required may result in the sick leave being treated as unpaid sick leave. However, where the Employee resides on the Employer’s premises and it is not reasonably practical for the Employee to obtain a sick certificate, the Employer may not withhold payment unless the Employer provides reasonable assistance to obtain the certificate. The Employee accepts that the Employer is dependent on his/her regular attendance, and that persistent absenteeism shall render the Employee unsuitable for employment and 15 could result in the termination of his/her services on the grounds of incapacity or misconduct. Should the Employee be unable to attend work on any working days each year thereafter without loss day, s/he shall be required to notify the Employer (within 1 hour of paythe start of his/her shift or at least an hour before the start of his/her shift) in order for contingency arrangements to be made. If an employee does not need to use The Employee must notify his/her direct supervisor, and in the allotted days during absence of the contract yeardirect supervisor, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding yearsupervisor’s manager. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulatedMessages left with fellow employees/colleagues are unacceptable. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that yearFAMILY RESPONSIBILITY LEAVE, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the yearPARENTAL LEAVE, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to beginADOPTION LEAVE, the COMMISSIONING PARENT LEAVE The employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation take (delete whichever is not applicable) paid or unpaid maternity leave, parental leave, adoption leave and commissioning parent leave as set out in the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. The Employee shall be entitled to take three days’ paid family responsibility leave after having been employed by the Employer for four months and if the Employee works for at least four days a week for the Employer. Family responsibility leave may be taken (i) if the Employee’s child is sick, or upon the death of the Employee’s (ii) spouse or life partner, parent or adoptive parent, grandparent or grandchild, child or adopted child, or sibling. The Employee shall be required to submit a written leave request to the Employer for approval prior to taking any unused medically related disability leave. The Employer may require reasonable proof of an event for which leave accumulated from prior years of service is required. In emergency situations which may necessitate taking unplanned family responsibility leave, the Employee must communicate the need for such leave with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under Employer as soon as this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentreasonably possible.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Permanent Contract of Employment, Permanent Contract of Employment

Sick Leave. An Effective with the initial date of employment, every seniority employee must report the intention to shall be absent granted eight (8) hours sick leave allowance for each completed calendar month of service from duty to the designated Employer representative which shall be subtracted any particular sick leave actually used since that date. Such sick leave allowance may only be used by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects when incapacitated to return perform his duties due to an assignmentsickness, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous dayinjury, when quarantined. If the injury is of a nature, as determined by a doctor, that the employee does not give can perform available work and if the required notification Chief determines that work is available which the employee can perform, as determined by a doctor, then the employee will report for said available work. Employees, with prior approval, may use earned sick leave off in case of intent to return, and serious illness of an employee’s immediate family. In the substitute subsequently reports event of sick leave for duty the following morningsuch purpose, the substitute will Chief may require a certificate from a medical doctor or other competent professional individual giving information as to the circumstances involved. In the event of death in an employee's immediate family, sick leave may be paid for an additional half dayused, and upon approval of the pay Chief, in addition to bereavement leave. The immediate family for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees purpose shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of paydefined as in Section 6.5. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance All foreseeable leaves for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess such purposes shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end require specific prior approval of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding yearDepartment Head. If an employee It is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact understood and agreed that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until abused. A medical certificate will not be required to substantiate a request for approval of sick leave for three (3) consecutive days or less, unless the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated has been notified in writing about excess use or abuse of sick leave is forfeited upon within the termination previous twelve (12) month period. An employee will not receive a written notice unless he has first been verbally cautioned by his supervisor on at least one occasion during the previous twelve (12) month period. The continued excessive use or abuse of employmentsick leave may be grounds for disciplinary action. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees Sick leave usage shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate be deducted from earned sick leave accrual to the employee’s part nearest 1/10 of an hour as shown on the employee time condition of employmentrecord.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report Sick leave shall be earned at the intention to rate of 3.7 hours per completed two-week pay period of service. Service shall begin on the date of State employment and time on layoff, suspension or leave without pay, except as otherwise provided by law or this Agreement, shall not be absent from duty to counted in determining the designated Employer representative by completion of a full two- week pay period. Should the HRMS system calculate earned sick leave at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting timea different rate, but in no case later shall the calculation of earned sick leave result in an amount less than 7:00 a.m. on the day 3.7 hours identified above. The maximum amount of absencesick leave which employees may accumulate shall be one hundred twenty (120) days. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignmentHowever, the amount of unused sick leave accruals which can be credited toward State service for retirement purposes shall continue as presently provided for by statute. When maximum limitation has been accumulated, days that would normally thereafter be earned shall lapse but shall be recorded by the appointing authority. Any employee must notify who has such lapsed sick leave to his/her credit may apply to the immediate supervisor Director of Human Resources to have the sick leave restored in the event of an extended illness. The Director of Human Resources shall grant such intention no later than 45 minutes prior request unless just cause is shown to normal student dismissal time on deny the previous dayrequest. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full Part-time employees employed normally the year-round and established on a regular hourly work schedule shall be allowed sick leave credits prorated on the amount of 15 working days during time worked. Employees may utilize their first year allowance of employment sick leave on the basis of application approved by their respective appointing authorities and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added reported to the allowance Director of Human Resources, for absences necessitated by inability to perform the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number duties of days that may be accumulated. In case their positions by reason of absences for illness or injury injury, by necessity for acute medical or dental care, by exposure to contagious disease under circumstances in any one year exceeding which the aggregate health of days allotted the employees with whom associated or members of the public necessarily dealt with would be endangered by attendance on duty, or by illness in the immediate family of the employee for that year, such periods as the excess attendance of the employee shall be deducted from necessary. Immediate family as used in this article shall mean the employee’s accumulated days. At spouse, or significant other, the end parents of the yearspouse or significant other, any and the par- ents, stepparents, guardian, children, brothers, stepbrothers, sisters, stepsisters, grandparents, grandchildren, stepchildren or wards of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention to be absent from duty Xxxx leave provides continuation of pay to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before District worker who cannot perform her/his duties because of physical or mental illness or injury. Each full-time worker of the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed District earns sick leave at the rate of 15 working days during eight hours per month. New workers employed after the 10th of the month shall have their first year sick leave pro-rated for that month. Workers including classified hourly employees who regularly work fewer than 40 hours per week are entitled to that proportion of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added sick leave granted full-time workers that is equal to the allowance percent of a full-time contract. During extended sick leave, a worker ceases to earn sick leave beyond his or her potential entitlement for the succeeding yearcurrent fiscal year but continues to earn vacation leave. There is no limit to the amount of sick leave which either full or partial contract workers may earn and accumulate from year to year. Sick leave may be used in increments of one-quarter hour or longer. A worker has available for use all of his or her earned sick leave plus the balance of his or her full potential entitlement for the current fiscal year. The number of sick leave hours earned, the number used during the current fiscal year, and the worker's balance will appear on the total number of days that check stub each month. Sick leave may be accumulatedused for appointments with doctors or dentists or (after all personal necessity leave has been exhausted) up to seven days can be used for care of an ill member of the worker's immediate family (as defined in Section 10.15). In case Under certain circumstances approved by the Director of absences Human Resources, sick leave can also be used for other reasons of personal necessity. A worker may not be gainfully employed while absent on illness or injury in any accident leave. Sick leave may not be used to extend a weekend or vacation when the worker is not actually sick. Xxxx leave is not a "rest leave" unless so prescribed by a physician. Whenever a worker is absent on sick leave for three or more working days or when a pattern of sick leave suggests a chronic illness, a medical report that outlines the nature of the problem and the probable date of full recovery may be required. If the information from the worker's personal physician is insufficient, an examination by a physician of the District's choosing may be required, at District expense. Any worker who transfers after at least one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with from one school to another when no more than one year intervenes between termination in one district and employment in the districtother, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact should request that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated unused sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmenttransferred.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report Originally signed Feb.22, 1999 The parties are agreed for the intention duration of the 2014-2019 collective agreement to be absent from duty a trial sick leave plan that provides to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor who accrues 850 hours of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal paid time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract in one calendar year, the unused accrual of sick leave entitlement in the following year based on one and one-quarter (1¼) days per month of full-time service. Part-time appointees who qualify as above shall be entitled to sick leave credits on a pro-rated basis. Employees who are reappointed may carry forward any accumulated sick leave up to a maximum of one hundred and thirty (130) days. This plan will provide entitlement effective the 2017 calendar year. LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING #ELC8 Part time work pre-retirement Originally signed Mar. 31, 2016 In cases where a teacher signs an agreement to accept retirement up to a maximum of two years hence, that teacher will be added permitted to the allowance for the succeeding yearaccept less than fulltime work without it affecting their Continuing status or seniority. There is This opportunity will apply to no limit on the total number of days that more than two teachers at any given time. Part time work may be accumulatedcomprised of existing programs (Monthly English, electives, etc.) and/or may include teaching a single class section in the long term programs. In case Under no circumstances will a teacher be permitted to teach only a portion of absences for illness or injury a class. Teachers accepting part time work will not be permitted to resume full time work. Professional development will be pro-rated. Accepting part time work may require a teacher to attend additional duties outside the part-time schedule (e.g. field trips, orientations tests and professional development). Such duties will be considered as “other duties as required” and will not accrue additional pay. Similarly, teachers working only one class section in any one year exceeding long term programs will be required to perform within the aggregate scope of days allotted for that yeartheir normal appointment, duties such as: • Work the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At full placement speaking test day, administer late speaking tests, and perform final speaking tests at the end of the yearprogram. For the final speaking test, any the Head Teacher will make an effort to divide the work proportionately but in cases where the schedule cannot accommodate part time testers, the teachers will be required to administer the test for the full schedule. • Attend both start up and end of session all teachers (mass) meeting as well as one of the accumulated days which are unused shall first two and the third Core meeting each term. • Attend half the field trips, in the event there is only one field trip, both teachers will attend. • Meet within the first two weeks of the program to agree upon how the above meetings and field trips will be added divided as well as the division of guest speakers so that everything is shared equitably and present the written plan to the regular allowance for the succeeding yearHead Teacher. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to beginIn cases where agreement cannot be reached, the employee shall nevertheless Head Teacher will decide. CULTURAL ASSISTANTS APPENDIX ‌‌ Note: This Appendix contains collective agreement language that pertains specifically to Cultural Assistants. It is intended to be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service read in conjunction with the districtCUPE Local 4163 Master Agreement. The numbering of the Articles in this appendix is intended to match the numbering of the Articles in the Master Agreement that generally address the same topic. Orientation (3.02) Prior to the start of the Summer Programs, pursuant and to its regulations theretothe start of any other program as necessary, payable at the time regular installments are due English Language Center will arrange and hold induction/orientation meetings of all members covered under this contractAppendix. During such meetings, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract up to one half hour will be provided for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day a representative of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which Union to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under discuss the new contract until function of the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentUnion.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full Accrual: Full-time employees shall be allowed accrue sick leave at a rate of 15 working eight (8) hours per month. Part- time employees eligible for benefits shall accrue sick leave hours pro-rated by the percentage of FTE they work. Part-time employees not eligible for benefits shall accrue sick leave at the rate of one (1) hour of sick leave for every thirty (30) hours worked as outlined in Senate Xxxx 454. Sick leave shall accrue from the first day of employment, however it may be used only upon successful completion of the initial ninety (90) day probationary period. For full-time and part-time employees who are eligible for benefits, to earn their full sick leave accrual for a given month, they must be in a paid status (either actively at work or on approved paid leave) for more than half of their scheduled work days during in that month. If they are not in a paid status for more than half their scheduled work days in a given month, then they shall accrue sick leave at the rate of one (1) hour of sick leave for every thirty (30) hours worked as outlined in Senate Xxxx 454. Unused sick leave shall accumulate for an unlimited number of hours. Use: Sick leave may be taken to prevent loss of income as a result of absences due to illness, injury, medical or dental appointments or when the health of others will be affected due to the employee's condition. Sick leave may also be taken to prevent loss of income resulting from absence due to an illness, injury, medical or dental appointment of an employee's immediate family member. Personal Leave Employees who have completed their initial ninety (90) day probationary period shall receive one (1) personal day per fiscal year. During the first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days eligibility, employees who are hired during the contract year, second half of the unused days fiscal year will receive only one-half of their normal accrual rate for this "personal" holiday which is to be added used prior to the allowance for the succeeding end of that fiscal year. There is no limit on the total number of Personal days that may must be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At used prior to the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall fiscal year and may not be added carried forward from year to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at will receive personal days based on a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition percentage of employmenttheir FTE.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report Teachers shall have the intention option to use up to sixty (60) days of accrued sick leave or any other paid leave available at the time of the parental leave request. The use of such paid leave entitles the teacher to full benefits during the parental leave and, at the option of the teacher or the Board, shall run concurrently with the twelve (12) work weeks of leave afforded by the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). If neither the teacher nor the Board has elected to access benefits afforded by the FMLA, teachers shall be absent from duty entitled to maintain all insurance benefits as set forth in this Agreement, provided he/she pays the premium(s) directly to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before Board, for transmittal to carrier(s). Sick leave shall not be earned during the employee’s regular starting timeperiod of the parental leave, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on any unused sick leave available at the day time of absencethe start of the leave shall be available upon termination of the leave and return to employment. Any full-time teacher who has worked, or will work, 93 days of the school year shall be entitled to his/her full sick and personal days allotment for that year. If possiblea leave begins at the start of the school year, notification should the teacher shall be given on entitled to his/her full sick and personal days allotment if the previous day date of his/her return to work will ensure that 93 or earliermore days of the year will be worked. Six (6) of those sick days can be applied to the leave in addition to any already accumulated. The remaining will be awarded upon return to work. If an employee expects to return to an assignmenta leave begins and ends mid-year, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor will be entitled to all his/her sick and personal days allotment if they work at least 93 days of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior that school year. The employee may also borrow up to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty six (6) days from the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of payyear. If an employee does not need return to use the allotted days during the contract yearwork, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess employee shall be deducted from responsible for reimbursing the employee’s accumulated daysdistrict for any borrowed days used. At If a leave begins at the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, school year and the employee shall nevertheless be entitled has utilized all of his/her sick leave, he/she may borrow up to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated six (6) days from prior years the next year’s allotment. An employee who works less than 93 days of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered thereinwill receive a prorated sick and personal days allotment, rounded to the nearest half day. If This percentage is based on the number of days worked out of 180 days, or the total workdays that year. For example, if an employee is unable to report for duty works 77 days, his/her prorated allottment shall be six (6) sick days and one and a half (1.5) personal days based on the first day a full allottment of the new contract, and had no accumulated 14 sick leave on which to draw, compensation for days. [(Days worked/Total Workdays that Year) x (Full allotment of sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate or personal days) rounded up to the employee’s part time condition of employment.nearest half day (0.5)]

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Master Contract, Master Contract

Sick Leave. An Each employee must report of the intention Fire Department covered by this Agreement shall be entitled to be absent from duty sick leave retroactive to the designated Employer representative date of employment earned at the rate of twenty (20) hours for each full calendar month of service; provided, however, that sick leave shall not accrue in excess of two- hundred forty (240) hours per calendar year; and further provided, however, that sick leave shall not accrue in excess of one-thousand seven hundred forty (1,740) hours. As of the date the 3- division structure goes into effect, all accumulated, unused sick leave will be converted to hours at a rate of twelve (12) hours per “working day.” The Fire Marshal of the Fire Department covered by this Agreement shall be entitled to sick leave earned at least one hour before the rate of thirteen and one-third (13 1/3) hours for each full calendar month of service; provided, however, that sick leave shall not accrue in excess of one-thousand seven hundred forty (1,740) hours. Unused sick leave may not be credited toward retirement. Entitlement to sick leave shall be for the following reasons: Personal illness or physical incapacity not connected with the employee’s regular starting time, but 's service in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day Fire Department to such an extent as to render said employee unable to perform the duties of absence. If possible, notification should be given on his present position or some other position in the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding yearFire Department. If an employee is rendered unable to begin service under perform his duties as hereinabove set forth for more than 48 hours of sick leave he shall furnish the contract on the date on which the contract is designated Chief of Department with a certificate from a physician verifying his illness. Failure to begin, furnish such a certificate will be grounds for not paying the employee during absence and/or disciplinary action. If the Fire Marshal is rendered unable to perform his duties as hereinabove set forth for more than 3 working days of sick leave he shall nevertheless furnish the Chief of Department with a certificate from a physician verifying his illness. Failure to furnish such a certificate may be grounds for not paying the employee during absence and/or disciplinary action. There is hereby established an employee sick leave fund into which each employee covered by this Agreement shall contribute twenty-four (24) hours per year of his sick leave entitlement. This fund shall accumulate from year to year without any maximum limitation thereon, however, no member of the Fire Department shall be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related sick leave in excess of one and one- half (1 1/2) calendar years from date of disability whether their own sick leave accumulated or from prior years of service with said fund. Effective July 1, 2015, the district, pursuant Town and the Union agree to its regulations thereto, payable cap the donations to the employees’ sick leave fund at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contracttheir then current amount, and had no accumulated members shall not be required to donate any additional leave to the employees’ sick leave on which to draw, compensation fund after that date. The Town agrees that the Union Executive Board will be responsible for presenting requests for sick leave bank usage, and providing requisite documentation and other information supporting the same, to the Chief, and the Chief will have final decision making authority. The Chief’s decision to grant or deny such requests will be subject to the grievance and arbitration provision set forth herein. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary hereinabove, any firefighter who has accrued more than one hundred forty-five (145) sick leave days as of July 1, 2003, shall have said excess sick leave days placed in a sick leave bank. Said excess sick leave days (i.e. those sick leave days that have accrued beyond one hundred forty-five (145) sick leave days as of July 1, 2003) may be used by a firefighter only for sick leave purposes and only after the firefighter has first exhausted his/her total accrued sick leave amount. Sick leave days held in this excess sick leave bank shall not be allowed under counted toward severance and no firefighter shall be eligible to be paid the new contract until value of said days upon his/her leaving the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentDepartment for any reason.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement, Agreement

Sick Leave. Sick leave will be earned at the rate of 4.3 hours per payday (14 days per year) of employment and it will be allowed to accumulate to an unlimited amount. Xxxx leave may be used for personal illness or serious illness of the employee's spouse or children or on account of death of a member of the immediate family. The immediate family shall include spouse, children, grandparents, grandchildren, mother, father, brother, sister and in-laws of similar degree of relationship. An employee must report make one phone call, and make personal contact with the intention to be absent from duty to Building Supervisor/immediate supervisor, Supervisor of Operations, or his/her designee. The Supervisor may ask for a doctor's slip if he feels the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. employee is abusing sick leave based on the day mutual agreement with the union. This agreement is good for one year but may be renewed if requested by the District and approved by the union. Three days of absence. If possible, notification should personal leave per year may be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignmentgranted without salary deduction, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior day(s) to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salarysick leave. Regular full time employees The personal leave shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract yearfor funerals, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contractemergencies, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick personal business that cannot be conducted during non-work hours. Personal leave will not be allowed under approved for absence resulting from weather conditions and its effect on transportation (except a schedule change by common carrier due to inclement weather) nor for wages or profit. Requests for personal leave must be submitted to the new contract until the employee does reportstaff member's supervisor in writing two days in advance, whereupon it will become retroactiveexcept in unusual cases. All accumulated requests must have the approval of the Director of Labor Relations and Benefits. Personal leave days are not cumulative. Any employee who has used less than half of the year's allotted sick leave is forfeited upon during the termination fiscal year of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject July 1 through June 30 of the relevant year, and has accumulated 30 sick days may choose to all practices granted buy back up to five unused days at the regular hourly rate of pay set forth in Article XVII with V, paragraph 11. Absence due to injury as a result of assault while on the stipulation that regular part time employees job shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentnot be charged against sick leave.

