Contesting Sample Clauses

Contesting. If any Monthly Delivery Protocol or Monthly Invoice is contested by one of Parties, the uncontested part shall be paid promptly when due. Party contesting Monthly Delivery Protocol or Monthly Invoice shall give notice of the amount in dispute and the reasons therefore to other Party. Parties shall seek to settle the disputed amount as soon as possible and if no settlement can be achieved amicably between Parties within one month from the date of issue of Monthly Delivery Protocol and Monthly Invoice then either Party may refer the dispute to arbitration according to Article 12. Any sum (or part thereof) which was the subject of a dispute between Parties and which is subsequently agreed or determined to be due, shall bear interest in accordance with Article 9.5 unless otherwise agreed by Parties in writing. No Monthly Invoice shall be contested after the expiry of three (3) calendar months from the end of relevant Month of Delivery.
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Contesting. Executive shall promptly notify the Company of any claim that, if successful, would require the payment of the Gross-Up Payment. Without the consent of the Company, Executive shall not pay such claim prior to the date that the payment of taxes with respect to such claim is due. If the Company notifies Executive in writing prior to such due date that it desires to contest the claim, Executive shall take all actions in connection with contesting the claim reasonably required by the Company (including accepting legal representation with respect to such claim by an attorney reasonably selected by the Company); provided, however, that the Company shall pay all costs and expenses (including additional interest and penalties) incurred in connection with such contest and shall indemnify and hold Executive harmless, on an after-tax basis, from any tax (including reasonable attorneys fees, interest and penalties with respect thereto) imposed as a result thereof.
Contesting. .01 The period for contesting shall be two (2) days following the awarding of the blocks. Employees shall contest a block award in writing to the Company scheduler. Any corrections shall be made by the scheduler.
Contesting. Executive shall promptly notify the Company of any claim that, if successful, would require the payment of the Gross-Up Payment. Without the consent of the Company, Executive shall not pay such claim prior to the date that the payment of taxes with respect to such claim is due. If the Company notifies Executive in writing prior to such due date that it desires to contest the claim, Executive shall take all actions in connection with contesting

Related to Contesting

  • Contest (a) If a written claim is made against a Tax Indemnitee for Taxes with respect to which Owner could be liable for payment or indemnity hereunder, or if a Tax Indemnitee makes a determination that a Tax is due for which Owner could have an indemnity obligation hereunder, such Tax Indemnitee shall promptly give Owner notice in writing of such claim (provided, that failure to so notify Owner shall not relieve Owner of its indemnity obligations hereunder unless such failure to notify effectively forecloses Owner's rights to require a contest of such claim) and shall take no action with respect to such claim without the prior written consent of Owner for 30 days following the receipt of such notice by Owner; provided, that, in the case of a claim made against a Tax Indemnitee, if such Tax Indemnitee shall be required by law to take action prior to the end of such 30-day period, such Tax Indemnitee shall, in such notice to Owner, so inform Owner, and such Tax Indemnitee shall take no action for as long as it is legally able to do so (it being understood that a Tax Indemnitee shall be entitled to pay the Tax claimed and xxx for a refund prior to the end of such 30-day period if (i)(A) the failure to so pay the Tax would result in substantial penalties (unless immediately reimbursed by Owner) and the act of paying the Tax would not materially prejudice the right to contest or (B) the failure to so pay would result in criminal penalties and (ii) such Tax Indemnitee shall take any action so required in connection with so paying the Tax in a manner that is the least prejudicial to the pursuit of the contest). In addition, such Tax Indemnitee shall (provided, that Owner shall have agreed to keep such information confidential other than to the extent necessary in order to contest the claim) furnish Owner with copies of any requests for information from any Taxing Authority relating to such Taxes with respect to which Owner may be required to indemnify hereunder. If requested by Owner in writing within 30 days after its receipt of such notice, such Tax Indemnitee shall, at the expense of Owner (including, without limitation, all reasonable costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys' and accountants' fees and disbursements), in good faith contest (or, if permitted by applicable law, allow Owner to contest) through appropriate administrative and judicial proceedings the validity, applicability or amount of such Taxes by (I) resisting payment thereof, (II) not paying the same except under protest if protest is necessary and proper or (III) if the payment is made, using reasonable efforts to obtain a refund thereof in an appropriate administrative and/or judicial proceeding. If requested to do so by Owner, the Tax Indemnitee shall appeal any adverse administrative or judicial decision, except that the Tax Indemnitee shall not be required to pursue any appeals to the United States Supreme Court. If and to the extent the Tax Indemnitee is able to separate the contested issue or issues from other issues arising in the same administrative or judicial proceeding that are unrelated to the transactions contemplated by the Operative Agreements without, in the good faith judgment of such Tax Indemnitee, adversely affecting such Tax Indemnitee, such Tax Indemnitee shall permit Owner to control the conduct of any such proceeding and shall provide to Owner (at Owner's cost and expense) with such information or data that is in such Tax Indemnitee's control or possession that is reasonably necessary to conduct such contest. In the case of a contest controlled by a Tax Indemnitee, such Tax Indemnitee shall consult with Owner in good faith regarding the manner of contesting such claim and shall keep Owner reasonably informed regarding the progress of such contest. A Tax Indemnitee shall not fail to take any action expressly required by this Section 8.3.4 (including, without limitation, any action regarding any appeal of an adverse determination with respect to any claim) or settle or compromise any claim without the prior written consent of the Owner (except as contemplated by Section 8.3.4(b) or (c)).

