Order Form Term definition

Order Form Term means the duration of an Order Form.
Order Form Term means the duration, as defined in each Order Form, of the licenses granted under such Order Form. “ Party” or “Parties” shall have the meaning as defined in the Master Agreement.
Order Form Term means the duration, as defined in each Order Form, of the licenses granted under such Order Form.

Examples of Order Form Term in a sentence

  • During the Order Form Term, Provider and Customer can access the Data at any time.

  • Before the Order Form Term expires, Provider and Customer may use SAP’s self-service export tools (as available) to perform a final export of Data from the SAP Cloud Service.

  • The increase is applied on a cumulative, year-over-year basis beginning on either the start of the preceding Order Form Term or date of last increase, whichever is later.

  • Provider acknowledges that a minimum Order Form Term of three (3) years is mandatory, unless agreed otherwise by Provider and SAP.

  • Provider cannot withhold, reduce or set-off fees owed nor reduce Usage Metrics during the Order Form Term, regardless of any termination, nonpayment, or other conduct of the Customer.

  • At the end of the Order Form Term, SAP will delete the Data remaining on servers hosting the SAP Cloud Service unless applicable law requires retention.

  • The term of each addendum or additional Order Form shall be coterminous with the then-current Order Form Term of the original Order Form, and all subscription fees shall be prorated accordingly.

  • Any “twelve month period” commences on the Order Form Term start date or any of its yearly anniversaries.

  • Order Forms renew automatically, unless Provider notifies SAP of its intention not to renew an Order Form at least one (1) month in advance of the expiration of the current Order Form Term, or SAP notifies Provider of its intention not to renew at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of the current Order Form Term.

  • Except for fee increases applied under this Section 5.2, SAP Cloud Service fees for Order Form Renewal Terms will be equal to the fees for the immediately preceding Order Form Term for the same SAP Cloud Service, Usage Metrics and volume.

More Definitions of Order Form Term

Order Form Term means the term set forth in the Order Form.
Order Form Term has the meaning set forth in Section 11.1 (Term of Agreement, Order Form/SOW).
Order Form Term means collectively, the Order Form Initial Term and the Order Form Renewal Term. “Plan” means, any of the subscription plans made available to Customer whose features are listed on the Site and that Customer may select either via a Purchase or by executing an Order Form, including Aircall Numbers, as applicable. For the avoidance of doubt the Free Trial shall be deemed a Plan.
Order Form Term means the duration, as defined in each Order Form, of the licenses granted under such Order Form. “ №࣯۰ ̛ɾ”ࡵ ɽ №࣯۰߾ ࢽࢂѹ ̛ɾºE, ଥк №࣯۰߾ Ҭk ٕ4ѹ k0܁ݛ ̛ɾࡶ ࢂ׵ଢYk.
Order Form Term means the period for which Hearsay shall license the Services to Customer pursuant to an Order Form.

Related to Order Form Term

  • Order Form means an ordering document specifying the Services to be provided hereunder that is entered into between You and Us or any of Our Affiliates, including any addenda and supplements thereto. By entering into an Order Form hereunder, an Affiliate agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement as if it were an original party hereto.

  • Order Form(s) means a request for Service describing the type and quantity of Services required by Customer and submitted and accepted by the Parties in accordance with Section 2(A) (Ordering Services). The Order Form may be presented and executed via the Administrative Portal.

  • Initial Term has the meaning set forth in Section 7.1.

  • Additional Term shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.2.

  • Work Order means an individually negotiated document that is executed by both Parties and which authorizes a Project, if any, in an indefinite quantity Contract.

  • Statement of Work means the description of activities performed in completing the Project, as specified in the Contract and as may be amended.

  • SOW means the document specifying, without limitation, the scope, objective, and time frame of the Work that Supplier will perform for Cisco.

  • Contract Term means period of performance set forth in the paragraph entitled “Term” contained in Exhibit E.

  • The Work Order means the order placed by the Purchaser on the Supplier signed by the Purchaser including all attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein. The Work order shall be deemed as "Contract" appearing in the document.

  • Initial Period means the period from (and including) the Issue Date to (but excluding) the First Call Date;

  • Launch Date has the meaning specified therefor in Section 2.02(b) of this Agreement.

  • Initial Contract Period means the period from the Commencement Date to the date of expiry set out in clause A2 (Initial Contract Period), or such earlier date of termination or partial termination of the agreement in accordance with the Law or the provisions of the Contract.

  • Minimum Term means, in respect of this Agreement, the period of 12 months beginning on the Effective Date;

  • Stop Work Order means the written Notice, delivered in accordance with this Agreement, by which the State may require the Contractor to stop all, or any part, of the Work of this Agreement, for the period set forth in the Stop Work Order. The Stop Work Order shall be specifically identified as such and shall indicate that it is issued pursuant to the Stop Work provision in this Exhibit B.

  • Purchase Order (PO) means a written offer made by a purchaser to a supplier formally stating the terms and conditions of a proposed transaction.

  • IITK Purchase Order means the IITK’s official Purchase Order document;

  • Service & Term XOOM Energy Ohio, LLC (“XOOM” or “Company”) agrees to act as your exclusive natural gas supplier and will provide competitive retail natural gas service to you. The Term of this Agreement will begin on the next available meter read date after processing of the request by XOOM and your gas utility, and will continue for the Contract Term as set forth in the accompanying Contract Summary, which is incorporated into this Agreement. Acceptance into the Program:These terms and conditions are subject to your acceptance into the program by both XOOM and your local utility. You will be promptly notified if you are not accepted into the program. Switching fees may apply to you under your local utility’s tariff if you are accepted into the program by both XOOM and your local utility.