Appears in 1 contract


Sick Leave. 19.01 Sick leave shall be interpreted as any period of time when an employee no longer on probation is absent from work with full pay due to sickness or non-compensable accident (under the terms of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act) rendering the employee unable to perform their regular duties. 19.02 Employees who have completed their probationary periods shall accumulate sick leave credits on the basis of one and one-half (1 1/2) days per month to a maximum of one hundred and twenty (120) days. 19.03 An employee must report the intention to be who is absent from duty work due to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day illness or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must injury shall notify the immediate supervisor as soon as possible of such intention no later than 45 minutes absence and its estimated duration. A work related illness or injury must be reported immediately to the immediate supervisor. 19.04 a) To qualify for sick leave pay, an employee may be required to provide a statement from their treating physician or nurse practitioner: i) verifying that the employee has an illness or injury, and ii) prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous dayemployees return to work, identifying any restrictions, limitations and/or precautions that may be required. If the "Lakehead University Employee Medical/Work Limitation Form” is used, the employee does not give will be reimbursed by the required notification University for the cost of intent completing the form. b) In reviewing an employees’ sick leave usage, a Human Resources may interview an employee if usage appears to returnbe excessive, and the substitute subsequently reports may request a note from their treating physician or nurse practitioner for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed periods of sick leave of 15 working days during any duration. The ability of Human Resources to request notes from their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of paytreating physician or nurse practitioner under this clause shall expire three (3) months after the interview takes place. If an employee does Employees requiring doctors notes under this article will not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance reimbursed for the succeeding yearcost of these notes. There is no limit on the total number of days that 19.05 Circumstances may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If arise whereby an employee is placed on a leave of absence without pay for medical reasons, having previously exhausted available sick leave credits. If such employee, upon return to work, proves unable to begin service under perform the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to beginassigned work for a period of at least fifteen (15) consecutive working days, the employee shall nevertheless be returned to the leave of absence in effect prior to the return to work and such leave shall then be deemed to have continued without interruption. 19.06 Application for Long Term Disability benefits is mandatory for a prolonged illness/disability which may exceed 17 weeks (85 working days). An application must be submitted by the employee to the Long Term Disability carrier in the period of 9 to 11 weeks following onset of the illness/disability. No sick leave as provided in article 19 shall be paid out after the 17 week period (85 working days) if the employees’ claim has been approved. An employee shall be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability sick leave accumulated from prior years as provided in article 19 if adjudication of service with the districtclaim is delayed through no fault of the employee. Similarly, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable shall be entitled to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under if the new contract until Long Term Disability claim is denied and the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactiveemployees’ absence from work would otherwise satisfy the terms of article 19. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular For part time employees are subject to all practices granted in employees, the provisions of this Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentnot apply.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report The Employee will, after six months’ continuous service, be entitled in each ensuing period of 12 months to 10 days’ sick leave on pay calculated at the intention to be absent from duty to rate of the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before Employee’s ordinary rate of pay, for the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous dayhours normally worked. If the employee does not give the required notification term of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morningthis agreement is longer than 12 months, the substitute Employee may carry over up to 10 days’ sick leave to a maximum of 20 days’ current entitlement in any year. Accumulated sick leave cannot be exchanged for cash payment nor form any part of final payment to the Employee upon resignation or termination. The Employee will notify the Employer, as soon as possible on any day that the Employee wishes to take sick leave of their intention to take such leave. The Employee should notify the Employer they are sick by phoning the Employer. No Employee will be entitled to be paid sick leave for any day for which the Employee is paid earnings related compensation under the Accident Compensation Act 2001. No Employee will be entitled to be paid sick leave on any day not normally worked by them. The Employer may require the Employee to produce proof of sickness or injury for sick leave. If proof is required within the first 3 days of the Employee taking sick leave the Employer will pay reasonable expenses. An Employee may use their sick leave entitlement in the event of the sickness of: a spouse/partner; or a person who depends on the Employee for care is sick or injured. Any leave taken for these purposes will be treated as though it were the Employee's own illness. Any claim for domestic leave of a dependant will, if required, be supported by a medical certificate. Bereavement/Tangihanga Leave The Employee will, after six months’ continuous service, be entitled to Bereavement/Tangihanga leave in accordance with the Holidays Act 2003 whereby the Employee is entitled to: Up to three days’ bereavement/xxxxxxxxxx leave in the instance of the death of the Employee’s spouse or partner, parent, child, brother or sister, grandparent, grandchild or the parent of their spouse / partner; Up to three days bereavement/tangihanga leave if the Employee, or the Employee’s spouse or partner, lose a child through miscarriage or stillbirth (or as provided for in the Holidays Act 2003); or Up to one day’s bereavement/tangihanga leave in the instance of the death of any other person, if the Employer accepts that the Employee has suffered bereavement as a result of the death. Any claim for bereavement/tangihanga leave will, if required, be supported by satisfactory documentary evidence. Bereavement/tangihanga leave will be paid for an additional half day, and at the Employee's ordinary rate of pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave normal number of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use hours that the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit Employee normally works on the total number of days that may be accumulatedday(s) taken as bereavement/tangihanga leave. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless No Employee will be entitled to draw compensation be paid bereavement/tangihanga leave for any unused medically day for which the Employee is paid earnings related disability compensation under the Accident Compensation Act 2001. No Employee will be paid bereavement/tangihanga leave accumulated from prior years on any day not normally worked by them. Family Violence Leave The Employee will, after six months’ continuous service, be entitled in each ensuing period of service 12 months to 10 days’ family violence leave on pay in accordance with the districtHolidays Act 2003. The Employee can take family violence leave if: The Employee is affected by family violence; or A child living with the Employee is affected by family violence. The Employee will notify the Employer, pursuant as soon as possible on any day that the Employee wishes to take family violence leave of their intention to take such leave. The Employee should notify the Employer they are taking family violence leave by phoning the Employer. Any claim for family violence leave will, if required, be supported by evidence. The Employee may not carry over any family violence leave they do not take in the previous 12-month period. Family violence leave cannot be exchanged for cash payment nor form any part of final payment to the Employee upon resignation or termination. If the Employee has used all their family violence leave, or does not qualify, the Employer may at its regulations thereto, payable discretion allow the Employee to take annual leave or unpaid leave. Family violence leave will be paid for at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract Employee's ordinary rate of pay for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty normal number of hours that the Employee normally works on the first day(s) taken as family violence leave. No Employee will be paid family violence leave on any day not normally worked by them. Parental Leave Parental leave will be granted in accordance with the provisions of the new contract, Parental Leave and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentEmployment Protection Act 1987.

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Samples: Fixed Term Employment Agreement

Sick Leave. Twelve (12) days of sick leave shall be granted to each fulltime employee for a full year of work. Sick leave for part-time employees will be prorated based upon their full time equivalency (FTE). An employee must report who works eleven (11) working days in any calendar month will be given credit for the intention full calendar month. Unused sick leave may be accumulated from year-to-year. Upon initial employment in the bargaining unit an employee will be frontloaded three (3) days of sick leave and thereafter will accrue on a month-by-month basis. One day of leave will be credited for each month after the third month of contracted work. A minimum of eleven (11) days needs to be absent from duty worked/compensated in a month to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absencequalify as a month. If possible, notification should Sick-emergency leave will be given on the previous day or earlier. If front-loaded for an employee expects to return to an assignment, in his/her second school (work) year of employment if at the commencement of that year the employee must notify has a leave accumulation of not less that fifty (50) percent of the immediate supervisor sick-emergency leave that he/she would have earned during the first year of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous dayemployment. If the employee does not give meet the required notification fifty (50) percent requirement above he/she will continue to earn leave on a month-by-month basis for another school (work) year and all school years thereafter until a “fifty (50) percent balance of leave earned during a school year standard” is met by ending a school year with such a fifty (50) percent balance. As well, any employee who exhausts his/her sick-emergency leave balance after the second school (work) year of employment will be evaluated to determine the reasons for this situation. If sufficient documentation of a long term and /or serious medical or emergency condition(s) does not exist, front loading of sick-emergency leave will be forfeited and the employee will earn this leave on a month-to-month basis. Employees will be able to regain front-loading of sick-emergency leave by ending a school (work) year with a leave accumulation of fifty (50) percent of the leave that the employee would have earned during that school year. A verification of an employee’s illness or injury must be certified by a physician in the event of an absence of more than five (5) consecutive days, if such verification is requested by the administrator or the Human Resource Department. An administrator or the Human Resource Department may require physician certification after any five (5) non-consecutive days of sick leave usage when reasonable suspicion of misuse is evident. This paragraph is not grievable. An employee’s accrued sick leave may be used to care for a child, spouse, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, or domestic partner of the employee with a health condition that requires treatment or supervision. For planned surgeries or anticipated disablement, which will necessitate sick leave, the affected employee shall complete a ‘Leave of Absence’ form and notify his/her supervisor a reasonable time before the leave is required. Physical disablement caused by maternity, childbirth, and recovery there from shall be considered as a form of illness for the purpose of this leave. Emergency leave will be granted and deducted from sick leave. The circumstances should be of an emergency nature or for causes over which the employee has no control. Notice of intent to return, and use this leave shall be made to the substitute subsequently reports for duty appropriate administrator prior to the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salaryintended use. Regular full time employees Absences shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.following:

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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

Sick Leave. Sick leave is provided by the Employer to Permanent Full-Time Employees for the purpose of maintaining the basic rate of pay for regularly scheduled shifts of Employees during absences due to the Employee's illness, quarantine and accidents for which compensation is not payable under the Workers' Act. An employee must report shall earn sick leave credits at the intention rate of one and one-quarter (1 days for each calendar month for which he receives pay for at least ten (1 0) days. The accrual and use of sick leave credits will be administered in accordance with the following: Permanent Full-time Employees shall accumulate sick leave at the rate of one and one- quarter (1 %) days per month of full-time employment, to a maximum credit of eighty (80) days. Part-time Employees shall accumulate sick leave based on a pro rata basis of hours worked as compared to Permanent Full-time Employees. Xxxx leave credits will be absent from duty accumulated in accordance with Article up to a maximum credit of eighty (80) days, provided however, that an Employee shall not be entitled to use sick leave credits prior to completion of their probationary period as per Article When an Employee has accrued the maximum sick leave credits of eighty (80) days, the Employee shall no longer accrue sick leave credits until such time as the Employee’s total accumulation is reduced below the maximum. At that time, the Employee shall commence accumulating sick leave credits up to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earliermaximum once more. If an employee expects Employee requires time off for the purpose of attending dental, physiotherapy, optical or medical appointments, provided the Employee has been given prior authorization by the Employer to return do so, such absence shall be charged against the Employee’s accumulated sick leave credits. Employees may be required to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor submit satisfactory proof of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on appointments. For the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification purpose of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed computing sick leave of 15 working credit accumulation, days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract Employee is designated on vacation shall be counted as working days. An automatically reverts to begin, Short Term Disability benefits as determined by the employee shall nevertheless carrier’s policy and will not be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated use nor accumulate sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentcredits while Term Disability benefits.

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Samples: Collective Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time Newly hired employees shall be allowed credited with 1.50 sick days per month (prorated for part-time). Upon completion of one full work year, employees shall be credited with fifteen (15) sick days at the commencement of the next following work year (prorated for part-time). Unused sick leave may accumulate to a maximum not to exceed one hundred ninety-five (195) days plus unused personal leave applied under the rules of 15 working Acticle XIV, section B, of this Agreement, but not more than one hundred eighty (180) days during their of accumulated sick leave can be carried forward from the end of any school year to the following school year. Remaining available sick leave for first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days employees will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At applied at the end of the year, any school year if necessary in order for them to receive pay for the days which were lost in that year due to insufficient sick leave accumulation at the time of the accumulated earlier illness. Employees may use up to five (5) days which are unused of his/her sick leave in the event of sickness of his/her parent, spouse, child, and/or other family members living in the immediate household. The Employer reserves the right to require medical certification for sick days under the Family and Medi- cal Leave Act of 1993, or where sick leave usage appears excessive, patterned, or suggests abuse of sick leave. If sick leave usage appears excessive, patterned, or suggests abuse of sick leave, the Employer shall meet with the employee to make the employee aware of his/her concern. In such circumstance, the employee will be added given the opportunity to the regular allowance for the succeeding yearpro- vide evidence regarding whether his/her sick leave usage is excessive, patterned, or suggests abuse of sick leave. If an employee acceptable explanation is unable to begin service under not forthcoming and the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate questioned behavior continues relative to the employee’s part time condition use of employmentsick leave, the employer may require medical certi- fication for every sick leave day for the remainder of the school year if deemed necessary, and may result in disciplinary action. On days of illness, notification of illness must be made by the employee to the person designated to arrange for substitutes and report absences, as soon as possible, but no later than one (1) hour before the start of the work day. In addition to the above, the Committee authorizes the use of paid sick leave grants if there is a risk of impairment of health to the unborn child of an employee as stated in the written finding of the employee’s physi- cian as a result of the known existence of a communicable disease, such as chickenpox, measles, 5th Disease, etc. In such instance, the employee may be considered for professional temporary reassignment. Such reas- signment shall be out of harm’s way, and that is mutually agreeable to the parties involved. However, this should not preclude an employee from using his/her own sick leave if he/she desires.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Settlement Agreement

Sick Leave. An When an employee must report the intention to be absent from duty is given leave of absence without pay under Articles and or is laid off on account of lack of work and returns to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before service of the employee’s regular starting timeemployer upon expiration of such leave of absence, etc., he shall not receive credit for the period of such absence, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on shall retain his cumulative credit, if any, existing at the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor time of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous dayleave. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total The number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate parts of days allotted for that year, the excess which an employee received "sick shall be deducted from his cumulative sick pay credit. Any or all of the employee’s unused portion of sick pay credit shall be accumulated daysto the benefit of the employee from year to year. At The unused portion of the yearly accumulation shall be computed at the end of each year and brought forward in days and parts of days. It is understood that sick leave pay is not applicable where leave of absence is granted under Article An employee shall not receive sick pay when eligible to receive compensation under the yearWorkers' Compensation Act, any due to injury sustained while on the payroll of someone other than the Corporation. Where an employee who is injured in circumstances in which he might be entitled to compensation under the Workers' Compensation Act, elects instead to claim against the third person, he shall, as a condition of receiving sick pay benefits as hereinbefore provided, undertake in writing to reimburse the Corporation out of the proceeds of any settlement or judgement upon such claim the amount of money equivalent to the value of such sick pay benefits, and upon his having made such reimbursement, his accumulated days which are unused sick pay credits shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding yearrestored accordingly. If Effective May an employee who is injured on duty where no action for such injuries would lie against a third person, and who is unable to begin service under work as a result of such injury, shall, while off work, be advanced by the contract on Corporation to the date on extent of available sick leave credits an amount equal to an estimate of the anticipated daily benefit to which the contract is designated to beginemployee may be entitled, until such time as a ruling has been made by the Board upon the employee's claim. If the Board rules against the claim, the accumulated sick leave credits of the employee shall nevertheless be entitled reduced accordingly. Effective June a regular full time employee who is absent by reason of incapacity caused by an accident occurring while on duty and who is granted temporary total disability benefits from the Workers' Compensation Board may elect to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years receive the difference between the amount of service with such award and the districtbasic daily wage, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day extent of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on credits, which to draw, compensation shall be charged at the rate of one- quarter (+) day for sick leave each day paid. Such payment will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.authorized and continue except where: ARTICLE BENEFITS FOR REGULA R EMPLOYEES (Continued)

Appears in 1 contract


Sick Leave. An The University sick leave plan pro- vides employees with income while they are legitimately unable to work due disability resulting from accident or sickness. After completion of her probation period an employee must report will be credited with eight hours of sick leave for each calendar month in which she worked a minimum of eighty hours. The accumulation of sick leave days shall not exceed six hundred hours and will be calcu- lated on the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before basis of the employee’s regular starting timecommence- ment date in the bargaining unit. Provided it is established that absence is due to disability, an employee who has completed her probation period will be paid one hour of accumulated sick leave for each hour of absence until the sick leave accumulation is exhausted. In the event the sick leave accumulation is exhausted prior to the six hundredth hour, the University will continue to pay of normal wage until the six hundredth hour of absence. To qualify to sick leave payment an employee must, unless unable due to extreme circumstances, notify her supervisor as early as possible but in no case not later than 7:00 a.m. during the first hour of the first day on which she is absent from her work. Upon return to work following an absence of 3 days or more, a medical certifi- signed by the employee’s doctor and firming the employee’s disability for the period of absence, must be submitted to the employee’s supervisor. With respect to and above an employee may be required to be examined by a physician appointed by the University. In the event of a difference of opinion, the employee will have the right to a third medical opinion, at the Employer’s expense, by a mutually acceptable physician. For the and absences during any one benefit year July to June sick leave benefits will be payable from the first working day of absence due to illness or non-occupational accident; for the and subsequent absences the sick leave benefit will begin on the third working day of absence. If possible, notification should Sick leave provision to be given on the previous day used for visit Doctor or earlierDentist. If Time taken to be from sick bank in full hours hour or more rounded to next hour) and counts as appropriate fraction of occurrence. While receiving of normal wages an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and required to make her full required contributions to the pay for this benefits programs. Sick leave payments will be deducted from reduced benefits payable under the Canada Pension Plan Act or Workers’ Compensation Act. Payments under the Unemployment Insurance Act will not reduce benefits. An employee’s normal wage is her base hourly rate multiplied by the employee’s salaryregu- larly scheduled hours of work. Regular full time employees shall be allowed The Employer will, twice each year, supply the Union with a list of sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of payhours accumulated by employees. If an employee does not need to use ARTICLE XVII NATIONAL SECURITY The Canadian government, either dir- ectly or through its agencies may instruct the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added Employer with respect to the allowance security of information and materials and the personnel permitted to do certain work. The Union that the Employer is obliged to meet such instructions and that for such reason the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that Employer may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added refuse certain employ- ees access to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year work or may transfer employ- ees covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentby such instructions.