  • Contests In the event any Governmental Authority determines that Distribution Provider’s receipt of payments or property constitutes income that is subject to taxation, Distribution Provider shall notify Interconnection Customer, in writing, within thirty (30) Calendar Days of receiving notification of such determination by a Governmental Authority. Upon the timely written request by Interconnection Customer and at Interconnection Customer's sole expense, Distribution Provider may appeal, protest, seek abatement of, or otherwise oppose such determination. Upon Interconnection Customer's written request and sole expense, Distribution Provider may file a claim for refund with respect to any taxes paid under this Article 5.17, whether or not it has received such a determination. Distribution Provider reserves the right to make all decisions with regard to the prosecution of such appeal, protest, abatement or other contest, including the selection of counsel and compromise or settlement of the claim, but Distribution Provider shall keep Interconnection Customer informed, shall consider in good faith suggestions from Interconnection Customer about the conduct of the contest, and shall reasonably permit Interconnection Customer or an Interconnection Customer representative to attend contest proceedings. Interconnection Customer shall pay to Distribution Provider on a periodic basis, as invoiced by Distribution Provider, Distribution Provider’s documented reasonable costs of prosecuting such appeal, protest, abatement or other contest. At any time during the contest, Distribution Provider may agree to a settlement either with Interconnection Customer's consent or after obtaining written advice from nationally-recognized tax counsel, selected by Distribution Provider, but reasonably acceptable to Interconnection Customer, that the proposed settlement represents a reasonable settlement given the hazards of litigation. Interconnection Customer's obligation shall be based on the amount of the settlement agreed to by Interconnection Customer, or if a higher amount, so much of the settlement that is supported by the written advice from nationally-recognized tax counsel selected under the terms of the preceding sentence. The settlement amount shall be calculated on a fully-grossed-up basis to cover any related cost consequences of the current tax liability. Any settlement without Interconnection Customer's consent or such written advice will relieve Interconnection Customer from any obligation to indemnify Distribution Provider for the tax at issue in the contest.

  • Cooperation in Litigation Each party hereto will reasonably cooperate with the other in the defense or prosecution of any litigation or proceeding already instituted or which may be instituted hereafter against or by such party relating to or arising out of the use of the Purchased Assets prior to the Effective Date (other than litigation arising out of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement). The party requesting such cooperation shall pay the out-of-pocket expenses (including legal fees and disbursements) of the party providing such cooperation and of its officers, directors, employees, other personnel and agents reasonably incurred in connection with providing such cooperation, but shall not be responsible to reimburse the party providing such cooperation for such party's time spent in such cooperation or the salaries or costs of fringe benefits or similar expenses paid by the party providing such cooperation to its officers, directors, employees, other personnel and agents while assisting in the defense or prosecution of any such litigation or proceeding.

