College and Career Readiness. Note: When the term comparison group is used in this framework, the group of schools selected is unique to each charter school.
1. MATH PROFICIENCY Proficiency Rate: The IPCSC will use the proficiency rates as determined by the Idaho Accountability Framework measured via the Idaho Standards Achievement Test and reported via the Idaho Report Card. Math Proficiency Rubric Exceeds Standard The school’s proficiency rate is greater than one standard deviation above the average of the school’s identified comparison group, OR the school’s proficiency average is in the 90th percentile of all Idaho schools. Meets Standard The school’s proficiency rate is equal to the average or falls between the average and one standard deviation above the average of the school’s identified comparison group. Approaches Standard The school’s proficiency rate falls between the average and one standard deviation below the average of the school’s identified comparison group. Does Not Meet Standard The school’s proficiency rate is more than one standard deviation below the average of the school’s identified comparison group, OR the school has been identified by Idaho Department of Education for comprehensive or targeted support for three consecutive years.
2. ELA PROFICIENCY Proficiency Rate: The IPCSC will use the proficiency rates as determined by the Idaho Accountability Framework measured via the Idaho Standards Achievement Test and reported via the Idaho Report Card. ELA Proficiency Rubric Exceeds Standard The school’s proficiency rate is greater than one standard deviation above the average of the school’s identified comparison group, OR the school’s proficiency average is at or above the 90th percentile of all Idaho schools. Meets Standard The school’s proficiency rate is equal to the average or falls between the average and one standard deviation above the average of the school’s identified comparison group. Approaches Standard The school’s proficiency rate falls between the average and one standard deviation below the average of the school’s identified comparison group. Does Not Meet Standard The school’s proficiency rate is more than one standard deviation below the average of the school’s identified comparison group, OR the school has been identified by Idaho Department of Education for comprehensive or targeted support for three consecutive years.
3. MATH GROWTH Growth Rate: The IPCSC will use the growth rates as determined by the Idaho Accountability Framework measured via ...
College and Career Readiness. ALTERNATIVE Note: This measure will be considered in addition to the standard college and career readiness measure for schools classified as alternative. Non-alternative schools may include this measure as a mission specific goal, in addition to the standard measures, if they feel this data would help the PCSC understand their school’s academic outcomes. C&C Readiness Rubric Exceeds Standard The percentage of the not continuously enrolled students who were enrolled for at least 45 days and were eligible to graduate in the same academic year (plus summer) who graduated is more than 10% above the school’s percentage in the previous year, OR the percentage in the current year is greater than 75%. Meets Standard The percentage of the not continuously enrolled students who were enrolled for at least 45 days and were eligible to graduate in the same academic year (plus summer) who graduated is equal to or up to 10% greater than the school’s percentage in the previous year. Approaches Standard The percentage of the not continuously enrolled students who were enrolled for at least 45 days and were eligible to graduate in the same academic year (plus summer) who graduated is below, but no more than 10% below the school’s percentage in the previous year. Does Not Meet Standard The percentage of the not continuously enrolled students who were enrolled for at least 45 days and were eligible to graduate in the same academic year (plus summer) who graduated is more than 10% below the school’s percentage in the previous year. BOARD STEWARDSHIP
1. Governance Structure
2. Governance Oversight
3. Governance Compliance OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT
4. Student Services 5. Data Security and Information Transparency 6. Facility and Services 7. Operational Compliance BOARD GOVERNANCE
1. Governance Structure Rubric Data Sources: Board bylaws, articles of incorporation, and any courtesy letters or notifications issued to the school by entities responsible for oversight or enforcement. Exceeds Standard The school has met standard for 3 or more consecutive years, including the most recently completed school year. Approaches Standard The school was informed of or became aware of non-compliance and action to correct the issue was taken within 30 days. Does Not Meet Standard The school was informed of or became aware of non-compliance and action to correct the issue was not taken within 30 days.
2. Governance Oversight Rubric Data Sources: Board meeting minutes, school policies, continuous im...
College and Career Readiness. Improve access to opportunities for internships, vocational experiences, certifications, and other initiatives directly related to career preparation.