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Sick Leave. An Effective January except as provided in paragraph employees shall accumulate sick leave on the following basis: Less than 3 months employment 3 days More than 3 months employment days More than months employment days More than months employment days More than months employment days More than months employment days Employees who will, after three months, become entitled by reason of disability to receive income protection at the- rate of sixty-six and two-thirds per cent of the salary rate at the time of commencement of the disability, will receive an additional sum of money equivalent to thirteen and one-third per cent of their basic wages for a period of four months from the commencement of the time in respect of which income protection payments are received or until the disability ceases, whichever is sooner. There shall be no accumulation of sick leave during any period of four weeks or longer during which an employee must report the intention to is not in a paid status. Accumulated sick leave entitlement may be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before used in month period commencing on the employee’s regular starting time, but 's employment anniversary and sick leave so used will be renewed in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on accordance with the day above schedule at the end of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, twelve month period in which it is taken provided the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of is in a paid status at such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous dayanniversary. If the employee does is not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morningin a paid status on such anniversary, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed renewal of sick leave shall occur as of 15 working days during their first year the date of his/her return to paid status. Xxxx leave unused on an employee's Sick ⚫ ♑ Carry-over employment anniversary may be carried over and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance entitlement for the succeeding year. There is no limit on next twelve months provided that the total number maximum accumulation of sixty days that may not be accumulated. In case exceeded absences of absences for illness five or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated more Medical Evidence consecutive work days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled provide medical evidence verifying the illness. The University may require such evidence for lesser periods provided the employee is allowed reasonable t i m e t o obtain such evidence. An employee shall give notice to draw compensation for his/her immediate supervisor, or designate, of any unused medically related disability leave accumulated of Illness illness which will prevent him/her from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If performing his/her duties When an employee is unable entitled to report for duty on receive Workers' Compensation compensation under the first day Workers' Compensation Act, his/her salary will continue up to the limit of his/her sick leave entitlement. The employee shall reimburse the University in an amount equal to lost time compensation received under that Act in respect of the new contract, and had no accumulated period for which s/he received full salary. Xxxx leave used shall then be reinstated as of the date the employee returns to work. The Association will co-operate with the Co-operation University in investigating allegations of sick leave on usage which appear to draw, compensation for be unusually high or above the average sick leave experience for Association bargaining unit A period of certified illness of one Sickness during day or more during a period of vacation Vacation leave will not be allowed under recorded as sick leave. In cases involving a certified illness the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at University may require a ratio proportionate second opinion as to the employee’s part time condition 's illness from another mutually agreeable and legally qualified medical practitioner (understanding that in event of employmenta second opinion other than the University's Medical Director the employee is responsible for any fees). Medical and dental appointments should be Dental made outside normal working hours whenever Appointments possible. When this is not possible, employees may be granted one hour off work without loss of credit. Time off in excess of one hour shall be accumulated and charged against their sick leave credits. The University will attempt to notify the Association of any bargaining unit members who are approved for Long Term Disability and in the case of Workers' Compensation of those on for a period of greater t h a n t h r e e consecutive months.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

Sick Leave. An Employees shall be credited with ten (10) days of sick leave at the beginning of the year (a rate of one {1} day of sick leave per month worked with a maximum of ten {10} days per year). Sick leave credit shall be pro-rated for part-time employment. Sick leave may accumulate to a maximum of one hundred and twenty (120) days. If the accrued sick leave days given at the beginning of the school year cause the total accumulation for an employee to equal or exceed 80 days, five (5) sick leave days may be exchanged for one personal day or 10 sick leave days may be exchanged for two personal days as long as the accumulated sick leave does not fall below 75 days at the time of exchange. Applications asking for the exchange must report the intention to be absent from duty submitted to the designated Employer representative Business Office by at least one hour before June 1 of the preceding school year. Sick leave may be used for personal illness or injury and for illness, injury, or as bereavement leave upon the death of a member of the employee's immediate or extended family or a resident of the employee’s regular starting timehousehold. Absence for illness, but injury, or death in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day employee's immediate or extended family is limited to ten (10) days per year. Additional days may be granted by the Superintendent of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous daySchools. If the employee does not give the required notification is out of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morningsick leave, the additional granted days by the Superintendent shall fall under the purview of Article XI. If the employee has not worked enough days to have earned the (10) days sick leave advanced at the beginning of the school year, such days shall be deducted from his/her last salary payment. If termination occurs after the last salary payment, employees will reimburse the District one (1) day's salary of the duty year for each day owed. Employees who have exhausted all available paid leave that can be used for sick leave purposes shall have their salary reduced at their per diem rate (1/190). In this occurrence, the employee will not be responsible for daily maintenance activities (lesson plans, parent phone calls, substitute plans, grading, etc.) and conferences during the absence. A certified employee need not have depleted all available sick leave in order to be granted an unpaid leave for illness or disability. A written request must be sent to the Superintendent prior to taking the leave without pay. Upon the death of a full-time employee, the employee’s accumulated sick leave will be paid for an additional half day, and as a benefit to the pay for this will employee’s beneficiary at the rate of $25/day to a maximum of 120 days. An employee who becomes pregnant or who has a tentative adoption scheduled shall notify their principal in writing as soon as possible. The length of a maternity or adoptive leave or extended illness leave shall be deducted determined by written statements from the employee’s salarydoctor indicating approximately when the leave shall begin and when the employee is capable of returning. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave An employee who resigns because of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need pregnancy, to use the allotted days during the contract yearadopt a child, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for extended illness or disabling injury in any may apply within one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, reinstatement at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition comparable position, exclusive of employmentsupplementary assignment, providing a position exists. Application should be made by January 1.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: 2018 2019

Sick Leave. An (a) In accordance with the Company’s Short Term Disability Policy, an employee must report the intention to who has more than 3 months of service but less than 1 year of service who is absent because of illness or injury shall be absent from duty paid salary continuance for up to the designated Employer representative first week of absence followed by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day 70% salary for up to a further 25 weeks of absence. If possibleAn employee who has more than 1 year of service who is absent because of illness or injury shall be paid salary continuance for up to the first 4 weeks of the absence followed by 70% salary for up to a further 22 weeks of absence. Subject to having more than one year of continuous service, notification should the Company shall continue to provide sick leave with full pay to all other than probationary employees of up to a maximum of 20 working days accumulated in any one instance or illness. Illnesses that are continuous or cumulative absences for the same illness or injury shall be given on paid at 100% for the previous day first 20 days of the illness and then paid at 70% for the remaining 22 weeks including statutory holidays within a twelve month period regardless of whether the absence for said illness or earlierinjury carries over into the next calendar year when the affected employee has qualified for Long Term Disability benefits. If When required by the Company, an employee expects to return to an assignment, on sick leave must furnish at his or her own expense a certificate signed by a duly qualified medical practitioner establishing that the employee must is incapable of working. This requirement will not be exercised in a way that is discriminatory, arbitrary or in bad faith. A member absent due to sickness or disability shall notify his xxxxxxx and then the immediate supervisor chapel chairperson of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior his inability to normal student dismissal report to work and shall at the time on of notification indicate the previous dayprobable duration of his absence. If the employee does member is unable to return from sick leave on the date indicated above, s/he will so advise the xxxxxxx and then the chapel chairperson and will call in on each subsequent day of related sick leave until his return to work. The employer shall not give the be required to pay benefits for any missed shifts when notification of intent to return, absence has not been given. Such notification must be made by the member unless the nature of the sickness or disability makes this impossible and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will this can be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added corroborated to the allowance for satisfaction of the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulatedemployer. In case of absences compensable accident the Company will pay 100% of an employee's wages less any amount received by the employee from the Workers' Compensation Board. However, in no case are the above amounts to exceed the regular take home pay that the employee would otherwise have earned had he/she not been absent on Workers' Compensation. To facilitate a regular income for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that yearemployee, the excess shall be deducted from Company will pay the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the employee his/her regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, straight-time wages and the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate turn over to the employee’s part time condition Company his/her earnings from Workers' Compensation as soon as received. Under no circumstances will notification of employmentabsence due to sickness or disability given to the Chapel Chairperson be considered proper notification.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Memorandum of Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report Pay for sick leave is for the intention sole and only purpose of protecting employees against loss of income as a result of legitimate personal illness and will be granted to all employees on the following basis: Absence for injury compensable under the provisions of the Workers’ Compensation Act shall not be absent from duty to charged against sick leave credits. However, the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before will pay the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on wages for the day of absencesuch accident and charge it to the employee’s sick leave credits. If possible, notification should Employees who have not completed their probation shall not be given on entitled to paid sick leave. Employees who have completed the previous day or earlierprobationary period shall be credited with three days of sick leave and shall then accumulate sick leave credits at the rate of one and one-quarter days per month of service to a maximum of fifteen per year. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, Once these credits are earned they may be used when sickness renders the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior unable to normal student dismissal time on the previous dayperform assigned duties. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this Xxxx leave credits used up will be deducted from the employee’s salarytotal credits accumulated. Regular full time Xxxx leave credits will expire on termination of employment or retirement, or on death. All unused sick leave may be accumulated up to a maximum of sixty days. Employees absent on personal illnesses shall be paid for the first three such illnesses in any calendar year. However, for the fourth and succeeding personal illnesses in any calendar year, employees shall not be allowed paid for the first two days of illness. If, on the fourth or succeeding illness employees are off for two days or more, then payment for sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit shall commence on the total number of days that third day and shall continue as long as credits are available. An employee may be accumulatedrequired to produce proof of sickness in the form of a medical certificate for any absence. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess Sick leave payments shall be deducted from equal the employee’s accumulated days. At the end regular daily wage, exclusive of the yearovertime or any premium pay for each day of personal illness that he was regularly scheduled to work, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for extent of his accumulated sick leave credits. Any employee absenting himself on account of personal illness must notify the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty Employer on the first day of illness before the new contracttime he would normally report for duty. Failure to give adequate notice, and had no accumulated unless such failure is unavoidable, may result in loss of sick leave on which benefits for that day of absence. During any illness, the employee will advise the Employer as to drawwhere he may be contacted in addition to notifying the Employer of his intention to work as far in advance as possible, compensation for unless such failure is unavoidable. Employees whose sick leave will not credits are exhausted must apply in writing for further leave of absence (without pay) to be allowed under governed by the new contract until provisions of Article hereof. It is understood and agreed that neither pregnancy nor resulting child birth, nor complications arising there from shall be considered as personal illness for the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactivepurpose of this Agreement. All accumulated The Union agrees to co-operate with Management in controlling the unnecessary use of sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.benefits,

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Service Employees

Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does shall not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for sick pay in advance of any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with credit he may earn in the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty current month; such credit becomes available only on and after the first day of the new contractfollowing month. Whenever in any month an employee's days of illness exceed his cumulative sick pay credit at the end of such month, the excess days of illness shall not be charged against credit becoming available in the future, but shall be charged as days of illness without pay. When an employee is given personal leave of absence without pay under Article excess of (31) days or 6.0'7, OF is laid off on account of lack of work and returns to the service of the employer upon expiration of such leave of absence, etc., he shall not receive credit for the period of such absence, but shall retain his cumulative credit, if any, existing at the time of such leave. The number of days or parts of days for which an employee received pay" shall be deducted from his cumulative sick pay credit. Any or all of the unused portion of sick pay credit shall be accumulated to the benefit of the employee from year to year. The unused portion of the yearly accumulation shall be computed at the end of each year and brought forward in days and parts of days. An employee shall not receive sick pay when eligible to receive compensation under the Workers' Compensation Act, due to injury sustained while on the payroll of someone other than the Corporation. Where an employee who is injured in circumstances in which he might be entitled to compensation under the Workers' Compensation Act, elects instead to claim against the third person, he shall, as a condition of receiving sick pay benefits as hereinbefore provided, undertake in writing to reimburse the Corporation out of the proceeds of any settlement or judgment upon claim the amount of money equivalent to the value of such sick pay benefits, and had upon his having made such his accumulated sick pay credits shall be restored accordingly. Effective May an employee who is injured on duty where no action for such injuries would lie against a third person, and who is unable to work as a result of such injury, shall, while off work, be advanced by the Corporation to the extent of available sick leave credits an amount equal to an estimate of the anticipated daily benefit to which the employee may be entitled, until such time as a ruling has been made by the Board upon the claim. If the Board rules against the claim, the accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until credits of the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactiveshall be reduced accordingly. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.ARTICLE EMPLOYE E BENEFITS (Continued)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Public Employees Local Casual Employees

Sick Leave. An employee must report Originally signed Feb.22, 1999 The parties are agreed for the intention duration of the 2014-2019 collective agreement to be absent from duty a trial sick leave plan that provides to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor who accrues 850 hours of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal paid time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract in one calendar year, the unused accrual of sick leave entitlement in the following year based on one and one-quarter (1¼) days per month of full-time service. Part-time appointees who qualify as above shall be entitled to sick leave credits on a pro-rated basis. Employees who are reappointed may carry forward any accumulated sick leave up to a maximum of one hundred and thirty (130) days. This plan will provide entitlement effective the 2017 calendar year. LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING #ELC8 Part time work pre-retirement Originally signed Mar. 31, 2016 In cases where a teacher signs an agreement to accept retirement up to a maximum of two years hence, that teacher will be added permitted to the allowance for the succeeding yearaccept less than fulltime work without it affecting their Continuing status or seniority. There is This opportunity will apply to no limit on the total number of days that more than two teachers at any given time. Part time work may be accumulatedcomprised of existing programs (Monthly English, electives, etc.) and/or may include teaching a single class section in the long term programs. In case Under no circumstances will a teacher be permitted to teach only a portion of absences for illness or injury a class. Teachers accepting part time work will not be permitted to resume full time work. Professional development will be pro-rated. Accepting part time work may require a teacher to attend additional duties outside the part-time schedule (e.g. field trips, orientations tests and professional development). Such duties will be considered as “other duties as required” and will not accrue additional pay. Similarly, teachers working only one class section in any one year exceeding long term programs will be required to perform within the aggregate scope of days allotted for that yeartheir normal appointment, duties such as: • Work the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At full placement speaking test day, administer late speaking tests, and perform final speaking tests at the end of the yearprogram. For the final speaking test, any the Head Teacher will make an effort to divide the work proportionately but in cases where the schedule cannot accommodate part time testers, the teachers will be required to administer the test for the full schedule. • Attend both start up and end of session all teachers (mass) meeting as well as one of the accumulated days which are unused shall first two and the third Core meeting each term. • Attend half the field trips, in the event there is only one field trip, both teachers will attend. • Meet within the first two weeks of the program to agree upon how the above meetings and field trips will be added divided as well as the division of guest speakers so that everything is shared equitably and present the written plan to the regular allowance for the succeeding yearHead Teacher. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to beginIn cases where agreement cannot be reached, the employee shall nevertheless Head Teacher will decide. CULTURAL ASSISTANTS APPENDIX Note: This Appendix contains collective agreement language that pertains specifically to Cultural Assistants. It is intended to be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service read in conjunction with the districtCUPE Local 4163 Master Agreement. The numbering of the Articles in this appendix is intended to match the numbering of the Articles in the Master Agreement that generally address the sametopic. Orientation (3.02) Prior to the start of the Summer Programs, pursuant and to its regulations theretothe start of any other program as necessary, payable at the time regular installments are due English Language Center will arrange and hold induction/orientation meetings of all members covered under this contractAppendix. During such meetings, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract up to one half hour will be provided for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day a representative of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which Union to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under discuss the new contract until function of the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentUnion.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement

Sick Leave. An At the beginning of each calendar year, each full-time and part-time employee must report shall be credited with sick leave hours in accordance the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absencechart below. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day Weekly Work Hours 20 21 25 28 30 35 37½ 40 Sick Leave Hours 60 63 75 84 90 105 113 120 Full-time or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full part-time employees shall be allowed earn sick leave up to 8 hours for each full month of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days service during the contract year, remainder of the unused days will be added calendar year in which hired in accordance to the allowance for the succeeding yearfollowing chart. There is no limit Weekly Hours 20 21 25 28 30 35 37½ 40 Monthly earning of Sick Leave in Remaining Calendar Year. 4 7 5 7 6 7 7½ 8 Any annual sick leave hours which would otherwise accumulate thereafter shall earn additional vacation hours on the total number basis of days that may be accumulatedhours over the accumulated allowance divided by 3. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess Excess sick leave hours shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At converted to vacation hours at the end of the each calendar year, any of . Hours over the accumulated days which are unused allowance divided by 3 shall not be added converted to the regular allowance for the succeeding yearvacation hours. If When an employee resigns in good standing or is unable to begin terminated through no fault of his/her own after ten years or more service under with the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to beginCounty, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled receive payment for one-third of his/her accumulation of unused sick leave hours carried over from the previous calendar year. The employee shall also receive payment for 1/12 of the sick leave hours credited to draw compensation his/her terminating year for each full month worked during said year, provided the employee had not already used such time. For the purpose of this policy, if an employee's last day worked is on or after the 15th of a given month, he/she shall receive credit for said month. If, after computing one-third of an employee's accumulation of unused sick leave hours, there is less than one half hour remaining the employee shall not receive credit for this. An employee who resigns not in good standing or who is discharged as a result of disciplinary action shall not receive payment for any accumulation of unused medically related disability sick leave accumulated from prior hours, regardless of his/her number of years of service with the districtCounty. In the event of death of an employee, pursuant to its regulations theretothe employee's survivor, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contractestate, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract or administrator shall receive payment for the school employee's unused sick leave time, regardless of the number of years of service the employee had with the County, computed in the same manner as it is for an employee who resigns in good standing after ten years or more of service. When an employee retires, the employee shall receive payment for one-half of his/her accumulation of unused sick leave hours carried over from the previous calendar year, regardless of the number of years of service the employee had with the County. The employee shall also receive payment for 1/12 of the Sick Leave hours credited to his/her retiring year covered thereinfor each full month worked during said year, provided the employee had not already used such time. If an employee is unable becomes sick or disabled, the employee may be eligible for the extended sick leave program. The employee may receive up to report half pay per week for duty on up to twenty-six (26) weeks during such disability. This program becomes effective after the first day employee has used up all of the new contract, and had no his/her accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentdays.

