Reference Documents definition

Reference Documents means the documents provided with and so designated in the RFP. The Reference Documents, including Plans contained therein and/or so designated, are not Contract Documents and were provided to the Design-Builder for informational purposes only and are relied upon at the Design-Builder’s own risk.
Reference Documents means the documents provided with and so designated in the RFP. The Reference Documents, including plans contained therein and/or so designated, are not Contract Documents and are provided to the Proposers for informational purposes and for use in the Proposer's Proposal preparation, at the Proposer's discretion.
Reference Documents means the documents provided with and so designated in the RFP. The Reference Documents, including plans contained therein and/or so designated, are not Contract Documents and are provided to the Proposers for informational purposes.

Examples of Reference Documents in a sentence

  • EXHIBIT E – RFP Reference Documents July 15, 2024 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: HEAD FIRE STRUCTURAL DEBRIS REMOVAL SERVICES N OTICE TO PROSPECTIVE PROPOSERS You are invited to review and respond to this Request for Proposal (RFP), entitled “REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: HEAD FIRE STRUCTURAL DEBRIS SERVICES.” The County anticipates awarding one (1) Agreement to perform work within Siskiyou County.

  • All Consumables provided by Contractor in the performance of its Services, shall be compatible with the applicable requirements of the Reference Documents and Applicable Laws.

  • ORDER OF PRECEDENCE In the event of conflict or inconsistency between the articles, exhibits, attachments, specifications or provisions that constitute this Agreement, the following order of precedence shall apply: Agreement (this document); EXHIBIT A – Scope of Work; EXHIBIT B – Budget Detail and Payment Provisions; EXHIBIT A.1 – Special Provisions; EXHIBIT F – SW Maintenance Bid Proposal; EXHIBIT C – Required FEMA Contract Clauses; EXHIBIT E – RFP Reference Documents.

More Definitions of Reference Documents

Reference Documents means the collection of information, data, documents and other materials provided to the Proposers by Department for general or information purposes only and without any warranty as to accuracy, completeness or fitness of such document for any particular purpose. The Reference Documents are not Contract Documents.
Reference Documents means (i) the Requirements and Provisions for Work, (ii) the Lessee’s Basis of Design, (iii) the Comprehensive Plan, (iv) the New Airport Design Guidelines and (v) any approved Construction Applications.
Reference Documents means those documents listed as Reference Documents in the Table of Contents.
Reference Documents means and includes the Memorandum and Articles, Audited Financial Statements, and other relevant financial reports attached to this Document;
Reference Documents means the materials described in Appendix N.
Reference Documents means the references, codes, standards, specifications, guidelines, policies, reports, publications, manuals, bulletins and other such documents listed in Appendix A [Reference Documents] to this Schedule, each as amended, supplemented or replaced from time to time in accordance with Section 1.2(b) of this Schedule.
Reference Documents means those documents listed in the list of reference documents in the Concession Agreement.