Entry Notice from Leasehold Mortgagee to Landlord Sample Clauses

Entry Notice from Leasehold Mortgagee to Landlord. Subject to this Section, without limiting Leasehold Mortgagee’s rights (x) to commence and diligently pursue foreclosure under all the Leasehold Mortgages regarding any Lease and/or to take title to all the Leasehold Estates subject to such Lease, whether through foreclosure, deed in lieu thereof, or otherwise, and (y) enter into a New Lease with Landlord regarding the Demised Properties covered by a Lease as provided herein, Leasehold Mortgagee hereby agrees that Leasehold Mortgagee shall not enter upon any Demised Properties to remove any Personal Property therefrom unless: (a) Leasehold Mortgagee delivers to Landlord a notice stating Leasehold Mortgagee’s intention to remove any Personal Property and representing that Leasehold Mortgagee has the right to do so pursuant to a default (after any applicable notice and cure periods) under the Credit Agreement and/or Guarantee and Collateral Agreement (such notice, the “Entry Notice”); (b) Leasehold Mortgagee’s rights to enter upon the applicable Demised Properties as described above shall commence fifteen (15) days after delivery to Landlord of the Entry Notice (the last day of such fifteen (15) day period, the “Entry Commencement Date”) and shall expire forty-five (45) days after the Entry Commencement Date (such forty-five (45) day period, the “Entry Period”); (c) any entry by Leasehold Mortgagee upon any Demised Properties shall be in strict compliance with the terms of the Credit Agreement, the Guarantee and Collateral Agreement, the Leasehold Mortgages, and such Lease, as applicable; (d) Leasehold Mortgagee shall repair promptly, or cause to be repaired promptly, any damage to the Demised Properties caused by any such removal of the Personal Property (or any inspection thereof undertaken by Leasehold Mortgagee) and shall leave the applicable Demised Properties in broom clean condition; (e) any Personal Property remaining at the Demised Properties after the expiration of the Entry Period shall be deemed abandoned by Leasehold Mortgagee (and all Secured Parties) and shall become the sole property of Landlord, free and clear of any security interest or other interest of Leasehold Mortgagee or any Secured Party; and (f) Leasehold Mortgagee shall pay to Landlord prior to any entry upon the Demised Properties all Rent under the applicable Lease during the Entry Period (or, if such Lease has been terminated, all Rent that would have been applicable under such Lease during such period if such Lease were still i...
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Related to Entry Notice from Leasehold Mortgagee to Landlord

  • Notice to Landlord’s Mortgagee Tenant shall not seek to enforce any remedy it may have for any default on the part of Landlord without first giving written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, specifying the default in reasonable detail, to any Landlord’s Mortgagee whose address has been given to Tenant, and affording such Landlord’s Mortgagee a reasonable opportunity to perform Landlord’s obligations hereunder.

  • Notice to Mortgagee and Ground Lessor After receiving notice from any person, firm or other entity that it holds a mortgage which includes the Premises as part of the mortgaged premises, or that it is the ground lessor under a lease with Landlord, as ground lessee, which includes the Premises as a part of the demised premises, no notice from Tenant to Landlord shall be effective unless and until a copy of the same is given to such holder or ground lessor, and the curing of any of Landlord’s defaults by such holder or ground lessor within a reasonable time thereafter (including a reasonable time to obtain possession of the premises if the mortgagee or ground lessor elects to do so) shall be treated as performance by Landlord. For the purposes of this Section 9.4 or Section 9.14, the term “mortgage” includes a mortgage on a leasehold interest of Landlord (but not one on Tenant’s leasehold interest).

  • Notice to Landlord In the event Landlord’s consent is required pursuant to Section 15.1, Tenant shall first notify Landlord of its desire to do so and shall submit in writing to Landlord (the “Transfer Notice”); (i) the size and location of the space Tenant proposes to assign or sublet; (ii) the name of the proposed assignee or subtenant; (iii) the date on which the Tenant proposes that the transfer be effective, which shall not be earlier than the date which is 30 days after the Transfer Notice (iv) the nature of the proposed assignee’s or subtenant’s business to be carried on in the Premises; (v) the terms and provisions of the proposed sublease or assignment; (vi) such reasonable financial information as Landlord may request concerning the proposed assignee or subtenant, and (vii) such other information as Landlord may reasonably require. Tenant agrees to reimburse Landlord for Landlord’s actual costs and attorneys’ fees (not to exceed $5000) incurred in conjunction with the processing and documentation of any such requested assignment, subletting, transfer, change or ownership or hypothecation of this Lease. Notwithstanding the foregoing, within five (5) days after any assignment or sublet of Tenant’s interest in this Lease (including any assignment by operation of law or the transfer of fifty percent (50%) or more of the equity interests in Tenant measured by voting power or share of Tenant’s profit), Tenant shall provide Landlord a written notice of such assignment or sublet, which notice shall include the date on which the transfer occurred and each of the items specified in items (i), (ii), (iv), (v) and (vii) above.

