operational area definition

operational area means the geographical area wherein an operational activity is to take place;
operational area means a work unit providing a distinct service that may include one of the following areas: domestic services, food services, laundry/linen services and the work of aides and orderlies and similar operational work
operational area means the geographical area wherein an operational activity is

More Definitions of operational area

operational area means any part of the Licence Area upon which from time to time under the terms of these Acceptance Contract Conditions the Company proposes to carry out Petroleum Operations;
operational area means any part of a facility used for the handling, storing and treatment of waste. “operator” means in relation to a regulated facility:
operational area means the waters described in the MPA October 30, 1992, Operations Area Binder, or any amendments to it consistent with the descriptions in the charter and By-Laws of MSRC and Exhibit 2 of the MPA Dues Procedures, copies of which are available for purchase from MPA.
operational area means any area on the Airport which encompasses aircraft movements and vehicle traffic necessary to support the aircraft.
operational area means an area of focus or function in a school, college, division, department, or office. An operational area will generally be a subset of a school, college, division, department, or office, and need not encompass the whole unit.
operational area means a geographic area defined in a project discharge permit where a group of wells or well fields in close proximity comprise a single class III well operation;
operational area means the area of a wood-grinding or composting facility where equipment maintenance, material storage, material processing, composting or curing activities are performed, or as otherwise specified by permit.