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Sick Leave. An employee must report who is unable to attend to his or her duties due to sickness or injury is entitled leave of absence with pay in each calendar year as follows: at regular salary for the intention first ten 0) working days of absence; at seventy-five percent (75%) of regular salary for an additional one hundred and twenty (120) working days of absence. An employee may elect to use accrued vacation days to receive of regular salary on the basis of vacation day to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the used for each day of absence. If possibleUnused sick days payable at one hundred per cent (100%) in any plan year can be carried forward to replace sick days paid at seventy five (75%) in future years. Unused sick days can only be carried forward to accumulation of sixty-five (65) days at one hundred per cent (100%). Upon retirement, notification should layoff or of employment, unused days standing in the name of the employee shall be given on the previous day or earliercancelled and shall be of no effect. If An employee is not entitled to leave of absence with pay under this section until he she bas worked twenty (20) consecutive working days. Where an employee expects to return to an assignmentis on a sick leave of absence which commences in calendar year and continues in the following calendar year, the employee must notify is not entitled to leave of absence with pay Section for more than hundred and thirty (130) working days in the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior two (2) calendar years until he or she has returned to normal student dismissal time on the previous dayfor twenty (20) consecutive working days. If the An employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed who has used sick leave of 15 absence with pay for one hundred and thirty (130) working days during their first in a calendar year of employment and 15 under Section must work twenty (20) consecutive working days each year thereafter without loss before the employee is entitled to further leave under Section in the next calendar year. The pay of an employee under Section is subject to deductions for insurance coverage and pension contributions that would be made from regular pay. If an employee does not need The Employer paid portion of payments and subsidies will continue to use the allotted days during the contract yearbe made. After five (5) days' absence caused by sickness or injury, the unused days will no with pay shall be added unless a certificate of a legally qualified medical practitioner is forwarded to the allowance for Employer, certifying that the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract attend to his or her duties. Notwithstanding this provision, where it is designated to beginsuspected that there may be an abuse of sick leave, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If Employer may require an employee is unable to report submit a medical certificate for duty on the first day a period of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination absence of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentless than five (5) days.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention to be absent from duty Subject to the designated Employer representative by limitations hereinafter set forth, the Company will grant each employee who shall have been continuously in its employ for at least one (1) year, sick leave with pay on each of the scheduled working days on which he/she is unfit for work on account of illness (excluding on-the-job injury). Employees who worked for MTA's LI Bus operation and began employment with the Company at the outset of operations on January 1, 2012 will be deemed to have satisfied the one year of continuous service requirement. Employees must be scheduled to work a minimum of thirty (30) hours in each of the posted picks during the calendar year to qualify to receive paid sick leave as specified below: Year of Employment Full Time Days of Sick Leave Part Time Hours of Sick Leave 5 24 Employees hired between the months of August through December of a calendar year shall receive a pro-rated sick leave accrual in their 2nd year of service as follows: Full time employee shall receive one (I) sick day Part-time employee shall receive six (6) hours of sick Sick leave balances will be credited to each eligible employee's leave bank at the beginning of the calendar year. For the purpose of receiving sick leave pay as specified above: A full-time employee shall be defined as an employee in any title scheduled to work forty (40) hours in a workweek. Pay for a sick leave day for a full time employee shall be computed at the employee's regular hourly rate of pay times eight (8) hours. No sick leave will be allowed for absences less than a full working day. A part-time employee shall be defined as an employee scheduled to work at least thirty (30) hours but less than forty (40) hours in a workweek. Pay for sick leave for a part time employee shall be computed at the employee's regular hourly rate of pay times the employee's scheduled work hours for the day they call in sick. Sick pay shall not exceed the available balance of sick leave hours in the employees leave bank. No sick leave will be allowed for absences less than a full working day for the employee. To be entitled for sick leave for any day on which he/she is absent from work because of illness, an employee, except where it is impossible to do so, must at least one (1) hour before the employee’s regular starting timecommencement of his/her tour of duty for that day (two (2) hours on contractually specified holidays), but cause notice of the illness and the place and telephone number where he/she can be found during such illness, to be given by telephone, messenger, or otherwise to his/her appropriate supervisor. Except where it is impossible to do so, failure to cause such notice to be given shall deprive the employee of his/her right to be paid for such tour of duty and may result in no case later than 7:00 a.m. disciplinary action. The Company reserves the right to investigate any and all employees reporting sick. An employee who is absent due to illness for whom a replacement is necessary, shall notify his/her appropriate supervisor of his/her intent to return to duty by twelve noon on the day of absence. If possiblepreceding his return to duty, notification should in order to be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects entitled to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactivework. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination days/hours earned and unused up to a total of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.five (5)_days/twenty-four

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement

Sick Leave. Xxxx leave is provided for the sole purpose of insuring an employee of a continuing income during periods of his bona fide sickness. Xxxx leave credits shall be accumulated when an employee is at work or on authorized leave with pay, other than sick leave. Xxxx leave credits will not be accumulated when the employee is on leave without pay. An employee must report shall accumulate sick leave credits as follows: ACCRUAL RATE Commencing with employee's 1st complete pay period up to and including the intention 64th complete pay period days sick leave for each complete pay period; Maximum accrual in any one year days; or hours sick leave for each hours; Maximum accrual in any one year hours Commencing with employee's 65th complete pay period and each pay period thereafter or in pay period following completion of hours day sick leave for each complete pay period; Maximum accrual in any one year days; or hour sick leave for each hours; Maximum accrual in any one year hours Maximum allowable accrual days or hours An employee on authorized sick leave shall be paid at the basic rate set for that employee's classification during the time of sickness, for the maximum number of hours in an employee's regular work day had he not been absent on account of sickness. An employee shall notify his immediate supervisor or other designated officer of his division of his sickness or inability to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s perform his regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. duties as soon as practicable on the first day of absence. If possibleabsence or inability, notification should be given on indicating the previous day reason for and the probable duration of such absence or earlierinability. If an employee expects fails to return notify the Corporation of his absence due to sickness or inability to perform his regular duties, he shall not receive payment for sick leave unless he can show to the Corporation's satisfaction that he was unable to give notice, or has made a bona fide but unsuccessful attempt to do so on the first day of absence and on successive days of absence. The Corporation may require an assignment, employee who claims that he has been absent because of sickness to furnish a certificate by a duly qualified medical practitioner certifying the inability of the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous dayattend his regular duties. If the employee does not give fails to furnish a medical certificate when requested, his absence from work may be considered as unauthorized and consequently without pay. The Corporation reserves the required notification of intent right to returndetermine at any time, in consultation with a medical authority and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morningemployee, the substitute will be paid necessity for an additional half day, sick leave and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave capability of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of payan employee to return to work. If an employee does requires or desires medical attention, which is not need of an emergency nature but is or may be necessary to use the allotted days during the contract yearsafeguard his future health, the unused Corporation may grant a request for sick leave with pay provided that the request for such leave is made at least two (2) working days will in advance of the date on which leave is required, and the medical authority to be added consulted is named in the request. An extension of sick leave beyond the period of sick leave credits accumulated by an employee shall be at the discretion of the Corporation and such extension, when granted, shall be without pay. An employee shall have the right to return to the allowance for position he held prior to going on sick leave or another comparable vacancy at any time up to the succeeding yeardate on which his accumulated sick leave credits are exhausted, provided he is judged capable of resuming employment. There When an employee returns to work after being on sick leave, he shall resume the accumulation of sick leave credits at the same rate as such credits were being accumulated immediately prior to such sick leave. When an employee is no limit transferred from a classification not covered by this agreement to a classification,which is covered by this agreement, he shall retain whatever sick leave credits he may have accumulated to the date of transfer. If such sick leave was accumulated on an hourly basis, it shall be converted on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted basis applicable prior to transfer and from the employee’s accumulated daysdate of transfer such employee shall accumulate further sick leave credits in the manner provided by this agreement. At Except as provided in Article sick leave with pay shall not be granted to an employee who suffers a compensable injury and is in receipt of compensation from the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused Workers Compensation Board. Xxxx leave credits shall automatically be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding yearforfeited when an employee loses his status. If an employee is unable to begin service under hospitalized during his vacation, the contract on Corporation shall, upon receiving proof from the date on employee of such hospitalization, allow the working days during which the contract is designated employee was hospitalized and subsequent convalescence to beginbe charged to his sick leave credits, and the employee shall nevertheless to utilize the resulting vacation credits at a time to be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until arranged between the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactiveand his supervisor. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.ARTICLE

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Samples: Agreement

Sick Leave. An ARTICLE 31 Each employee must report shall receive 13.20 hours of paid sick leave each month while employed by the intention City. Such sick leave will be distributed bi-monthly on each scheduled pay day. However, such sick leave shall not be accumulated on overtime hours, but only on regular hours of service. Accumulation of sick leave hours is to be absent from duty to unlimited. Employees must use sick leave, upon the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before approval of the responsible administrative officer in the employee’s regular starting time's department, but for absence due to personal illness, pregnancy, injury, exposure to contagious disease which would be communicated to other employees and, to illness, injury or death in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary's immediate family. Regular full time employees shall be allowed When sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract yearis used, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess it shall be deducted from the employee’s 's credit on the basis of one (1) hour for every one (1) hour of absence from previously scheduled work. However, when sick leave is used for injury received on duty, or exposure to contagious disease from a patient who has received emergency medical treatment which occurs while the employee is on duty, it will not be deducted from the employee's credit so long as the disability time off does not exceed 2620.8 total hours. The previously accumulated days. At the end sick leave of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable who has been separated from the public service may be placed to begin service under his credit upon his re-employment in the contract on public service, provided that such re-employment takes place within ten (10) years of the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated was last terminated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contractpublic service, and had no further provided that he previously accumulated sick leave on which was not subject to drawconversion to a separation payment by the employee's previous employer. To be eligible for such credit, compensation for the affected employee shall be required to submit proof deemed acceptable by the City of such employee's previously accumulated but unpaid sick leave will not balance. An employee who transfers to this City from a different public agency shall be allowed under credited with the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All unused balance of his accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon up to a maximum of 500 hours, provided that the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are previously accumulated sick leave was not subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at conversion to a ratio proportionate to separation payment by the employee’s part time condition 's previous employer. To be eligible for such a credit, the affected employee shall be required to submit proof deemed acceptable by the City of employmentsuch employee's previously accumulated but unpaid sick leave balance. Each department supervisor is authorized to establish and publish regulations concerning sick leave and shall require the employee to furnish a satisfactory written, signed statement to justify the use of sick leave. If medical attention is required, a certificate stating the nature of the illness shall be required from the attending physician justifying the use of sick leave. Falsification of either a written signed statement or a physician's certificate shall be grounds for disciplinary action including dismissal. For the purpose of this Article, the “contagious disease” referred to herein must be a disease recorded in the medical records of the transported patient and further, “contagious disease” is defined as being a disease which is infectious in nature but not including common ailments such as influenza, common cold, etc.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: An Agreement

Sick Leave. Sick Leave is defined as a form of insurance against illness, quarantine by a medical officer of Alberta Health, or an accident for which compensation is not payable under the Worker’s Compensation Act. The employee shall be allowed a credit for sick leave, computed the date of employment, at the rate of one and one-half (1%) working days for each full month of employment up to a maximum credit of one hundred and twenty (120) working days, provided that an employee shall not be entitled to apply sick leave credits prior to the completion of the probation period. Xxxx Leave credits shall not accrue during any period of sick leave in excess of one (1) month. An employee must report granted sick leave shall be paid for the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by period of leave at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting timeBasic Rate of Pay, and the number of days thus paid will be deducted credits accumulated at the time sick leave commenced. Employees shall be required to submit proof satisfactoryto the Employer of any absence in excess of three (3) consecutive days due to illness, non-occupational accident or quarantine. When an employee has the maximum sick leave credit, that employee shall no longer accrue sick leave credits until such as the total accumulation is reduced. At that time the employee shall recommence accumulating sick leave credits. Sick leave shall not be for pregnancy, but sick leave may be granted for related complications. Employees reporting sick shall do so to the manager as soon as possible. The Union will cooperate and work with management in no controlling usage of sick leave. Xxxx leave will be granted for dental and medical appointments. This Article is subject to (Proof of Illness). Proof of Illness Employees may be required to submit proof satisfactory to the Employer of a non-occupational accident, or quarantine. Such proof shall be in the form of a medical certificateor sworn statutory declaration. An Employee shall submit proof of at a medical, dental, physiotherapy, or optical appointment when time off from work has been for such appointment. The Employee shall provide a medical certificate for any absence greater than three (3) days. The Employer may require that any Employee undergo a medical examination by a physician: in the case later than 7:00 a.m. of prolonged or absence, or when it is considered that an Employee is unable to satisfactorily perform his duties. Pursuant to Clause an Employee shall be entitled to have his personal physician or other physician of his choice act as his counsel before the physician, appointed by the Employer, when undergoing a medical examination. Expenses incurred under this Clause shall be paid by the Employer. A copy of the report of the physician conductingthe medical examination shall be sent to the Employee’s physician. Where an Employee has been medically examined by a physician and is also applying for benefits, a copy of the report of the physician who conducted the medical examination shall be considered as part of the Employee’s application, When an Employee has been on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects illness leave and wishes to return to an assignmentwork, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees Employee shall be allowed required to provide medical evidence stating that the Employee is fit to perform all regular duties. The Parties agree that sick leave benefits are intended only for the purposes of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without protectin an Employee from loss of payincome at Basic Rate of Pay when the Employee is ill. If an employee does not need Sick Leave Benefits Applicable to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the Regular Part-time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report Leave with pay necessitated by personal illness or the intention need to obtain medical or dental treatment for themselves or a member of their household will be absent from duty granted to each teacher in accordance with the designated Employer representative by School Act and the following: In the first year of service with the Board, leave will be granted at least one hour before a rate of two days per month to a maximum of days per year. After the employee’s regular starting timefirst year and subject to continuing uninterrupted service, but in each teacher shall be eligible for sick leave benefits to a maximum of calendar days per year. calendar days of continuous absence due to medical disability, no case later than 7:00 a.m. on further salary shall be paid and the day Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan shall take effect. Where a teacher has suffered an illness and/or has been paid under the provisions of absence. If possiblethe Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects upon ability to return to full-time duty as certified by two Board-approved practitioners at the teacher's expense, shall be entitled to an assignment, additional sick leave benefit in the employee must notify current year in accordance with the immediate supervisor following schedule to a of: During the first year of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on service with the previous dayBoard Nil After the first year of service with the Board calendar days. If the employee does returns to work following a period of disability during which Extended Disability benefits are paid, within six months must cease working because of the same disabling condition, benefits will recommence without an elimination period. Medical evidence must be submitted supporting the recurrence of disability. The accumulated sick leave benefits of a teacher shall not give be affected as a result of any leave of absence granted by the Board for reasons other than those provided for by this clause, for a period not exceeding one year. Before any payment is made under the foregoing the teacher may be required notification to provide: A declaration, on a form provided by the Board, where the absence is for a period of intent to return, and three days or less. A certificate signed by a qualified medical or dental practitioner where the substitute subsequently reports absence is for duty a period of over three days. When the following morningsickness extends for a period of over calendar days, the substitute will employee may, at the discretion of the Board, be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need called upon to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At furnish a further medical certificate at the end of each month during the year, any duration of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added sickness. Prior to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable returning to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to beginwork after a period of or more days of medical absence, the employee shall nevertheless provide the Board with a medical certificate signed by a mutually agreed upon medical practitioner indicating their ability to to normal working duties, cost to be borne by the Board. When a teacher leaves the employ of the Board all sick leave shall be cancelled. A teacher attending a medical or dental appointment outside the immediate area may be required to provide proof of attendance, cost of such proof to be borne by the Board. It is understood that a teacher who becomes eligible for receipt of disability benefits as provided in the Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan will not be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability receive cumulative sick pay benefits. The teacher Xxxx be granted up to one days leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable pay at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactivebirth of his child. All accumulated sick This leave is forfeited upon considered part of the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.days as per clause

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Bargaining Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention For all Daily Hire Engineers who do not otherwise qualify for PTO in accordance with this Sub Section, will accrue 1 hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked, with an annual rollover cap of 80 hours. The terms and conditions of this sick leave policy may be updated to be absent from duty account for updated minimum statutory requirements applicable to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before Daily Hire Engineers. Notice will be given to the employee’s regular starting timeUnion and to the Employees of any such changes, but such changes will not be subject to negotiation or to the grievance and arbitration procedures under this Agreement, except to enforce the provisions of this Section. Unused paid time off (“PTO”) may roll over into the following year up to a maximum accumulated balance of 20 PTO days. Once a Daily Engineer has qualified for paid time off and received it for a vacation year, in order to receive it in the next vacation year, he/she must have worked the requisite amount of time in the previous calendar year only. If, upon a new vacation year, an employee has accumulated the maximum number of PTO days, no case later than 7:00 a.m. on additional PTO days will be issued until the day of absencenext vacation year, assuming the employee has reduced their accumulated PTO balance below the maximum days and has worked enough hours during the year to qualify for additional PTO. If possiblea Daily Engineer leaves the employ of the Company during any calendar year for any reason, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will he/she shall be paid for any unused paid time off from that year. Additionally, he/she shall be paid for any paid time off he/she would have been eligible to take during the next vacation year, based on all straight time, overtime and double time hours worked during the calendar year in which he/she left the employ of the Company. The Union and Company agree that this provision fully addresses the rights of employees under applicable California law, including Labor Code Section 227.3, to accrue vacation, to carryover accrued vacation subject to the agreed upon cap on accrual and to be paid out for accrued, unused vacation. The Parties waive any right an additional employee may otherwise have to bring a claim for vacation pay under California law and instead agree that any disputes regarding the accrual, carry over or payout of vacation are exclusively governed by the grievance and arbitration provisions set forth in this agreement. When paid time off is to be used as sick leave, a Daily Engineer shall give a minimum of two and one-half day(2-½) hours' notice. When paid time off is to be used as planned time off, it will be scheduled by mutual agreement between the Daily Engineer and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment Company and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness taken as single or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated multiple days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable The Daily Engineer must request such planned time off at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.least one

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention Sick leave shall be granted to be absent from duty employees when they are unable to the designated Employer representative perform their work by at least one hour before the reason of personal illness, accident, and exposure to a contagious disease or observance of quarantine. Illness is defined as an employee’s regular starting timeown illness, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on disabling injury, or pregnancy. This includes childbirth, and complications of pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, and confined recovery. Therefore, for the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, period during which the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior is unable to perform normal student dismissal time on the previous dayduties as determined by a health care provider. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees Employees shall be allowed granted ninety six (96) hours of sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding per year. There Sick leave is no limit calculated on an earned basis at the total number rate of days that may be accumulated8 hours per month. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess Unused sick leave shall be deducted accumulated from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added year to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable absent for reasons that entitle him to begin service under sick leave, the contract Board or its designee shall be notified at least one hour prior to the employee's starting time. Failure to notify may be cause of denial of the use of sick leave for that absence and constitute cause for disciplinary action. Absence without notice for five- (5) or more consecutive days shall constitute a resignation. The Board may consider extenuating circumstances, and when appropriate, waive this section. The Board may require an employee who shall be absent for three- (3) or more consecutive working days to submit acceptable medical evidence substantiating the illness. Such medical certification shall be at the cost of the employee An employee, who has been absent on sick leave for periods totaling ten- (10) days in one calendar year consisting of periods of fewer than five- (5) consecutive working days, may be required to submit acceptable medical evidence for any additional sick leave in that year. In the case of chronic or recurring illness-requiring frequent absences of one (1) day or less, only one (1) certification shall be necessary for each of six (6) month period. The Board may require proof of illness of an employee on sick leave, whenever such requirement appears reasonable. Abuse of sick leave shall be cause for disciplinary action. The Board may require an employee who has been chronically absent due to personal illness, as a condition of his return to duty, to be examined, at the expense of the Board by a physician designated by the Board. Such examination shall establish whether the employee is capable of performing his normal duties and whether his return will jeopardize the health of other employees. An employee who has used forty (40) hours or less may seek payment for a total of forty (40) hours at his current hourly rate. A standard operating procedure will govern the request for compensation. In the event that the employee dies, his beneficiary will be paid a lump-sum payment based upon 50 % of the employee's accumulated sick time at the date of his death. This lump sum payment will be calculated based upon the rate of pay the employee was receiving on the date on which of his death. Said payment shall not exceed $ 15,000.00 In the contract is designated to begin, event that the employee shall nevertheless dies in the line of duty, his beneficiary will be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave paid a lump-sum payment based upon 100% of the employee's accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable sick time at the date of his death. This lump sum payment will be calculated based upon the rate of pay the employee was receiving on the date of his death. Said payment shall not exceed $ 15,000.00 At the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If of retirement an employee is unable to report for duty will be paid a lump-sum payment based upon 50 % of the employee's accumulated sick time at the date of his retirement. This lump sum payment will be calculated based upon the rate of pay the employee was receiving on the first day date of his retirement. Said payment shall not exceed $ 15,000.00. Each member of the new contract, and had no Union shall receive an annual statement in January that indicates the member's total accumulated sick leave on which to drawtime, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under vacation leave, ect. as of December 31st of the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentprevious year.

