Nacelle definition

Nacelle means the frame and housing at the top of the tower that encloses the gearbox and generator.
Nacelle means the structure at the top of a wind turbine tower behind or in front of the wind turbine blades that houses the key operational components of the wind turbine including, but not limited to, the rotor shaft, gearbox, controller, brake and generator.
Nacelle means the frame and housing at the top of the tower that is part of a Wind Turbine which encloses components such as the gearbox and generator, protecting them from the weather;

Examples of Nacelle in a sentence

  • Nacelle components 15 15 1 4 1 2 3 5 4 4 4 4 Aircraft Programs/Capabilities 1.

  • This Service Policy will normally cease to apply to all Parts in any Nacelle that is more than ten years old as measured from the date of shipment of the Nacelle from the factory.

  • This index contains a listing of available technical manuals covering components of the V2500 Nacelle.

  • Publications Index This index contains a listing of available technical manuals covering components of the V2500 Nacelle.

  • Nacelle Nacelle provides an indoors maintenance space with a standing height for the maintenance person.

More Definitions of Nacelle

Nacelle means the part of the wind turbine which houses a drive train and all other related components that support the electrical generation system.
Nacelle has the meaning given in the definition of the term WTG.
Nacelle means a Wind Turbine Nacelle.
Nacelle means a component of a wind turbine that houses its generating components including, but not limited to, the gearbox, generator, drive train, and brake assembly.
Nacelle means a nacelle which conforms to the specifications set forth on Appendix 1.1.
Nacelle means the housing unit for electrical components of a wind turbine that is installed at the top of a wind turbine tower;
Nacelle means the key components of the wind turbine, including the gearbox, yaw system and electrical generator. N. “Operator” shall mean the entity responsible for the day-to-day operation and maintenance of the Wind Energy Facility. O. “Owner / Developer” shall mean the individual or entity that intends to own and operate the Wind Energy Facility, including their respective successors and/or assigns. This shall also mean any entity or entities having an equity interest in the Wind Energy Facility, including their respective successors and assigns. P. “Property Line” shall mean the boundary line of the area over which the owner/developer has legal control for the purposes of installation of a WECS. This control may be attained through fee simple title ownership, easement, or other appropriate contractual relationship between the project owner/developer and the landowner. Q. “Public Conservation Lands” shall mean land owned in fee simple title by County, State or Federal Agencies and managed specifically for conservation purposes, including but not limited to State Wildlife Management Areas, State Parks, Sate Scientific and Natural Areas, Federal Wildlife Refuges, Hunting Preserves and Waterfowl Production Areas. For the purposes of this Ordinance, public conservation lands will also include lands owned in fee simple title by non-profit conservation organizations. Public conservation lands do not include private lands upon which conservation easements have been sold to public agencies or non-profit conservation organizations. R. “Public Road” shall mean a full-passage Right-Of-Way intended for use by the public and is held by easement or fee simple title. S. “Rotor Diameter” means the cross-sectional dimension of the circle swept by the rotating blades. T. “Shadow Flicker” shall mean the visible flicker effect when rotating turbine blades cast shadows on the ground or nearby structures causing the repeating pattern of light and shadow. U. “Site” shall mean the parcel(s) of land where a Wind Energy Facility is to be placed. The Site can be publicly or privately owned by and individual or group of individuals controlling single or adjacent properties. Where multiple lots are in joint ownership or control, the combined lots shall be considered as one for purposes of applying any or all setback requirements. V.