Tenant Requisition definition

Tenant Requisition will have the meaning set forth in Section 17.4.4.
Tenant Requisition means written documentation showing in reasonable detail the Soft Costs or Other Costs, as the case may be, for which Tenant is seeking reimbursement. Each Tenant Requisition shall be accompanied by evidence reasonably satisfactory to Landlord that all work covered by previous Tenant Requisitions has been fully paid by Tenant. Landlord shall have the right, upon reasonable advance notice to Tenant, to inspect Tenant’s books and records relating to each Tenant Requisition in order to verify the amount thereof. Tenant may submit a Tenant Requisition to Landlord no more often than one (1) time per calendar month.
Tenant Requisition relates to Soft Costs and Other Costs only and shall mean written documentation showing in reasonable detail the Soft Costs or Other Costs, as the case may be, for which Tenant is seeking reimbursement. Each Tenant Requisition shall be accompanied by evidence reasonably satisfactory to Landlord that all work covered by previous Tenant Requisitions has been fully paid by Tenant. Landlord shall have the right, upon reasonable advance notice to Tenant, to inspect Tenant’s books and records relating to each Tenant Requisition in order to verify the amount thereof. Tenant may submit a Tenant Requisition to Landlord no more often than one (1) time per calendar month.

Examples of Tenant Requisition in a sentence

  • Landlord, if Tenant shall so direct in any Tenant Requisition or otherwise, shall apply portions of the Improvement Allowance against any amounts due from Tenant to Landlord hereunder.

Related to Tenant Requisition

  • Tenant Work All work installed or furnished to the Premises by Tenant in connection with Tenant’s initial occupancy pursuant to Rider 2 and the Workletter.

  • Tenant Party means any of the following persons: Tenant; any assignees claiming by, through, or under Tenant; any subtenants claiming by, through, or under Tenant; and any of their respective agents, contractors, employees, licensees, guests and invitees.

  • Tenant’s Work means all improvements, alterations, fixture, equipment, and signage installation, and furniture placement necessary or appropriate for the conduct of the Permitted Use, including all work described as Tenant’s Work on Exhibit D, attached (the “Work Letter”).

  • Landlord Work means the work, if any, that Landlord is obligated to perform in the Premises pursuant to a separate agreement (the “Work Letter”), if any, attached to this Lease as Exhibit C.

  • Tenant Improvements Defined in Exhibit B, if any.

  • Tenant Delays means delays caused by: (i) requirements of the Plans and Specifications requested by Tenant that do not conform to Landlord’s building standards for office and lab build-out, or which contain long lead-time or non-standard items requested by Tenant; provided that Landlord has notified Tenant of such deviations upon execution of this Lease (ii) any material change in the Plans and Specifications requested by Tenant and agreed to by Landlord; (iii) any request by Tenant for a delay in the commencement or completion of the Initial Tenant Improvements for any reason; (iv) Tenant delay in finalizing and approving the design of the vivarium and value engineering of same or (v) any other act or omission of Tenant or its employees, agents or contractors which reasonably inhibits the Landlord from timely completing the Initial Tenant Improvements including, without limitation any delays caused by Tenant’s presence in the Premises prior to the Term Commencement Date. The Premises shall not be deemed to be incomplete if only minor or insubstantial details of construction, decoration or mechanical adjustments remain to be done which do not unreasonably interfere with Tenant’s occupancy of the Premises. If as a result of Tenant Delays the Premises are deemed ready for Tenant’s occupancy, pursuant to the foregoing (and the term shall have commenced by reason thereof), but the Premises are not in fact actually ready for Tenant’s occupancy, Tenant shall not (except with Landlord’s consent not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed) be entitled to take possession of the Premises for the permitted use until the Premises are in fact actually ready for such occupancy.

  • Landlord’s Work means the work of constructing the Tenant Improvements.

  • Construction Work means any work in connection with⎯

  • Authority’s Premises means any premises occupied by or under the control of the Authority where the Services are to be supplied, as set out in the Specification.

  • Tenant Parties means Tenant, any affiliate of Tenant, any permitted subtenant or any other permitted occupant of the Premises, and each of their respective direct or indirect partners, officers, shareholders, directors, members, trustees, beneficiaries, servants, employees, principals, contractors, licensees, agents, invitees or representatives.

  • Customer Premises Equipment or "CPE" means equipment employed on the premises of a Person other than a Carrier to originate, route or terminate Telecommunications (e.g., a telephone, PBX, modem pool, etc.).

  • Leasehold Improvements means all buildings, structures, improvements and fixtures located on any Leased Real Property which are owned by Company or any Company Subsidiary, regardless of whether title to such buildings, structures, improvements or fixtures are subject to reversion to the landlord or other third party upon the expiration or termination of the lease for such Leased Real Property.

  • Premises Building Partial Damage shall herein mean damage or destruction to the building of which the Premises are a part to the extent that the cost of repair is less than 50% of the then replacement cost of such building as a whole.