Appears in 1 contract


Sick Leave. An employee must report As a 5 day a week Employee, the intention Employee is entitled to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but 30 days paid sick leave in no case later than 7:00 a.m. each 36 month sick leave cycle commencing on the date of employment; or As a 6 day a week Employee, the Employee is entitled to 36 days’ paid sick leave in each 36 month leave cycle commencing from the date of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day employment; or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignmentAs a daily paid Employee, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior is entitled to normal student dismissal time on the previous one day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning’s paid sick leave in every 26 days worked; or As an hourly paid Employee, the substitute Employee is entitled to one hour’s sick leave in every 26 hours worked. (Delete whichever is not applicable) Any sick leave in excess of this shall be unpaid sick leave. During the first six months of employment the Employee will be paid entitled to one day’s sick leave for an additional half day, and the pay for this every 26 days worked. Any days taken will be deducted from the employee’s salarysick leave entitlement for the first sick leave cycle. Regular full time employees The Employee shall be allowed required to produce a valid medical certificate signed and issued by a registered medical practitioner in respect of any period of sick leave in excess of 15 two consecutive working days or, where the Employee has been absent on two or more occasions during their first year an eight-week period, in respect of any further sick leave during the next eight weeks; or for any sick leave taken before or after a weekend or public holiday; or as otherwise reasonably required by the Employer. Failure to produce a medical certificate when required may result in the sick leave being treated as unpaid sick leave. However, where the Employee resides on the Employer’s premises and it is not reasonably practical for the Employee to obtain a sick certificate, the Employer may not withhold payment unless the Employer provides reasonable assistance to obtain the certificate. The Employee accepts that the Employer is dependent on his/her regular attendance, and that persistent absenteeism shall render the Employee unsuitable for employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury could result in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employmenthis/her services on the grounds of incapacity or misconduct. Regular Part Time EmployeesShould the Employee be unable to attend work on any working day, s/he shall be required to telephone or otherwise notify the Employer as soon as reasonably possible in order that contingency arrangements can be made. Regular part time employees The Employee must notify his/her direct supervisor, and in the absence of the direct supervisor, the supervisor’s manager. Messages left with fellow employees/colleagues are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVIIunacceptable. FAMILY RESPONSIBILITY LEAVE, Section CPARENTAL LEAVE, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.ADOPTION LEAVE, COMMISSIONING PARENT LEAVE

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Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention Full-Time See Appendix transfer to be absent from duty to the designated effective May I, The Employer representative by will assume total responsibility for providing and funding a short-term sick leave plan at least one hour before equivalent to that described in the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on Employers of Ontario Disability Plan brochure. The Employer will pay seventy-five percent (75%) of the day billed premium towards coverage of absence. If possible, notification should be given on eligible employees under the previous day long-term disability portion of the plan or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignmentequivalent plan), the employee must notify paying the immediate supervisor balance of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior the billed premium through payroll deduction. For the purpose of transfer to normal student dismissal time the short-term portion of the disability program, employees on the previous daypayroll as of the effective date of the transfer with three (3) months or more of service shall be deemed to have three (3) months of service. If For the purpose of transfer to the long-term portion of the disability program, employees will be credited with their actual service. Effective May I, the existing accumulating sick leave plan shall be terminated and any provisions relating to such plan shall be null and void except as to those provisions relating to payout of unused sick leave benefits which are specifically dealt with hereinafter. Existing sick leave credits for each employee shall be converted to a sick leave bank to the credit of the employee does not give at the required notification then current per diem rate of intent to returnpay based on his regular straight time hourly rate. The "sick leave bank" shall be utilized to: Supplement payment for sick leave days under the new program or paragraph below which would otherwise be at less than full wages and, Note: Paragraphs and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute below will be paid for an additional half dayinserted only in those agreements where a payout provision existed under the former sick leave plan. Where a payout provision existed under the former sick leave plan in the Collective Agreement, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees payout on termination of employment shall be allowed that portion of any unused sick leave dollars under the former conditions relating to payout. Where, as of 15 working days during their first year the effective date of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If transfer, an employee does not need have the required service to use qualify for payout on termination, his existing sick leave credits as of that date shall nevertheless be converted to a sick leave bank in accordance with the allotted days during foregoing and he shall be entitled, on termination, to that portion of any unused sick leave dollars providing he subsequently achieves the contract yearnecessary service to qualify him for payout under the conditions relating to such payout. Where a payout provision existed under the former sick leave plan in the Collective Agreement, an employee who has accumulated sick leave credits and is prevented from working for the Employer on account of an occupational illness or accident that is recognized by the as compensable within the meaning of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit Employer, on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted application from the employee’s accumulated days. At , will supplement the end award made by the for loss of wages to the employee by such amount that the award of the yearfor loss of wages, any together with the supplementation of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added Employer, will equal one hundred percent 00%) of the employee's net earnings to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day limit of the new contract, and had no employee's accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for credits. Employees may utilize such sick leave will not credits while awaiting approval of a claim for benefits. There shall be allowed no pay deduction from an employee's regular scheduled shift when the employee has completed any portion of the shift prior to going on sick leave benefits or Workers' Compensation benefits. The Employer further agrees to pay employees an amount equal to any loss of benefits under for the first two (2) days of the fourth and subsequent period of absence in any calendar year. Absences due to pregnancy related illness shall be considered as sick leave under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentplan.

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Samples: Collective Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report Sick leave is granted according to the intention chart below which also includes the limit of accumulated hours. Sick leave is to be absent from duty used by employees when they, or members of their immediate family, (Defined as: Grandfather/mother (in-law); father/mother (in-law); brother/sister; spouse; children (natural /adopted) are too ill to be at work or are attending medical appointment(s) which cannot be scheduled outside of school hours. Class of Employee Days per year Superintendent/Business Manager/ Tech Coordinator… 16 Principals… 14 Teachers/Admin Asst/Paraprofessional/ Head Custodian/Guidance Counselor/ Lunchroom Workers… 12 General provisions for the accumulation and use of sick leave: • All employees that are eligible for sick leave can accumulate 60 days per year. • Certified and classified employees who have any unused sick leave days left above their maximum accumulated leave, shall be paid $50.00 per day. One exception is the days the staff needs to contribute to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave bank to keep it to a maximum of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated 72 days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated perform assigned duties due to beginpersonal illness, the employee shall nevertheless may take sick leave upon notice to the administrator. Sick leave will be entitled deducted by hours missed. • If employment is terminated during your first 10 months, you will not be paid for your accrued sick leave. • If you are ill, you must notify your supervisor prior to draw compensation the start of your work shift. • The amount of time you are absent from your job without prior authorization or notification will be considered absence without leave. You will not be paid for any that time. Unauthorized or unreported absences may be cause for disciplinary action. • Employees must exhaust all available applicable paid leave prior to utilizing leave without pay • Upon an employee's retirement from employment, only unused medically related disability sick leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no days above their accumulated sick leave on which will be paid to draw, compensation employees who have been continuously employed in a permanent position by the school for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactiveat least seven years. All The accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon paid at the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, $30.00 per day at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment's last paycheck. • No payout will be paid to those that resign or are laid off.

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Samples: Ethan School

Sick Leave. An employee must report As a 5 day a week Employee, the intention Employee is entitled to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but 30 days paid sick leave in no case later than 7:00 a.m. each 36-month sick leave cycle commencing on the date of employment; or as a 6 day a week Employee, the Employee is entitled to 36 days’ paid sick leave in each 36 month leave cycle commencing from the date of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day employment; or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignmentas a daily paid Employee, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior is entitled to normal student dismissal time on the previous one day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports ’s paid sick leave for duty the following morningevery 26 days worked; or as an hourly paid Employee, the substitute Employee is entitled to one hour’s sick leave for every 26 hours worked. (delete whichever is not applicable) Any sick leave in excess of this shall be unpaid sick leave. During the first six months of employment the Employee will be paid entitled to one day’s sick leave for an additional half day, and the pay for this every 26 days worked. Any days taken will be deducted from the employee’s salarysick leave entitlement for the first sick leave cycle. Regular full time employees The Employee shall be allowed required to produce a valid medical certificate signed and issued by a registered medical practitioner in respect of any period of sick leave in excess of 15 two consecutive working days or, where the Employee has been absent on two or more occasions during their first year of an eight-week period. Failure to produce a medical certificate when required may result in the sick leave being treated as unpaid sick leave. However, where the Employee resides on the Employer’s premises and it is not reasonably practical for the Employee to obtain a sick certificate, the Employer may not withhold payment unless the Employer provides reasonable assistance to obtain the certificate. The Employee accepts that the Employer is dependent on his/her regular attendance, and that persistent absenteeism shall render the Employee unsuitable for employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury could result in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employmenthis/her services on the grounds of incapacity or misconduct. Regular Part Time EmployeesShould the Employee be unable to attend work on any day, s/he shall be required to telephone or otherwise notify the Employer (at least an hour before the start of his/her shift) in order that contingency arrangements can be made. Regular part time The Employee must notify his/her direct supervisor. Messages left with fellow employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentunacceptable.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Fixed Term Contract

Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention to be absent from duty The Employer shall grant to the designated Employer representative by at least employee one hour before and one- (1 work days of sick leave per month. January unused sick leave entitlement may accumulated to a of ninety (00) calendar days. Employees who have accumulated a total greater than ninety days prior to the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to aforementioned date upon each return to work after receiving long term disability an assignmentaccumulated leave credit of the balance of their prior accumulation. For employees who have accumulated a total entitlement of greater than sixty calendar days the entitlement shall not be reduced below (30) calendar days upon return to after receiving long term disability In the event that employee to in is absent on sick leave, the days such employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess off work shall be deducted from the employee’s credit of up to ninety (90) days rather than those days in excess of credited to employees of long standing. The Employer may require the employee to produce a Medical Certificate substantiating any illness for which sick leave is claimed. Upon full retirement, between the age of (55) and sixty four (64) years an employee shall be entitled to paid out twenty-five percent (25%) of his remaining accumulated daysleave. At The Employer may require an employee to be examined by a named by the end Employer, at the ARTICLE OTHER BENEFITS For permanent and seasonal employee group with the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan, the Employer agrees to to the extent of one of the yearof the premium for the basic plan. Seasonal employees on lay-off may only remain on the Employer's that they pay the whole premium in advance for the months they am laid off. For eligible and seasonal employee, the Employer to contribute eighty (80) of the cost of the premium for the when available to the Employer through Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan: and Death and Dismemberment Long (Plan 3). Extended Health Care (Plan 1) (Plan 0) Seasonal employees on lay-off may only remain on the School Employee Plan provided that they pay the whole premium in advance for the months they am off. Employer contributions toward benefit plans shall entitle the Employer to and not pass on to employees any rebates of otherwise required under Canada Employment and Immigration Commission ARTICLE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Any arising the contravention, interpretation, meaning, operation or application of any of the accumulated days which are unused terms of this Agreement shall be added subject to Grievance Procedures, and an effort shall made to settle the regular allowance for difference in the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service following Either Union or the Employer may institute a grievance under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.agreement:

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Sick Leave. An employee must report Members of the intention unit shall accrue twenty (20) days of sick leave with pay for each school year, such leave to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty made available on the first day of each school year. Instructors will notify the new contractChancellor or his/her designee, of illness as early as possible before the absence; however, the Chancellor or his/her designee should be notified as early as possible on the day the absence occurs. When a faculty member takes time off for sick leave and is gone only in the morning or only in the afternoon, or any part of a regularly scheduled day, that member shall be charged with 3.5 hours of sick leave regardless of the number of classes that would have been taught by the member that day. This would also apply in cases where the faculty member uses personal necessity leave or sick leave. If the faculty member takes the entire day off-regardless if it is for sick leave, personal necessity, or personal business-the member shall be charged with 7 hours to be deducted from their sick leave accrual. When a faculty member takes personal business leave, those hours may be taken in hourly increments. Any unused portion of the sick leave will be cumulative indefinitely and will be transferred to another school district upon the teacher's request. Unused sick leave accrued in California public school districts where the instructor worked for at least one (1) full year, and had where there is no break in service during the change from the original district to the West Hills Community College District, may be transferred to the West Hills Community College District upon the application of the employee and verification by the previous employer(s). Official verification of unused sick leave must be forwarded to the Vice Chancellor Business Services, and it will be credited to the instructor's sick leave balance. A time off duty form, attached as Exhibit "F", will be signed by a unit member who is absent because of illness upon return to duty. The District may require a written statement from a physician selected and paid for by the District if the absence extends beyond one (1) week. A unit member when on a leave of absence other than paid leave will maintain accumulated sick leave on which to drawcredit, compensation for but will not accumulate any additional sick leave will during the period of such unpaid leave. When an absence extends for a period of five (5) school months or less, the amount deducted from the salary due the unit member for any month in which the absence occurs shall not be allowed under exceed the new contract until sum which is actually paid a temporary employee employed to fill the position during the absence or, if no temporary employee does reportwas employed, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at amount which would have been paid had a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmenttemporary employee been employed.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement

Sick Leave. An Sick Leave is as a form of insurance against illness, quarantine by a Medica Officer of Health, or because of an accident for which compensation is not payable under Workers' Compensation Act After a regular employee must report has completed her probation period she shall be allowed a credit for sick leave the intention date of employment provided however, that a regular employee shall not be entitled to be absent from duty apply sick leave credits prior to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s completion of her probation period Xxxx leave credits shall not accrue during any period of sick leave in excessof thirty (30) calendar days; or a layoff; or a leave of absence without pay which is in excess of thirty (30) calendar days, an absence while in receipt of disability insurance or Workers' Compensation benefits which is in excess of (30) calendar days. A regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will granted sick leave shall be paid for an additional half day, the period of such at her basic rate of pay and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess hours thus paid shall be deducted from her accumulated sick leave credits up to the employee’s accumulated days. At the end total amount of the regular accumulated credits at the time sick leave commenced. When a regular employee has used four (4) incidents of paid sick leave the fiscal year, the shift of any subsequent of the accumulated days which are unused shall illness be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding yearunpaid. If When an employee is unable required to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract travel for the school year covered therein. If an employee purpose of medical referral treatment and is unable to report schedule such outside of her work hours, she shall have the right to sick leave credits for duty on such absence, provided such employee notified the first day Employer soon as possible in advance of the new contractappointment and provided, that she submits satisfactory proof of attendance at such appointment when required by the Employer to do so Regular employees may be required to submit satisfactory proof to the Ernployer of illness, non-occupational accident or quarantine. When a regular employee has accrued the maximum sick leave credits she shall no longer accrue sick leave credits until such time as her total accumulation is reduced the maximum. At that time she shall recommence accumulating sick leave credits. An employee who has exhausted her sick leave credits during the course of an illness, and had no accumulated sick the continues, shall be deemed to be on leave on which of absence without pay for the duration of the illness or as provided below. The Employee shall keep the Employer advised as to draw, compensation for sick leave will not when she shall be allowed under expected back to work and shall provide the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination Employer with fourteen (14) days' notice of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject readiness to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate return to the employee’s part time condition of

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report All Members of the intention to be absent from duty to Bargaining Unit shall accrue sick leave credit at the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting timerate of 4.6 hours for each eighty (80) hours of service in active pay status, including paid vacations, overtime and sick leave, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day not during a leave of absenceabsence or lay-off. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal Part-time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees officers shall be allowed credited with sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of payat a prorated rate. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If When an employee is unable to report for duty to work, he/she shall notify his/her immediate supervisor, or designated representative two (2) hours prior to the time he/she is scheduled to report to work on the first day of absence, unless emergency or other conditions make it impossible. Each employee learning of any physical condition which is likely to cause his/her absence from work shall notify his/her supervisor as soon as the new contractcondition is known. The Employer may require a doctor's certification anytime an employee is absent more than three (3) consecutive working days. Employee must notify his/her immediate supervisor or designated representative to report his/her return to duty from Xxxx leave at least two (2) hours prior to start of his/her scheduled shift. Sick leave must be taken in 30-minute increments. The University and the Union have agreed to cooperate in programs to eliminate unnecessary absenteeism and sick leave abuse on the part of the employees. After six (6) separate incidents of sick leave usage in a rolling twelve (12) month period without a doctor's medical certification, employees may be counseled. After six (6) separate incidents of sick leave usage in a rolling twelve (12) month period without a doctor's medical certification, a doctor's medical certification may be required to be delivered to Human Resources for any absence. Absences approved under the Family and Medical Leave Policy are not considered as separate absences under this rule. Accumulated sick leave of an employee who has been separated from public service, shall be placed to his/her credit upon his/her re-employment in the public service, provided that such re- employment takes place within ten (10) years of the date on which the employee was last terminated from service. The Employer retains the right to investigate all sick leave and require repayment of sick pay where abuse has been proven as well as other discipline in accordance with this Agreement. Additionally, the Employer may order an employee to be evaluated by a physician chosen by the Employer, and had no accumulated paid by the Employer, in order to determine whether the employee is fit for duty. Employees ordered by the Employer to submit to physician evaluations will be compensated for the time spent attending the evaluation as hours worked. All Members of the Bargaining Unit shall, at the time of retirement or termination of services with the Employer and with ten (10) years or more of service with the Employer, receive pay for accrued and unused sick leave credit on which to draw, compensation for the basis of three (3) sick leave days for one (1) day of pay not to exceed forty (40) days. Such payment will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to based on the employee’s part 's rate of pay at the time condition of employment.retirement or termination. Such payment shall be made only once to any employee, and shall be made within sixty

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement

Sick Leave. An (a) On the last days of each calendar month, each employee must report will be credited with one day of sick leave for the intention first part calendar month of employment and one day for each additional calendar month of employment. Employees who have completed days continuous employment and who have no accumulation of sick leave credits shall be entitled to an advance of up to days of sick leave with pay, provided that if any such employees have been advanced sick leave with pay, such advance shall be absent a first deduc- tion from duty sick leave credited upon returning to work, and in the event such employees leave the service of the Corporation for any reason, any remaining advanced sick leave shall be repaid to the designated Employer representative Corporation by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted deduc- tion from the employee’s salaryfinal paycheque or otherwise. Regular full time employees shall (1981 Sick leave may be used providing the em- ployee submits a doctor’s certificate. Any unused allowance will be allowed to accumulate to a maximum of days. Em- ployees leaving the service of the Corporation for any reason including retirement, resigna- tion, dismissal or death will receive a cash payment of a percentage of their unused accumulated sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit based on the total number average of days their last year’s pay in accordancewith the table which follows: Cash Percentage for Unused Accumulated Years of Service Sick Leave years or less years years years years years Provided, however, that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At date of signing of this contract until the end of the year, any cash surrender value of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave will be twenty-five (25) percent on which an experimental basis to drawif the in- creased incentive reduces the use of sick time for those employees with less than fifteen ( 15) years' service. It is clearly understood that the employerhas the unilateral right to termi- nate the twenty-five (25)percent cash surren- der value at the end of if in its opinion, compensation for and at its sole discretion, the increased incen- tive does not reduce the combined cost of sick leave and cash surrender accumulation. In the event that the twenty-five (25) percent cash surrender value formula is terminated by the employer, the basis of sick leave cash surrender will return to that first mentioned in paragraph a). A special fund of sick leave to be set up with each member having more than days accumulation prior to February con- tributing one day of this time to be used for hardship cases of members as determined by the Standing Committee. If this fund should be reduced to the point where it will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does reportcover hardship cases, whereupon it will become retroactivebe increased on recommendation of the Standing Committee approved by the Union Executive and the District’s Management Committee so that all employees will contrib- ute one additional day. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.(1977)

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report Each Employee shall receive up to fifteen (15) paid days of leave for personal sickness or a disabling injury of the intention Employee or a member of the Employee’s immediate family. The Boards agree to permit the accumulation of ninety (90) unused days of sick leave. For the purpose of use of sick leave, the term “immediate family” shall mean spouse or civil union partner, child, stepchild or xxxx who lives with the Employee, xxxxxx child, parent, spouse, or parent of the Employee’s spouse. Sick leave for any person other than those listed above may be absent from duty granted at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee; such decision shall be final, and not subject to the designated Employer representative grievance and arbitration provisions of the parties’ Agreement. Upon request, each Employee shall be notified annually of the Employee’s available number of sick leave days. All leave days shall be pro-rated for part-time staff. Sick leave may be taken in quarter-day increments (i.e. ¼ day, ½ day) with the prior permission of the Superintendent or designee. Under no circumstances shall an Employee use a sick leave day in order to work at a job or position for which the Employee is in any way compensated. When three (3) consecutive sick leave days are used, or in any instance in which the Superintendent has reason to believe that the use of leave has not been for a bona-fide reason, the Superintendent reserves the right to require an Employee to provide medical certification of illness. The Superintendent may require an Employee to submit to an independent medical review to determine eligibility for continued use of sick leave, fitness for duty or fitness to return to work following a serious illness or injury. In that event the cost of the medical review will be paid by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later District or Supervisory Union. An Employee who is or may be disabled shall apply for coverage under the LTD Plan. An Employee may not use more sick leave than 7:00 a.m. on is necessary to meet the day elimination period of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlierLTD Plan. If an employee expects Employee is determined to return to an assignmentbe ineligible for LTD, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior Employee may continue to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed use accrued sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use while the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time disabling condition of employmentcontinues.

