RECORDS RETENTION, MAINTENANCE AND AUDIT a. Pursuant to A.R.S. §35-214, the Consultant and its Subconsultant(s) shall keep and maintain all books, papers, records, accounting records, files, accounts, expenditure records, reports, cost proposals with backup data and all other such materials related to the Contract and other related project(s). The Consultant shall make all such materials related to the project(s) available at any reasonable time and place during the term of the Contract and for five (5) years from the date the Initial Closeout Letter is sent to the Consultant after ADOT indicates that work on the Contract has been completed to the satisfaction of the Department (Contract Status Form). All Documents shall be retained for auditing, inspection and copying upon the Department’s or at FHWA’s request, or any other authorized representative of the Federal Government.
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  • Maintenance Retention and Audit of Records The Bank shall maintain all books, documents, papers, accounting records and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred and services provided pursuant to this Agreement, and shall make such information available at its office during the Purchase Period and for four years from the date of final payment of Reimbursement Obligations under this Agreement, until completion of all audits, or until pending litigation has been completely and fully resolved, whichever occurs last. The State Auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any Bankholder receiving funds directly under this Agreement or indirectly through a participation agreement permitted pursuant to this Agreement. Acceptance of funds directly under this Agreement or indirectly through a participation agreement acts as acceptance of the authority of the State Auditor, under the direction of the legislative audit committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. An entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation must provide the State Auditor with access to any information the State Auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit.

  • Records Maintenance and Access Grantee must maintain all financial records relating to this Grant in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. In addition, Grantee must maintain any other records, whether in paper, electronic or other form, pertinent to this Grant in such a manner as to clearly document Grantee’s performance. All financial records and other records, whether in paper, electronic or other form, that are pertinent to this Grant, are collectively referred to as “Records.” Grantee acknowledges and agrees Agency and the Oregon Secretary of State's Office and the federal government and their duly authorized representatives will have access to all Records to perform examinations and audits and make excerpts and transcripts. Grantee must retain and keep accessible all Records for a minimum of six (6) years, or such longer period as may be required by applicable law, following termination of this Grant, or until the conclusion of any audit, controversy or litigation arising out of or related to this Grant, whichever date is later.

  • Record Retention and Audit In compliance with the Illinois Procurement Code (30 Ill. Comp. Stat. 500/20-65) and rules promulgated thereunder, every CONTRACT for goods and services shall provide that the contractor shall maintain certain records, books and documents. The DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER shall maintain in the State of Illinois, for a minimum of five years from the latter of the date of completion of the CONTRACT or the date of final payment under the CONTRACT, adequate books, records, and supporting documents from an accounting system maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles to verify the amounts, recipients, uses and methods of all disbursements of funds passing in conjunction with the CONTRACT. The five year record maintenance period shall be extended for the duration of any audit in progress at the time of that period’s expiration. The DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER shall at its own expense make such records available in a timely manner for inspection and audit (including copies and extracts of records) as required by the Auditor General and other State Auditors, the Chief Procurement Officer for General Services, the Illinois Department of Transportation, and the TOLLWAY’s Inspector General, Internal Audit or other TOLLWAY agents at all reasonable times and without prior notice. For purposes of this section, “timeliness” will be considered production within the time period specified by the Auditor General and other State Auditors, the Chief Procurement Officer for General Services, the Illinois Department of Transportation and the TOLLWAY’s Inspector General, Internal Audit or other TOLLWAY agents, but no later than thirty days after a request for records being made unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. The DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER agrees to cooperate fully with any audit conducted by the Auditor General and other State Auditors, the Chief Procurement Officer for General Services, the Illinois Department of Transportation and the TOLLWAY’s Inspector General, Internal Audit or other TOLLWAY agents, and to provide full access to all relevant materials. The auditors reserve the right to enter the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER’s place of business in order to audit the records. If they are not produced in a timely manner by the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER, then the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER shall reimburse the TOLLWAY or other State agency for the travel expenses of its auditors in the event that this right is invoked. The obligations of this Section shall be explicitly included in any subcontracts or agreements formed between the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER and any subcontractors or suppliers of goods and services to the extent that those subcontracts or agreements relate to fulfillment of the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER’s obligations to the TOLLWAY. Such subcontractor shall be required to comply with the terms and conditions of this Section and the TOLLWAY shall be entitled to enforce a breach of that contract. Any audit adjustment will be submitted on a final invoice for any underpayment or overpayment to the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER or its subcontractors. The DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER shall promptly reimburse the TOLLWAY for any overpayment, or the TOLLWAY at its option may deduct any overpayment from any funds due the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER, whether those funds are due under this contract or other contracts to which the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER is a party either directly with the TOLLWAY or as a subcontractor. In the event the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER fails or refuses to reimburse the TOLLWAY for an overpayment, the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER shall be responsible for all costs, including attorney fees, incurred by the TOLLWAY to collect such overpayment. Failure to maintain or make available the books, records, and supporting documents required by this Section shall establish a presumption in favor of the TOLLWAY for recovery of any funds paid by the TOLLWAY under the contract for which adequate books, records and supporting documentation are not available to support their purported disbursement. The DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER shall reimburse the TOLLWAY for the total costs of an audit that identifies significant findings that would benefit the TOLLWAY, including but not limited to reasonable attorney’s fees and other expenses. Significant findings for the purposes of this provision shall be identified as an amount in excess of $50,000 in aggregate of the audit report or findings of material performance or compliance deficiencies. If the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER fails to comply with these requirements, the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER may be disqualified or suspended from bidding on or working on future contracts.

