Product Quality Report definition

Product Quality Report means key quality parameters related to Product Specifications of each Product and respective certificates of analysis (CoA), to be issued by Dow in a form set forth in Schedule 9.
Product Quality Report. (PQR) shall mean a significant quality, reliability or technical issue arising on the Product that do not have safety or regulatory impact

Examples of Product Quality Report in a sentence

  • A weekly Production Report for the previous week issued within four (4) Business Days after the last production of the week, consisting of the Manufacturing Breakdown and the Product Quality Report as defined in Schedules 8 and 9 respectively, shall be supplied by DOW to JSR.

Related to Product Quality Report

  • Feasibility Report means a detailed written report of the results of a comprehensive study on the economic feasibility of placing the Property or a portion thereof into Commercial Production and shall include a reasonable assessment of the mineral ore reserves and their amenability to metallurgical treatment, a description of the work, equipment and supplies required to bring the Property or a portion thereof into Commercial Production and the estimated cost thereof, a description of the mining methods to be employed and a financial appraisal of the proposed operations supported by an explanation of the data used therein;

  • Royalty Report shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.1.

  • Development Report means a written account of Licensee’s progress under the Development Plan having at least the information specified on Appendix B to this Agreement, and shall be sent to the address specified on Appendix B.

  • Sales Report means a report in substantially the form set forth in Exhibit B “Royalty Report Form”.

  • Product Backlog means a list of those Stories that do not form part of the current Sprint Plan at that time and which are to form the subject of a future Sprint, either in the current Release at that time or a subsequent Release;

  • Product Schedule means PTC’s standard order form entitled “PTC Product Schedule” (including all schedules, attachments and other document(s) specifically referenced therein) or such alternative order form as may be submitted by Customer and accepted by PTC, in each case that specifies (i) the Licensed Products and/or Services ordered; and (ii) for Licensed Products, the installation address (including the Designated Country) and the Licence Term.

  • MI Reporting Template means the form of report set out in the Annex to Framework Schedule 8 (Management Information) setting out the information the Supplier is required to supply to the Authority;

  • Clinical evaluation means a systematic and planned process to continuously generate, collect, analyse and assess the clinical data pertaining to a device in order to verify the safety and performance, including clinical benefits, of the device when used as intended by the manufacturer;

  • Diagnostic clinical procedures manual means a collection of written procedures that describes each method (and other instructions and precautions) by which the licensee performs diagnostic clinical procedures; where each diagnostic clinical procedure has been approved by the authorized user and includes the radiopharmaceutical, dosage, and route of administration.

  • MI Report means a report containing Management Information submitted to the Authority in accordance with Framework Schedule 8 (Management Information);

  • Certificate of Analysis means a document signed by an authorized representative of Manufacturer, describing Specifications for, and testing methods applied to, Product, and the results of testing.

  • Forecast GDP means the average forecast for British Columbia’s real GDP growth made by the Economic Forecast Council and as reported in the annual February budget of the government;

  • Rapidly report means within 72 hours of discovery of any cyber incident.

  • Goods Specification means any specification for the Goods, including any related plans and drawings, as set out in the Order or otherwise agreed in writing by Get Living and the Supplier;

  • Product Specification means a product specification for a Medical Device set out in Schedule 2;

  • Brand Name Specification means a specification limited to one or more items by manufacturers’ names or catalogue number.

  • Summary Subcontract Report (SSR) Coordinator, as used in this clause, means the individual at the department or agency level who is registered in eSRS and is responsible for acknowledging or rejecting SSRs in eSRS for the department or agency.

  • Root Cause Analysis Report means a report addressing a problem or non-conformance, in order to get to the ‘root cause’ of the problem, which thereby assists in correcting or eliminating the cause, and prevent the problem from recurring.

  • Detailed Project Report or ‘‘DPR’’ means the detailed project report relating to Station Development Project and Redevelopment Project attached hereto;

  • Project Report means a summary statement of the likely environmental effects of a proposed development referred to in section 58;

  • Acoustic Assessment Report means the report, prepared in accordance with Publication NPC-233 and Appendix A of the Basic Comprehensive User Guide,by HGC Engineering and dated August 22, 2008 submitted in support of the application, that documents all sources of noise emissions and Noise Control Measures present at the Facility and includes all up-dated Acoustic Assessment Reports as required by the Documentation Requirements conditions of this Certificate to demonstrate continued compliance with the Performance Limits following the implementation of any Modification.

  • Progress Assessment Report (PAR means the monthly compliance report to Owner verifying compliance with the HUB subcontracting plan (HSP).

  • Runtime Product means the version specific files and application program interfaces (APIs) specified in the RUNTIME.TXT file provided with SAP Crystal Reports 2008, SAP Crystal Reports for Eclipse 2.0, and SAP Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010.