  • Notice to Mortgagee After receiving notice from Landlord of any Holder of a Mortgage which includes the Premises, no notice from Tenant to Landlord alleging any default by Landlord shall be effective unless and until a copy of the same is given to such Holder (provided Tenant shall have been furnished with the name and address of such Holder), and the curing of any of Landlord’s defaults by such Holder shall be treated as performance by Landlord.

  • Notice to Lessor LESSEE will promptly notify LESSOR in writing in the event of the requisition for use of the Aircraft under CRAF activation by the U.S.

  • Tenant’s Notice If Tenant desires to assign this Amended and Restated Lease or sublet all or any portion of the Premises (sometimes referred to herein as a “Transfer”), Tenant shall give notice thereof to Landlord, which shall be accompanied by (a) with respect to an assignment of this Amended and Restated Lease, the date Tenant desires the assignment to be effective, and (b) with respect to a sublet of all or a part of the Premises, a description of the portion of the Premises to be sublet and the commencement date of such sublease. If Tenant has vacated all or substantially all of the Premises or is in the process of making arrangements to do so (with no intention of returning to the Premises during the Term), and if the proposed transaction is either an assignment of this Amended and Restated Lease, or a sublease of the entire Premises, such notice shall be deemed an offer from Tenant to Landlord of the right, at Landlord’s option, to terminate this Amended and Restated Lease with respect to the entire Premises. If the proposed transaction is a sublease of a portion of the Premises, which, together with all other presently existing subleases, comprises a subletting of more than 1/3rd of the rentable square footage of the Premises, and such sublease is for a term substantially equal to the then remaining Term of this Amended and Restated Lease, such notice shall be deemed an offer from Tenant to Landlord of the right, at Landlord’s option to terminate this Amended and Restated Lease with respect to such space as Tenant then proposes to sublease (the “Partial Space”), but not any other previously subleased space, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. Such option may be exercised by notice from Landlord to Tenant within 20 days after delivery of Tenant’s notice. If Landlord exercises its option to terminate this Amended and Restated Lease, (a) Tenant shall have the right within 7 days to revoke the request to assign or sublease thereby extinguishing Landlord’s right to terminate this Amended and Restated Lease, or (b) if the Tenant does not give such notice within 7 days, (i) this Amended and Restated Lease shall end and expire with respect to all or a portion of the Premises, as the case may be, on the date that such assignment or sublease was to commence, provided that such date is in no event earlier than 90 days after the date of the above notice unless Landlord agrees to such earlier date, (ii) Rent shall be apportioned, paid or refunded as of such date, (iii) Tenant, upon Landlord’s request, shall enter into an amendment of this Amended and Restated Lease ratifying and confirming such total or partial termination, and setting forth any appropriate modifications to the terms and provisions hereof, and (iv) Landlord shall be free to lease the Premises (or any part thereof) to Tenant’s prospective assignee or subtenant or to any other party. Landlord shall pay all costs to make the Partial Space a self-contained rental unit and to install any required Building corridors.

  • TENANT'S ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE From time to time, upon written request of Landlord, Tenant shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to Landlord or its designee, a written certificate stating (a) the date this Lease was executed, the Commencement Date of the Term and the date the Term expires; (b) the date Tenant entered into occupancy of the Premises; (c) the amount of Rent and the date to which such Rent has been paid; (d) that this Lease is in full force and effect and has not been assigned, modified, supplemented or amended in any way (or, if assigned, modified, supplemented or amended, specifying the date and terms of any agreement so affecting this Lease); (e) that this Lease represents the entire agreement between the parties with respect to Tenant’s right to use and occupy the Premises (or specifying such other agreements, if any); (f) that all obligations under this Lease to be performed by Landlord as of the date of such certificate have been satisfied (or specifying those as to which Tenant claims that Landlord has yet to perform); (g) that all required contributions by Landlord to Tenant on account of Tenant’s improvements have been received (or stating exceptions thereto); (h) that on such date there exist no defenses or offsets that Tenant has against the enforcement of this Lease by Landlord (or stating exceptions thereto); (i) that no Rent or other sum payable by Tenant hereunder has been paid more than one (1) month in advance (or stating exceptions thereto); (j) that a currently valid Letter of Credit has been deposited with Landlord, stating the original amount thereof and any increases or decreases thereto; and (k) any other matters evidencing the status of this Lease that may be required either by a lender making a loan to Landlord to be secured by a deed of trust covering the Building or the Project or by a purchaser of the Building or the Project. Any such certificate delivered pursuant to this Paragraph 30 may be relied upon by a prospective purchaser of Landlord’s interest or a mortgagee of Landlord’s interest or assignee of any mortgage upon Landlord’s interest in the Premises. If Tenant shall fail to provide such certificate within ten (10) days of receipt by Tenant of a written request by Landlord as herein provided, such failure shall, at Landlord’s election, constitute a Default under this Lease, and Tenant shall be deemed to have given such certificate as above provided without modification and shall be deemed to have admitted the accuracy of any information supplied by Landlord to a prospective purchaser or mortgagee.

