Examples of TP in a sentence
To the extent that an Interconnection Customer is eligible for and has been allocated TP Deliverability pursuant to Section 8.9 of the GIDAP, the Interconnection Customer’s retention of such allocated TP Deliverability shall be contingent upon satisfying the obligations set forth in Section 8.9.3 of the GIDAP.
TP Deliverability – The capability, measured in MW, of the CAISO Controlled Grid as modified by transmission upgrades and additions identified in the annual Transmission Plan to support the interconnection with Full Capacity Deliverability Status or Partial Capacity Deliverability Status of additional Generating Facilities in a specified geographic or electrical area of the CAISO Controlled Grid.
To the extent that an Interconnection Customer is eligible for and has been allocated TP 'HOLYHUDELOLW\ SXUVXDQW WR 6HFWLRQ RI WKH *,'$3 such allocated TP Deliverability shall be contingent upon satisfying the obligations set forth in Section 8.9.3 of the GIDAP.
To the extent that an Interconnection Customer is eligible for and has been allocated TP Deliverability pursuant to Section 8.9 of the GIDAP, the Interconnection Customer’s right to retain such allocated TP Deliverability shall be contingent upon satisfying the obligations set forth in Section 8.9.3 of the GIDAP.
In the event that the Interconnection does not retain allocated TP Deliverability with regard to any portion of the Generating Facility, such portion of the Generating Facility shall be deemed to receive Interconnection Service under this LGIA as Energy Only Deliverability Status.