NEC3 definition

NEC3 means the NEC3 Project Contract form as set out in Part 1 of Schedule 3 Objection Notice means a notice issued by the MoJ objecting to a Change of Control or anticipated Change of Control on one or more of the following grounds: the relevant Strategic Partner's ability to fulfil its obligations pursuant to this Agreement and/or any Project Contract may be materially affected; it would be detrimental to the MoJ and/or any Additional Client's obligations and functions; and/or a conflict of interest may arise between the relevant Strategic Partner and the MoJ and/or any Additional Client; Open book means the declaration of all price components including, without limitation, Profit, Central Office Overheads, Site Overheads and the costs of materials, goods, equipment, work and services with all and any relevant books of account, bank accounts, correspondence, agreements, orders, invoices, receipts and other relevant documents available for inspection; Order means an order by the Client to a PSP based on the Model Order to undertake Services outside the scope of a Project.
NEC3 means The New Engineering Contract, or NEC Engineering and Construction Contract.
NEC3 means New Engineering Contract, is a formalized system created by the institution of civil engineers that guides the drafting of documents on civil engineering and construction projects for the purpose of obtaining tenders, awarding and administering contracts;

Examples of NEC3 in a sentence

  • The Contract Data in the associated procurement documents shall be based on the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Short Subcontract, with minimal project specific variations and amendments that do not change their intended usage.

  • Each item of data given below is cross-referenced to the clause in the NEC3 Professional Service Contract to which it mainly applies.

  • The Consultant is advised to read the NEC3 Professional Service Contract (Third edition with amendments of June 2006 and April 2013) and the relevant Guidance Notes and Flow Charts, published by the Institution of Civil Engineers, in order to understand the implications of this Data which is required.

  • The Conditions of Contract are the NEC3 Professional Services Contract (Third edition with amendments of June 2006 and April 2013) published by the Institution of Civil Engineers, copies of which may be obtained from Engineering Contract Strategies (telephone 000-000 0000).

  • The Contract Data shall have precedence in the interpretation of any ambiguity or inconsistency between it and the above-referenced NEC3.

  • Each item of data given below is cross-referenced to the clause in the NEC3.

  • External professional capacity is required to plan, design, manage and commission these projects through a design by client, design and construct, develop and construct or management contractor contracting strategy, based on the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract Options A, B, C and F.

  • Each item of data given below is cross-referenced to the NEC3 Engineering Construction Contract which requires it.

  • Any form of contract can be used for this such as NEC or JCT, with clients own amendments Stage Onecontract through NEC3, NEC4 or JCT.

  • A company organogram will be needed by the Service Manager to communicate accordingly to comply with the NEC3 Term Services Contract communication structures.

Related to NEC3

  • LHSIA means the Local Health System Integration Act, 2006, and the regulations made under it, as it and they may be amended from time to time;

  • Panchayat means an institution (by whatever name called) of self-government constituted under article 243B, for the rural areas;

  • SADC means the Southern African Development Community;

  • Crosswalk means that part of a roadway at an intersection included within the connections of the

  • Air freshener means any consumer product including, but not limited to, sprays, wicks, powders, and crystals, designed for the purpose of masking odors or freshening, cleaning, scenting, or deodorizing the air. Air fresheners do not include products that are used on the human body, products that function primarily as cleaning products, disinfectant products claiming to deodorize by killing germs on surfaces, or institutional or industrial disinfectants when offered for sale solely through institutional and industrial channels of distribution. Air fresheners do include spray disinfectants and other products that are expressly represented for use as air fresheners, except institutional and industrial disinfectants when offered for sale through institutional and industrial channels of distribution. To determine whether a product is an air freshener, all verbal and visual representations regarding product use on the label or packaging and in the product's literature and advertising may be considered. The presence of, and representations about, a product's fragrance and ability to deodorize (resulting from surface application) shall not constitute a claim of air freshening.

  • Shoreland means land, as defined in Minn. Stat. § 103F.205, subd. 4, located within 1,000 feet from the normal high water mark of a lake, pond, or flowage and 300 feet of a river or stream or the landward side of floodplain delineated by ordinance on such a river or stream, whichever is greater.

  • Parade means any procession or body of pedestrians, except members of the Armed Forces, numbering more than 30, standing, marching or walking on any street or sidewalk, or any group of vehicles numbering ten or more, except funeral processions, standing or moving on any street;

  • Raffle means a lottery in which the prize is won by (i) a random drawing of the name or

  • Road means any highway and any other road to which the public has access, and includes bridges over which a road passes.

  • Seaplane means an aeroplane capable normally of taking off from and alighting solely on water;

  • LHIN Cluster has the meaning ascribed to it in the Accountability Agreement and is a grouping of LHINs for the purpose of advancing Digital Health initiatives through regional coordination aligned with the MOHLTC’s provincial priorities.

  • Motorway means a road specially designed and built for motor traffic, which does not serve properties bordering on it, and which:

  • RFT means Request for Tender.

  • Gate means any structure or device located to limit or prohibit access or entry to any cave.

  • aeroplane means a power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight;

  • Qard means a contract of lending money whereby the borrower is obliged to repay the equivalent amount to lender.

  • arterial road means a road, which, in the opinion of the road authority, functions as a main carrier of traffic within an urban area.

  • Flowgate means a representative modeling of facilities or groups of facilities that may act as potential constraint points.

  • Service(s)(ing) In accordance with Regulation AB, the act of servicing and administering the Mortgage Loans or any other assets of the Trust by an entity that meets the definition of “servicer” set forth in Item 1101 of Regulation AB and is subject to the disclosure requirements set forth in Item 1108 of Regulation AB. For clarification purposes, any uncapitalized occurrence of this term shall have the meaning commonly understood by participants in the commercial mortgage-backed securities market.

  • CORA means the Colorado Open Records Act, §§24-72-200.1 et. seq., C.R.S.

  • harbour means the port or harbour at or near Port Hedland or such other port or place mutually agreed on and serving the Company’s wharf;

  • M2M Flowgate means Flowgates where constraints are jointly monitored and coordinated as defined and set forth in Schedule D to this Agreement.

  • Basecoat means a coat of colored material, usually opaque, that is applied before graining inks, glazing coats, or other opaque finishing materials and is usually topcoated for protection.

  • Service Road means a road or lane provided at the front, rear or side of a plot for service purpose;

  • Innovation means the implementation of a new or significantly improved product, service or process, including but not limited to production, building or construction processes, a new marketing method, or a new organisational method in business practices, workplace organisation or external relations inter alia with the purpose of helping to solve societal challenges or to support the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth;

  • Pistol means any firearm with a barrel less than sixteen inches in length, or is designed to be held and fired by the use of a single hand.