  • Tax Contests The Indemnitor and its representatives, at the Indemnitor's expense, shall be entitled to participate (A) in all conferences, meetings or proceedings with any Taxing Authority, the subject matter of which is or includes an Indemnity Issue and (B) in all appearances before any court, the subject matter of which is or includes an Indemnity Issue. The Responsible Party for the Tax Return with respect to which there could be an increase in liability for any Tax or with respect to which a payment could be required hereunder shall have the right to decide as between the parties hereto how such matter is to be dealt with and finally resolved with the appropriate Taxing Authority and shall control all audits and similar proceedings. If no Tax Return is or was required to be filed in respect of an Indemnity Issue, the Indemnitor shall be treated as the Responsible Party with respect thereto. The Responsible Party agrees to cooperate in the settlement of any Indemnity Issue with the other party and to take such other party's interests into account. If the Indemnitor is not the Responsible Party, such cooperation may include permitting the Indemnitor, at the Indemnitor's sole expense, to litigate or otherwise resolve any Indemnity Issue. If UCRI is the Responsible Party and if the Taxes at issue in the aggregate may equal or exceed $25,000 (computed taking into account reasonably anticipated future year Tax costs on a present value basis), (i) UCRI shall not settle any such Indemnity Issue without the prior written consent of Compass, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, (ii) Compass, and counsel of its own choosing, shall have the right to participate fully, at its own expense, in all aspects of the defense of such Indemnity Issue, (iii) UCRI shall inform Compass, reasonably promptly in advance, of the date, time and place of all administrative and judicial meetings, conferences, hearings and other proceedings relating to such Indemnity Issue, (iv) Compass shall, at its own expense, be entitled to have its representatives (including counsel, accountants and consultants) attend and participate in any such administrative and judicial meetings, conferences, hearings and other proceedings relating to such Indemnity Issue, (v) UCRI shall provide to Compass all information, document requests and responses, proposed notices of deficiency, notices of deficiency, revenue agent's reports, protests, petitions and any other documents relating to such Indemnity Issue promptly upon receipt from, or in advance of submission to (as the case may be), the relevant Taxing Authority or courts and (vi) UCRI shall not file or submit any protests, briefs, responses, petitions or other documents relating to such Indemnity Issue with such relevant Taxing Authority or courts without the prior written consent of Compass, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, provided that UCRI may make such filing or submission if required to comply with any deadline imposed by law (including by order of a court or administrative authority) if UCRI has made commercially reasonable efforts to obtain such prior consent. 5.4

  • Challenge If Executive violates or challenges the enforceability of any provisions of the Restrictive Covenants or this Release, no further payments, rights or benefits under Section 5 of the Agreement will be due to Executive (except where such provision would be prohibited by applicable law, rule or regulation).

  • Tax Contest Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 8.5, the Seller shall have the right to represent the ELN Companies’ interests in any Tax Contest relating to Tax liabilities for which the Seller would be required to indemnify the Purchaser Indemnified Parties pursuant to this Article 8 and which relate to any Pre-Closing Period; provided, however, that the Seller shall have no right to represent the ELN Companies’ interests in any Tax Contest unless (i) the Seller shall have first notified the Purchaser in writing of their intention to do so within thirty days of receipt of notice of the Third Party Claim for Taxes, (ii) shall have agreed with the Purchaser in writing that, as between the Purchaser and the Seller, the Seller shall be liable for any Taxes that result from such Tax Contest and (iii) shall have paid to the Purchaser an amount equal to the amount of such Taxes required to be paid by the Company as and when required under Applicable Law, notwithstanding that such Tax Contest many not have been finally determined. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if (A) the Seller shall not have given notice of their election to represent the Company’s interests in the Tax Contest within such 30-day period, (B) the Seller shall fail to conduct such defense diligently and in good faith or (C) the Purchaser shall reasonably determine that use of counsel selected by the Seller to represent the Purchaser would present such counsel with an actual or potential conflict of interest, then in each such case the Purchaser shall have the right to control the defense, compromise or settlement of the Tax Contest with counsel of its choice at the Seller’s sole cost and expense. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Seller shall not be entitled to settle, either administratively or after the commencement of litigation, any Tax Contest without the prior written consent of the Purchaser, which consent may not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed by the Purchaser, and may not be withheld, conditioned and delayed if the Seller has indemnified the Purchaser in a manner reasonably acceptable to the Purchaser against the effects of any such settlement.

  • Assistance in Litigation Employee shall upon reasonable notice, furnish such information and proper assistance to the Company as it may reasonably require in connection with any litigation in which it is, or may become, a party either during or after employment.