Appears in 1 contract


Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day The of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for Teacherseligibleunder this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees Sick Leave Credit System shall be allowed sick leave members of 15 working the Branch Affiliates. Each Teacher is entitled to twenty days during their first year Sick Leave per year, to paragraphs and Where a Teacher commences employment after September of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract any year, the Sick Leave of twenty (20) days shall be pro-rated on the basis of days for each month's employment. A Teacher hired on a less than full-time basis shall have the Sick Leave pro-rated accordingly. All of the unused days will portion of a Teacher's Sick Leave, as of September or date of hire whichever is later, shall be added transferred to the Teacher's Cumulative Sick Leave Credit, to a maximum of two hundred days. The usual twenty (20) days allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit current year shall be used up before calling on the total number Cumulative Sick Leave Credit. Where a Teacher is absent in excess of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that yearfive (5) consecutive days, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under granted unless a certificate, clearly stating the new contract until reasons for the employee does reportabsence, whereupon it will become retroactivesatisfactory to the Teacher's immediate supervisor and signed by a qualified medical or dental practitioner, is presented. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon The Sick Leave ledger may be examined by a Teacher as concerns the termination Teacher's own account at any time during the business day. Nevertheless, a statement shall be sent out in October of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject each school year by the Superintendent of Business to all practices granted in Article XVII with Teachers showing absence during the stipulation that previous year and the balance of Cumulative Credits. For the purpose of the record the Annual Sick Leave record cards shall be retained for the purpose of determining sick days beyond the maximum allowed should this data ever be required. Where a Teacher has been released on December or June because the Teacher has been declared surplus accumulated credits shall be retained for a period of two (2) years. WORKERS' COMPENSATION Subject to paragraph Teachers on compensation shall be paid their salary by the Board. Where Sick Leave and Cumulative Credits have been exhausted at the commencement of, or during, an absence covered by compensation, the Board shall pay the regular part time employees Workers' Compensation rate for the period not covered. Payments made by the Workers' Compensation Board shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate be remitted to the employee’s part time condition School Board. Absence recognized by the Workers' Compensation Board as a compensation case shall be charged against the Teacher's Sick Leave or Cumulative Credits on the basis of employmentthat portion of the differencebetween the salary paid and the amount of compensation received by the Board.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

Sick Leave. An ARTICLE 31 Each employee must report shall receive 13.20 hours of paid sick leave each month while employed by the intention City. Such sick leave will be distributed bi-monthly on each scheduled pay day. However, such sick leave shall not be accumulated on overtime hours, but only on regular hours of service. Accumulation of sick leave hours is to be absent from duty to unlimited. Employees must use sick leave, upon the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before approval of the responsible administrative officer in the employee’s regular starting time's department, but for absence due to personal illness, pregnancy, injury, exposure to contagious disease which would be communicated to other employees and, to illness, injury or death in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary's immediate family. Regular full time employees shall be allowed When sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract yearis used, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess it shall be deducted from the employee’s 's credit on the basis of one (1) hour for every one (1) hour of absence from previously scheduled work. However, when sick leave is used for injury received on duty, or exposure to contagious disease from a patient who has received emergency medical treatment which occurs while the employee is on duty, it will not be deducted from the employee's credit so long as the disability time off does not exceed 2620.8 total hours. The previously accumulated days. At the end sick leave of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable who has been separated from the public service may be placed to begin service under his credit upon his re-employment in the contract on public service, provided that such re-employment takes place within ten (10) years of the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated was last terminated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contractpublic service, and had no further provided that he previously accumulated sick leave on which was not subject to drawconversion to a separation payment by the employee's previous employer. To be eligible for such credit, compensation for the affected employee shall be required to submit proof deemed acceptable by the City of such employee's previously accumulated but unpaid sick leave will not balance. An employee who transfers to this City from a different public agency shall be allowed under credited with the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All unused balance of his accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon up to a maximum of 500 hours, provided that the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are previously accumulated sick leave was not subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at conversion to a ratio proportionate to separation payment by the employee’s part time condition 's previous employer. To be eligible for such a credit, the affected employee shall be required to submit proof deemed acceptable by the City of employmentsuch employee's previously accumulated but unpaid sick leave balance. Each department supervisor is authorized to establish and publish regulations concerning sick leave and shall require the employee to furnish a satisfactory written, signed statement to justify the use of sick leave. If medical attention is required, For anyone requesting sick leave on a shift commencing on Saturday, Sunday or a Holiday, a certificate stating the nature of the illness shall be required from the attending physician justifying the use of sick leave. Falsification of either a written signed statement or a physician's certificate shall be grounds for disciplinary action including dismissal. For the purpose of this Article, the “contagious disease” referred to herein must be a disease recorded in the medical records of the transported patient and further, “contagious disease” is defined as being a disease which is infectious in nature but not including common ailments such as influenza, common cold, etc.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: An Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report Employees shall be entitled to the intention following number of sick days with pay: During the 1st calendar year of employment, sick days shall be earned at the rate of one sick day per month of employment up to December 31 of that calendar year. For each subsequent calendar year the earned sick leave shall be absent from duty fifteen (15) sick days effective January l of that year. Sick leave is defined as a temporary inability to perform one’s duties by reason of illness or injury. Sick time shall be called in on each day of illness prior to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before starting time. An employee may use his sick leave for reasons of personal illness or illness in the immediate family. Immediate member of his/her family is someone who resides in the employee’s regular starting time, but household. The Authority may require proof of illness or injury when there is a reason to believe that an employee is abusing sick leave; an employee has been absent on sick leave for five (5) or more consecutive work days; or an employee has been absent on sick leave for an aggregate of more than fifteen (15) days in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earliera 12-month period. If an employee expects to return to reports for work and works any portion of his normal shift and then leaves work for reasons of illness, his sick leave shall be charged hour for hour for the time not worked. Sick leave may be accumulated without limit during each employee’s length of service. Accumulated sick leave may be used by an assignmentemployee for personal illness, the employee must notify illness in the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time family which requires his attendance upon the ill person, death in the immediate family, quarantine restrictions, or disabling injuries. No employee, while on the previous daysick leave, shall be elsewhere, otherwise employed or engaged in any outside work or employment whatsoever. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute Employees will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed permitted to sell back annual unused sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At at the end of the yearyear (December 31) in which it was earned, any at full pay in an amount not to exceed ten (10) days in each of the accumulated days years of this Agreement. Any remaining annual sick leave which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, was neither used nor sold back by the employee shall nevertheless will be entitled carried forward as accumulated, unused sick leave. This provision is specifically agreed to draw compensation be the subject of negotiations for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with a successor agreement between the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contractparties, and had if no accumulated sick leave on which to drawagreement is reached thereon by the parties, compensation for sick leave will this provision shall not automatically be allowed under carried over and continued in the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentsuccessor agreement.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement

Sick Leave. An All regular scheduled full-time employees shall be credited with paid sick leave accumulated at a rate of twelve (12) days per year. Newly hired regular schedule full-time employees will begin accruing sick leave upon their date of hire. Sick leave may accumulate to a maximum of two hundred (200) days. Sick leave shall be paid only when the employee must report is absent due to that employee's illness or medical appointment. At the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before discretion of the employee’s regular 's supervisor, a sick day may be granted for a family emergency. Employees taking sick leave are to report their absence, not later than twenty (20) minutes before their normal starting time, but in order to be credited with sick leave. All leave for sickness may be subject to proof. However, no case later than 7:00 a.m. on proof of sickness is mandated by the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If Town until an employee expects has been absent for over three (3) consecutive work days, or there is a pattern of sick leave abuse. An example of proof would be a doctor's certificate. The employee will have the option to return to an assignmentaccept disability payments singularly or may augment the disability benefit through partial application of the employee's accrued sick leave, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous daypersonal days or vacation time. If the employee does not give accepts disability benefits solely, there will be no deduction from sick leave. Sick leave time may also be used at the required notification of intent employee's discretion to return, and supplement disability benefits. Upon application by the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morningemployee, the substitute difference between the weekly benefits received from disability and full pay will be paid for an additional half day, by the Town and the pay for this deducted from sick time accrued. Deductions from sick time will be deducted from made in not less than one-half (1/2) day increments. After ten (10) years of continuous service to the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If Town, an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to awarded one day of vacation time for every four (4) days of sick time earned and not used beyond the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total maximum number of days that may permitted to be accumulated. In case The sick days may only be used once, and a time period of absences January 1 to December 31 will be used for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated determining earned sick days. At The vacation days are in addition to the end vacation days earned in Section 3 and must be used in the year following the year earned. In the event of the yeardeath of an Employee, any of the accumulated days which are accrued but unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate paid out to the employeeEmployee’s part time condition of employmentestate.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report the intention Compensation Act. Sick leave shall be granted to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. employees on the basis of one and one- half days for every month of service, with the fourth month of service. For the purpose of regulating and administering this clause all employees anniversary dates shall be first day of absencethe fifth month. If possible, notification should The fourth month shall be given computed on the previous following basis: Those persons employed between: 1st day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, a month and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, 7th day inclusive days 8th day of a month and the pay for this will be deducted from 14th day 15th day of a month and the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave day inclusive day day of 15 working days during their first year of employment a month and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the yearIn any one year where an has not had sick leave or only a tion thereof, any of the accumulated days which are unused he shall be added entitled to an accrual of all the regular allowance unused of sick leave for the succeeding yearhis future benefits. A deduction shall be made from accumulated sick leave of all working days of sick leave. Page of Pages holidays) absent for sick leave as defined in If an employee is sick for less than one half day, no shall be made his accumulated sick leave. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract for more than one half day, but less than a full day, one half day shall be deducted his Sick Leave of Absence When an employee is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation given leave of absence without pay for any unused medically related disability reason, or is laid off on account of lack of and returns to the of the Employer upon expiration of such leave accumulated from prior years of service with absence, etc., he shall not receive sick leave credit for the districtperiod of such absence, pursuant to its regulations theretobut shall retain his cumulative credit, payable if any, existing at the time regular installments are due under this contractof such or f Mechanics Off without pay days or less accumulates days Off without pay for more than day but less than in any one month, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract accumulates Off without pay for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable continuous calendar days but less than in any one month accumulates Off without pay for continuous calendar days or i n any day month, accumulates 'days Leave of Absence for Union business without pay up to report for duty on the first day of the new contractseven (7) consecutive calendar days in any month, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.accumulates days :

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report Sick leave benefits shall be available at the intention to established rate of pay for the classification occupied at the time sick leave is used. Sick leave benefits shall be absent from duty to earned and accrued by regular Employees as defined herein at the designated Employer representative by rate of four (4) hours of sick leave for each payroll period that the Employee has at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day seventy-two (72) hours of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal straight time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract yearEmployee has forty (40) hours of straight time pay in a payroll period, but less than seventy-two (72) hours, the unused days will Employee shall earn and accrue two (2) hours of sick leave. However, no sick leave shall be added earned or accrued if an Employee has been on sick leave or Worker's Compensation for the entire payroll period. Sick leave shall accrue on an unlimited basis from the date of employment and shall be credited to the allowance Employee each payroll period. Employees who separate from City employment prior to accumulation of 182 service credits, who have received sick leave pay, shall have deducted from their final pay check or from their refund of retirement contributions, an amount equal to that previously received for the succeeding yearsick leave. There is no limit Charges against accumulated sick leave and pay allowances for time lost on the total number account of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess sickness shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance made only for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on time lost for which the contract is designated Employee normally would have received pay and during which he normally would have been required to beginwork. Part time Employees who, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments of employment are due under this contractemployed for a minimum of thirty (3 0) hours per week and part time Employees who are subsequently regularly scheduled to work thirty (30) or more hours per week, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty shall earn and be credited with sick leave on the first day basis of three (3) hours of sick leave for each sixty (60) hours or more of straight time pay in a payroll period. Application for sick leave shall be made to and approved by the appropriate department head or his authorized representative. When an Employee is absent from duty for a period of three (3) or more consecutive days, a certificate from a licensed physician, noting the cause of such absence or other proof of disability or illness may be required, and if required, shall be furnished before the leave request is granted for purposes of Employee compensation. In addition thereto, the Employee may be required by the department head or authorized representative to be examined by the City Physician to determine whether the Employee has recovered sufficiently from the condition causing such absence to return to work. Where practical, departmental rules may require that the Employee notify his department prior to his normal starting time of any disability or illness which will cause his absence. In all other cases where possible, the Employee shall notify his department of such disability or illness within one-half (1/2) hour after his starting time. Proof of illness or disability may be required by the department head of any Employee who has taken sick leave on six (6) or more occasions within the current fiscal year. Any Employee who has exhausted his available sick leave shall have any additional lost time due to illness charged against and deducted from earned annual leave. In the event of the new contractEmployee's death, and had no unused accumulated sick leave time shall be paid to the Employee's living bene- ficiary on which the same formula basis as retirees. Said payment shall be made to drawthe spouse, compensation for children, father, mother, sister, or brother of the deceased Employee with preference being given to those persons in the order named unless the Employee, by a sworn statement filed with the Employer prior to death has established a different order, without requiring letters of administration to be issued upon the estate of the deceased Employee. Sick leave shall not be paid where other City paid benefits received by an Employee would result in cumulative payments in excess of his normal wage based on an eight (8) hour day or forty (40) hour work week. Sick leave shall be taken in increments of at least one (1) hour or up to the balance accumulated if the accumulated balance is a fraction of an hour, provided, however, in areas where work crews are assigned at the start of shifts, the appointing author- ity may require that sick leave will not be allowed under used in four (4) hour incre- ments at the new contract until start of a shift. The City with just cause may require an Employee to be examined by the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactiveCity's Clinic to determine if an Employee can continue or return to work. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees Such examinations shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate be without charge to the employee’s part time condition of employmentEmployee.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement

Sick Leave. All permanent employees of Kelmech Engineering Services Pty Ltd will accumulate 70 hours sick days per year at the rate of 1.346 hours for each week of service. • All employees taking sick leave will have their normal shift made up to a minium of 7 hours and a maximum of 12 hours sick leave per day. Only accrued sick leave can be taken unless otherwise authorised by management. • In the event of absence through illness, employees are required to phone his/her supervisor in sufficient time for the supervisor to arrange to have another employee cover the absence. • Employees must provide a doctor’s certificate to cover sick days immediately before and/or after a long weekend, Public Holiday and the first and last day of annual leave, and on Mondays and Fridays. If a doctor’s certificate is not produced, employees will not be paid for these absences. Where the sick day falls directly before or after a Public Holiday, in the absence of a doctor’s certificate, an employee will not be paid for the sick day and will forfeit payment for the Public Holiday as well. • Two or more consecutive days off midweek on sick leave must be supported by a doctor’s certificate. • Employees will be allowed to take 2 single day absences through illness midweek without a supporting doctor’s certificate. Any further absences through illness must be supported by a doctor’s certificate during the currency of that sick leave year. • Unused sick leave will be cumulative from year to year. • An employee must report who falls sick during a shift and is absent for the intention to be balance of this shift will have the time absent for the balance of this shift debited from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the his/her sick leave accrual. • If an employee’s regular starting timeemployment is terminated by Kelmech Engineering Services Pty Ltd because of redundancy, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute all accrued sick leave will be paid for out to the employee as a lump sum payment on termination. • If an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave employment is terminated by Kelmech Engineering Services Pty Ltd because of 15 working days during their first year misconduct or breach of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in company policy any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for accrued sick leave will not be allowed under paid out on termination. • If an employee terminates his/her employment with Kelmech Engineering Services Pty Ltd, any sick leave accrued within the new contract until last 24 months will not be paid out on termination. • An employee may elect to have his/her sick leave paid out as a cash payment providing he/she retains an accumulation of 20 days (140 hours) accumulated sick leave. The minimum number of hours that can be cashed in at any one time is 14 hours. • If an employee has in excess of 140 hours (20 days) accumulated sick leave, he/she has the option of having hours in excess of 140 hours paid to his/her superannuation fund as a pre tax employer superannuation contribution. The employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All must retain 140 hours (20 days) accumulation of sick leave as a minimum at the time of converting the accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentcash or superannuation contribution.

Appears in 1 contract


Sick Leave. An employee must report The Superintendent shall carry forward into this Contract and be credited on July 1, 2023, with all of his unused sick leave accrued during his employment with the intention District, including but not limited to be absent days of sick leave transferred from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absencehis previous employment. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignmentIn addition, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor Superintendent shall receive twelve (12) days of sick leave with full pay each year of this Contract, which shall be credited in full on July 1, 2023 and July 1st of each subsequent year of this Contract. The unused portion of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior allowance of sick leave shall accrue from year to normal student dismissal time on year without limit. Upon the previous daySuperintendent’s retirement from the District into the Public School Employees’ Retirement System (“PSERS”), the District shall pay the Superintendent for unused days of sick leave, including but not limited to vacation leave and personal converted to sick leave under this Contract, at the rate of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per day for each of the first One Hundred Twenty (120) days of unused sick leave and then at the rate of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per day for each of the next One Hundred Twenty (120) days of unused sick leave for a maximum payment for Two Hundred Forty days of unused sick leave. Such payment for unused sick leave shall be made in the form of a non-elective employer contribution into a 403(b) account for the Superintendent, provided such contribution would not exceed the contribution limits under section 415(c) of the Internal Revenue Code for the year. If the employee does not give payment exceeds the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that yearapplicable contribution limits, the excess shall be contributed into the Superintendent’s 403(b) account in subsequent years until such payment is fully made, subject to the limitations of the Internal Revenue Code. There is no cash option for such payment. The Superintendent may use his days of sick leave to care for members of his "immediate family" as that term is defined in the "Bereavement Leave" subparagraph of this Contract. Sick days used for members of his "immediate family" will be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated his allocated sick leave on which to draw, compensation in the same manner as those used for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmenthis own illness.

