Process for Appeals Sample Clauses

Process for Appeals. A. After the xxxx has made his/her recommendation, the candidate may appeal any level of recommendation up to and including the recommendation of the Xxxx to the college appeals committee, if that candidate’s college has an appeals committee. If no college appeals committee exists, the candidate may appeal directly to the University Appeals Committee. In all cases, and after the Xxxxxxx has made his/her recommendation, the candidate may appeal an adverse decision from the departmental committee, the department chair or school director, the college-wide review committee, the xxxx, the university wide review committee, or the Senior Vice President and Xxxxxxx to the University Appeals Committee. During any appeal process, the candidate may appeal only once to the University Appeals Committee. For example, should the candidate appeal the decision of the xxxx to the University Appeals Committee, he/she cannot then appeal the decision of the Senior Vice President and Xxxxxxx.
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Process for Appeals. The decision on the outcome of the application for a deferred payment can be appealed. The grounds for appeal could include: The decision to refuse the application failed to take into account all the available and relevant information There are eligible care costs which the Council have failed to take into account. Requests for an appeal should be made within 20 working days of being notified of the outcome of the application for a Deferred Payment Agreement. This period can be extended if there are exceptional circumstances. If the person is dissatisfied with the outcome of the appeal, they can then appeal within 20 working days of being notified of the outcome of the review. This period can be extended for exceptional reasons. The decision as to whether to uphold the outcome of the appeal will be made by the Director of Financial Resources. If the person remains dissatisfied with the outcome of the appeal then they can request that this matter is dealt with under Lancashire County Council's Adults Social Care Complaints procedure. The appeals process will be reviewed following publication of any relevant new regulations. 16. Glossary To be finalised after Cabinet Member approval.

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  • Public Contracts for Services [Not applicable to agreements relating to the offer, issuance, or sale of securities, investment advisory services or fund management services, sponsored projects, intergovernmental agreements, or information technology services or products and services] Contractor certifies, warrants, and agrees that it does not knowingly employ or contract with a worker without authorization who will perform work under this Agreement and will confirm the employment eligibility of all employees who are newly hired for employment in the United States to perform work under this Agreement, through participation in the E-Verify Program or the Department program established pursuant to C.R.S. §8-17.5-102(5)(c). Contractor shall not knowingly employ or contract with a worker without authorization to perform work under this Agreement or enter into a contract with a subcontractor that fails to certify to Contractor that the subcontractor shall not knowingly employ or contract with a worker without authorization to perform work under this Agreement. Contractor (a) shall not use E-Verify Program or Department program procedures to undertake pre-employment screening of job applicants while this Agreement is being performed, (b) shall notify the subcontractor and County within three days if Contractor has actual knowledge that a subcontractor is employing or contracting with a worker without authorization for work under this Agreement, (c) shall terminate the subcontract if a subcontractor does not stop employing or contracting with the worker without authorization within three days of receiving the notice, and (d) shall comply with reasonable requests made in the course of an investigation, undertaken pursuant to C.R.S. §8-17.5-102(5), by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment. If Contractor participates in the Department program, Contractor shall deliver to County a written, notarized affirmation, affirming that Contractor has examined the legal work status of such employee, and shall comply with all of the other requirements of the Department program. If Contractor fails to comply with any requirement of this provision or C.R.S. §8-17.5-102 et seq., County may terminate this Agreement for breach and, if so terminated, Contractor shall be liable for damages.

  • Address for Service Any notice to be given or served under or arising out of a provision of the Contract must: be in writing; be delivered by hand, sent by prepaid express post or sent by email (except for notices under clauses 14 and 15 which, if sent by email, must additionally be delivered by hand or sent by prepaid express post) to the relevant address or email address: specified in the Contract Particulars; or last notified in writing to the party giving or serving the notice, for the party to whom or upon which the notice is to be given or served; be signed by the party giving or serving the notice or (on the party's behalf) by the solicitor for or attorney, director, secretary or authorised agent of the party giving or serving the notice; and in the case of notices sent by email: be in Portable Document Format (pdf) and appended as an attachment to the email; and include the words "This is a notice under clause 16.7 of the Contract" in the subject field of the email. Receipt of Notices Subject to paragraph (b), a notice given or served in accordance with clause 16.7 is taken to be received by the party to whom or upon whom the notice is given or served in the case of: delivery by hand, on delivery; prepaid express post sent to an address in the same country, on the fifth day after the date of posting; prepaid express post sent to an address in another country, on the seventh day after the date of posting; and email, the earlier of: delivery to the email address to which it was sent; or one hour after the email enters the server of the email address to which it was sent, provided that no delivery or transmission error is received by the sender within one hour of the time of sending shown on the "sent" email. In the case of notices under clauses 14 and 15, if the notice is sent by email as well as being delivered by hand or sent by prepaid express post in accordance with clause 16.7(b), the notice is taken to be received by the party to whom or upon whom the notice is given or served on the earlier of: the date the notice sent by email is taken to be received; or the date the notice delivered by hand or sent by prepaid express post is taken to be received, as determined in accordance with paragraph (a).