  • Tenant’s Lease Default Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in the Lease, if an event of default by Tenant as described in Section 12.01 of the Lease or any default by Tenant under this Work Letter (which, for purposes hereof, shall include, without limitation, the delivery by Tenant to Landlord of any oral or written, including electronic, notice instructing Landlord to cease the design and/or construction of the Tenant Improvements and/or that Tenant does not intend to occupy the Premises, and/or any other anticipatory breach of the Lease) has occurred at any time on or before the Substantial Completion of the Premises, then (i) in addition to all other rights and remedies granted to Landlord pursuant to the Lease, at law and/or in equity, Landlord shall have the right to withhold payment of all or any portion of the Tenant Improvement Allowance and/or Landlord may cause Contractor to cease the construction of the Premises (in which case, Tenant shall be responsible for any delay in the Substantial Completion of the Premises caused by such work stoppage as a Tenant Delay as set forth in Section 5.01 above), and (ii) all other obligations of Landlord under the terms of this Work Letter shall be forgiven until such time as such default is cured pursuant to the terms of the Lease (in which case, Tenant shall be responsible for any delay in the Substantial Completion of the Premises caused by such inaction by Landlord as a Tenant Delay). In addition, if the Lease is terminated prior to the Lease Commencement Date, for any reason due to an event of default by Tenant as described in Section 12.01 of the Lease or under this Work Letter (including, without limitation, any anticipatory breach described above in this Section 6.05), then (A) Tenant shall be liable to Landlord for all damages available to Landlord pursuant to the Lease and otherwise available to Landlord at law and/or in equity by reason of a default by Tenant under the Lease or this Work Letter, and (B) Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as Additional Rent under the Lease, within five (5) Business Days after Tenant’s receipt of a statement therefor, any and all costs incurred by Landlord (including any portion of the Tenant Improvement Allowance disbursed by Landlord) and not reimbursed or otherwise paid by Tenant through the date of such termination in connection with the Tenant Improvements to the extent planned, installed and/or constructed as of such date of termination, including, but not limited to, any costs related to the removal of all or any portion of the Tenant Improvements and restoration costs related thereto.

  • Landlord’s Election If Tenant desires to assign its interest under the Lease or to sublet all or part of the Leased Premises (a “Proposed Transfer”), Tenant must first notify Landlord, in writing, of such Proposed Transfer, at least fifteen (15) business days in advance of the date it intends to close the Proposed Transfer, specifying (a) the size of the space to be so transferred, (b) the duration of the term of such Proposed Transfer and (c) the terms of the Proposed Transfer, including the name of the proposed assignee or sublessee, the proposed assignee’s or sublessee’s intended use of the Leased Premises, current financial statements (including a balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flow, all prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles) of such proposed assignee or sublessee, the form of documents to be used in effectuating such assignment or subletting and such other information as Landlord may reasonably request. Landlord shall have a period of fifteen (15) business days following receipt of such notice and the required information to consent or decline to consent to the Proposed Transfer. If Landlord does not respond within such fifteen (15) business day period, Landlord shall be deemed to have approved the Proposed Transfer. If Landlord declines to consent to the Proposed Transfer, Landlord shall notify Tenant in writing, specifying the reasons under this Lease that such refusal is justified. During such fifteen (15) business day period, Tenant covenants and agrees to supply to Landlord, promptly upon request, all necessary or relevant information which Landlord may reasonably request respecting such proposed assignment or subletting and/or the proposed assignee or sublessee.

  • ABATEMENT OF RENT; LESSEE'S REMEDIES (a) In the event of (i) Premises Partial Damage or (ii) Hazardous Substance Condition for which Lessee is not legally responsible, the Base Rent, Common Area Operating Expenses and other charges, if any, payable by Lessee hereunder for the period during which such damage or condition, its repair, remediation or restoration continues, shall be abated in proportion to the degree to which Lessee's use of the Premises is impaired, but not in excess of proceeds from insurance required to be carried under Paragraph 8.3(b). Except for abatement of Base Rent, Common Area Operating Expenses and other charges, if any, as aforesaid, all other obligations of Lessee hereunder shall be performed by Lessee, and Lessee shall have no claim against Lessor for any damage suffered by reason of any such damage, destruction, repair, remediation or restoration.

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