College and Career Readiness. Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate (ACGR): Alternative schools will be evaluated based on their 5-Year ACGR. All other schools will be evaluated based on their 4-Year ACGR. Graduation Rate: The PCSC will use either the 4-Year ACGR or the 5-Year ACGR as determined by the Idaho Accountability Framework and reported via the Idaho Report Card. Exceeds Standard The school’s 4-Year or 5-Year ACGR is greater than one standard deviation above the identified comparison group, OR the school’s ACGR is 100%. Meets Standard The school’s 4-Year or 5-Year ACGR is equal to the mean or falls between the mean and one standard deviation above the mean of the identified comparison group. Approaches Standard The school’s 4-Year or 5-Year ACGR falls between the mean and one standard deviation below the mean of the identified comparison group. Does Not Meet Standard The school’s 4-Year or 5-Year ACGR is more than one standard deviation below the identified comparison group. ADDITIONAL ACADEMIC MEASURES FOR ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS Alternative School Measures
1. Math Content Mastery
2. ELA Content Mastery
3. Progress Toward Graduation
College and Career Readiness. Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate (ACGR): Alternative schools will be evaluated based on their 5-Year ACGR. All other schools will be evaluated based on their 4-Year ACGR. Graduation Rate: The IPCSC will use either the 4-Year ACGR as determined by the Idaho Accountability Framework and reported via the Idaho Report Card. Exceeds Standard The school’s 4-Year ACGR is greater than one standard deviation above the identified comparison group, OR The school’s ACGR is 90%. Meets Standard The school’s 4-Year ACGR is equal to the mean OR Falls between the mean and one standard deviation above the mean of the identified comparison group. Approaches Standard The school’s 4-Year ACGR falls between the mean and one standard deviation below the mean of the identified comparison group. Does Not Meet Standard The school’s 4-Year ACGR is more than one standard deviation below the identified comparison group. BOARD STEWARDSHIP
1. Governance Structure
2. Governance Oversight
3. Governance Compliance OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT
4. Student Services 5. Data Security and Information Transparency 6. Facility and Services 7. Operational Compliance BOARD GOVERNANCE
1. Governance Structure Rubric Data Sources: Board bylaws, articles of incorporation, and any courtesy letters or notifications issued to the school by entities responsible for oversight or enforcement. Exceeds Standard The school has met standard for 3 or more consecutive years, including the most recently completed school year. Meets Standard • Board Bylaws are compliant with ID law. • Articles of Incorporation are current. • No investigations were conducted into either ethical behavior or conflict of interest regarding any board director. • The board did not experience an Open Meeting Law violation that needed to be cured this year. Approaches Standard The school was informed of or became aware of non-compliance and action to correct the issue was taken within 30 days. Does Not Meet Standard The school was informed of or became aware of non-compliance and action to correct the issue was not taken within 30 days.
2. Governance Oversight Rubric Data Sources: Board meeting minutes, school policies, continuous improvement plan (or other strategic planning evidence if submitted by the school), and verification of submission of annual administrator evaluation. Exceeds Standard The school has met standard for 3 or more consecutive years, including the most recently completed school year. Meets Standard • The board reviews academic...
College and Career Readiness. Note: When the term comparison group is used in this framework, the group of schools selected is unique to each charter school.
College and Career Readiness. Accountability Framework and reported via the Idaho Report Card. ACdjGusRt.eAdlCteorhnoarttivGerhaidguhastciohnooRlsatweil(lAbCeGeRva):luHaitgehd sbcahsoeodlsown itlhl ebier e5v-YaleuaartAedCGbaRs.eTdhoenItPhCeiSrC4-aYnenaural rReeppoorrttws ialrl eprpersoednutctehde. pTrheeviIoPuCsSyCeawr’isllduastea,tahsetahpepcruorprreinateyeAaCr’Gs Rdaatsa pisronvoitdaevdabilyabthleewIdhaehnoAnnual Exceeds Standard The school’s ACGR is greater than one standard deviation above the average of the school’s identified comparison group, OR the school’s ACGR is 90%. Meets Standard asTvheersacgheooaln’sdAoCnGeRstiasnedqauradl tdoetvhieataivoenrabgeovOeRthfealalsvebreatgweeoefnththee chool’s identified comparison group. AStpapnrdoarcdhes The school’s ACGR falls between the average and one standard deviation below the average of the identified comparison group. Does Not Meet Standard The school’s ACGR is more than one standard deviation below the school’s identified comparison group. OPERATIONAL MEASURES BOARD GOVERNANCE
1. Governance Structure
College and Career Readiness sNeoletcet:eWd ihseunntihqeuetetromeacocmh cphaarirstoenr xxxxxxxxxxx.xx used in this framework, the group of schools
1. MATH PROFICIENCY the Idaho Report Card.
College and Career Readiness. The Committee may study and evaluate the existing programs designed to promote college and career readiness for students. The Committee may recommend additional career pathway programming as well as activities related to postsecondary and workforce readiness, graduation requirements and the Illinois learning standards, career and technical education, and early college experiences.
College and Career Readiness. 4-YEAR ACGR Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate (ACGR): Alternative schools will be evaluated based on their 5-Year ACGR. All other schools will be evaluated based on their 4-Year ACGR. Exceeds Standard The school’s 4-Year ACGR is greater than one standard deviation above the identified comparison group, OR the school’s ACGR is 90%. Meets Standard The school’s 4-Year ACGR is equal to the mean or falls between the mean and one standard deviation above the mean of the identified comparison group. Approaches Standard The school’s 4-Year ACGR falls between the mean and one standard deviation below the mean of the identified comparison group. Does Not Meet Standard The school’s 4-Year ACGR is more than one standard deviation below the identified comparison group.