  • Record Maintenance and Retention A. Grantee shall keep and maintain under GAAP or GASB, as applicable, full, true, and complete records necessary to fully disclose to the System Agency, the Texas State Auditor’s Office, the United States Government, and their authorized representatives sufficient information to determine compliance with the terms and conditions of this Grant Agreement and all state and federal rules, regulations, and statutes.

  • Records Retention and Examination Contractor shall retain, protect, and maintain in an accessible location all records and documents, including paper, electronic, and computer records, relating to this Contract for five (5) years after receipt of final payment by City under this Contract. Contractor shall make all such records and documents available for inspection, copying, or other reproduction, and auditing by authorized representatives of City, including the Purchasing Agent or designee. Contractor shall make available all requested data and records at reasonable locations within City or County of San Diego at any time during normal business hours, and as often as City deems necessary. If records are not made available within the City or County of San Diego, Contractor shall pay City’s travel costs to the location where the records are maintained and shall pay for all related travel expenses. Failure to make requested records available for inspection, copying, or other reproduction, or auditing by the date requested may result in termination of the Contract. Contractor must include this provision in all subcontracts made in connection with this Contract.

  • Records Retention The Asset Representations Reviewer will maintain copies of Review Materials, Review Reports and internal work papers and correspondence (collectively the “Client Records”) for a period of two years after the termination of this Agreement. At the expiration of the retention period, the Asset Representations Reviewer shall return all Client Records to the Servicer, in electronic format or, to the extent held in tangible form, in that form. Upon the return of the Client Records, the Asset Representations Reviewer shall have no obligation to retain such Client Records or to respond to inquiries concerning any Asset Review.

  • Records Retention Audits CENTOCOR, its Affiliates and Sublicensees shall keep for three (3) years from the date of each payment of royalties complete and accurate records of sales by CENTOCOR and its Affiliates and Sublicensees of each Licensed Product in sufficient detail to allow the accruing royalties to be determined accurately. MORPHOSYS shall have the right for a period of three (3) years after receiving any report or statement with respect to royalties due and payable to appoint an independent certified public accountant reasonably acceptable to CENTOCOR to inspect the relevant records of CENTOCOR and its Affiliates and Sublicensees to verify such report or statement. CENTOCOR and its Affiliates and Sublicensees shall each make its records available for inspection by such independent certified public accountant during regular business hours at such place or places where such records are customarily kept, upon reasonable notice from MORPHOSYS, solely to verify the accuracy of the reports and payments. Such inspection right shall not be exercised more than once in any calendar year nor more than once with respect to sales of any Licensed Product in any given payment period. MORPHOSYS agrees to hold in strict confidence all information concerning royalty payments and reports, and all information learned in the course of any audit or inspection, except to the extent necessary for MORPHOSYS to reveal such information in order to enforce its rights under this Agreement or if disclosure is required by law, regulation or judicial order. The results of each inspection, if any, shall be binding on both Parties. MORPHOSYS shall pay for such inspections, except that in the event there is any upward adjustment in aggregate royalties payable for any year shown by such inspection of more than […***…] of the amount paid, CENTOCOR shall pay for such inspection. 42 of 124 ***Confidential Treatment Requested CONFIDENTIAL

  • Records Retention and Access The Contractor shall maintain accurate, current, and complete records of the financial activity of this Contract which sufficiently and properly document and calculate all charges billed to the Agency throughout the term of this Contract and for a period of at least five (5) years following the date of final payment or completion of any required audit (whichever is later). If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit or other action involving the records has been started before the expiration of the five (5) year period, the records must be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it, or until the end of the regular five (5) year period, whichever is later. The Contractor shall permit the Agency, the Auditor of the State or any other authorized representative of the State and where federal funds are involved, the Comptroller General of the United States or any other authorized representative of the United States government, to access and examine, audit, excerpt and transcribe any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, electronic or optically stored and created records or other records of the Contractor relating to orders, invoices or payments or any other documentation or materials pertaining to this Contract, wherever such records may be located. The Contractor shall not impose a charge for audit or examination of the Contractor’s books and records. Based on the audit findings, the Agency reserves the right to address the Contractor’s board or other managing entity regarding performance and expenditures. When state or federal law or the terms of this Contract require compliance with OMB Circular A-87, A-110, or other similar provision addressing proper use of government funds, the Contractor shall comply with these additional records retention and access requirements:

  • RECORDS MAINTENANCE The CONTRACTOR shall maintain books, records, documents, data and other evidence relating to this contract and performance of the services described herein, including but not limited to accounting procedures and practices that sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended in the performance of this contract. CONTRACTOR shall retain such records for a period of six years following the date of final payment. At no additional cost, these records, including materials generated under the contract, shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review or audit by the AGENCY, personnel duly authorized by the AGENCY, the Office of the State Auditor, and federal and state officials so authorized by law, regulation or agreement. If any litigation, claim or audit is started before the expiration of the six (6) year period, the records shall be retained until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved.

  • Document Retention and Record Maintenance The HSP will

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