Appears in 1 contract


Sick Leave. An Each classified employee must report accumulates one day of sick leave per month of employment, which may be accrued indefinitely. Employees working less than an eight-hour day accrue a pro-rata portion per day of sick leave per month. Illness is defined as a state of being ill or sick, disease, ailment, malady, disorder of health, sickness. Injury is defined as damage of hurt done to or suffered by a person. Based upon these definitions, employees who need to absent themselves from the intention job, for optical or physical examinations for general health purposes, shall charge such lost time against their accumulated sick leave. All other physical disabilities qualify under the general term of sick leave and will be so charged. When an employee is absent due to illness for five or more consecutive days, a statement from a licensed physician or a medical practitioner evidencing the employee’s fitness for work shall be absent from duty provided to the designated Employer representative by district. The pay due an employee for each day of absence due to illness or injury shall be the same as the pay which would have been received had the employee served during that day, until sick leave entitlement is exhausted. After exhaustion of accrued sick leave, accumulated compensatory time, vacation, or other paid leave, an employee shall be entitled to extended illness leave until the employee returns to work, but shall not exceed five (5) months inclusive of the above leaves. Such leave shall be compensated at least one hour before the difference between the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on wage and the day of absenceamount actually paid a substitute employed to perform the duties regularly assigned to the absent employee. If possible, notification should be given on When the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects has exhausted all accrued sick leave and is unable to return to an assignmentduty, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute he/she will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added submit to the allowance for District a statement indicating that the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on return to duty, projecting the date on which of return. Such statement shall be signed by the contract is designated employee’s medical doctor or practitioner. Should the employee become aware of a change in the projected date of return, the District shall be notified by the employee. Two weeks prior to begindate of return, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service communicate with the Business Office or Immediate Supervisor as to whether he/she shall return as previously indicated. Upon return to duty, the employee shall have the right to return to his/her position. Any classified school employee who transfers to the school district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable having been previously employed in another school district for at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contractleast one calendar year, and had no who terminates with that district to take employment in the Walnut Creek School District, shall bring with him such accumulated sick leave on which as may have been credited to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination him in his previous district of employment. Regular Part Time EmployeesUnused sick leave accumulates from year to year indefinitely. Regular part time employees Sick leave is designed primarily to prevent loss of income while the employee is ill and should be used for this purpose. Sick leave entries are subject made on an hourly basis and should be reported by the hour on the absence report. “Unused, earned sick leave balances shall only be distributed pursuant to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVIIlaw, Section C, at a ratio proportionate including Ed. Code §45202 (transfer to the employee’s part time condition of employmentanother agency) and Govt. Code §20963 (service credit).

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Classified Employees

Sick Leave. An employee must report Note: Refer to “Appendix A” for the intention which applies to part-time employees who have sick benefits (and have elected status quo). Attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement is Schedule “A“ relating to job classificationsand hourly rates of pay. The retroactive payment applies to wages only based on hours paid by the Employer. Employees who have left their employment will be absent from duty notified by prepaid post, addressed to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absencetheir last known address. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlierEntitlement is lost if not claimed within thirty (30) days. If Temporary Transfers When an employee expects is assigned temporarily to return perform the duties and assume the responsibilities of a higher paying classification in the bargaining unit, she shall be paid the rate in the higher salary range immediately above her current rate for all hours worked in the assignment. When an employee is assigned temporarily to an assignmentperform the duties and assume the responsibilitiesof a lower paying position in the bargaining unit for a period in excess of one-half of a shift, she shall be paid the rate in the lower salary range immediately below her current rate from the commencement of the shift on which she was assigned the job. New Classification When a new classification (which is covered by the of this agreement) is established by the Home, the employee must Home shall determine the rate of pay for such new classification and notify the immediate supervisor Local Union of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous daysame within seven (7) days. If the employee does not give Local Union challenges the required notification rate, it shall have the right to request a meeting with the Home to endeavour to negotiate a mutually satisfactory rate. Such request will be made within ten days after the receipt of intent notice from the Home of such new occupational classification and rate. Any change mutually agreed to return, and resulting from such meeting shall be retroactive to the substitute subsequently reports for duty date that notice of the following morningnew rate was given by the Home. If the parties are unable to agree, the substitute will dispute concerning the new rate may be paid for an additional half day, and submitted to arbitration as provided in the pay for this will be deducted from Agreement within fifteen (15) days of such meeting. The decision of the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees Board of Arbitration (or arbitrator as the case may be) shall be allowed sick leave based on the relationship established by comparison with the rates for other classifications in the bargaining unit having regard to the requirements of 15 working days such classification. When the Home makes a substantial change during their first year the term of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss the Agreement in the job content of an existing classification which in reality causes such classification to become a new classification, the Home agrees to meet with the Union if requested to permit the Union to make representationwith respect to the appropriate rate of pay. If an employee does the matter is not need to use resolved following the allotted days during meeting with the contract year, Union the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that matter may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury referred to arbitration as provided in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.Agreement within fifteen

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

Sick Leave. An Sick leave may be accumulated at the rate of ninety six (96) hours per year with an accumulation total of four hundred eighty (480) hours. Pursuant to the Employee Reference Handbook, sick leave may be used for the following: • Illness of Bargaining Unit Member • Illness of immediate family member of Bargaining Unit Member • Health care provider appointment of Bargaining Unit Member or immediate family member Bargaining Unit Members will notify the on-duty supervisor at least two hours prior to the beginning of their work shift that they wish to use sick leave, unless for good reason such notice cannot be given. In accordance with the City’s Employee Reference Handbook, the Department may in its discretion require any Bargaining Unit Member to furnish to his or her supervisor a medical form from a duly licensed physician, dentist or health care provider. This medical form must state the nature of the illness or injury and the length of time the Bargaining Unit Member will be off work due to the illness or injury, if predictable. Any Bargaining Unit Member who was hired before January 1, 2014, and who has accumulated 480 hours of sick leave, shall thereafter be paid for all unused sick leave accumulated beyond the 480 hours maximum in a calendar year. Any bargaining unit employee must report hired on or after January 1, 2014, is not eligible to receive such payment. Subject to the intention same authorization, payment shall be at a rate of up to .75 (3/4ths) hour regular pay for each one (1) hour of unused sick leave, such payment to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention made annually no later than 45 minutes the first full pay period of January of the following year. Notwithstanding the above, during the term of this Memorandum of Understanding absent any emergency or exigent circumstances, if the City intends to amend, change, modify or revise the payments for unused sick leave for any Bargaining Unit Members, the City shall notify the Lodge of any proposed change in writing at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If effective date of the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, future change and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees City shall engage in practices granted the process of collective bargaining with the Lodge over the change. However, this shall not be construed to prevent the City from taking whatever action is necessary in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate order to the employee’s part time condition of employmentaccomplish its mission.

Appears in 1 contract


Sick Leave. An ARTICLE 30 Each employee must report shall receive 13.20 hours of paid sick leave each month while employed by the intention City. Such sick leave will be distributed bi-monthly on each scheduled pay day. However, such sick leave shall not be accumulated on overtime hours, but only on regular hours of service. Accumulation of sick leave hours is to be absent from duty to unlimited. Employees must use sick leave, upon the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before approval of the responsible administrative officer in the employee’s regular starting time's department, but for absence due to personal illness, pregnancy, injury, exposure to contagious disease which would be communicated to other employees and, to illness, injury or death in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary's immediate family. Regular full time employees shall be allowed When sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract yearis used, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess it shall be deducted from the employee’s 's credit on the basis of one (1) hour for every one (1) hour of absence from previously scheduled work. However, when sick leave is used for injury received on duty, or exposure to contagious disease from a patient who has received emergency medical treatment which occurs while the employee is on duty, it will not be deducted from the employee's credit so long as the disability time off does not exceed 2620.8 total hours. The previously accumulated days. At the end sick leave of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable who has been separated from the public service may be placed to begin service under his credit upon his re-employment in the contract on public service, provided that such re-employment takes place within ten (10) years of the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated was last terminated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contractpublic service, and had no further provided that he previously accumulated sick leave on which was not subject to drawconversion to a separation payment by the employee's previous employer. To be eligible for such credit, compensation for the affected employee shall be required to submit proof deemed acceptable by the City of such employee's previously accumulated but unpaid sick leave will not balance. An employee who transfers to this City from a different public agency shall be allowed under credited with the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All unused balance of his accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon up to a maximum of 500 hours, provided that the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are previously accumulated sick leave was not subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at conversion to a ratio proportionate to separation payment by the employee’s part time condition 's previous employer. To be eligible for such a credit, the affected employee shall be required to submit proof deemed acceptable by the City of employmentsuch employee's previously accumulated but unpaid sick leave balance. Each department supervisor is authorized to establish and publish regulations concerning sick leave and shall require the employee to furnish a satisfactory written, signed statement to justify the use of sick leave. For anyone requesting sick leave on a shift commencing on Saturday, Sunday or a Holiday, a certificate stating the nature of the illness shall be required from the attending physician justifying the use of sick leave. Falsification of either a written signed statement or a physician's certificate shall be grounds for disciplinary action including dismissal. For the purpose of this Article, the “contagious disease” referred to herein must be a disease recorded in the medical records of the transported patient and further, “contagious disease” is defined as being a disease which is infectious in nature but not including common ailments such as influenza, common cold, etc. While an employee uses sick leave. he or she must reasonably remain at his or her place of residence during his or her scheduled work shift unless the Chief grants permission to leave that residence.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: An Agreement

Sick Leave. An Members of the bargaining unit shall be entitled to ten (10) days leave of absence for illness or injury, exclusive of all days they are not required to render service to the District, with full pay for a school year of service. Unit members employed for less than full time shall be entitled to a proportionate number of days’ leave of absence for illness or injury. Credit for leave of absence, in any given year, need not be accrued prior to taking such leave by the unit member, and such leave may be taken at any time during the school year. Sick leave entitlement under this section shall be accumulative, without limit, from year to year. Leaves of absence under this section will be automatic, although the District reserves the right to request verification from a medical authority. When a member of the bargaining unit is absent from his/her duties on account of illness or accident for a period of five (5) months or less, whether or not the absence arises out of, or in the course of, employment, the amount deducted from the salary due him/her for any month in which the absence occurs shall not exceed the sum which is actually paid a substitute employee must report employed to fill his/her absence. The provisions of 8.2.2 relating to compensation shall not apply to the intention first ten (10) days of absence on account of illness or accident of any full time unit member or to the proportion of ten (10) days of absence to which such unit member employed less than full time is entitled, hereunder, on account of illness or accident. The five (5)-month period stipulated in 8.2.2 begins upon termination of the unit member’s current annual ten (10) days. Accrued leave beyond the ten (10) days is part of the five (5) month period. Unit members may elect to retain accrued sick leave in excess of 10 days by providing written notification to the Personnel Office. If there is concern by the District management over a unit member’s health, on request of the District or its representative, a member of the bargaining unit shall furnish his/her physician’s written verification as proof of illness or as verification of the state of the unit member’s health. The District may also require the bargaining unit member to be absent from duty to examined by a doctor selected by the designated Employer representative District. In the event the District requires an examination by a doctor, it shall be at least one hour before District expense, and the employeeunit member’s regular starting time, but physician may be in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on attendance at the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous dayexamination. If the employee does District’s unit member’s health plan will not give cover the required notification cost of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty attendance of the following morningunit member’s physician, the substitute District will be paid for an additional half daypay the cost. Upon the expiration of authorized differential pay, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees unit member shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If in an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentunpaid status.

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Samples: Calaveras Unified School District

Sick Leave. 13.01(a) An employee must report shall earn sick leave credits at the intention rate of one (1) day for each calendar month of actual work, which credit can be accumulated to a maximum of twelve (12) days. Xxxx leave credits may also be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If earned when an employee expects to return is on vacation, attending the Manitoba Trades Training Course or when off work due to an assignmentindustrial injury, when on bereavement leave or jury duty and receiving compensation as provided in Article 18, when excused by the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior employer for any reason or on short term leave for Union Business. Any sick leave used is to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salarysick leave accumulation and on return to work the employee will again earn sick leave credits on the same basis as above. Regular full time employees Employees who have an accumulation of twelve (12) days sick leave credit, then their waiting period will be one (1) day of scheduled work lost before benefits are payable. Employees who have less than twelve (12) days of sick leave accumulation, then the waiting period will be three (3) days of scheduled work lost before benefits are payable. Employees who are regularly scheduled to work twelve (12) hour shifts, each shift shall be allowed sick counted as one (1) day towards the waiting period. Sick leave is to be paid only for scheduled days of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from work lost at straight time at the employee’s accumulated dayshourly rate. At Xxxx leave may be used as family responsibility leave in the end event that an employee has a minor aged child who is ill and requires care. An employee may use up to a maximum of the year, any of the accumulated three (3) days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding per calendar year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for No sick leave will not be allowed paid if employee is eligible for Weekly Indemnity under the new contract until Insurance Program or if eligible for Worker’s Compensation except to cover the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactivewaiting period for that insurance. All accumulated A physician’s or licensed nurse practitioner’s statement must be presented to the Company substantiating the sickness before the employees sick leave benefits will be paid. The Company reserves the right to request a doctor’s note at the Company’s expense in accordance with Article 13.01(e) when off work to care for a minor aged child who is forfeited upon ill. Any time taken is inclusive of Family Responsibility Leave available under the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentManitoba Employment Standards Code.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

Sick Leave. An Each regular employee must report hired on or before May 31, 2013 shall be entitled to twelve days sick leave a year with pay at regular straight-time wages. Each regular employee hired on or after June 1, 2013, upon completion of the intention probation period, shall be entitled to eight days sick leave a year with pay at regular straight-time wages. This entitlement shall be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before pro-rated in the employee’s first year in accordance with the number of months worked in that year, after completion of the probation period. Current regular starting timeemployees who were not actively employed for 1,056 hours in the previous sick plan year (December 1 to November 30) shall have their entitlement pro-rated in the following manner: No. of hours worked X 12 or 8 (as applicable) 1,056 “Actively employed” and “hours worked” means straight time hours worked, but paid vacation, paid holidays, paid leave of absence and up to one thousand hours of absence on WCB. Upon termination of employment for other than just cause, death or retirement, an employee shall be entitled to a cash payout of unused sick leave pro-rated to the number of months worked in no case later than 7:00 a.m. that sick plan year. Employees who have unused sick leave on November 30th shall be entitled to a cash payout of such unused sick leave at their regular straight time rate, paid on the day pay period end date closest to November 30th. Sick leave is not cumulative from year to year. Employees who are absent from work on November 30th shall not re-qualify for sick leave until they have returned to work in the new sick plan year for a minimum of absenceone shift. If possible, notification should be given on In the previous day or earlier. If event an employee expects becomes ill or injured during a paid vacation such that he/she would otherwise be eligible for Short Term Disability Benefits, he/she may elect to return to an assignment, cancel his/her remaining vacation time and apply for coverage under the employee must notify the immediate supervisor Short Term Disability Plan providing: The Company is immediately notified of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salaryintention and the necessary forms are submitted as soon as possible; and The Company is reimbursed by the employee the vacation pay received for those days covered by the Short Term Disability Plan. Regular full time employees Unused vacation entitlement occurring as a result of the foregoing shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment rescheduled at a time mutually agreed upon between the Company and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of paythe employee. The Company reserves the right to request a Doctor’s certificate covering any sickness claim. If required, a proper certificate must be provided confirming that the employee was unable to work. Notes merely stating the employee consulted a doctor will not be accepted. The costs of such forms, as well as any forms relating to S.T.D., L.T.D., W.C.B (not paid by WorkSafe) and FAF forms requested by the Employer, shall be reimbursed by the Company (to a maximum $75.00 per calendar year). Any proven misuse, abuse or misrepresentation of his Sick Leave Benefit by an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, life of his Agreement shall render such employee permanently ineligible to receive the unused days will be added to the allowance benefits of this section for the succeeding year. There is no limit on duration of the total number of days that Agreement and may be accumulatedsufficient grounds for dismissal. In case of absences It is understood that an employee cannot collect full Sick Benefit under this section on any day for illness which he/she is paid his/her regular full wage or injury in any one year exceeding salary rate by the aggregate of days allotted Company, or for that year, the excess shall be deducted which he/she receives Workers’ Compensation payments or Short Term Disability payments from the employee’s accumulated daysWelfare Plan under Article 11 hereof. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an Any employee who is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated recalled from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable lay off and fails to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which work due to draw, compensation illness may be required to produce a Doctor’s certificate to be eligible for sick leave pay. Employees may elect to use sick leave to supplement Short Term Disability or WCB payments in accordance with the present practice. WAGES Wage Rates Wage Rates for employees with hire dates on or before May 31, 2013 Wages shall be paid every second Thursday at not less than the following rates: Classifications EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE JUNE 1/16 JUNE 1/17 JUNE 1/18 Group 1 Engineer 33.75 34.43 35.12 Electrician Xxxxxxxxx Millwright Machinist Changeover/Mechanic Quality Control Ticket Premiums: Group 1 trades holding one or more specified tickets will receive a premium of fifty cents per hour for the first and for each additional specified ticket. (See Letter of Understanding No. 4, re: Trade Tickets) EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE JUNE 1/16 JUNE 1/17 JUNE 1/18 Group 2 Stockperson 31.24 31.86 32.50 Cellarman Shipper/Fork Lift Op. Cleanup Person Packaging Machine Operator General Labour Wage Rates for employees with hire dates on or after June 1, 2013 Wages shall be paid every second Thursday at not be allowed under less than the following rates: Classifications EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE JUNE 1/16 JUNE 1/17 JUNE 1/18 Group 1 Engineer 33.75 34.43 35.12 Electrician Xxxxxxxxx Millwright Machinist Changeover/Mechanic Quality Control Ticket Premiums: Group 1 trades holding one or more specified tickets will receive a premium of fifty cents per hour for the first and for each additional specified ticket. (See Letter of Understanding No. 4, re: Trade Tickets) EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE JUNE 1/16 JUNE 1/17 JUNE 1/18 Group 2 Stockperson 24.97 25.47 25.98 Cellarman Shipper/Fork Lift Op. Cleanup Person Packaging Machine Operator Group 3 Harvest Lab Technician* General Labour 20.81 21.23 21.65 Group 4 Casual Help 15.61 15.92 16.24 Group 5 Permit Card Labour For 1st 60 days worked. In the event the BC minimum wage should surpass the permit card labour wage rate, the permit card wage rate shall match the new provincial minimum wage rage. 14.36 14.36 14.36 *Harvest Lab Technician only to be used between September 1 and December 31 in any year. Cost of Living Bonus A triggered C.O.L.A. will be implemented if the inflation rate exceeds 6% during each year that this contract until is in effect. For each .4 increase in the employee does reportConsumer Price Index for Canada (1992 =100) beyond the 6% figure, whereupon it wages will become retroactivebe increased by $0.01. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon There will be one C.O.L.A. adjustment date, being the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with first full calendar week following the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVIIC.P.I. issued on or about June 1, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment2009.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee or SUCCESS employee must report the intention to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee's or SUCCESS employee’s regular starting time, but in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee or SUCCESS employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee or SUCCESS employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee or SUCCESS employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s or SUCCESS employee’s salary. Regular full time employees or SUCCESS employees shall be allowed a sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee or SUCCESS employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There Effective with the 2013-14 school years, employees (other than SUCCESS employees) may accumulate up to 115 days for use as sick leave. For SUCCESS employees, there is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s or SUCCESS employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee or SUCCESS employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee or SUCCESS employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability sick leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee or SUCCESS employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on from which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee or SUCCESS employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All Except for employees approved for early retirement effective in the 2003 school year and thereafter, all accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section Cthird paragraph, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employment.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Comprehensive Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report As a 5 day a week Employee, the intention Employee is entitled to be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but 30 days paid sick leave in no case later than 7:00 a.m. each 36-month sick leave cycle commencing on the date of employment; or as a 6 day a week Employee, the Employee is entitled to 36 days’ paid sick leave in each 36 month leave cycle commencing from the date of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day employment; or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignmentas a daily paid Employee, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior is entitled to normal student dismissal time on the previous one day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning’s paid sick leave in every 26 days worked; or as an hourly paid Employee, the substitute Employee is entitled to one hour’s sick leave in every 26 hours worked. (delete whichever is not applicable) Any sick leave in excess of this shall be unpaid sick leave. During the first six months of employment the Employee will be paid entitled to one day’s sick leave for an additional half day, and the pay for this every 26 days worked. Any days taken will be deducted from the employee’s salarysick leave entitlement for the first sick leave cycle. Regular full time employees The Employee shall be allowed required to produce a valid medical certificate signed and issued by a registered medical practitioner in respect of any period of sick leave in excess of 15 two consecutive working days or, where the Employee has been absent on two or more occasions during their first year an eight-week period, in respect of any further sick leave during the next eight weeks; or for any sick leave taken before or after a weekend or public holiday; or as otherwise reasonably required by the Employer. Failure to produce a medical certificate when required may result in the sick leave being treated as unpaid sick leave. However, where the Employee resides on the Employer’s premises and it is not reasonably practical for the Employee to obtain a sick certificate, the Employer may not withhold payment unless the Employer provides reasonable assistance to obtain the certificate. The Employee accepts that the Employer is dependent on his/her regular attendance, and that persistent absenteeism shall render the Employee unsuitable for employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury could result in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employmenthis/her services on the grounds of incapacity or misconduct. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject Should the Employee be unable to all practices granted attend work on any day, s/he shall be required to telephone or otherwise notify the Employer as soon as reasonably possible in Article XVII with the stipulation order that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentcontingency arrangements can be made.

