Installation of ATM Sample Clauses

Installation of ATM. 2.1.1 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, Euronet shall be responsible for any requirements, notifications or authorizations necessary in connection with the installation and operation of the ATM at the Location during the Term (as defined in clause 4.1), except for the power supply of the ATM at the Location for which the Partner shall be solely responsible at its own cost.
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Installation of ATM. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, Euronet shall be responsible for any requirements, notifications or authorizations necessary in connection with the installation and operation of the ATM at the Location during the Term (as defined in clause 4.1), except for the power supply of the ATM at the Location for which the Partner shall be solely responsible at its own cost. The installation of the ATM shall be undertaken by Euronet according to applicable local regulations. Euronet shall use reasonable efforts to m1rnm1se disruption to the activities of the Partner at or near the Location during the installation of the ATM. As soon as reasonably practicable after the Effective Date, the Parties will agree in writing the installation date for the ATM ("Installation Date") and effect the installation of the ATM. Operation of ATM
Installation of ATM. 2.1.1 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, Euronet shall be responsible for any requirements, notifications or authorizations necessary in connection with the installation and operation of the ATM at the Location during the Term (as defined in clause 4.1), except for the power supply of the ATM at the Location for which the Partner shall be solely responsible at its own cost. 2.1.2 The installation of the ATM shall be undertaken by Euronet according to applicable local regulations. Euronet shall use reasonable efforts to minimise disruption to the activities of the Partner at or near the Location during the installation of the ATM. 2.1.3 As soon as reasonably practicable after the Effective Date, the Parties will agree in writing the installation date for the ATM ("Installation Date") and effect the installation of the ATM. 1 PREDMET ZMLUVY V súlade s ustanoveniami tejto zmluvy Euronet dodá, nainštaluje, bude prevádzkovať a udržiavať na vlastné náklady bankomat v priestoroch vlastnených alebo najímaných Partnerom, nachádzajúcich sa v Dome služieb – polyfunkčný objekt, Vysoké Tatry, 062 01 Starý Smokovec 24 („Priestory“). Bankomat bude inštalovaný v Priestoroch na konkrétnom mieste, ktoré je špecifikované v Prílohe č. 1 tejto zmluvy („Miesto inštalácie“). Partner zaistí, aby Miesto inštalácie malo elektrické pripojenia nutné pre prevádzkovanie bankomatu a uhradí s tým súvisiace náklady. 2 PRÁVA A POVINNOSTI EURONETU 2.1 Inštalácia bankomatu 2.1.1 Za podmienok tu uvedených, Euronet bude zodpovedný za splnenie všetkých požiadaviek a povolení potrebných na inštaláciu a prevádzkovanie bankomatu v Mieste inštalácie po Dobu trvania zmluvy (ako xx xxxx definovaná v článku 4.1 nižšie), s výnimkou elektrického napájania bankomatu v Mieste inštalácie, za ktoré bude na vlastné náklady výlučne zodpovedný Partner. 2.1.2 Euronet vykoná inštaláciu bankomatu v súlade s platnými miestnymi predpismi. Euronet vynaloží primerané úsilie, aby počas inštalácie minimalizoval narušenie činností Partnera v Mieste inštalácie a v jeho v blízkosti. 2.1.3 Akonáhle to bude primerane možné po Dni účinnosti, Strany si písomne dohodnú deň inštalácie bankomatu („Deň inštalácie“) a vykonajú inštaláciu bankomatu.
Installation of ATM. Tenant desires to install an ATM in connection with the operation of its business in the Premises. Tenant shall be responsible for all costs for the design, working drawings and installation of the ATM. Tenant shall have Tenant's architect prepare working drawings for the installation of the ATM. The ATM working drawings shall be subject to Landlord's prior written approval. Landlord agrees to review the ATM working drawings promptly upon receipt from Tenant. For the installation of the ATM, Tenant shall have two options: (1) the ATM shall be installed by Landlord's general contractor pursuant to a separate contract between Tenant and the general contractor, or (2) if Tenant chooses to use another contractor to install the ATM, that contractor shall be considered a subcontractor of Landlord's general contractor and Tenant shall provide Landlord a written change order for the work which shall include the cost of Landlord's contractor's overhead and profit (not to exceed 10%) and supervision. Once the cost of the installation of the ATM is determined by execution of a contract with Landlord's contractor if option (1) is selected, or by delivery of a change order if option (2) is selected, Tenant shall deposit with the Escrow Holder (defined below in paragraph 11), (a) 50% of the cost of the ATM installation no later than five (5) days prior to the commencement of the ATM installation, (b) 25% of the cost of the ATM installation within five (5) days of notice from Landlord's general contractor that 50% of the ATM installation is completed, and (c) 25% of the cost of the ATM installation within five (5) days of notice from Landlord's general contractor that the ATM installation is completed. The monies deposited for the ATM installation shall be disbursed by Escrow Holder to pay the contractor upon receipt of the items (a) through (i) identified in paragraph 11 below.
Installation of ATM. 2.1.1 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, Euronet shall be responsible for any requirements, notifications or authorizations necessary in connection with the installation and operation of the ATM at the Location during the Term (as defined in clause 4.1). 2.1.2 The installation of the ATM shall be undertaken by Euronet according to applicable local regulations. Euronet shall use reasonable efforts to minimise disruption to the activities of the Partner at or near the Location during the installation of the ATM. 2.1.3 As soon as reasonably practicable after the Effective Date, the Parties will agree in writing the installation date for the ATM ("Installation Date") and effect the installation of the ATM. 2.2
Installation of ATM 

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  • Installation Where installation is required, Contractor shall be responsible for placing and installing the product in the required locations at no additional charge, unless otherwise designated on the Contract or purchase order. Contractor’s authorized product and price list shall clearly and separately identify any additional installation charges. All materials used in the installation shall be of good quality and shall be free of defects that would diminish the appearance of the product or render it structurally or operationally unsound. Installation includes the furnishing of any equipment, rigging, and materials required to install or replace the product in the proper location. Contractor shall protect the site from damage and shall repair damages or injury caused during installation by Contractor or its employees or agents. If any alteration, dismantling, excavation, etc., is required to achieve installation, the Contractor shall promptly restore the structure or site to its original condition. Contractor shall perform installation work so as to cause the least inconvenience and interference with Customers and with proper consideration of others on site. Upon completion of the installation, the location and surrounding area of work shall be left clean and in a neat and unobstructed condition, with everything in satisfactory repair and order.

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