  • No Contest Each Junior Priority Agent, for and on behalf of itself and the Junior Priority Creditors represented thereby, agrees that, prior to the Discharge of Senior Priority Obligations, none of them shall contest (or directly or indirectly support any other Person contesting) (i) any request by any Senior Priority Agent or Senior Priority Creditor for adequate protection of its interest in the Collateral (unless in contravention of Section 6.1(a)), or (ii) any objection by any Senior Priority Agent or Senior Priority Creditor to any motion, relief, action or proceeding based on a claim by such Senior Priority Agent or Senior Priority Creditor that its interests in the Collateral (unless in contravention of Section 6.1(a)) are not adequately protected (or any other similar request under any law applicable to an Insolvency Proceeding), so long as any Liens granted to such Senior Priority Agent as adequate protection of its interests are subject to this Agreement. Except as may be separately otherwise agreed in writing by and between or among any applicable Senior Priority Agents, in each case on behalf of itself and any Senior Priority Creditors represented thereby, any Senior Priority Agent, for and on behalf of itself and any Senior Priority Creditors represented thereby, agrees that, prior to the applicable Discharge of Senior Priority Obligations, none of them shall contest (or directly or indirectly support any other Person contesting) (i) any request by any other Senior Priority Agent or any Senior Priority Creditor represented by such other Senior Priority Agent for adequate protection of its interest in the Collateral, or (ii) any objection by such other Senior Priority Agent or any Senior Priority Creditor to any motion, relief, action, or proceeding based on a claim by such other Senior Priority Agent or any Senior Priority Creditor represented by such other Senior Priority Agent that its interests in the Collateral are not adequately protected (or any other similar request under any law applicable to an Insolvency Proceeding), so long as any Liens granted to such other Senior Priority Agent as adequate protection of its interests are subject to this Agreement. Except as may be separately otherwise agreed in writing by and between or among any applicable Junior Priority Agents, in each case on behalf of itself and any Junior Priority Creditors represented thereby, any Junior Priority Agent, for and on behalf of itself and any Junior Priority Creditors represented thereby, agrees that, prior to the applicable Discharge of Junior Priority Obligations, none of them shall contest (or directly or indirectly support any other Person contesting) (i) any request by any other Junior Priority Agent or any Junior Priority Creditor represented by such other Junior Priority Agent for adequate protection of its interest in the Collateral, or (ii) any objection by such other Junior Priority Agent or any Junior Priority Creditor to any motion, relief, action, or proceeding based on a claim by such other Junior Priority Agent or any Junior Priority Creditor represented by such other Junior Priority Agent that its interests in the Collateral are not adequately protected (or any other similar request under any law applicable to an Insolvency Proceeding), so long as any Liens granted to such other Junior Priority Agent as adequate protection of its interests are subject to this Agreement.

  • Permitted Contests Lessee shall have the right to contest the amount or validity of any Imposition to be paid by Lessee or any Legal Requirement or Insurance Requirement or any lien, attachment, levy, encumbrance, charge or claim (“Claims”) not otherwise permitted by Section 12.1, by appropriate legal proceedings in good faith and with due diligence (but this shall not be deemed or construed in any way to relieve, modify or extend Lessee’s covenants to pay or its covenants to cause to be paid any such charges at the time and in the manner as in this Section provided), on condition, however, that such legal proceedings shall not operate to relieve Lessee from its obligations hereunder and shall not cause the sale or risk the loss of any portion of the Leased Property, or any part thereof, or cause Lessor or Lessee to be in default under any mortgage, deed of trust, security deed or other agreement encumbering the Leased Property or any interest therein. Upon the request of Lessor, Lessee shall either (a) provide a bond or other assurance reasonably satisfactory to Lessor that all Claims which may be assessed against the Leased Property together with interest and penalties, if any, thereon will be paid, or (b) deposit within the time otherwise required for payment with a bank or trust company as trustee upon terms reasonably satisfactory to Lessor, as security for the payment of such Claims, money in an amount sufficient to pay the same, together with interest and penalties in connection therewith, as to all Claims which may be assessed against or become a Claim on the Leased Property, or any part thereof, in said legal proceedings. Lessee shall furnish Lessor and any lender of Lessor with reasonable evidence of such deposit within five (5) days of the same. Lessor agrees to join in any such proceedings if the same be required legally to prosecute such contest of the validity of such Claims; provided, however, that Lessor shall not thereby be subjected to any liability or loss for the payment of any costs or expenses in connection with any proceedings brought by Lessee; and Lessee covenants to indemnify and save harmless Lessor from any such liabilities, losses, costs or expenses. Lessee shall be entitled to any refund of any Claims and such charges and penalties or interest thereon which have been paid by Lessee or paid by Lessor and for which Lessor has been fully reimbursed. In the event that Lessee fails to pay any Claims when due or to provide the security therefor as provided in this Section and diligently to prosecute any contest of the same, Lessor may, upon ten (10) days’ advance Notice to Lessee, and Lessee’s failure to correct the same within such ten (10) day period, pay such charges together with any interest and penalties and the same shall be repayable by Lessee to Lessor as Additional Charges at the next Payment Date provided for in this Lease; provided, however, that should Lessor reasonably determine that the giving of such Notice would risk loss to the Leased Property or cause damage to Lessor, then Lessor shall give such Notice as is practical under the circumstances. Lessor reserves the right to contest any of the Claims at its expense not pursued by Lessee. Lessor and Lessee agree to cooperate in coordinating the contest of any Claims.

  • Litigation; Proceedings Except as specifically disclosed in the Disclosure Materials, there is no action, suit, notice of violation, proceeding or investigation pending or, to the best knowledge of the Company, threatened against or affecting the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or any of their respective properties before or by any court, governmental or administrative agency or regulatory authority (federal, state, county, local or foreign) which (i) adversely affects or challenges the legality, validity or enforceability of any Transaction Document or the Securities or (ii) could, individually or in the aggregate, have or result in a Material Adverse Effect.

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