Appears in 1 contract


Sick Leave. An All employees who have attained full-time status are entitled to sick leave benefits. In year one of this contract, sick leave benefits will remain at to a maximum of eighteen (18) days. In year of this contract (April 1997) each employee must report with twelve (12) or more days will commence the intention year with a current sick bank of twelve (12) sick days. Once these days are exhausted, they will not be replenished until the beginning of the next fiscal year when a new bank of twelve (12) current sick leave days will be granted. However, the remaining days for employees commencing year with more than twelve (12) days at March will be set aside in a "discretionary" sick bank. These days may be used for (sick purposes only) to be absent from duty supplement the current sick leave bank until such time as they are exhaused. Employees with less than twelve (12) days sick leave in their current bank at the end of year one of this Agreement, will commence year two with a bank of sick days equal to the designated Employer representative year one end balance. In the subsequent years, these employees will receive on April a non- accumulating current sick leave bank of twelve (12) days. There will be no penalty applied for sick occurrences from April forward. The frozen sick leave bank shall not be used except as follows: employees shall be entitled to draw down the sick credits in this frozen bank by receiving full pay for legitimate illness if the active sick leave bank (i.e. a maximum of twelve (12) days has been exhausted). Such pay shall be paid at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting time, but hourly rates in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on effect upon the day of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, illness and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be any hours paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At frozen sick leave bank until the end bank is exhausted: upon severance of employment, fifty percent (50%) of the year, any of total amount in the accumulated days which are unused frozen sick leave credit bank shall be added payable to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, providing the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years has had four (4) years' of continuous service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable organization. Such payment shall be at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day hourly rate in effect as of the new contract, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the date of termination of employment. Regular Part Time EmployeesThis record shall cover the current sick bank (i.e. maximum of twelve (12) days at year one (April the frozen sick credit bank, and the discretionary sick credit bank. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted Each weekly cheque will indicate the number of current sick days available. An employee may accumulate a maximum of eighteen (18) days' sick credit in Article XVII the active sick credit bank in year one. In year two an employee will receive in advance at April a current sick bank of twelve (12) days with the stipulation exception of those with less than twelve (12) days at March This will be a one time situation for those with less than twelve (12) days at March The employee may draw upon any of the three sick banks shall be deducted from the accumulated credit of the respective bank and in all cases, sick credits shall be deducted from the active bank until exhausted before credits may be deducted from the frozen sick leave bank. The Employees shall receive full pay (illness or accident compensative by the Workers' Compensation Board excepted). When an employee claims to be sick, the Employer reserves the right to require proof of illness, by medical certificate signed by a duly qualified medical practitioner. It is understood that regular part the Employer from time to time may require additional information regarding the employees illness. Upon severance of employment, fifty percent (50%) of the total days in the frozen sick credit bank shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate be paid to the employee’s part , provided the employee has had four (4) years' of continuous service with the organization. The cash payment shall be at the rate in effect on the date of termination. There shall be no payout of the active sick credit bank (i.e. maximum of eighteen (18) days active sick leave credit as per clause Employees claiming sick pay benefits will observe the following procedures: employees taking ill or suffering an accident during the working hours will notify their Supervisor or a person designated by the Executive Director before the employee leaves duties; when the illness or accident takes place at times other than the employee's normal working hours, the employee will make every effort to notify the Supervisor, or a person designated by the Supervisor, one (1) hour prior to the time condition in which the employee would normally be required to report for duty; an employee shall, upon request of employmentthe Employer, provide a satisfactory medical certificate as defined in (9 above for a period of absences in excess of three (3) working days. Seniority shall continue to accrue during sick time.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

Sick Leave. An employee must report The provisions of Articles to inclusive will apply to all members of the intention Servicewho commencedtheir service prior to July These provisions shall not be absent from duty subject to the designated Employer representative by change in any way, at least one hour before the employee’s regular starting any time, but without the approval in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on writing of a clear two-thirds majority of the day of absencemembers eligible to participate in the provisions as herein established. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes Each member covered by this Agreement hired prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees July shall be allowed sick granted twelve 2) hours leave on account of 15 working days during their first year sickness for each and every month of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss active service with full pay at the member's current rate of pay. If an employee does The hours of sick leave unless used. shall be accumulative with no maximum. Each member covered by this Agreement having accumulatedsick leave, who retires at normal retirement date, or after any extension thereof, or who is dismissed by reason of ill health, or resigns by reason of ill health, shall be granted a leavewith pay at the current rate of pay for the number of hours then standing to their credit, but paymentfor such leave shall not need in any event exceed one-half of the member's yearly salary at the current rate of pay. After completing five (5) years of service, each member covered by this Agreement, upon resignation, shall be granted one-half pay at the current rate of pay for the year for the accumulated sick leavethen standing his or her credit, but the pay shall not exceed one-half of the member's current yearly salary in any case. Any member covered by this Agreement who is dismissed for cause shall forfeit all accumulated sick leave standing to use their credit. A member who commenced Service prior to January reporting for duty and later becoming sick and unable to complete regular tour of duty, shall be credited with the allotted days during number of hours worked, and shall required to access time hours for those hours not worked. Inthe event of the contract yeardeath of a member covered by this Agreement, the unused days will there shall be added paid to the allowance personal representativeof his or her estate, pay at the current rate of pay for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of hours sick leave then standing to or her credit, Payment for such CIVILIAN COLLECTIVEAGREEMENT leave shall not in any event exceed one-half his or her yearly salary at the current rate of pay. The current hourly rate of pay mentioned in provisions of this Article of this Agreement shall be computed by dividing the amount of the yearly salary in effect at the date of retirement, or resignation,by thousand and eighty (2080). Notwithstandingany of the provisionsof Article, any member who, on December had an accumulation of sick days that may be accumulatedin excess of days, pursuant to the terms of the Collective Agreement, shall retaincredit for such excess until used. In case A memberwho, on account of absences for illness or injury is absent from work for five (5) or more consecutive working days or fifteen (15) or more accumulative working days in any one a calendar year exceeding may be required to submit and if required will submit, a completed physician or psychologist's report to the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At Board or its designate by the end of the five (5) consecutive days or fifteen (15) accumulated working days referred to above. Such report will provide a reason for the member's absence and a prognosis for return to work by the member's If the member's absence continues beyond five (5) consecutive working days or fifteen (15) accumulated working days in a calendar year, any the member may be required by the Board or its designate to report to a physician or psychologist selected by the Boardfor a medical examination. The Board's physician or psychologist is authorized to provide the parties with a report stipulating a reasonfor the continued absence and a prognosis for return to work. If there is a disagreement the opinions of the accumulated days which are unused member's and the Board's then the member may be required to submit and if required will submit, to a medical examination by an independent medical physician, psychologist or specialist agreed to by the parties to this Agreement. Such independent practitioner may consult as necessary with any other The independent practitioner shall advise the parties in writing in report form as provided, regarding findings and prognosis and determination shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract binding on the date on which parties. The Board shall have the contract is designated right to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If an employee is unable to report for duty on the first day require re-examination of the new contract, and had member by the independent practitioner at reasonable intervals while the member is off duty. There will be no further entitlement to sick leave payments or accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation for sick leave will not be allowed payout under the new contract until Agreement in the employee does reportfollowing instances: Failureto submit an attending report without reasonable excuse; Without reasonable excuse, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject fail to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate report to the employee’s part time condition of employment.Board's physician, psychologistor specialist as above on the data set by the Board for examination:

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Samples: Agreement

Sick Leave. An Effective January except as provided in paragraph employees shall accumulate sick leave on the following basis: Less than 3 months employment 3 days More than 3 months employment days More than months employment days More than months employment days More than months employment days More than months employment days Employees who will, after three months, become entitled by reason of disability to receive income protection at the- rate of sixty-six and two-thirds per cent of the salary rate at the time of commencement of the disability, will receive an additional sum of money equivalent to thirteen and one-third per cent of their basic wages for a period of four months from the commencement of the time in respect of which income protection payments are received or until the disability ceases, whichever is sooner. There shall be no accumulation of sick leave during any period of four weeks or longer during which an employee must report the intention to is not in a paid status. Accumulated sick leave entitlement may be absent from duty to the designated Employer representative by at least one hour before used in month period commencing on the employee’s regular starting time, but 's employment anniversary and sick leave so used will be renewed in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on accordance with the day above schedule at the end of absence. If possible, notification should be given on the previous day or earlier. If an employee expects to return to an assignment, twelve month period in which it is taken provided the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of is in a paid status at such intention no later than 45 minutes prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous dayanniversary. If the employee does is not give the required notification of intent to return, and the substitute subsequently reports for duty the following morningin a paid status on such anniversary, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed renewal of sick leave shall occur as of 15 working days during their first year the date of his/her return to paid status. Sick leave unused on an employee's Sick • @ Carry-over employment anniversary may be carried over and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added to the allowance entitlement for the succeeding year. There is no limit on next twelve months provided that the total number maximum accumulation of sixty days that may not be accumulated. In case exceeded absences of absences for illness five or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated more Medical Evidence consecutive work days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service under the contract on the date on which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless be entitled provide medical evidence verifying the illness. The University may require such evidence for lesser periods provided the employee is allowed reasonable t i m e t o obtain such evidence. An employee shall give notice to draw compensation for his/her immediate supervisor, or designate, of any unused medically related disability leave accumulated of Illness illness which will prevent him/her from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due under this contract, notwithstanding the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract for the school year covered therein. If performing his/her duties When an employee is unable entitled to report for duty on receive Workers' Compensation compensation under the first day Workers' Compensation Act, his/her salary will continue up to the limit of his/her sick leave entitlement. The employee shall reimburse the University in an amount equal to lost time compensation received under that Act in respect of the new contract, and had no accumulated period for which s/he received full salary. Sick leave used shall then be reinstated as of the date the employee returns to work. The Association will co-operate with the Co-operation University in investigating allegations of sick leave on usage which appear to draw, compensation for be unusually high or above the average sick leave experience for Association bargaining unit A period of certified illness of one Sickness during day or more during a period of vacation Vacation leave will not be allowed under recorded as sick leave. In cases involving a certified illness the new contract until the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon the termination of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at University may require a ratio proportionate second opinion as to the employee’s part time condition 's illness from another mutually agreeable and legally qualified medical practitioner (understanding that in event of employmenta second opinion other than the University's Medical Director the employee is responsible for any fees). Medical and dental appointments should be Dental made outside normal working hours whenever Appointments possible. When this is not possible, employees may be granted one hour off work without loss of credit. Time off in excess of one hour shall be accumulated and charged against their sick leave credits. The University will attempt to notify the Association of any bargaining unit members who are approved for Long Term Disability and in the case of Workers' Compensation of those on for a period of greater t h a n t h r e e consecutive months.

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Samples: Collective Agreement

Sick Leave. An Sick Leave and The Hospital will assume total responsibility for providing and funding a short-term sick leave plan at least equivalent to that described in the Hospitals of Ontario Disability Plan brochure. The Hospital will pay seventy-five percent of the billed premium towards coverage of eligible employees disability portion of the plan or an lent plan), the employee must report paying the intention to be absent from duty balance of the billed pre- mium through payroll deduction. For the purpose of transfer to the designated Employer representative short-term portion of the disability program, employees on the payroll as of the effective date of the transfer with three months or more of service shall be deemed to have three months of service. For the purpose of transfer to the long-term portion of the disability employees will be credited with their actual service. Effective December the existing accumulating sick leave plan shall be terminated and any provisions relating to such plan shall be null and void except as to those provi- sions to payout of unused sick leave benefits which are specifically dealt with hereinafter. Existing sick leave credits for each employee shall be con- verted to a sick leave bank to the credit of the employee at the then current per diem rate of pay based on his regular time hourly rate. The "sick leave bank" shall be to: Supplement payment for sick leave days under the new or below which would otherwise be at less than full wages and, where a payout provision existed the former sick leave in the Collective Agreement, payout on termination of employment shall be that portion of any unused sick leave dollars under the former to payout. Where, as of the effective date Of transfer, an employee does not have the required service to qualify f 0 payout on termination, his existing sick leave credits as of that date nevertheless be to a sick leave bank in accordance with the foregoing and he shall be entitled, on termination, to that portion of any unused sick leave dollars provid- ing he subsequently achieves the necessary service to qualify him for payout under the conditions relating to such payout, Where a payout provision existed under the former sick leave plan in the Collective Agreement, an employee who has accumulated sick leave credits and is pre- vented from working the Hospital on account of an occupational or accident that is by at least one hour before the Workers' Compensation Board as compensable within the meaning of the Workers' Compensation Act, the Hospital, on application from the employee’s , will sup- plement the award made by the Workers' Compensation Board for loss of wages to the employee by such amount that the award of the Workers' Board for loss of wages,, together with the supplementation of the Hospital, will equal one hundred percent of the employee's net earnings to the limit of the employee's accumulated sick leave credits. Employees may such sick leave credits while awaiting approval of a claim for Workers' Compensation. There shall be no pay deduction from an employee's regular starting time, but scheduled shift when the employee has completed any por- tion of the shift prior to going on sick leave benefits or Workers' Compensation benefits. The Hospital further agrees to pay employees an amount equal to any loss of benefits under for the first two days of the fourth and subsequent period of absence in no case later than 7:00 a.m. on any cal- endar year. Absences due to pregnancy related illness shall be con- sidered as sick leave under the day sick leave plan. Unemployment Insurance Rebate The short--term sick leave plan shall be registered with the Unemployment Insurance Commission The employees' share of absencethe Employer's unemployment insurance premium reduction will be retained by the Hospital towards offsetting the cost of the benefit improvements contained in this Agreement. If possible, notification should Participation in the of Ontario Disability Plan shall be given on a condition of employment for all full time employees covered by this Collective Agreement. 'The Cost of the previous day or earlierPlan' shall mean the premium fixed from time to time by the Insurers for Long Term disability benefits under the Plan. If In order to qualify for sick leave an employee expects to return to an assignment, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of such intention no later than 45 minutes at least one hour prior to normal student dismissal time on the previous day. If the employee does not give the required notification beginning of intent to return, a scheduled day shift and the substitute subsequently reports at least three hours before a scheduled afternoon or night shift save and except in emergency situations where for duty the following morning, the substitute will be paid for an additional half day, and the pay for this will be deducted from the employee’s salary. Regular full time employees shall be allowed sick leave of 15 working days during their first year of employment and 15 working days each year thereafter without loss of pay. If an employee does not need to use the allotted days during the contract year, the unused days will be added reasons satisfactory to the allowance for the succeeding year. There is no limit on the total number of days that may be accumulated. In case of absences for illness or injury in any one year exceeding the aggregate of days allotted for that year, the excess shall be deducted from the employee’s accumulated days. At the end of the year, any of the accumulated days which are unused shall be added to the regular allowance for the succeeding year. If an employee is unable to begin service do so. All employees absent because of illness three or more days will report to the Health Service Nurse before returning to work. Employees working in the Dietary Department who have been absent from work three or more days because of intestinal upset or diarrhoea will be required to submit a stool specimen before returning to work. Workers' - - B-enefits -and- Sic-k L-eave_ An who is absent from work as a result of an ill- ness or sustained at work and who has been awaiting approval of a claim for Workers' Compensation for a period longer than one pay period may apply to the Hospital for payment equivalent to the lesser of the benefit she would receive from Workers' Compensation if her claim was approved, or the benefit which she would be entitled under the contract on short term sick of the date on disability income plan or equivalent plan). Payment will be provided only if the employee provides evidence of satisfactory to the Hospital and a written undertaking satisfactory to the Hospital that any pay- ments be refunded to the Hospital following final determin- ation of the claim by the Workers' Compensation If the claim for workers' compensation is not approved, the monies paid as an advance will be applied towards the benefits to which the contract is designated to begin, the employee shall nevertheless would be entitled to draw compensation for any unused medically related under the short term portion of the disability leave accumulated from prior years of service with the district, pursuant to its regulations thereto, payable at the time regular installments are due income plan. Any payment under this contractprovision will continue for a maximum of fifteen weeks. The Union agrees that employees who are successful in being compensated for lost wages, notwithstanding benefits, vacation pay and any other employment-related items from a third party as a result of any action, lawsuit or whatever will reimburse the fact that actual service did not commence under this contract Hospital for its expenditures related to the school year covered thereinabove. If The Hospital has the right to verify the details of any such settlement. Any dispute which may arise concerning an employee is unable /employee’s entitlement to report for duty on the first day of the new contractlong-term disability benefits, and had no accumulated sick leave on which to draw, compensation is not covered by the appeal mechanism provided for sick leave will not be allowed under the new contract until policy of insurance, may be the employee does report, whereupon it will become retroactive. All accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon subject grievance and arbitration under the termination provisions of employment. Regular Part Time Employees. Regular part time employees are subject to all practices granted in Article XVII with the stipulation that regular part time employees shall engage in practices granted in Article XVII, Section C, at a ratio proportionate to the employee’s part time condition of employmentthis agreement.

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Samples: Collective Agreement

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