  • Fitness for Work 6.2.1 The parties to this Agreement agree that the maintenance of a safe and healthy working environment will be enhanced by adopting a pro-active approach to addressing fitness for work issues, including the misuse of drugs and alcohol in the workplace, workplace stress and fatigue. The management of these occupational health and safety issues will assist to eliminate a contributing factor to workplace injuries and accidents.

  • LIS Forecasting Both CLEC and Qwest shall work in good faith to define a mutually agreed upon forecast of LIS trunking.

  • Mechanisms for Cooperation 1. Pursuant to Article 149 (Objectives), the Parties hereby establish a Committee on Cooperation comprising representatives of each Party. 2. The Parties will designate nationals contact points to facilitate communication on possible cooperation activities. The contact points will work with government agencies, business sector representatives and educational and research institutions for the operation of this Chapter. 3. The Parties shall use diplomatic channels to promote dialogue and cooperation consistent with this Agreement. 4. The Committee shall have the following functions: (a) to monitor and assess the progress in implementing of the cooperation projects agreed by the Parties; (b) to establish rules and procedures for the conduct of its work; (c) to make recommendations of the cooperation activities under this Chapter, in accordance with the strategic priorities of the Parties; and (d) to review through regular reporting from the Parties, the operation of this Chapter and the application and fulfillment of its objectives between the relevant institutions of the Parties.

  • Subcontracting for Medicaid Services Notwithstanding any permitted subcontracting of services to be performed under this Agreement, Party shall remain responsible for ensuring that this Agreement is fully performed according to its terms, that subcontractor remains in compliance with the terms hereof, and that subcontractor complies with all state and federal laws and regulations relating to the Medicaid program in Vermont. Subcontracts, and any service provider agreements entered into by Party in connection with the performance of this Agreement, must clearly specify in writing the responsibilities of the subcontractor or other service provider and Party must retain the authority to revoke its subcontract or service provider agreement or to impose other sanctions if the performance of the subcontractor or service provider is inadequate or if its performance deviates from any requirement of this Agreement. Party shall make available on request all contracts, subcontracts and service provider agreements between the Party, subcontractors and other service providers to the Agency of Human Services and any of its departments as well as to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

  • Contracting for Services It is the intent of the parties to preserve the work and job opportunities of the employees covered by this agreement. It is also, however, an obligation as well as a management prerogative of the employer to maintain the efficiency of the employer's operations and to determine methods and means by which those operations are to be conducted. The employer shall make every reasonable effort to retain the employees covered by this agreement and will not make arrangements to contract with any outside firm for any of the services ordinarily rendered by said employees which would jeopardize their continued employment without disclosure to the bargaining agent sufficiently in advance to accommodate discussion between the parties of the contemplated action. The employer shall not enter into any such contract for services unless it can be proven that said contract would result in increased efficiency of operations by way of obtaining the same services at less cost or additional services for the same cost, or unless it can be proven that such action is necessitated by financial exigency. The employer agrees it shall be a condition of any such contract for services which may displace employees covered herein, that the contractor shall offer employment to as many of said employees who would be displaced by said contract as the number of similarly qualified employees who shall be required by the contractor to effect performance of the contract. It is understood, however, that the employer may not require the terms of the contractor's offer of employment to be identical to or commensurate with those of the employee's contract with the employer. The provisions of this paragraph are subject to the grievance procedure and no work which would result in displacement of any employee within the bargaining unit shall be contracted prior to a final decision on any grievance filed under the terms of this contract.

  • Fees for Additional Services You agree to pay Company’s then-current rates and expenses, including the cost of Company’s vendors, for any requests related to information retrieval, subpoenas, consulting and advisory services, or similar work.

  • Purchase Order Contact Name Purchase Order Contact Name. This person is responsible for receiving Purchase Orders from TIPS. Xxxxx Xxxxxx Purchase Order Contact Email Purchase Order Contact Email 2 3

  • CLAIMS FOR ADDITIONAL COST 12.3.1 If the Contractor wishes to make a claim for an increase in the Contract Sum, he shall give the Architect written notice thereof within twenty days after the occurrence of the event giving rise to such claim. This notice shall be given by the Contractor before proceeding to execute the Work, except in an emergency endangering life or property in which case the Contractor shall proceed in accordance with Paragraph 10.3 of these General Conditions. No such claim shall be valid unless so made. If the State and the Contractor cannot agree on the amount of the adjustment in the Contract Sum, it shall be determined by the Architect. Any change in the Contract Sum resulting from such claim shall be authorized by Change Order.

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