Retaining Party definition

Retaining Party. Each of CREFI as holder of the VRR1 Interest, GS Bank as holder of the VRR2 Interest, DBNY as holder of the VRR3 Interest, and the Third Party Purchaser as holder of the HRR Interest, and any successor holder of all or part of the VRR1 Interest, the VRR2 Interest, the VRR3 Interest or the HRR Interest.
Retaining Party. Each of CREFI, acting as initial holder of the CREFI VRR Interest Portion, GS Bank, acting as initial owner of the GS Bank VRR Interest Portion, BBPLC, acting as initial holder of the BCREI VRR Interest Portion, BMO Hxxxxx, acting as initial holder of the BMO Hxxxxx Interest Portion, and any successor holder of all or part of the Combined VRR Interest.
Retaining Party. Each of CREFI as holder of the VRR1 Interest, DBNY as holder of the VRR2 Interest, JPMCB as holder of the VRR3 Interest, and KKR CMBS II Aggregator Type 1 L.P., a majority-owned affiliate of the Third Party Purchaser, as holder of the HRR Interest, and any successor holder of all or part of the VRR1 Interest, the VRR2 Interest, the VRR3 Interest or the HRR Interest; GACC as holder of the WMRR Interest and any successor holder of all or part of the WMRR Interest; and the Centre Retaining Third Party Purchaser as holder of the Class TCRR Certificates and any successor holder of all or part of the Class TCRR Certificates.

Examples of Retaining Party in a sentence

  • By: Name: Title: 1 Signature of Retaining Sponsor is required if the Retaining Sponsor is different than the Transferor and the applicable Retaining Party EXHIBIT H-5 FORM OF TRANSFEREE CERTIFICATE FOR TRANSFER OF UNCERTIFICATED VRR INTEREST [Date] Citi Real Estate Funding Inc.

  • By: Name: Title: 1 Signature of Retaining Sponsor is required if the Retaining Sponsor is different than the applicable Retaining Party EXHIBIT H-4 FORM OF TRANSFEROR CERTIFICATE FOR TRANSFER OF CLASS VRR CERTIFICATES [Date] Citi Real Estate Funding Inc.

More Definitions of Retaining Party

Retaining Party. NREC, acting as Holder of the RR Interest, and any successor Holder of all or part of the RR Interest.
Retaining Party. Starwood Conduit CMBS Vertical Retention I LLC, as Holder of the VRR Interest, Starwood CMBS Horizontal Retention CGCMT 2019-C7 LLC, as Holder of the HRR Interest, and the 000 Xxxxx Xxxxxx Retaining Third Party Purchaser, as Holder of the Class 805H Certificates and, in each case, including any successor Holder of the applicable Certificates, individually or collectively as the context may require.
Retaining Party. Each of BMO as holder of the VRR1 Interest, Sabal as holder of the VRR2 Interest, and any successor holder of all or part of the VRR1 Interest or the VRR2 Interest; the 360 Rxxxxxxx Retaining Third Party Purchaser as holder of the Class 360RR Certificates and any successor holder of all or part of the Class 360RR Certificates; and BMO as holder of the 111RR Interest and any successor holder of all or part of the 111RR Interest.
Retaining Party. The Third Party Purchaser, acting as holder of the HRR Interest, and any successor holder of all or part of the HRR Interest.
Retaining Party. Each of BMO as holder of the Combined VRR Interest and the Third Party Purchaser as holder of the HRR Interest, and any successor holder of all or part of the Combined VRR Interest or the HRR Interest.
Retaining Party. The Third Party Purchaser, acting as holder of the RR Interest, and any successor holder of all or part of the RR Interest.
Retaining Party means the individual or group that has retained a psychologist to assess a contract examinee for the purpose of helping an external decision maker (e.g., court, insurance company, or employer) to make a decision.