  • Tenant Delay as used in the Lease or this Agreement shall mean any delay that Landlord may encounter in the performance of Landlord’s obligations under the Lease or this Agreement because of any act or omission of any nature by Tenant or its agents or contractors, including any: (1) delay attributable to changes in or additions to the Approved Plans or to the Landlord’s Work requested by Tenant; (2) delay attributable to the postponement of any Landlord’s Work at the request of Tenant; (3) delay caused by a Change Order requested by Tenant; (4) delay attributable to the failure of Tenant to pay, when due, any amounts required to be paid by Tenant pursuant to the Lease; or (5) delay attributable to a failure of Tenant to employ union labor for Tenant’s work at the Premises during the time the Landlord’s Work is being constructed. Tenant shall pay all actual costs and expenses incurred by Landlord which result from any Tenant Delay and the Commencement Date of the Lease shall be accelerated one (1) day for each day the Premises is not Ready for Occupancy as a result of a Tenant Delay. No Tenant Delay shall be deemed to have occurred unless Landlord gives Tenant prior written notice or written notice within five (5) days of the occurrence, as reasonable under the circumstances, specifying the claimed reasons for such Tenant Delay, and Tenant shall fail to promptly correct or cure such Tenant Delay. There shall be excluded from the number of days of any Tenant Delay, or any of the following events of force majeure: labor disputes, fire, unusual delay in transportation, adverse weather conditions not reasonably anticipatable, unavoidable casualties, delays in obtaining permits or governmental approvals or any other causes beyond Landlord’s or its contractor’s reasonable control (and other than for financial reasons) (collectively, “Force Majeure Delays”).

  • Subleased Premises means such portions of the Leased Premises being particularly identified on Schedule B, which the parties agree, for the purposes of this Sublease and any square footage calculations pursuant hereto, is approximately 42,244 square feet of office (21,068 square feet on the third floor and 21,176 square feet on the seventh floor) and approximately 9.4312% of common space (building rentable area is 447,917 square feet).

  • Tenant Improvement Work means the construction of the Tenant Improvements, together with any related work (including demolition) that is necessary to construct the Tenant Improvements.

  • construction work permit means a document issued in terms of regulation 3; "contractor" means an employer who performs construction work;

  • this Tenant Work Letter means the relevant portion of Sections 1 through 6 of this Tenant Work Letter.

  • Tenant means a person entitled under a rental agreement to occupy a dwelling unit to the exclusion of others.

  • Landlord shall have the meaning given such term in the preambles to this Agreement and shall also include their respective permitted successors and assigns.

  • Landlord Delay shall occur if either: (i) Landlord fails to complete the Base Building and/or other improvements on the Project that are required by the DDA, the Parking REA and/or the CC&Rs, and as a direct result of such failure Tenant is unable to obtain a temporary or permanent certificate of occupancy for the Premises upon substantial completion of the Tenant Improvements; or (ii) substantial completion of the Warm Shell Improvements or Tenant Improvements is delayed directly and solely as a result of any of the following and such delay could not have been mitigated by Tenant using commercially reasonable measures, which delay occurs after the Delivery Date and before the Commencement Date and does not result from Tenant's interference or delay in connection with completion of the Tenant Improvements or after a Tenant Default or Work Letter Draw Event: (a) subject to Paragraph 8 above, unreasonable interference by Landlord or Landlord's Contractor with the construction of the Warm Shell Improvements or the Tenant Improvements; (b) Landlord's failure to comply with any deadlines for response to, or submissions from, Tenant as required by this Work Letter; (c) any material Discretionary Changes to Landlord's Plans or the Warm Shell Plans after their final approval by applicable governmental entities (other than Tenant Modifications) that directly affect Tenant's Plans or the Tenant Improvements; and/or (d) Landlord failure to complete portions of the Base Building and/or other improvements on the Project that are Landlord's obligation to complete hereunder, and as a direct result of such failure Tenant and Tenant's contractors do not have access to the Premises to the extent required to complete the Warm Shell Improvements and/or Tenant Improvements. Tenant shall give Landlord at least five (5) days prior notice if Tenant becomes aware that Landlord is in danger of causing a Landlord Delay, and if Landlord takes appropriate measures to prevent such delay within such five (5) day period, no adjustment to the Commencement Date shall be made on account of such Landlord; provided, however, that if such delay was not reasonably foreseeable by Tenant, the five (5) day period for prior notice and opportunity to mitigate provided above shall be changed to forty-eight (48) hours after Tenant becomes aware of such delay or potential delay.

  • Building Work has the meaning given to it in section 6 of the Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Act 2016 (Cth);

  • the Premises means the building or part of the building booked and referred to in the contract

  • Landlord’s Statement An instrument containing a computation of any Additional Rent due pursuant to the provisions of this Article 5.

  • Tenant Improvement Allowance in the maximum amount of $200.00 per rentable square foot in the Premises, which is included in the Base Rent set forth in the Lease; and

  • Alterations means all changes, additions, improvements or repairs to, all alterations, reconstructions, renewals, replacements or removals of and all substitutions or replacements for any of the Improvements or Equipment, both interior and exterior, structural and non-structural, and ordinary and extraordinary.