Breaches of this Agreement. General A‑11
Breaches of this Agreement. General. CONTRACTOR shall be required to comply with the provisions of this AGREEMENT and its failure to fulfill in a timely and proper manner CONTRACTOR's obligations under this AGREEMENT shall constitute a breach of this AGREEMENT. A breach of this AGREEMENT shall fall into one of two categories, major or minor.
Breaches of this Agreement. Newark and Sherwood Homes aims to deliver the best possible service for tenants who are experiencing breaches of the tenancy agreement such as anti – social behaviour, this includes taking appropriate and proportionate action against perpetrators in line with the conditions captured in this section. When tackling breaches of the tenancy agreement on the estates throughout the district Newark and Sherwood Homes may implement our Anti – Social Behaviour Policy; a copy of this policy can be found on our website or by contacting us.
Breaches of this Agreement. Breaches of this Agreement. Student and Funder shall perform all obligations under this Agreement. In the event of a breach of this Agreement, the non-breaching Party shall provide the breaching Party with notice of the breach.
Breaches of this Agreement a) Without limiting its other rights under this Agreement, the University is entitled to withhold from you any or all academic results and is entitled to prohibit graduation, further enrolment and the issue of transcripts until you remedy any breach of your obligations under this Agreement.
b) You must pay any legal costs and other expenses which the University incurs in connection with any breach by you of your obligations under this Agreement, such amounts to be paid when requested by the University to do so.
Breaches of this Agreement. We may terminate this Agreement in relation to the relevant Claim, or at our option, all Claims, and pursue you for the sums referred to in Clause 4.2 in relation to such Claim or Claims, if you: do not cooperate with us in the conduct of a Claim; provide us with misleading information; cease to provide us with instructions, or purport to cancel this Agreement, after the expiry of the 14 day period prescribed by clause 13. For the purposes of this provision you shall have ceased providing us with instructions if you fail to respond, within 28 days, to any correspondence or contact from us, whether written, by telephone or any other means, which requires a response; fail to provide, with reasonable promptness, information and documents that we ask for; instruct other solicitors or representatives in relation to the relevant Claim before our work on such Claim has finished; reject our advice about making a Settlement or accepting any award of any court or dispute resolution forum.
Breaches of this Agreement. 6.4.1 If an individual representative or a partner organisation acts in a way that is contrary to this Agreement, they will be given an opportunity to present the reasons to the Partnership Board with a view to resolving any conflict in line with Sections 6.2 and
Breaches of this Agreement. 1. If either Party commits a breach of or otherwise fails to comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement, the other Party shall give notice in writing to the breaching Party specifying the breach complained of. In the event the breaching Party fails to remedy such breach within sixty (60) days of receipt of such notice (or such longer period of timehaving regard to the nature of the breach as the notifying Party may reasonably deem appropriate), the matter shall be addressed in accordance with Article 24 of thisAgreement, being the Dispute Resolution provisions provided for hereunder. If the matter cannot be resolved pursuant to the Dispute Resolution provisions, then the notifying Party may terminate this Agreement on written notice.
Breaches of this Agreement. 11.1 All agencies who are party to this agreement will have in place appropriate measures to investigate and deal with the inappropriate or unauthorised access to, or use of, personal information whether intentional or inadvertent.
11.2 In the event of personal information that has been shared under this agreement having or may have been compromised, whether accidental or intentional, the organisation making the discovery will without delay: Inform the information provider (agency) of the details. Inform their local IG Manger, SIRO or Data Protection Officer. Take steps to investigate the cause. If appropriate, take disciplinary action against the person(s) responsible. Take appropriate steps to avoid a repetition. Take appropriate steps where possible to mitigate any impact.
11.3 On being notified that an individual‘s personal information has/have been compromised, the original provider will assess the potential implications for the individual whose information has been compromised and if necessary: Notify the individual concerned, Advise the individual of their rights, Provide the individual with appropriate support.
Breaches of this Agreement. 18.1 Either party may terminate this Agreement or the Service (or both):
(a) immediately on notice if the other commits a material breach of this Agreement, which is capable of remedy, and fails to remedy the breach within a reasonable time of a written notice to do so; or
(b) immediately on notice if the other commits a material breach of this Agreement which cannot be remedied; or
(c) on reasonable notice if the other is repeatedly in breach of this Agreement; or
(d) immediately on notice if the other is the subject of a bankruptcy order, or becomes insolvent, or makes any arrangement or composition with or assignment for the benefit of their creditors, or goes into voluntary (otherwise than for reconstruction or amalgamation) or compulsory liquidation, or a receiver or administrator is appointed over their assets, or if the equivalent of any such events under the laws of any of the relevant jurisdictions occurs to the other party.
18.2 If BT is entitled to terminate this Agreement under paragraph 18.1, BT may, on giving prior notice where practicable, suspend the Service without prejudice to such rights. Where the Service is suspended under this paragraph the Customer must pay the charges for the Service until this Agreement is terminated.
18.3 If this Agreement is terminated by BT during the Minimum Period because of an event specified in paragraph 18.1 the Customer must pay BT, without prejudice to any other rights BT may have, the termination charges specified in the Charges Schedule 18.4 If either party delays in acting upon a breach of this Agreement that delay will not be regarded as a waiver of that breach. If either party waives a breach of this Agreement that waiver is limited to that particular breach.