XML definition

XML means extensible markup language.
XML means the Extensible Markup Language
XML means a standard extension of an XML file, «p7s» shall mean a standard extension of a file signed with a digital signature in the SEDC

Examples of XML in a sentence

  • The process to follow for the data file in original text format is: The XML file of the deposit as described in Part A, Section 9, reference 1 of this Specification must be named as the containing file as specified in Section 5 but with the extension xml.

  • The FATCA XML Schema User Guide (IRS Publication 5124) and the FATCA Metadata XML Schema User Guide (IRS Publication 5188) describe the structure of the schemata and include data dictionaries with summaries of the relevant data elements.

  • The Competent Authorities intend to use the International Data Exchange Service (“IDES”), as reflected in the FATCA IDES User Guide (IRS Publication 5190) and the FATCA Metadata XML Schema User Guide (IRS Publication 5188) posted on XXX.xxx, for all exchange of information, including notices described in Paragraph 4.3, pursuant to the IGA.

  • A description of, and additional information regarding, ICMM, including the (i) FATCA Reports ICMM Notifications User Guide (IRS Publication 5189), and (ii) FATCA Reports ICMM Notification XML Schema User Guide (IRS Publication 5216), can be found on XXX.xxx.

  • The U.S. Competent Authority intends to use the schemata described in the FATCA XML Schema User Guide (IRS Publication 5124), FATCA Metadata XML Schema User Guide (IRS Publication 5188), and FATCA Reports ICMM Notification XML Schema User Guide (IRS Publication 5216) posted on XXX.xxx as the format for providing notices pursuant to this Arrangement.

More Definitions of XML

XML. (Extensible Markup Language) means an extensible document language for specifying document content. XML is not a predefined markup language but a metalanguage – a language for describing other languages – allowing the user to specify a document type definition (DTD) and design customized markup languages for different classes of documents.
XML means extensible mark-up language.
XML means Revel's extensible markup language feed designed to facilitate the transmission of Data from Revel's POS Platform to an IP address provided by Customer.
XML means a connection between the XML protocol from the database of Xxxxxx.xxx and the Affiliate’s database which can be handled by Xxxxxx.xxx
XML means Extensible Markup Language which is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format which is both human- readable and machine-readable.
XML means language for programming .
XML means the application profile known as “Extensible Markup Language”. Xxxxxx – Elcoteq Proprietary Use Pursuant to Company Instructions CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED ATTACHMENT B Product part number Description E15T01P37 ANCG GSM Combiner E15U01P44 ANCD DCS Combiner E15V30P05 3G UMTS ANRU E15V30P15 E-GSM 900 Antenna Network ANYG E15V40P15 S-8000 000 Xxx X00X00X00 X-0000 XXX 850 H2D & Diplexer E15V40P44 DDM-2 2100 UMTS E15V40P50 DDM-3 2100 UMTS ROHS E15V40P30 H4D 850 SubBand without VSWR E15R01P74 TMA EGSM E15S02P34 DTMA DCS 1800 INLINE E15S08P07 DTMAF UMTS INLINE W/Bypass E15S08P14 DTMA RETF E15V20P23 FDUAMCO GSM 850 E15V20P25 FDUAMCO PCS 1900 E15V20P28 DIAMCO E-GSM 900 E15V20P31 FDUAMCO PCSM E15V20P34 PGSM 000 Xxx XXXX X00X00X00 Filter Module FM 1900-3H E15V90P07 Filter Module FM 1900-3V E15V90P16 Filter Module DB NO BC 3H Xxxxxx – Elcoteq Proprietary Use Pursuant to Company Instructions CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED Manufacturing Supply Agreement Page 1 ATTACHMENT C1 PURCHASE COMMITMENT FOR EUROPE This Attachment C1 sets out Company’s obligations to purchase Products from Supplier under this Agreement that are subject to Prices calculated in accordance with Attachment G1. Provided that in all cases Supplier is not in material breach of its obligations under this Agreement: